Dungeons and Ponies

by pchn00

Prologue 5: The Honest Mercenary

Prologue 5: The Honest Mercenary

Spells, arrows, and crossbow bolts whipped by overhead as a pair of earth ponies crouched beneath the dusty rocks in the desert a few miles out from Appleloosa. “It’ll be easy you said! Quick job! In an out! No trouble you said! I distinctly recall a conversation to that effect, Brae!”

The stallion hunkered beside his larger fellow offered a hapless smile. “What can I say? Trouble just has a way of findin’ me.”

A pair of magic missiles slammed into their cover blowing off a large chunk. “You don’t say?” Slinging a massive crossbow from her back, the burly mare fitted a bolt in then locked it into place.

“I do say as a matter of fact!” Easing out from his cover the lankier pony peered around the rocks toward their opponents. “I see the wizard, little on the right.”

“My right, or your right?”

“We’re facing the same direction Cross, it’s the same right for both of us.”

“Oh… right.” With a grunt the large mare whipped her weapon over the rocks, barely poking out of their cover for a second before firing across the way, aiming her weapon slightly to the right. She caught a return shot from a bow in the shoulder but barely flinched as she ducked back down.

“Well? Didja hit him?!”

“Wait for it…” Both ponies perked their ears. A sudden explosion and alarmed screaming signalled the bolt of impact’s detonation. “I got ‘im!”

Braeburn was on his hooves and galloping across the way in a flash. Cross Fire was already reloading her crossbow, sighting down another target as the lanky stallion closed on their foes. A long, dusty leather coat trailed behind him as he ran, zig zagging across the sand and evading shot after shot fired from the rival mercenary company. One bolt pierced his beloved jacket and slammed into his chest, ricocheting harmlessly from the gleaming breastplate he wore beneath. “Now that is surely gonna be a bruise.”

The loud twang of Cross’ bow sounded from behind him, as one of the mares’ huge bolts buried itself in the chest of an enemy archer, flinging him through the air to land in a lifeless heap on the ground some distance away. Springing over the rocks and landing in the midst of the ponies attacking them, Braeburn drew a pair of short swords, each glowing with an eldritch aura. One vermillion green, the other an icy blue. “Gentlecolts I strongly urge y’all to drop those weapons… and I guess whatever bits yer carryin’ too.”

Their response was to draw steel of their own, advancing on him menacingly. Five of them versus one of him were pretty good odds. Odds that shifted as another bolt slammed home, dropping a second stallion lifeless to the sand. “Now I promise you she’s just gonna keep doin’ that. Whether ya stick me or not.”

Already down three of their number, the remaining mercs weren’t liking their odds so much anymore. Even if they managed to bring Braeburn down his sniper would no doubt pick them off one by one in the process. Deciding discretion was the better part of valor they turned and ran for the hills.

As soon as they turned Braeburn lunged, burying his icy blade to the hilt in one of the pony’s backs. The three survivors whirled on him in shock, before another bolt dropped a third. Leaving only two alive. With a casual shrug the stallion withdrew his blade, allowing the dead merc to drop to the sand. “What? Didn’t say I was gonna letcha go. Just that it’d be a whole lot easier on y’all if ya did.”

Fury and desperation spurred the pair to attack the smugly grinning stallion. The expert swordsman easily parried their clumsy attacks, shoving one back and into the path of a bolt from Cross Fire. The final pony swung wildly, screaming in fear all the while. Braeburn casually side stepped his charge and tripped him, sending him crashing headlong into the rocks with a resounding CRACK as his head slammed into the unyielding stone. Moving to deliver a killing blow, the stallion hesitated.

Cross Fire was trotting up casually, the case containing their cargo secure at her side as she stowed his crossbow. “Aint’cha killin’ him?”

Braeburn shook his head. “S’just a colt. Let’s relieve the deceased of their valuables and get back. We’ve got a delivery to make.”

Braeburn personally stripped down the wizard, helping himself to a pair of wands and a set of bracers that in his opinion ‘looked magical’ and that was generally enough to assume it was enchanted. He glanced over at his usual partner on these sorts of jobs.

Cross Fire was a big mare even by earth pony standards. Easily a head taller than Braeburn himself, Cross had a deceptively cheerful lime green coat mixed with a lemony yellow close cropped mane and tail. Sporting a leather coat of her own, though black rather than Braeburn’s brown the expert sniper had sturdy studded leather armor on beneath it. “Anything good over there?!”

Braeburn trotted away from the very deceased wizard to join his partner. “Maybe. Got some stuff for the brothers t’eyeball. Might have somethin’ worth somethin’.”

“Good. These others fellas got squat. Few bits between ‘em.”

The lanky stallion shrugged with an affable grin. “That was a few bits we didn’t have til just now at least right?”

“Ha! Guess that’s true. C’mon let’s get this whatever it is to that client. Still can’t believe they sent out this many idiots to stop us. What in Tartarus d’you think it is?”

Braeburn shrugged again as he set out toward Appleloosa at a brisk trot. “Dunno. We ain’t gettin’ paid to see what’s in the case, so we don’t look in the case. You know how it goes.”

“Hmph. Think the others’re doin’ alright?”

“Are they doin’ alright? You do remember who went with them on this one don’tcha?”

Cross blinked. “Ohhh right, heh. Sucks for whoever they’re up against.”

“That it surely does my friend. That it surely does.”


“You know…” The wiry earth pony mare ducked a heavy swing from the minotaur’s massive axe. “...you could help!” Skipping backwards out of the brute’s reach she released a flurry of throwing knives, most ricocheting harmlessly off the brute’s armor but a couple struck home, drawing blood and a pained bellow from the raging creature.

“Now… I could be recollectin’ entirely wrong here. But on th’way up here y’all very clearly stated that I more often than not ‘just got underhoof’ while real fighters did the heavy liftin’. That sound about right d’you reckon Ditz?”

A gray coated pegasus mare giggled at the speaker’s question. “Yup! I remember Fritter saying something JUST like that on the way up here!” Her mismatched eyes widened as one of the small lizard-like beasts fighting beside the minotaur hurled a spear her way. Hoof flying to her chest and the holy symbol there she intoned a sharp word of power, raising a shimmering mystical shield and harmlessly deflecting the missile.

“Hear that Apple Fritter? Ditzy Doo here recollects that too!”

The beleaguered mare growled under her breath, narrowly avoiding another blow from the axe. Ditzy’s soft chanting sounded from behind as Fritter felt the warmth of healing magic flowing through her body, sealing up the worst of the cuts she’d already taken. A couple of the braver kobolds were noticing she was the easier target than the pegasus priestess on the rocks next to the comfortably reclining earth pony mare, and closed in.

“I could really use a hoof down here!”

Smirking slightly, the reclining mare tilted the bridge of her well worn hat back, gazing coolly down at her imperiled cousin. “Say it.”

Another growl escaped the mare, one laced with pain as a kobold spear slipped through her leathers, drawing blood. “Y’all’re th’best fighter this side’a Canterlot an we’re helpless without ya!”

“And don’t you forget it.” Springing from the rocks the well muscled mare landed beside her cousin with a heavy thump. Her sudden entrance into the fray drew a mildly surprised look from the minotaur. The kobolds were more focused on the almost comically huge great sword strapped across her back, contained within an incredibly ornate sheathe. Patchwork plates of armor covered her chest, shoulders, and flanks.

Slowly reaching across her back, the orange coated mare swung the massive sword off, sheathe and all. The kobolds began to snicker and move in once more. Still leaving the blade in its cover, the warrior swung it quicker than the reptilian creatures thought anything could move a weapon so big. She swept the pair in the wake of the leather bound sword, lifting them from their feet and sending them tumbling over the side of the cliff. Their screams had barely begun to fade as the minotaur roared and charged her, axe raised.

Diving to the side the mare thrust her sword sharply at the side of the passing minotaurs knee. With a sickening crunch it bent inwards and he tumbled to the ground howling in pain. The remaining kobolds stared wide-eyed, before flinging their weapons aside and scurrying back to their holes.

“How come nothing ever runs screaming from me?”

Chuckling, the warrior mare swept the massive blade around and secured it to her back again. “Because ya fight with them cute little butter knives instead’a usin’ a real weapon.”

Her fellow tribespony bristled at the insult. “Daggers are a real weapon Applejack! We can’t all be muscle bound behemoths like you!”

The mare in question sent a smirk toward her smaller cousin. “If you say so Fritter. Now I do believe we’re bein’ rude to our guest.”

The smaller, bright green mare blinked in mock surprise. “Why Applejack! You’re right. This isn’t how you show proper Apple family hospitality at all is it?”

The minotaur with the shattered knee groaned in response as the pair of earth ponies stood before him. “Howdy there partner! Name’s Applejack. This here’s m’cousin Apple Fritter.” The smaller mare tipped an imaginary hat at her cousin’s introduction. “Mighty pleased t’meetcha! And who might you be?”

The burly minotaur blinked dimly at the sudden charm in the large mare’s voice. “I… what?”

“Huh. Odd name but I ain’t one t’go makin’ fun’a th’handle some critter’s mama felt the need t’attach to him. So now that we’re all friendly-like I’ve got one real simple question for ya. Where oh where, might those missin’ pegasus fillies be?”

With a vicious growl the minotaur swatted at Applejack, causing her to dance back quickly. “Even if I did know I wouldn’t tell you anything!”

Applejack heaved a sigh removing her hat and holding it over her heart. “Now that is a shame. A real shame. Y’see my cousin here’s a specialist of sorts.”

“Expert, you might say.” Fritter put in.

Applejack nodded toward her cousin. “Right. She specializes in… now what was that big fancy way ya put it Fritter? Information extraction?”

Slowly twirling one of her wickedly sharp knives at the tip of her hoof, Fritter nodded. “That’s it on the nose cuz.”

The larger mare beamed in pride. “See that? Toldja I’d remember eventually. Now I myself just call it torture, but I’m a more simplistic sorta pony y’know what I mean?”

A spark of fear was visible in the bull man’s eyes, but he didn’t look to be breaking anytime soon. “I’m not scared of some pansy ponies!”

“I do appreciate that there a-litter-ation Mister What. Not one for fancy wordplay m’self but I can appreciate it when somepony, or someone else uses it. So what we have ourselves here is a bit of an impasse.”

“I dunno AJ, y’seem t’know your way around words pretty well now and again.”

“Thank you muchly Fritter. Anyhow! The impasse. Y’know what we want, but you don’t seem t’wanna talk. I’m gonna ask my good friend Ditzy Doo up there t’make herself scarce right quick. This sorta business makes her a little queasy y’understand?”

The pegasus in the priestess robes waved cheerfully at being mentioned. “Nice to meet you Mister What!”

“Ditzy’s a right respectable priestess of the great Lady Celestia an all. Torturin’ ain’t no business she needs t’see. Ditzy wouldja mind excusin us for a quick sec? Fritter needs t’have a less than genteel conversation with Mister What here.”

“Oh! Sure thing AJ! You guys have fun!” The gray mare ducked behind the rocks giggling softly to herself.

Applejack and Apple Fritter both turned their full attention back to their captive audience. “There we go. Alone at last.”

“I always preferred to work in private personally.”

Applejack nodded slowly. “Want me t’make myself scarce too?”

“Nah. We’re family after all. Ain’t no such thing as too much time with family.”

“Couldn’t agree more Fritter. So! Mister What. This here’s the last time I’m askin’ nice.” Fritter eased closer brandishing one of her blades for emphasis. “The fillies.”

Gulping heavily, the recently christened Mister What found his eyes glued to the gleaming dagger. “I can’t say! They’ll kill me!”

Some of the confidence left Fritter’s face at the minotaurs continued refusal. Tugging Applejack a short distance away she hissed under her breath. “What do we do now?!”

Applejack shrugged. “I dunno? Torture him?”

Fritter blanched. “I ain’t tortuin’ anypony!”

“Hm.” A faint frown crossed Applejack’s muzzle, before she snatched up Fritter’s dagger in a flash, and before the minotaur had time to react she slammed the blade through the top of his hand pinning it to the stone, drawing a renewed howl of pain. A tattoo covering one side of her face glowed with blue light for a moment, then faded when the weapon left her hoof.

“See. I’m sure an expert could do that a mite more precise-like. Some kinda fancy way of cuttin’ or stabbin’ or slicin’ or whatever y’do when you’re torturin’. I however am not an expert. So we’ll do it this way. I ask, you answer. You don't answer, I stick another one’a these here knives in ya someplace. Eventually y’all’re gonna look like a big pin cushion because trust me, my cousin has more than a few’a these little stickers.”

A frowning Ditzy Doo reappeared, gazing down at the scene with a disapproving look. “Applejack!”

“Now Ditzy I asked politely t’excuse us. It ain’t very polite t’eavesdrop. Don’t think Lady Celestia would approve.”

Ditzy chewed her lip in sudden concern. Head sinking low she miserably slunk back behind the rocks. “So. Mister What. The fillies.”

Sweat was beading out on the minotaurs brow. “I… I can’t!”

Helping herself to another of her cousin’s daggers, Applejack rammed it through his other hand, pinning both to the stone floor. Her tattoo glowed brighter, causing the mare to wince. “How about now? Think ya can now?”

“Y--you don’t know what they’ll do to me!”

“Well that surely is the truth. I do not. I do know what I’ll do to you.” Picking up another dagger, the tattoo branded across her face began to glow hotly, smoke sizzling from the magical brand. She raised it high but the pinned minotaur began to shriek.

“I’ll tell! I’ll tell!”

Tossing the weapon aside her brand cooled instantly. “Well! I’m all ears Mister What.”

“Th… the Hook-beak Brothers took ‘em up the mountain a ways. Th--there’s a cave maybe… maybe a quarter mile into the mountains. Just keep heading in and east… can’t miss it. They’re there!”

“Mister What you’ve been too kind. I surely do appreciate yer honesty. Could say it’s th’one thing I value most in a new friend. Fritter would you kindly retrieve your daggers? My brand’s actin’ up a touch.”

Wrinkling her nose in distaste the smaller mare yanked her daggers free, causing the burly minotaur to whimper louder. “Relax you big baby. Ditzy’ll fix ya up and sendja on your way. Lemme go get her.” Fritter trotted back the way Ditzy disappeared, leaving What and Applejack alone.

Applejack perked an ear, listening for her cousins hooves to fade. “Comin’ up this here mountain I couldn’t help but noticed the occasional deceased pony with what looked t’be wounds made by a sizeable axe. Wouldja happen t’know anything about that Mister What?”

Looking away the minotaur nervously cleared his throat. “Nope. That friend of yours gonna be here soon?”

The mare sighed and swept her hat back atop her head. “Y’might recall I mentioned I find honesty t’be a very important policy. I most surely am a mare of my word y’see. Had me a bit of trouble a while back, y’mighta noticed this here fancy tattoo I’m sportin’. They hand em out t’the occasional pony who does somethin’ not quite in line with what my folks think is respectable.”

“Sorry if I offend your pony moralities.”

“The lyin’ I can overlook. Most everybody does it at some point or another. It’s what yer lyin’ about that sorta gets me riled. Don’t take kindly t’folk like you that prey on folks who can’t defend themselves.”

Cradling his injured hands the minotaur snorted derisively. “You some sorta paladin?”

He barely had time to register Applejack’s buck. She spun in a flash and lined up her hind legs, slamming them into his chest and sending him flying over the lip of the cliff, to plummet to the same death his kobold cohorts had met. “Not anymore partner.”


“I still don’t understand Applejack… how’d he slip?”

Apple Fritter shot her cousin a dirty look. “Yeah how exactly did he slip?”

Applejack had many talents. Her sword work was second to none in the crew, she could turn apples into just about any culinary wonderment a pony could imagine, she was even a pretty good dancer if she said so herself. Lying however was not one of them. “He just slipped.”

Ditzy Doo wrinkled her nose. “I guess there was a lot of blood around…”

Seizing on the opportunity Applejack nodded rapidly. “That’s it! Poor fella stood up, slipped in some blood and down he went.”

Ditzy shook her head sadly. “That’s a shame.”

Fritter still gave Applejack a hard look. “Yeah a real shame.”

If the leader of their little team felt any remorse, she was doing an unusually good job with her poker face for once. “S’pose so. Reckon that’s th’cave we’re lookin’ for?”

Fritter squinted ahead. Across a short ravine there was indeed a large cave. “I see some big feathers by the entrance, too big for a pegasus. S’pose that’s the one. Don’t see anything guardin’ it. Prob’ly more kobolds inside though.”

“Prob’ly. Nothin’ we can’t handle. Ditzy wouldja mind gettin’ us across?”

Saluting smartly the pegasus priestess wrapped her fore legs around Applejack’s barrel, pumping her wings hard and lifting the heavy mare into the air. “Oof! You need to lay off the pie Applejack!”

Grunting heavily, the bulky mare kept her thoughts on the matter to herself as Ditzy Doo transported her across the way. Settling back on all fours she started into the cave as Ditzy returned with her cousin.

The trio slowed to a halt as they began to descend into a tunnel network. There were no torches or sunlight, so Ditzy chanted a soft prayer and a globe of bright golden light appeared above her head. None of them were particularly adept at stealth, so they trotted briskly through the tunnels, not caring what might hear their hoof steps.

The came to their first fork after several long minutes of walking. “Which way Ditz?”

Ditzy rested a hoof against her holy symbol, eyes closed as she intoned another prayer. Soft golden light shone around her eyes as she examined both paths. “Mmm, there’re ponies down the right one.”

“Right. Find the fillies first. Worry about th’rest second. Let’s move it ladies.” Applejack again took up the lead, heavy hoof steps and bulky armor raising quite a racket. It came as little surprise that the next chamber they entered sported a half dozen kobolds ready and waiting with weapons drawn.

“Huh. Ditzy wouldja like t’do the honors?”

With a nod to Applejack the cleric began a prayer filled with more power than the last two. The kobolds stepped back warily as a brightly shining runic circle appeared before her. Their nervousness turned to terror as a tremendous roar shook the cavern. Within the circle a massive black furred bear appeared, glowing with a bright golden corona of light. Roaring a second time the huge celestial animal burst into a rapid charge sending the kobolds shrieking down a side passage.

Apple Fritter cast a wary eye down the side passage. “It gonna eat ‘em?”

Ditzy Doo shook her head. “Nah. Celestial animals only eat celestia food. It’ll just maul ‘em to death!”

Both Apple cousins raised an eyebrow at the cheerful tone in Ditzy’s voice as she said that, but at length they shrugged indifferently. “Right. Let’s see if we can’t find them missin’ fillies.”

The other two mares’ nodded at Applejack’s orders and fanned out in the large chamber. Ditzy’s magic light illuminated it well enough they could see most anywhere. Fritter gave a shrill whistle bringing the other two running. “Look here.” She held up a tiny pink feather.

“That surely ain’t no griffon feather. Let’s get a move on.” As one the mares moved with purpose down the passage the feather had lain in. A larger group of kobolds awaited them, surrounding what looked to be a small pit in the center of the room. Easily twice the number of the monsters awaited them as were in the last chamber.

Ditzy frowned. “I can’t summon another bear.”

Applejack and Fritter both shared a wild grin. “Fun way it is!”

The pair leapt forward with nearly identical whoops of excitement. Applejack swinging her massive sword off her back, the sheathed weapon smashing the first kobold she came upon into the ground hard, leaving it unmoving as she charged into the fray.

Apple Fritter held back for the time being, flicking dagger after dagger into the rushing creatures. She felled two of them before three more were upon her, thrusting their crude spears at her. Fritter winced as Ditzy leapt in from behind, bringing her warhammer down atop one of the kobold’s heads hard enough to split it wide open showering the Apple mare with bits of bone and other sorts of things that one tended to want kept in one’s head.

“Ditzy Doo!”

The pegasus shrugged. “Whoops. My bad.”

Applejack was fending off the remaining kobolds with little effort. Each swing of her huge blade crushed another of the little beasts. A powerful thrust caved in the chest of another, sending the corpse flipping down into the pit, drawing an alarmed, high pitched yelp from within. Sweeping her sword back and forth she scattered the surviving monsters, sending them yipping from the room. Peering down into the pit she searched for the source of the voice. “Anypony down there?”

“Yes! Hello!?” A tiny pink coated pegasus filly squirmed out from beneath the dead kobold. “I’m here!”

Smiling kindly, Applejack swept her sword back into place on her back. “Don’t you worry little missy. We’ll have you up right quick.” Looking back to her still disgusted cousin as she tried to clean herself off, the larger Apple mare huffed. “Get your bath when we get back. For now get over here and toss a rope down t’that filly.”

Casting a dirty glance toward the slightly grinning pegasus, Apple Fritter eased toward the hole and lowered her rope in. “Get ahold nice and tight now honey. We’ll haul ya on up.”

The filly nodded rapidly and wrapped the rope around a foreleg, gripping it tightly with both hooves she clung to the rope as the Apple mares hauled her out of the pit. Applejack squinted down at her. “Where’re your sisters?”

The filly’s eyes went wide. “Those griffons took them ma’am! Into their room up ahead!”

Handing the filly over to Ditzy, Applejack nodded back the way they came. “Get her outta here Ditz. We’ll catch up soon.”

The concerned priestess ushered the filly to stand behind her, before chanting a quick prayer and touching Applejack’s flank. The mare’s already considerably muscled bulked up a good deal more, causing her to grunt at the sudden tightness in her armor. A second prayer saw Fritter moving far more lighter on her hooves. “You two be careful! Don’t make me come looking for you!”

Giving her a confident nod, the two cousins slipped deeper into the caves, leaving Ditzy alone to escort the filly out.


Applejack and Apple Fritter caught the smell of blood at the same time, and both mare’s folded their ears back. Sharing a knowing look they eased into the chamber at the end of the corridor. The Hook-beak Brothers were a notorious pair of killers with a very hefty bounty on their heads. Worth far more alive than dead, more than one bounty hunter had tried to bring them in and wound up a meal for the carnivorous pony-eating duo.

Twins rumor said birthed from the same egg, they were twice the size of either pony mare even with Applejack’s magically enhanced physique. Their leonine lower halves were heavily muscled, claws sharp enough to dig furrows in the stone beneath them. Their beaks they were named for hooked a good deal more sharply than the average griffons. Beaks currently wet with blood.

“Ah! More guests. You must be the ponies our little lizard friends are all worked up about. Very brave coming in here alone.”

Applejack’s eyes shifted from the bloodied beak of the one speaking to her, to the suspiciously tiny amount of meat at the center of the table. “We’re lookin’ for a couple’a missin’ fillies.”

The other brother slurped up the last of his meal, smiling grandly. “Congratulations! Your search is over. You’ve found them.” He finished by patting his stomach.

“You monsters! They were just fillies!” Fritter looked ready to rush in, but Applejack laid a restraining hoof on her cousin’s back.

“They were! Yes. The young ones just taste so much better than the adults you see. The meat is more tender, very succulent.”

Applejack’s eyes narrowed tightly. “I’ll give you fella’s one chance t’come along peaceable like.”

Both griffons blinked at her sudden offer before bursting into uproarious laughter. “Oh! Oh little pony but you are a funny one! It’s almost a shame to make a meal of you.”

Grunting softly she slung the heavy blade off her back, resting the tip against the ground. “Can’t say I didn’t offer.”

The monstrous pair eyed the sheathed sword in confusion. “You’re not even going to try and defend yourself? How do you plan to fight without drawing your sword little pony?”

An unpleasant smile worked its way across Applejack’s face. “Why don’t you fellas c’mon over here an find out.”

Neither griffon was stupid. Both had lived the decadent life as long as they had by being smarter than those who came looking for them, and being better fighters. They’d developed a twin fighting style that had served them well for many years now. Each bore a wickedly curved and barbed scimitar. The swords, combined with their own natural weapons had made them a nearly invincible fighting duo.

They’d never run afoul of the Apple Family mercenary company before.

Apple Fritter sprang into action first, launching a furious barrage of daggers at the brother on the right. The cagey griffon fighter managed to weave around several, but for each one he dodged another lodged into the soft spaces between his well maintained leather armor.

The second brother made to rush to his siblings defense, only to find Applejack’s sword arcing through the air right toward his head. He snapped his wings open beating them furiously to carry himself back at the last second, as the sheathed blade cleaved through the air biting into the stone floor with a tremendous crash, digging a deep trench as she wrenched her sword free.

Fritter began to back away from her opponent as he abandoned his attempts at dodging her attacks and charged in with a furious screech. Feeling her haunches touch against the back wall of the cavern, she waited until he was almost within striking distance, then heaved forward with her forelimbs, pushing herself off the ground and against the wall. Coiling her hind legs she sprang over the head of the rushing griffon, landing behind him with a soft grunt. Drawing a pair of daggers in her hooves she vaulted onto his back, burying them both up to the hilt at his shoulders. His bird-like forelegs went slack as she severed the tendons there, and he fell heavily to the floor of the cave.

“Brother!” Applejack’s foe spread his wings, intending to take flight and rush to his brothers aid out of reach of the ground bound pony. He never imagined the strength she had contained in her compact little body. Crouching low to the ground, she waited until he was just beginning to pass overhead before she sprang upward at an alarming pace, curling into a tight ball and crashing into his chest. Her heavily armored frame smashed against his leather armor and she heard a loud crunch as her body broke SOME kind of bones in his chest.

The mare casually wondered about the sort of bones you had there. Was it the chest bone? Did your ribs go all the way up into your chest? She might have to ask Ditzy about that later. Putting her musings aside she watched impassively as the griffon wheezed heavily on the ground, working hard to draw breath.

She glanced at her cousin as she cantered to her side. “Well that’s that then. Whadda we do with ‘em?”

Applejack swung her sword back into place on her back. “I reckon I got a couple ideas. Why don’tcha go catch up with Ditzy Doo, Fritter. I’ll be along right quick.”

Apple Fritter winced casting the monstrous griffon’s a sympathetic look. “S--sure thing Applejack. I’ll see ya outside.”

Applejack stood calmly as her cousin beat a hasty retreat to the entrance of the cavern. With casual ease she strode over to one of the brothers dropped sword. “Now, if I recollect right y’all wanted t’see me with a blade drawn?”

The dim cavern was better illuminated by the hotly glowing blue brand on the mare’s cheek. “S’pose th’least I can do is grant you fellas a final request.”


Ditzy frowned as Apple Fritter emerged alone. “Applejack?”

Fritter shot a quick glance behind herself. “She’s uh… she’s wrapping things up.”

The rescued filly looked up at the mare anxiously. “Did you find my big sister’s?!”

Apple Fritter’s heart sank at the sight of those huge, hope filled green eyes. “I ah… we did. I’m so sorry sweetie. They’ve gone to the Fields.”

Tears began to form in the tiny ponies eyes. “Like my grandparents?”

Ditzy Doo knelt down to the filly’s level, wrapping a warm wing about her tiny, quivering body. “That’s right sweetie. They’re with your grandma and grandpa now. Don’t worry, you’ll see them again one day.”

“But… but I want to see them now! It isn’t fair!” The poor foal was soon wailing her heart out, while Ditzy tried her best to console her.

Apple Fritter turned to the sound of approaching hooves. Applejack emerged, her brand still burning hotly. Small trails of smoke curled away from her burning flesh, bringing an unpleasant smell to the air. “...let’s get this little one home.”

Neither Ditzy nor Fritter commented on Applejack’s burning tattoo. Nor did they ask what became of the Hook-beak Brothers. Some things, they felt, were better left unknown.”


Applejack watched from a short distance as Ditzy and Fritter spoke with the fillies parents. She frowned as the mare broke down and start weeping heavily, cradling her surviving child tightly to her chest. The father ushered them inside before coming back out to speak with her cousin and the cleric.

Her discomfort grew as the stallion approached her. Tugging her hat down a bit self-consciously in a futile attempt to cover her brand, she turned her head away. “I don’t care about that miss. What you did in the past is between you and Lady Celestia. I want to know what happened to those monsters who killed my fillies. Your friend said she left you alone with them.”

Applejack tilted her hat back up, meeting his eyes. “They ain’t gonna be hurtin’ anypony ever again sir.”

His face hardened. “Did they suffer?”

Sweeping her hat from her head, she placed it over her heart. “I’m many things sir, but a liar ain’t one of them. So you can have complete faith in me when I say that they suffered more’n any living thing can likely imagine.”

He nodded firmly. “Thank you for that then miss. I… I know it’s not quite the same as having my daughters back but… that helps. You’ll be paid in full, it’s the least I can do.”

“We surely appreciate that sir. And for what it’s worth, I’m sorry we couldn’t get there quicker.”

“Me too miss… me too. If you’ll excuse me… I’d like to be with my family.”

“Of course sir. And if y’all have any needs like this again, I hope you’ll consider hirin’ th’Apple family again.”

With a final nod to Applejack, the stallion turned and made his way back into his home. Fritter and Ditzy moved to Applejack’s side, and the three set out toward the outskirts of Appleloosa. Ditzy was the first to speak. “Applejack if you wanna talk…”

“What might I wanna talk about Ditz?”

The cleric frowned. “Well… some of the others like to talk about you know… I mean I know I’m silly and clumsy all the time, but I AM a cleric. I’m there for confessions.”

Applejack raised her eyebrows. “What exactly would I have t’confess Ditzy Doo? I ain’t never made a secret of what I do.”

Ditzy sighed. “It’s just… you used to be a…”

“Used to be is exactly right. It ain’t what I am anymore, I don’t need you pokin’ yer big nose inta my business. If you gals’ll excuse me I’m in the mood for a hot bath.” Applejack quickened her pace, leaving her cousin and family friend behind.

The three approached their home and conveyance, parked in the desert just outside of town. The huge skyship was one of the few treasures the Apple family still owned, and they put it to good use. It was a holdover from the rebellion, but definitely de-weaponized. The only reason they’d been allowed to keep it at all was the formidable matriarch of the families insistence. The magitek shipped was powered by a rechargeable magic core at the heart of the ship, the mechanical aspect was looked after by the unicorn brothers hired on by the Apple family.

Braeburn was standing outside the ramp leading up into the ship with a white coated unicorn mare. “Howdy cuz! How’d your job go?”

Applejack’s response was to hurl the bag filled with bits at her cousins head with a vehement amount of force. The visiting mare’s golden aura wrapped around the bag arresting its flight, before gently levitating it to Braeburn’s hooves.

The stallion gave the visitor a faltering smile. “Thank ya kindly Miss Sunny. And please excuse my cousins poor manners. She can be a mite ornery from time to time, but no better mare t’have at your back in a scrap!”

The pink maned unicorn smiled warmly. “It’s no trouble at all Captain. I know ponies of your profession can have colorful personalities. It’s what makes meeting you so much fun.”

Braeburn chuckled and nodded politely, collecting his cousins pay. “Well that’s mighty big’a ya ma’am. An here comes a much more friendly branch of the Apple family tree. This here’s Apple Fritter. And our resident preacher mare Ditzy Doo.”

The mare, Sunny turned a smile toward the approaching pair. “A pleasure to meet you both.”

“Pleasure’s mine ma’am. If you’ll excuse me though, reckon I’d like t’get myself a hot bath. Bit of dirty work Brae. I’ll fill ya in later.”

He chuckled. “Better you than Jackie. Go on an rest up.”

Ditzy Doo was staring hard at the visiting Sunny. Both eyes for once aligned in the same direction as she squinted at the increasingly uncomfortable looking mare. Braeburn hastily stepped between them. “Ditzy why don’t you head inside too. You’re making our very wealthy customer uncomfortable.”

Ditzy nodded slowly, enver taking her eyes off Sunny. “Uh huh. Sure thing Braeburn.” She finally broke her stare when she disappered into the ship.

Braeburn turned an uncomfortable smile Sunny’s way. “I apologize ma’am. My crew seems t’be on the insane side t’day.”

“Oh I don’t know. The world would be awfully boring if everypony was sane don’t you think?”

“Ha! I reckon so ma’am. So! I s’pose y’all are eager t’get yer hooves on this here case.”

Sunny’s eyes lit up as Braeburn pulled the small wooden case from within his coat. “Very eager, yes. I have your pay right here.” She lifted a hefty bag of bits from her saddle bag, exchanging them for the case.

“Well! That’s how I like my jobs! No complications!”

Sunny’s smile dimmed a little. “Yes… no complications. I wonder Captain, would you be available for more work? It’s a much easier job I promise.”

Braeburn’s eyes lit up with the promise of more, easier work from the wealthy mare. “Sure as shootin’! Apple’s ain’t happy if we ain’t workin’!”

“Wonderful. I need you to transport some ponies for me. Pick up four mares from Celestia’s Academy, and take them to Ponyville.”

Braeburn’s eyes widened a little. “We ain’t exactly a passenger craft ma’am.”

“Would one hundred thousand bits be enough to make it a passenger craft?”

“...why yes! Yes it would. Would our guests like a cabin with a window?”


Applejack leaned her sword against the wall of her sparsely furnished quarters aboard the ship. Dubbed the Harmony by her addle brained cousin, she never really cared for the name but then again, it wasn’t her ship. Flicking the straps of her armor off she rolled her shoulders and sighed, shooting a look to the small portrait on the table by her bed. “Don’t gimme that look. They had it comin’. Every last one’a them no good monsters did.”

The portrait, if it had something to say kept silent. With a huff she turned away from it stepping into the hall, and nearly tripping over the stocky orange filly with the pink bobtail mane and tail. “Babs Seed! What’ve I told ya about hangin’ around outside m’door!”

The filly cringed. “S--sorry Applejack…”

Applejack closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened them again she smiled. “I’m sorry sugar cube. Just a little worked up is all. Somethin’ I can do for ya?”

Babs shrugged. “Nah. I just finished my chores and was lookin’ for somethin’ t’do. Thought I’d keep ya company.”

Ruffling the filly’s mane, Applejack nodded. “Sure. Keep me company in the bath room then. I’m takin’ a soak.”

“Fight any big monsters on this one?”

Applejack smirked at the filly’s excitement. “I mighta. Coulda been a minotaur, dozen kobolds, couple’a griffons.”

“Yeah? Ditzy get in th’way again?”

“Not t’day! In fact she squished a kobolds head so hard the brains squirted all over Fritter! Shoulda seen her face!”

Babs burst into excited giggles. “No kiddin’?! So when d’ya think I can come on a job?”

Applejack frowned thoughtfully as she pushed her way into the bathroom. A few large tubs, and a couple shower stalls dominated the bulk of the room the crew used to get clean and relax in. Apple Fritter already occupied one of the tubs. She just gave Applejack a greeting nod and went back to the small novel she’d been reading.

The burly mare filled a tub of her own and eased into the magically heated water. “Reckon it won’t be too long. Yer gettin pretty good with that sword’a yours. We can talk to Brae if y’like. See if we can’t getcha comin’ along on a few easy ones here an there.”

Fritter snorted at that. “As if Braeburn ever has any easy jobs.”

Applejack laughed. “True enough. We get some easy ones though. He just has that luck’a his.”

Babs snickered at their comments. “Yeah, all bad.” Babs perked her ears sudeenly. “Hey Applejack, didja hear the news?”

Releasing a heavy sigh the mare eased lower into the tub. “What news is that sugar cube?”

“We’re pickin’ up passengers in a couple’a days! And one’a them’s Apple Bloom!”

Applejack rocketed upright in the tub. “WHAT?!”


Celestia reclined comfortably in the very large, well worn rocking chair across from her weekly tea partner. The two shared a pot of a different blend every week. One week Celestia chose, the next the other mare did.

The mare in question was an ancient looking earth pony. Her green coat not in the least dulled with age, her mane and tail the same stark white they’d always been. Granny Smith, head of the Apple family sighed blissfully as she sipped from her cup. “You always pick the best Celly.”

Celestia inclined her head, accepting the compliment. “I don’t know about that. You surprised me with that Flutterpony blend you’d been keeping stashed away. How long were you holding onto that one?”

The old mare tilted her head back as she thought. “Ohhh… I suppose it’s been about fifty, sixty years? A long time that’s for sure!” She broke into near hysteric cackling.

“Well it was a wonderful surprise.”

“Speakin’ of wonderful surprises.” Granny Smith paused to sip from her cup. “It seems we’re about to have a proper reunion.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow. “You consider her return a wonderful surprise? You’d be the first.”

“Eh. When ya get to be my age you learn to not hold onto old grudges. What happened in the past is the past’s problem. Livin’ back then isn’t doing anypony any good. The now is what I’m worried about.”

“That’s what I’m worried about too my friend.”

The quiver was gone from Granny Smith’s voice, as was the shivering of her old hooves. “You have a plan? Or are we going with the usual ‘throw every spell we know’ at it solution?”

Celestia laughed lightly. “I have a plan. Though we’ll be going with the usual to start.”

Granny Smith nodded firmly. “Good. Been too long since I got to cut loose.”

Celestia’s mirth faded, and she sighed softly. “I fear that you’ll get all the opportunity you like to ‘cut loose’ in the very near future Golden Delicious.”

The elderly mare grinned hearing her old name. “Been a long time since anypony called me that.” She casually shifted her gaze to her tea. “Talked to Cobalt lately?”

Celestia rolled her eyes. “And everypony calls me immature. Would you just like to write him a note for me to deliver? The students at the academy have started a charming trend by asking if somepony ‘likes’ them, then instructing them to circle yes or no at the bottom of the note. I could convey one to Cobalt for you if you like.”

Granny Smith snorted. “As if he’d wanna see a wrinkly old mare like me.”

“You’re only as old as you feel Golden. You’re only as old as you feel.”

Smirking a little, The Apple matriarch allowed a soft chuckle. A few of her wrinkles here and there were certainly less noticeable every time she met with Celestia. “Fair enough Celly, fair enough.”

Applejack True Neutral
Paladin (Fallen): 1 Fighter: 7

Strength: 20
Dexterity: 12
Constitution: 16
Intelligence: 9
Wisdom: 10
Charisma: 10

Braeburn True Neutral
Fighter: 9

Strength: 14
Dexterity: 18
Constitution: 17
Wisdom: 12
Intelligence: 14
Charisma: 16

Special Gear
+2 Short Sword of Frost
+2 Short Sword of Acid

Cross Fire Chaotic Neutral
Ranger: 9

Strength: 16
Dexterity: 19
Constituion: 16
Intelligence: 8
Wisdom: 12
Charisma: 9

Special Abilities
Favored Enemy: Ponies
Animal Companion: Barkley, timber wolf

Ditzy Doo Neutral Good
Cleric: 7

Strength: 14
Dexterity: 7
Constitution: 15
Intelligence: 9
Wisdom: 17
Charisma: 16