//------------------------------// // The reunion // Story: For Ever Free // by Ninja Cookies //------------------------------// ”Wait Tia, Don’t move at all” he said while letting go of her tail. Standing still in place she had looked at Luna with fear and mortal terror. Waiting for it to pass the forest was silent like in a horror movie where it’s all silent and a jump scare comes out of nowhere. Taking deep, slow breath Tia and Discord looked at Luna who seemed confused. Luna smiled. “You guys looks silly are we-“ Luna had gotten cut off when a giant monstrous crack became a giant sink hole in the ground. Luna had screamed at the top of her lungs… now we continue... Tia had tears rushing down her face, slowly like something was holding them back. As Luna fell Tia had her mouth wide open. "LUNA!!!!!!!" the white alicorn screamed. Discord however, had squinted his eyes and ran after the little one. As Luna's screams filled both their ears with fright. Discord heroically jumped in after the young one, extending his one of a kind wings he rushed toward Luna. With him only a inch away, Discord had grabbed her with all is fright and courage. Then a second before they hit the ground Discord flew back up with Luna still screeching. Airborneing back up to the 'Ever Free'. Discord had carefully put Luna back on the ground. Tia rushed to hug her sister, "WOONA~ <3 " she said under all the tears Tia shaded. Luna hugged her back. Discord had landed on the ground, admiring of what he'd done. Tia looked at Dissy while still hugging her younger sister. She mouthed the words 'thank you'. When the reunion was over Tia and Discord looked into the hole. "Do you know what would be down there?" Tia asked looking at Discord. "No... wanna find out?" he asked happily. Tia nodded. After a while the trio had made it down there. When they all looked around their where hundreds, thousands, millions of DIAMONDS! ||Chapter 3|| ||created by: Ninja Cookies|| ||Story by: ninja cookies|| ||Anything else: Hope you enjoy!||