//------------------------------// // Chapter 23: Best Friends // Story: Dueling is Magic! Many Futures // by Wolfgang //------------------------------// Dueling is Magic! Many Futures Chapter 23 Best Friends /*********************\ Paradox opened the door and stepped inside. Crow followed him cautiously. Paradox continued walking into a large living space. Sitting on the floor in the middle of the room was a tall game board. “Tell me, Crow Hogan,” said Paradox. “Do you play Shogi?” “I’ve only ever heard of the game,” answered Crow. “Never really put much thought into learning it.” “Come, I will teach you.” “Look, pal, I don’t have time for your games! I need answers now!” “It’s been far too long since I’ve played a game of Shogi with anyone. Indulge me. That is all I ask.” “Fine,” Crow snorted. Paradox smiled and sat by the board with his legs folded beneath him. Crow sat opposite him, but did not mirror his position. Paradox’s eyes narrowed, but he said nothing, instead pulling a small box out from under the board. He removed the top of the box and took the purple velvet bag inside. Paradox turned the bag over and gently poured the pieces onto the board, then replaced the bag and slid the box back to its place under the board. “Set up your pieces the same as mine,” said Paradox as he took a piece from the pile and placed it in the center file of the row in front of him. Crow took a piece with the same mark and placed it across from Paradox’s. They continued placing their pieces, with Paradox only correcting Crow once- “Do not be a mirror. Switch your bishop and rook.”- until they had each placed all of their pieces on the board. “Now we decide who goes first,” said Paradox as he picked up five of his pawns. “You are inexperienced, so you are Gyoku, the Jade General. I will perform the Furigoma to determine who goes first.” “The furry-what-now?” Crow asked. “Furigoma,” Paradox repeated. “I will toss these pieces onto the board, and if more of them land promoted-side up than not, you will take the first turn.” Paradox shook his clasped hands and dropped the pieces onto the board. They clacked about for a moment before stopping. “Beginners first, it seems. Do you know how the pieces move?” “Can’t say I do,” said Crow. “Do we really have to do this?” “What happened to Yusei is a long and unpleasant story,” Paradox replied. “It is not something I am fond of remembering. I ask only for this simple pleasure from my previous life to balance it.” “Your... previous life?” Paradox nodded. “Just as Antinomy and Aporia were once human, so too was I. Truth be told, I wasn’t even a Duelist... or not much of one, at least. Paradox isn’t even my real name. What parent would name their child ‘Paradox’?” “I dunno. What kind of parent names their kid ‘Crow’?” Paradox laughed. “Do you know how the pieces move?” Paradox asked. Crow shook his head. Paradox explained the movement rules of each piece, then allowed Crow to take his first turn. Crow took a pawn from the center file and pushed it forward. Paradox picked up one of his own pawns and placed it one space forward. The piece made a soft yet firm click as it returned to the board. Crow moved another piece. “So, start talking,” he said. “Why’s Yusei so different now?” “Perhaps I should start at the beginning,” said Paradox. “I’m from far into the future. But that future is a desolate one. The world and humanity was destroyed-” “By Synchro Monsters and Momentum, I know,” said Crow. “We already stopped Z-one and the Ark Cradle, and then Yusei wrote up a program to keep Momentum from going berserk.” Paradox picked up his knight and moved it over the row of pawns in front of it. “Then I should explain my own role in the plan. Z-one sent me back in time to kill Maximillion Pegasus, the creator of Duel Monsters.” “Why?” Crow asked as he moved another pawn. “To prevent the further development of Duel Monsters,” Paradox said. “Before his death, Pegasus created many new types of cards to be released throughout the years. The first of these was the Synchro Monster. In my timeline, the others were never released because humanity had become obsessed with Synchros.” He picked up a pawn and moved it forward. “We knew of them, of course, but nobody wanted them. Synchros are the symbols of evolution. Our obsession became a wish, and that wish was granted by Momentum. Eventually, it drove us to extinction. Z-one hoped to mitigate the problem and buy us some time by eliminating Synchro Monsters entirely. “But I was stopped by the three Legendary Duelists.” “Three?” Crow asked. “So it wasn’t just Yusei?” “No,” said Paradox. “Jaden Yuki and Yugi Muto were there as well. I was defeated.” Crow laughed and picked up his bishop. “The King of Games, huh? No wonder you lost!” He put the bishop back on the board. Paradox and Crow played in silence for a long time after that. ***** Rainbow Dash looked around. The tortoise in the gem was still smiling at her. “Are you... talking to me?” she said. “I sure am,” the tortoise replied. “You’re...” “Formally known as ‘Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise’. But you’re a bit more familiar with me, aren’t you?” Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened. “You’re-!” The tortoise nodded. Rainbow Dash burst into tears and fell to her knees. “I’m sorry! I’m so, so sorry! I’m-” “You don’t need to apologize to us,” the tortoise interrupted. Rainbow Dash looked up at him. He was still smiling. “Don’t worry about us too much. This is what we do.” “But... but I... I can’t bear to see this happen to you over and over! You’re alive! This is wrong!” wailed the pegasus. “It’s so wrong!” “No it’s not.” The tortoise gave a sigh. “Look, you have both halves of the same truth, but you don’t have the piece that makes them whole. Yes, your ancestors used to be a part of our world. Yes, we’re now born in your hearts just like with the humans. But the duel is what we’re born for! It’s our purpose, our life, our essence. The thrill of competition, It’s through battle that a living being reveals its soul. It’s what we’re all born for in the end.” “T-to fight?” Rainbow Dash asked. “To show our souls to each other,” the tortoise answered. “To understand one another.” Rainbow Dash wiped her eyes and stood up. “Thatta girl,” said the tortoise. “Now you go show your best friend what for! We’ll all back you up!” “Not just you?” Dash asked. “Not just me,” the tortoise replied. The images of the other six Crystal Beasts appeared around him. The immense Rainbow Dragon also showed itself to Rainbow Dash. Tears still flowed from her eyes... but now they hit a smile. “Thank you,” she said. “Thank you for forgiving me.” The Crystal Beasts vanished. “Twilight, I’ve been a jerk,” said Rainbow Dash. “Can you ever forgive me?” Twilight nodded. “I can, Rainbow Dash. I forgive you.” “Then let’s stop-” “I end my turn.” Rainbow Dash blinked, confused. “Uh... Twilight? We don’t have to do this anymore.” “Yes we do,” she said. “I heard him too. Emerald Tortoise. And he’s right: Dueling is how we show our souls. So show me your soul, Rainbow Dash!” Rainbow Dash smirked. “You asked for it! My turn!” ***** “There is something that you must understand, Crow,” Paradox said as he picked up a Silver General and captured a piece with it. “I am not the Paradox that lost to the three historic duelists. I merely observed the duel.” “Come again?” said Crow. “I had succeeded in killing Maximillion Pegasus, but only after I had retreated from Jaden Yuki’s era when Yusei followed me there,” Paradox continued. “After my mission was complete, I went back once more to make sure that Yusei could not interfere.” “But he did, and he stopped you,” Crow said. “Correct. That is when I moved to take more monsters from throughout history, including your Black-Winged Dragon. In the process of all of this, I stumbled onto an alternate dimension, one populated by-” “Talking ponies?” “Yes. How did you know?” “I met Rainbow something-or-other the day I beat Jack.” “So, they are here,” said Paradox. “Anyway, I decided to use this world as a weapon to destroy the future itself. Yusei stopped me once again, even saved me from a dark force that had possessed me. When the damage to the Equestrian dimension had been repaired, Yusei and I returned here.” “That doesn’t really explain why Yusei’s so different now,” Crow said. “There are still details you are missing,” Paradox replied. “During our final duel, I told Yusei that it was the Fortune network that allowed all Momentum reactors in the world to gain sentience and destroy humanity. When we returned here, Yusei asked for proof. I took him two hundred years into the future.” Paradox shook his head. “The silence broke his heart.” ***** “I activate my face-down ‘Rare Value’,” said Rainbow Dash. “You get to pick one of my ‘Crystal Beasts’ in my Spell Zones and send it to the Graveyard, but then I get to draw two cards.” “Okay then,” said Twilight. “I choose Ruby Carbuncle.” The massive ruby in front of Rainbow Dash shattered. Rainbow Dash reached her hoof over to her deck and pulled it away. Two cards followed it. “Now I activate ‘Monster Reborn’ and Special Summon Ruby Carbuncle from my Graveyard!” said Rainbow Dash. A blue portal opened up on the floor of the roof, and the purple carbuncle jumped through it. “You should’ve picked a different crystal, Twi! When Ruby is Special Summoned, it also Special Summons every ‘Crystal Beast’ in my Spell Zones. Come on back, Amber Mammoth, Emerald Tortoise, and Amethyst Cat!” The remaining three crystals cracked and splintered as their respective animals broke out of them: A massive, four-tusked mammoth, an elegant pink cat, and an ancient green tortoise. Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth ATK/1700 LV 4 Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat ATK/1200 LV 3 Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise ATK/600 LV 3 Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle ATK/300 LV 3 “Now I summon ‘Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle’ to the field!” Rainbow Dash placed a card on the wing of her Duel Disk and a new monster emerged onto the roof, an enormous eagle wearing cobalt jewels. Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle ATK/1400 LV 4 “Amethyst Cat, attack Twilight directly!” Rainbow Dash ordered. The cat hissed and pounced on Twilight, swiping her claws at the unicorn before running back to her companions. Life Point Count Rainbow Dash: 2500 Twilight: 2200 “I’ll end my turn with a face-down card,” said Rainbow Dash. “Show me what you got, Twilight!” “This is the Rainbow Dash I know,” said Twilight with a smile. “Welcome back. My turn!” ***** “Yusei was determined to change that future I showed him,” said Paradox. “I promised I would help him, just as he helped me. But... on our way back...” “What?” Crow asked. Paradox lifted a lance and moved it several spaces forward, placing it next to Crow’s king piece. “I received a distress signal and followed it,” Paradox said. “In the gap between dimensions, we found the Ark Cradle, damaged and out of power. I asked Yusei what had happened and he explained that Z-one sacrificed himself to stop it from crashing into Neo Domino City. I took us in to investigate. That distress signal could only have been activated manually. Z-one was still alive.” “He what?!” said Crow. He reached over to the small table next to him and grabbed a pawn. Just before he put it down, his eyes widened. “I’m... in check.” “Yes,” said Paradox. “We found Z-one in his chamber in the middle of the Ark Cradle. He had temporarily repaired his systems and was trying to reactive the Infinity Generator to return to his own time and see the bright future Yusei had created. We told him that nothing had changed. He... he suddenly lost the will to live. Despite the machines, he died right in front of us. But not before handing a card to Yusei.” “A card?” Crow repeated. “What was it?” ***** “I activate Crusader of Endymion’s effect and increase his Attack Points by six hundred,” said Twilight. “Next I summon ‘Apprentice Magician’ in Defense Mode.” A young man in purple robes emerged from a blue portal and knelt on the floor. His cropped blonde hair waved in the breeze, as did the tassels of his red headband. “When Apprentice Magician is Summoned,” Twilight continued, “he places a Spell Counter on one card on the field. I’ll place that counter on the Magical Citadel of Endymion.” Crusader of Endymion ATK/2500 LV 4 Apprentice Magician DEF/800 LV 2 Magical Citadel of Endymion Spell Counters: 9 “I activate ‘Magical Blast’, inflicting two hundred points of damage to you for every Spellcaster-Type monster I control,” said Twilight. “I control three, so that’s six hundred points of damage!” A huge, swirling ball of blue, white and purple energy appeared in front of the giant image of Twilight’s card. It blasted off and passed through Rainbow Dash, pushing her back a few inches. Life Point Count Rainbow Dash: 1900 “This also brings the Citadel up to ten Spell Counters. Battle!” shouted Twilight. “Endymion, attack Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle!” “Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth’s effect activates!” said Rainbow Dash. “When another ‘Crystal Beast’ is attacked, Amber Mammoth takes the attack instead! And that’s not all, Twilight!” “What?” said Twilight. Endymion aimed his staff at the mammoth and fired a blast of energy at him. “I play the Trap ‘Amber Crystal Circle’!” Rainbow Dash said. “Now Amber Mammoth gains the Attack Points of all my other Crystal Beasts!” Dash’s mammoth monster stepped forward to take the attack. The gems of the other four beasts began to glow, and swirling, bending rays of light came out of them and encircled the mammoth. He stomped his foot and charged forward, plowing through Endymion’s energy attacks like they were nothing but gusts of wind. Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth ATK/5200 LV 4 Endymion, the Master Magician ATK/2700 LV 7 “I win, Twilight!” said Dash. “You’re about to take twenty-five hundred points of damage and you’ve only got twenty-two hundred Life Points left!” “You’re not going to beat me because I made one careless move, Rainbow Dash,” said Twilight. “From my hand, I activate the Quick-Play Spell ‘Forbidden Chalice’! Until the End Phase, Endymion gains four hundred Attack Points and his effects are negated.” Four tusks collided with the attacking magician. Endymion was thrown into the air and destroyed by the mammoth’s counter attack. Life Point Count Rainbow Dash: 1900 Twilight: 100 “Looks like I’m still in this, Rainbow Dash,” said Twilight. “This is where the real fight begins! I activate ‘Card of Sanctity’, which lets both of us draw until we’re holding six cards.” “Fine by me,” said Rainbow Dash. “Now I remove six Spell Counters from the Citadel to Special Summon Endymion from my Graveyard,” Twilight continued. Endymion, the Master Magician appeared once more on the roof. “I’ll use his effect to add ‘Spell Power Grasp’ to my hand, and then discard a Spell so Endymion can destroy Amethyst Cat!” Endymion aimed his staff at the cat and fired a burst of magical energy at her. The cat was destroyed and replaced with a giant amethyst crystal. “I’ve only got a hundred Life Points. There’s no way I’m going to let you get a free hit in like that. I Set two cards face-down and end my turn!” “My turn!” said Rainbow Dash. “I summon ‘Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus’!” A tall, white pegasus emerged onto the field. Smooth, brilliant sapphires gleamed on the joints on its wings and around its horn. Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus ATK/1800 LV 4 “When Sapphire Pegasus is Summoned, I can put a ‘Crystal Beast’ into my Spell Zone as a Continuous Spell from my hand, deck or Graveyard. I’ve only got one left: ‘Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger’. Go, Sapphire Calling!” The white pegasus stood on its hind legs and whinnied. A blue portal appeared behind it and a giant topaz crystal rose up from within it. “I equip Sapphire with ‘Crystal Release’, and then activate ‘M-Force’,” said Rainbow Dash. “‘Crystal Release’ increases the equipped monster’s Attack Points by eight hundred, and ‘M-Force’ gives a ‘Crystal Beast’ I control an extra five hundred points!” Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus ATK/3100 LV 4 “Sapphire Pegasus, attack Endymion, the Master Magician with Sapphire Tornado!” shouted Rainbow Dash. “Come on, Twilight! You and me! Let’s go!” “You’re on, Dash!” Twilight countered. “I play the Trap ‘Skill Successor’! Endymion’s Attack Points increase by four hundred!” Endymion, the Master Magician ATK/3100 LV 7 Sapphire Pegasus flapped its wings and jumped into the air. Endymion spun his staff and stopped it, aiming it directly at the white horse. The pegasus dove at the magician, spinning rapidly as it fell. Endymion fired burst after burst of magic at the pegasus, but it weaved and dodged around each one. Endymion drew his staff back, then thrust it forward. The curved crest struck the blue horn of the pegasus. A blue-white shockwave spread out across the roof, and a fiery explosion followed as both monsters were destroyed. “Whenever a Crystal Beast is destroyed,” said Rainbow Dash as a massive sapphire crystal appeared before her, “it crystallizes and turns into a Continuous Spell.” “Endymion won’t be gone for long either,” said Twilight. “On my next turn, I’ll just bring him back by removing six Spell Counters from the Magical Citadel of Endymion.” “Well, I’m not done,” said Dash. “Amber Mammoth, attack Apprentice Magician!” The mammoth let out a loud, trumpeting cry as it stomped forward and crushed the young spellcaster underfoot. “When Apprentice Magician is destroyed in battle, I can Special Summon a Level Two or lower Spellcaster from my deck in Defense Mode,” said Twilight. “I Special Summon ‘Synchro Fusionist’.” A portal appeared and a strange, imp-like creature emerged. It’s skin was bright orange and it had a wide, sinister grin on its face. It danced about and moved as if it were made of shadows. Synchro Fusionist DEF/600 LV 2 “I activate Emerald Tortoise’s effect and switch Amber Mammoth to Defense Mode,” said Rainbow Dash. “Then I switch Tortoise, Eagle, and Ruby to Defense Mode and Set two cards. Your turn, Twilight.” “I activate the effect of ‘Magical Blast’ to add it to my hand instead of drawing a card,” said Twilight. “Next, I activate Crusader’s effect. After that, I’ll remove six Spell Counters from my Citadel and Special Summon Endymion from my Graveyard. Endymion’s effect activates and adds ‘Spell Power Grasp’ to my hand.” “I play a Trap,” said Rainbow Dash, “‘Crystal Raigeki’! By sending a ‘Crystal Beast’ from my Spell Zone to the Graveyard, I can destroy one card on the field. Say goodbye to Field Barrier!” The large topaz on Dash’s side of the field exploded into glittering pieces as a bolt of lightning flashed out of it. It raced toward the distant Magical Citadel and struck a green barrier that surrounded it. The barrier shattered like glass and the pieces of the topaz faded away with the lightning. “What are you up to, Rainbow Dash?” asked Twilight. “Come find out!” Dash taunted. Twilight smirked. “Okay then,” she said. “Let’s clear that field of yours, shall we? I switch Synchro Fusionist to Attack Mode!” Synchro Fusionist ATK/800 LV 2 “Battle! Endymion, attack Amber Mammoth! Dark Magic Mastery!” Twilight ordered. Endymion aimed his staff at the mammoth and fired a burst of energy. “Gotcha!” shouted Rainbow Dash. The remaining face-down card in front of her flipped up. “What?!” Twilight gasped. “You’ve activated my Trap, ‘Last Resort’! When one of your monsters attacks, this card lets me activate ‘Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins’ straight from my deck! And since its a Field Spell, that means your Magical Citadel is automatically destroyed! Of course, this means you get to draw a card since you had an active Field Spell.” Twilight turned around and watched as the the Magical Citadel beyond the base slowly vanished. An ancient stone colosseum appeared around everyone on the roof and a rainbow arched overhead. “So that’s why you destroyed Field Barrier instead of Endymion,” said Twilight as she turned back to Rainbow Dash and drew a new card. “You’ve practically ignored my backrow cards this whole duel,” said Rainbow Dash. “Bad move on your part. And now that you don’t have that Citadel anymore, I can destroy Endymion without him coming back again!” “Then I guess I should keep you from using your back row. Endymion’s attack continues!” Endymion fired more bursts of energy at the Amber Mammoth and destroyed it. “Crusader, attack Cobalt Eagle! Synchro Fusionist, attack Ruby Carbuncle!” Two beams of energy shot away from Twilight’s monsters and destroyed their targets. Two giant crystals rose up where the destroyed monsters had stood. “Main Phase Two,” said Twilight. “I Summon the Tuner monster ‘Effect Veiler’.” A young woman in white clothing appeared before her. Veil-like wings spread out behind the girl and her blue hair, tied in two pigtails behind her head. Effect Veiler ATK/0 LV 1 “I activate ‘Magical Blast’,” Twilight continued. “Since I have four Spellcasters out, you take eight hundred points of damage.” Another blast of energy formed from the four Spellcasters in front of the unicorn and rushed forward, striking Rainbow Dash. Life Point Count Rainbow Dash: 1100 Twilight: 100 “Level One Effect Veiler, tune with my Level Two Synchro Fusionist and Level Four Crusader of Endymion!” said Twilight. The angelic girl spread her arms and wings as she vanished, leaving a single star in her place. The star drew a green Synchro ring in the air around the other two monsters. Their bodies also vanished and the stars they left behind formed a vertical line. A pillar of light enveloped them all as Twilight began to chant. “Stars gather and shine light on the arcane arts, illuminating the way to the future! Synchro Summon! Adept of the arcane arts, rise! ‘Arcanite Magician’!” A tall man wearing white robes over black armor stepped out of the pillar of light. A green staff gleamed in his hand as the light vanished. Arcanite Magician ATK/400 LV 7 “When Arcanite Magician is Synchro Summoned, he gains two Spell Counters,” said Twilight. “And when I use Synchro Fusionist for a Synchro Summon, I can add a Spell Card with ‘Polymerization’ or ‘Fusion’ in its name from my deck to my hand. I choose ‘Miracle Synchro Fusion’.” So she’s gearing up for that Supreme thing of hers? thought Rainbow Dash. “I activate Arcanite Magician’s effect,” said Twilight. “By removing one of his Spell Counters, I can destroy a card on your field. Arcanite Magician, destroy the ruby!” Arcanite Magician swung his staff and a wide arc of green magic flashed away from the jewel and sliced through the crystal. “Now I’ll activate the effect again and destroy Emerald Tortoise!” Another slash of light struck Rainbow Dash’s remaining monster. It exploded and was turned into an emerald crystal. “Your back row is full, Rainbow Dash,” said Twilight. “You can’t play any more Spells or Traps now!” Five gems gleamed in front of Rainbow Dash: A sapphire, an emerald, an amethyst, a cobalt, and an amber stone. Rainbow Dash said nothing. “Time to secure my position,” said Twilight. “I activate ‘Miracle Synchro Fusion’. I remove Arcanite Magician from my field and Synchro Fusionist from my Graveyard to Fusion Summon ‘Supreme Arcanite Magician’!” Violet flames engulfed the white-robed magician. The fire seemed to merge with his robes, turning them into sweeping plates of armor. The inferno eventually died and all that was left was the magician. Supreme Arcanite Magician ATK/1400 LV 10 “When he’s Fusion Summoned, Supreme Arcanite Magician gains two Spell Counters,” said Twilight. Two of the green orbs on the magician’s armor lit up. “In addition to that, he gains a thousand Attack Points for each Spell Counter on him. Let’s make it four: I activate ‘Spell Power Grasp’ from my hand, and the Continuous Trap ‘Pitch-Black Power Stone’!” A third light on the magician’s armor lit up. A large, black orb with gold triangles on it appeared next to him. “When Pitch-Black Power Stone is activated it gets three Spell Counters. In addition to that, I can move a Spell Counter from it to another card I control once during each of my turns. I’ll move one to my Supreme Arcanite Magician.” Yet another light appeared on the magician’s armor. Supreme Arcanite Magician ATK/5400 LV 10 “I Set a card face-down and end my turn,” said Twilight. “You’re not going to win this, Rainbow Dash! I’ve sealed your back row and there’s nothing in your deck strong enough to stand up to my Supreme Magician!” “We’ll just see about that,” said Rainbow Dash. She smiled. “This is where it gets fun! My turn!” ***** Paradox stood up from the Shogi board and walked over to the tall window. “That card, Crow,” he said, “is what finally turned Yusei into what he is now. It is not simply evolution, but a symbol of destruction as well.” “But what is it?” Crow repeated. Paradox sighed. “One day, Yusei was clearly overworking himself,” said Paradox. “He kept coming up with ways to prevent Momentum from going berserk again. Every simulation he ran showed that they all failed. I must have seen fifty different papers pinned to the wall of his office. I told him we should take a break, that this incident was still a long ways off. He agreed and we went out for a ride. A duelist challenged him on the road. It wasn’t a pretty sight...” Paradox turned to look at Crow. “Everything that D-Wheeler did was to punish Yusei for Synchro Summoning. Yusei finally managed to get one shot in with Stardust Dragon when it happened...” “What?” Crow asked. “He was pushed too far. Even Shooting Star Dragon couldn’t save him from defeat. So he did the only thing he could do to win... a Delta Accel Synchro.” “Delta Accel... you mean that thing Antinomy told him about in their last duel?” said Crow. Paradox nodded. “But... wait, is that the card Z-one gave to Yusei?” Paradox nodded again. “Yusei’s duel became brutal after that,” said Paradox. “He didn’t care about having fun. He even said winning wasn’t important to him. All that mattered to him was survival. “...the other D-Wheeler crashed. His leg was broken.” Paradox gazed up at the ceiling. “Yusei returned to KaibaCorp. Tower and resumed his work. But a week later, he’d stopped seeing anyone. He never asked for my input. His office was always closed and locked. When he came out again, his eyes were dead. I asked him if he was alright, but he just told me to leave. He said he’d made a breakthrough and didn’t need my help anymore. So I left. Some time later, this war started. The city is almost completely empty.” “Jack,” muttered Crow. “Even after all this, he still fought against Yusei instead of trying to help him.” Crow got to his feet and began walking to the door. “That’s just one more reason for me to beat him down.” “Crow Hogan, Jack is not your enemy,” said Paradox. “Of course he is!” said Crow as he walked to the door. “Look, I’m worried about Yusei. He’s gone through a lot. But right now, he needs my help. He needs everyone’s help! But if Jack can’t see that, then I’ll just have to make him see it!” “You don’t understand, Crow! Yusei isn’t who he used to be anymore! Now he’s-” “Look, thanks for telling me what you know,” said Crow, his hand wrapped around the door knob. “But now I have my own battle to fight, and that’s with Jack.” Crow opened the door and left. ***** “All seven Crystal Beasts are on the field and in the Graveyard, Twilight!” said Rainbow Dash. “I Special Summon ‘Rainbow Dragon’!” A shadow slithered through the rainbow overhead. A portal opened above it and an enormous white dragon flew out of it. Seven gems glittered on either side of its neck. Massive, feathered wings spread out behind it like the wings of a giant bird. Yellow eyes flashed and gleamed as the creature announced its arrival with a roar. Rainbow Dragon ATK/4000 LV 10 “Rainbow Dragon, attack Endymion, the Master Magician!” said Rainbow Dash. “Over the Rainbow!” The crystals on the dragon’s neck lit up as a light began to shine at the back of its throat. It opened its jaw wide and spat a bright white beam at Twilight’s monster. A rainbow shockwave spread away from its jaws. “I activate ‘Defense Draw’! I take no damage from this battle, and I get to draw a card!” said Twilight. A white barrier of light appeared around Twilight as the blast from Dash’s dragon tore through Endymion. Twilight’s horn lit up as she took a card from her Duel Disk. “I’m sorry, Endymion. Thanks for everything.” Rainbow Dash grit her teeth. “You don’t have anything left to do, Dash,” said Twilight. “Just end your turn.” “I’ve got plenty I can still do,” Rainbow Dash replied. “‘Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins’ has five different effects, and gains one for each ‘Crystal Beast’ I have that’s being treated as a Continuous Spell. I’ll use its fourth effect to draw a card.” “Draw all the cards you like, you still can’t do anything. Your Spell and Trap Zones are full. You have no monsters left.” “Full, huh?” said Rainbow Dash. “Then maybe I should do something about that. I activate Rainbow Ruins’ fifth effect and Special Summon ‘Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus’ from its crystal form!” “What?!” said Twilight. The giant sapphire in front of Rainbow Dash shattered as the white pegasus burst out of it. Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus DEF/1200 LV 4 “Go, Sapphire Calling!” said Rainbow Dash. The sapphire horn on her monster lit up and a large ruby appeared behind it. “You filled your own zones again,” said Twilight. “What are you doing?” “Winning!” said Rainbow Dash. “I activate a new copy of ‘Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins’!” “You had another one?” “Yep! And now I can do all that stuff again! First I’ll draw a card, then I’ll Special Summon ‘Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle’ from my Spell and Trap Zone. And when Ruby is Special Summoned, I can also Special Summon as many ‘Crystal Beasts’ from my Spell Zones as possible! Return to the field, Cobalt Eagle and Emerald Tortoise!” Two more animals burst out of the gems in Dash’s back row, an eagle with its wings spread and a tortoise hiding in its shell. Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle DEF/800 LV 4 Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise DEF/2000 LV 3 “I activate Cobalt Eagle’s effect, letting me put a ‘Crystal Beast’ I control on top of my deck,” said Rainbow Dash. “Amethyst Cat returns to the top of my deck.” The giant amethyst disappeared from the field. “I Set three cards face-down and end my turn.” “If Twilight doesn’t beat Rainbow Dash this turn, she’ll lose to Amethyst Cat on the next,” said Rarity. “I had no idea that Rainbow Dash was this strong,” said Spike. “My turn!” said Twilight. “Instead of drawing, I add ‘Magical Blast’ from my Graveyard to my hand. Now I activate Supreme Arcanite Magician’s effect. By removing a Spell Counter from my field, I can destroy one card you control. I’ll destroy Rainbow Dragon!” The armored wizard slammed the butt of his staff into the ground. A ring of violet flames erupted around him. A line of fire appeared, running from the circle and racing toward the white dragon. “I play ‘Skill Twist’!” said Rainbow Dash. “When your monster effect targets a monster I control, I can change it to a different monster. I switch the target to Cobalt Eagle.” The line of fire suddenly turned and headed for the eagle. It drew another ring of fire around it and the bird was consumed by the flames. “I won’t let it crystallize,” said Rainbow Dash. “And this’ll let me activate another Trap: ‘Sapphire Revive’! If I control ‘Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus’, I can Special Summon a monster from your Graveyard to your field, and then Special Summon a ‘Crystal Beast’ from my own Graveyard with the same number of Defense Points. You get back Apprentice Magician, and I’ll revive Cobalt Eagle!” Apprentice Magician DEF/800 LV 2 Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle DEF/800 LV 4 “That’s fine by me,” said Twilight. “When Apprentice Magician is Summoned, he places a Spell Counter on one card I control.” One of the gems on Supreme Arcanite Magician’s armor lit up. “I activate ‘Magical Stone Excavation’. By discarding two cards from my hand, I can add a Spell in my Graveyard to my hand. I choose and activate ‘Spell Power Grasp’. I’ll also activate the effect of ‘Pitch-Black Power Stone’ and move one of its Spell Counters to my Supreme Arcanite Magician! Finally, I’ll activate the effect ‘Skill Successor’ from my Graveyard. By removing it from play on my turn, Supreme Arcanite Magician gains eight hundred Attack Points until the end of the turn!” Supreme Arcanite Magician Spell Counters: 6 ATK/8200 LV 10 "Now I activate 'Magical Blast' to deal four hundred points of damage," said Twilight, "and I'll also activate this Quick-Play Spell Card I drew when you attacked, 'Spell-Shattering Arrow'! This destroys all face-up Spells you control and deals five hundred damage for each one!" "You'll only be destroying Amber Mammoth," said Rainbow Dash. "As long as I have a 'Crystal Beast' in my Spell Zone, Rainbow Ruins can't be destroyed by effects!" A glowing arrow appeared above Twilight, and a swirling mass of energy formed behind it. The two rocketed downward toward Rainbow Dash, striking her and pushing her back. Life Point Count Rainbow Dash: 200 Twilight: 100 “They’re only a hundred points apart now!” said Applejack. “I activate Rainbow Dragon’s effect,” said Rainbow Dash. “During either player’s turn, I can send all ‘Crystal Beast’ monsters I control to the Graveyard and increase Rainbow Dragon’s Attack Points by one thousand for each one.” All four animals on Dash’s field turned into light and were absorbed into the gems on the dragon’s neck. Rainbow Dragon ATK/8000 LV 10 “This duel’s not over, Twilight,” said Rainbow Dash. “You’re out of options now. If you don’t attack, I’ll draw Amethyst Cat next turn and win with a direct attack.” “You’re right,” said Twilight. “Then I don’t have a choice. Battle! Supreme Arcanite Magician, attack Rainbow Dragon! Spell of Supremacy: Arcane Ultima!” Purple rings of runes appeared above the magician and on the ground beneath him as the green jewels on his armor all lit up. The rings began to move toward each other. The runes turned upright, interlocking with each other and rotating around the magician. He held his staff out in front of him, pointing the jewel and the pen-like tip at Rainbow Dragon. The runes gained speed, moving faster and faster. Rays of light stood from the jewels on the armor, then bent down to the jewel on his staff. The rays of light and the spinning runes disappeared into the jewel and it glowed with a blinding light. The light faded and a wide beam of purple magic blasted out of the jewel and raced toward the white dragon. “It’s over, Rainbow Dash!” said Twilight. “For you!” Dash countered. “I activate ‘Crystal Slicer’! By sending a ‘Crystal Beast’ from my deck to the Graveyard, one of your monsters loses half of its original Attack Points. I choose Supreme Arcanite Magician!” “‘Original’ Attack Points?” said Applejack. “The hay does that mean?” “It means the number written on the card,” said Spike. “Supreme Arcanite Magician’s original Attack strength is fourteen hundred. So half of that is seven hundred.” “If it’s only the original Attack Points, then that means Supreme Arcanite Magician still gains a thousand points for every Spell Counter it has, plus the eight hundred points he gained from Skill Successor!” “It’s still not enough,” said Rainbow Dash. “Look at our monsters’ Attack Points again.” Supreme Arcanite Magician ATK/7500 LV 10 Rainbow Dragon ATK/8000 LV 10 “Rainbow Dragon, counterattack with Over the Rainbow!” shouted Rainbow Dash. The dragon opened its great maw and a white beam erupted from its throat. The dragon’s attack overtook the violet magic of the Supreme Arcanite Magician, engulfing its source and destroying him in a massive explosion. Life Point Count Rainbow Dash: 200 Twilight: 0 The smoke cleared away as the monsters vanished. Rainbow Dash was panting. Twilight just stood there with a smile on her face. “That was incredible, Dash,” she said. Rainbow Dash suddenly ran toward Twilight and threw her hooves around her neck. “I’m sorry, Twilight!” she cried. “I don’t wanna fight like that again! I don’t!” “I’m sorry too, Dash,” Twilight said, returning the hug. “Still friends?” Dash asked. “Best friends,” Twilight answered. Several minutes passed with nothing more being said. Then a gruff voice cut through the silence. “Sorry to ruin the moment,” said Ushio, “but... well, they’re here.” Six ponies and a dragon ran to the edge of the roof and peered over. A black army was heading their way. /*********************\ Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures The Black King’s army is at the doorstep of the resistance. Though the Bearers of Harmony have finally been reunited, it will take the combined strength of their three duelists to fend off this coming horde! Will Twilight and Yeager be able to lead a counterattack against Aporia and the Dark Troopers? Chapter 24 Coming of Aporia /*********************\ Featured Card Rainbow Dragon LIGHT Level 10 Dragon/Effect Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) by having 7 "Crystal Beast" cards with different names on your field or in your Graveyard, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. This card cannot activate its effects the turn it is Special Summoned. ● During either player's turn: You can send all "Crystal Beast" monsters you control to the Graveyard; this card gains 1000 ATK for each card sent. ● You can banish all "Crystal Beast" monsters in your Graveyard; shuffle all cards on the field into the Decks. ATK/4000 DEF/0