//------------------------------// // Chapter 15: South of the First Forest // Story: Equestrian Doom // by tankmanbrony //------------------------------// Stahl thrust his blade into the chest of an Imp as it lunged at him, fireball in hand. He ducked under a Hell Knight’s fist, hearing the crunch as it shattered the ribcage of one his soldiers. He grimaced and turned to face the demon, yet it had already moved on rending flesh with its raw strength. He then realized looking at it that this wasn’t a grey Hell Knight; it was a Black Hell Knight. He ran away from it, trying to put other ponies or even demons between it and him. He saw a pair of hell Knights bearing down on him, but he was backed up by about twenty soldiers. A poorly aimed plasma ball singed his face as it past but when he felt the splatter of something wet on his neck he knew that it hadn’t been for him. Turning he saw several of his soldiers missing legs and three had their entrails pouring out of their bellies. He gritted his teeth and stabbed one the Knights in the leg, in felt satisfaction in seeing blood flow down his blade, but it quickly soured when he felt sting of something very hot cover his hand. Looking at it he saw the demon’s blood soaking through his hoof covering. He pulled out his sword and felt a wave of heat pass over him as an Imp’s fireball impacted his chest plate. He flinched as he felt the skin on his chest burn and fell over; he quickly got up knowing that if you fall for too long the demons never let you up, in one piece. Glancing at the Hell Knights he saw one pull a fleeing pony in and rip her intestines out and then used her body as a club, covering itself in her blood and chunks of flesh. He screamed as a hand clamped down on his body and saw the ground falling away. He shifted his gaze and saw the Hell Knight’s maw opening, and he felt the teeth crunch through the chainmail on his flank, it was agonizing as it tore out part of the muscle. He pulled out his reserve dagger and stabbed it the throat, screaming as its boiling blood washed over his foreleg. He saw it dissolve back into the fire from whence it came, and felt at ease for a second until, the blinding pain returned, he stood, barely and picked up his sword. Looking around he saw that the front, had nearly pushed to where he stood, and he realized that when that happened his injury would get him brutally killed by some demon. He heard a guttural roar, and saw the massive demon staring at Commander Spike, its maw full of massive teeth, drool covering the edge of its mouth, its eyes glowing red and full of rage. He trembled looking straight at Spike and watched as he raised his sword, a massive six foot long blade and charged the monstrosity. Staring in wonder, at Spike’s bravery, that thing was huge dwarfing the Hell knights around it. It slammed its fist into the ground sending fireballs forms the impact. He gasped watching as they struck his fellows setting several on fire and others flying into the sir from the explosion. He ran head first into a Demon, as it was eating the corpse of another soldier. It looked up and snarled when its eyes fell on him. He raised his sword and stabbed it through the throat. It pulled back from him shaking its head from side to side trying to dislodge the sword. He reached for his dagger but it wasn’t there. Than he did something very foolish he ran at the demon and pulled the sword from its mouth. It nearly crushed his hoofs as he pulled it out but he decapitated with five quick blows from his sword. A flash of light blinded him, and he felt something grab him by the midsection. It was rough, hard and very warm. He looked up his vision blurred and fuzzy, but he could make out his face, the monster they all feared. Gorrog had him in his hands, and most soldiers knew that if they ended up there than there death was all but assured. He felt the massive fingers tighten around him, starting to crush his ribcage and then release, he was flying. “Princess, how you would like that, I wonder if you will be as difficult as your sister.” He slammed into what he could only assume was one of three princesses. Probably Luna as he assumed the others had no other sisters. Then he smelled the metallic smell of ozone, like lightning was going to strike. He now was falling but towards the end as the ground rushed up to meet him, it slowed and he saw a dark blue low around him. Looking up at her, he saw her once again engaged in a to the death struggle with the demon. He ran, away his vision flickering red on occasion and his ears rang with demonic laughter the very same laughter that haunted his dreams. A massive crack shook the ground as he saw a bolt of lightning strike the main body of the demons and ponies fighting and dying together in a tight ball. He saw demons and ponies flung into the air form the impact and the roars of the surviving demons that if they could got up and charged back into the fray. He sprinted to the center of the battle, spurred on by worry for his fellow soldier. He looked around seeing mangled bodies, some twitching on the blood splattered ground. He stabbed a injured Imp, that had been crawling towards him, its left leg blown off. He walked over to a pony, whose armor jutted into her chest. He gazed at her recognizing her, the very mare he thought he would never see again. “Stahl” she choked out “I, I’m so sorry” “It’s ok, don’t worry it’d will all be ok” One look at her injuries told him that she wouldn’t last much longer, her chainmail was sticking into her wounds and ever movement pained her. The bottom of her hind leg was gone blasted off by what could only be a Hell Knight’s fireball. “Stahl, I’m sorry, I just, I just…” She stopped breathing and the blood stopped squirting from her wounds, a quick check and he knew she was dead. He straightened himself and faced the battle; all around him ponies and demons soaked the ground with their blood, and yet he was here cradling the mare you once meant some much to him, and died defending the very same country. He shuddered and collapsed crying out his sorrow as the battle raged around him indifferent and brutal. His injury now registered the pain was excruciating, and he hoped that a medic team found him before the demons did.