The Monster Within

by Uberdeathninja

Ch 7- The Decision

The human stared in disdain at the six meddlesome ponies. How dare they meddle?! Either way, Luna stood between them, and he really didn't want to hurt her, for various reasons. Besides, she had promised him protection from Celestia. Celestia, a name he felt sick even thinking about. It was she who did this to his world, but there was little he could do to her from here besides annoy her. He needed to get closer, more in touch, but Luna was offering just that! If he was hearing her correctly, she, with the help of the six bothersome imbeciles that chased him through his forest, would try to make him "Civilized". He didn't want their twisted version of civilization, preferring it to the selfless, non-indulgent company of the forest. However, he REALLY wanted to get back at the whore-queen for the years of pain and misery she put him through. Worse yet, he doubted that she even remembered him. Oh, but she would, and Luna, her own sister, would be the key to that reunion. All he had to do was smile, nod, and do a few tricks. It would be easy. The human grinned evilly behind his skull helmet as he thought of Celestia's face when he finally crushed the life from her sorry carcass, almost missing Luna's next question as he thought his sinister thoughts of sweet, sweet revenge.

"So, will you be willing to learn of civilized life, Human?" Asked Luna hopefully. The Mane Six, particularly Twilight, didn't particularly enjoy the thought of babysitting a monster that could destroy entire villages, nor did they trust him, mostly on account of the death glare he kept shooting at them now and again. It was as if this creature hated them with a passion to rival the most intense wildfires, and his stare, even through warm hazel eyes, froze the six to their very cores. This creature, this "human", it didn't hate them. It despised them. They weren't about to let Luna be fooled by this creature's seeming innocence, so Twilight spoke up:

"Luna, do you think this is a good Idea? I mean, this human has been living in the wild for so long, don't you think it, er, he, would be beyond reforming?" She asked nervously, avoiding a freezing glare from the suddenly highly intimidating human. Luna pondered this, looked to the human, then back to Twilight.

"Twilight, I have made up my mind. This human has suffered in this wilderness for countless years because of us, we should at least give it a chance to see this world, and maybe be a part of it." Twilight pondered this. On one hoof, They learned about an ancient, forgotten civilization from an actual, living remnant from it, a chance most scholars would almost literally KILL for. On the other, however, the human destroyed everything it saw with complete and utter impunity and vengeance. The thought was extreme, but the fact it almost killed Celestia was not to be ignored, not by any stretch of the imagination.

"Luna, why should we give it another chance, after what it did to Celestia?" Asked Twilight worriedly at last, and Luna sighed.

"Celestia got what was coming to her for intruding on his territory." Luna replied simply, shocking the Mane Six.
The human, though, also reeled back in surprise, confusing everyone. That tired, unarmored white alicorn... That was Celestia?! Luna interrupted his thoughts:

"I think I can change him. Whether you six want to help or not, it's irrelevant. I just want to make things right." The human, after recovering from his amusing revelation, was slightly touched by this. All his life, he hated and despised these miserable little creatures, exacting his hatred on every one he saw, and many years of this brutality later, one of them wants to be his friend? The human did not understand this sudden change of heart. He appreciated the gesture, but he suspected that his hatred ran too deep. He could not befriend Luna, not after all her sister had done, yet he could not betray her, either. Oh, what to do, what to do..?

"So, what do you say, human? If not our friendship, will you at least accept mine?" She asked, holding out her hoof as for him to shake it. The human stared at the princess, completely befuddled. Could he trust her? Why befriend her, if he slew her people with wanton destruction, just as Celestia had done to him? What if she tricked him? The human pondered this. The forest was his friend, but the princess was offering him a chance to make a very powerful ally, and a very straightforward chance at absolute revenge. So, making his decision, the human reached timidly for Luna's hoof, then shook it. He was tired of being without someone to talk to, besides his timber wolves. He didn't worry, though. They would survive without him. They did before, When Celestia captured him once, and they could do it again. After the agreement was made, Luna smiled at the human. This human defended the forest for all these years, maybe he could do the same for the rest of Equestria. She imagined a great invasion, pushed back by Timber wolves, cockatrices, and manticores, with the human leading them. If she could convince Celestia that there was no danger, everyone could be happy! However, Twilight raised an odd question:

"If Celestia and this human clashed before, how are they both going to react to this little reunion?"
Luna waived the question away.

"If anything happens, I will stop it. This human is too valuable to destroy, but I won't let it go rampant, which was why I want to civilize him in the first place." She could see it now: The greatest defender Equestria had ever known, better than all of the Elements of Harmony combined! She smiled as she thought of this. The Mane Six, however, did not like this Idea. All they could think of was what not to do so they didn't piss him off. Luna insisted on this, but they were still going to interfere when something happened. They told Luna this, but she kept Smiling.

"I understand, but I doubt it will ever come to bloodshed. We just have to get our friend here to understand that there's no reason to hate us anymore, and I think I can do that. After all, the citizens don't know it was him that killed everyone that went near the forest. They can't possibly be THAT hostile." Twilight and the others relaxed, but still didn't trust the human, and it appeared the feeling was mutual, as the human was giving them a funny look.

"Alright, princess, but please be careful. If he gets out of hand, we will have to deal with him." Said Twilight.

"Have faith, Twilight. I'm a princess, What could he possibly do that I couldn't handle?" Replied Luna cheerfully.

'How about turning into a 24-foot lizard, for starters?' Thought Twilight. Outwardly, however, she just grinned and nodded.
The Mane Six finally left for home, and Luna and her primal friend began their trek back to the castle. As they traveled, Luna tried to convince the human to ride their on her back, despite the fact the human was three times her mass, and twice her height. The human, despite having forgotten most forms of math during his years, knew that he would crush her if he rode on her back, so he shook his head, and then changed into his beast form, opting to take the trek on his own. Luna looked worriedly at him, but decided it would be best not to argue with the human. However, Luna vastly underestimated this form's power: Even when she was flying, the bestial human easily sped past her, striding like some kind of giant cat, and crashing through and around trees like he was made of steel or something.

"Hey, wait for me!" Called Luna desperately, but the creature seemed so engrossed in his run, he didn't even acknowledge Luna as he sped forward, seeming to gain speed as he ran. As soon as they got out of the forest, Luna had stopped to catch her breath, panting like she was going to die, which she probably was, if she didn't catch a break. The human saw this, then stopped, turned around, and placed her on his back. She tried to protest, but he either couldn't hear or couldn't understand her, and he took off, leaving Luna to hold on for dear life to the spikes on his back, each loping stride making her more and more motion sick as he ran, faster and faster, and the ride getting bumpier and bumpier. She would have told him to stop, but she was too busy trying not to barf.

Finally, the human (thankfully) stopped at the edge of Canterlot, lowering its body to let a very, very nauseous Luna off its back. Finally regaining control of her stomach, she weakly thanked him, and stumbled dizzily into the city, still having only mild control of her stomach. The human then changed into his actual form, donning his pelt cloak that he took off when he changed form, because, unfortunately, his clothes don't change with him. Resolving to learn how to fix that later, he then followed Luna into the city as the morning sun peeked over the buildings. However, despite the enchanting sight this presented, The human suddenly had a very bad feeling as he stepped into the city limits, one he just couldn't shake.
