//------------------------------// // Enter the Warden (Revised) // Story: Alligatum Custode // by RainingDashReborn //------------------------------// Alligatum Custode Enter the Warden Princess Luna gazed out at the setting sun. She had always loved it when day and night would meet for one glorious moment. She smiled at the purple as it streaked across the horizon, ending the sky with a deep azure blue. She felt her sister’s power tug away from the sky as she took it with hers. “Now...” she tensed as she drew power from the moon, molding the sky with her very hooves. Many ponies had the idea that the Royal Sisters controlled the moon and the sun, but it was rather the opposite. The celestial bodies in a way had more control over them. The Princesses were bound to their respective spheres and drew power from them like solar panels draw energy from the sun. The metaphor was quite literal in Celestia’s case. “Perfection,” Luna smiled tiredly. The Princess of the Night was indeed a nocturnal pony, but she had decided to go all out on this one. She was becoming more loved and loved by the subjects of Equestria as of late, and she had decided they deserved something special. The constellations were pricked out with particular distinction, and the stray wisps of cloud seemed to frame the crescent moon as though hoof-crafted for the job. With a sigh of content, Luna trotted away from the balcony, closed the door behind her, and hit her bed with a soft thump. Her job was half done, and as her breathing came to a slow, she entered the Realm of Dreams. ∞∞∞∞∞∞ The Shadow Isles… where it all began and were it would all end. Lucian the Purifier dashed through the mud as he continued his relentless crusade against Thresh, the Chain Warden. The relics he wielded fired off twin bursts of energy, striking the ghostly figure leading a few meters ahead. “GIVE UP MONSTER! YOUR TIME IS AT AN END!” Lucian shouted in rage. Memories of times past flooded his mind; his stolen love and times lost. With a burst of speed, Lucian launched himself forward, striking Thresh in the back with a kick that sent him sprawling. With a grunt, the specter rolled over to face his attacker. The unearthly green flame that served him for eyes narrowed to slits, mouth twisting into a smirk. As he spoke the Isles themselves became deathly quiet. “If it is a confrontation you want, then a confrontation you will get.” Thresh said as he lashed out his chain in arc, sickle embedding the ground where Lucian had stood a fraction of a second before. It would have found its mark if the gunslinger hadn't closed the gap between the two. He fired a few blasts at point blank, knocking the Warden back. Thresh skillfully retaliated with a quick jab to the chest, knocking the air out of his assailant. Spinning around, he brought his sickle to Lucian’s leg, ripping into flesh as he pulled him to the ground. Lucian grimaced in pain as he tried to crawl away. Thresh cackled, “Oh old friend, I thought you would put up more of a challenge! Now time to have some… fun.” Thresh started to whirl his sickle as he strode closer the downed form of Lucian. “It ends here.” Lucian muttered, steeling himself against the pain. He turned suddenly, bringing both relics to face the Warden. Thresh, realizing the set up, recoiled and threw down his lantern. A small bubble shield formed around the specter as Lucian fired a barrage of purifying energy. He could only hold up his arms in defense as his barrier shattered. It was only seconds, but it seemed as if Lucian’s bombardment lasted hours. The whole of the Isles looked on to see the victor of the momentous battle, for whosoever it was would shape the future of Runeterra for years to come; for either better or worse. The deluge of light ended, and all was quiet. Lucian slowly struggled to his feet, leaning on his good leg. All that remained of his nemesis was a thick cloud of dust gradually drifting away. The battle he had raged with the Chain Warden was over, and with it closed one bloody chapter in his tragic life. The Purifier breathed deeply and slowly turned to hobble away, sheathing his guns as he did so. Just as he turned his back, a low cackle froze the blood in his veins. “My house…” a raspy voice said out of the shadows. Lucian’s pupils dilated as he quickly glanced back, only for a sickle blade to rip into his shoulder. “…my rules!” The ground in front of the battered Thresh gave way to walls of ghostly energy. With a massive tug, the gunslinger was hauled backward and into one of the walls. Lucian screamed in pain as his body became numb from sheer overload of agony. He had felt this before, Thresh’s sadistic Box, but the experience while on the League’s Fields of Justice was a much different story. Thresh laughed madly, only now warming to his fun. He twirled Lucian at the end of his chain like an angler with a worm on his hook. He made sure the Purifier hit the four other walls individually, finishing by slamming him onto the ground. Lucian’s arm was completely torn, blood soaking into his formerly white attire. His whole body was numb, no energy to run or even crawl from his nemesis. Thresh leisurely approached his nemesis, planting the heel of one boot onto his chest before leaning down to look him in the eyes. He held his lantern to Lucians face. The same lantern that held the soul of his wife, and so many others that came and fell before her. “Ever seen your soul?” The Warden chuckled with irony, “Would you like to?” Before the Warden could reap his prize, Lucian mustered enough strength to lift up his gun; her gun, the last piece his beloved left behind. Threshes lantern exploded with unearthly light as the bolt of energy struck true. The captive souls poured out from all sides, the binding curse broken at last. What Lucian did not expect was Thresh to scream in horror as the lantern began to suck him in. He stared in wonder as the specter disappeared completely, his new prison winking out of existence. Thresh, the Chain Warden of the Shadow Isles, was no more. “Defeated by the very thing he prized most… that caused so much grief… what a fitting end.” Lucian smiled sadly as he watched the sun dip down, blazing the sky with a beautiful purple, until it came alive with dozens upon dozens of stars. Lucian had played this game long enough, and he was done. “Rest Senna, you've earned it at last…” he said, and smiled still. He smiled until he too had faded from the world. Lucian the Purifier was dead. ∞∞∞∞∞∞ Luna rarely dreamed for herself. The task of playing warden to the dreams of others weighed too heavily for that. Even when she did, it was rather peaceful. However, tonight was not as expected. Luna stared in confusion, unable to move, at the darkness that engulfed her vision. This was not the usual course. Something should have taken shape by now. Despite this, everything was quiet. That is, until the voices began. “…cling clang go the chains, someone’s out to find you…” The darkness returned the sound in echoes as the shades of the void rippled around the alicorn. “…cling clang oh the chains, the Warden’s right behind you…” The Princess’ curiosity grew, as did a slight pang of dread. ‘Where have I heard this before...?’ She pondered in thought, as the echoes continued to weave in the blackness all around her. “…quick now, the seeking chains, approach with their shrill scrape… don’t stop, flee the chains, your last chance to escape…” 'Oh by the stars, make it stop!’ Luna internally cried as she tried with growing desperation to back away further into the endless darkness. Try as she may, the sound of the voices now began to grow far louder “Drag the chains, drag the chains, with all the strength you may! Drag the chains, drag the chains, ‘ere they drag you away!” The dreadful cacophony seemed to fill all her hearing, becoming less an indistinct suggestion of words and now all too real; far more real than sound should be. It seemed to the Princess, as her mind rapidly clouded in panic, that the words came from a chorus of foal no older than those she had met on her first Nightmare Night. They held none of the charm of foalhood, however; the voices were as bleak as the medium which carried them. Just as she could take little more, the din hushed once more to a whisper, though still retaining the crisp distinction. “…cling clang go the chains, there’s no more time for fear…” The Princess was not frightened so easily, but this entire nursery rhyme had sent chills up her spine. As much as she detested to leave her duty undone, this was not truly her realm; she only protected her fellow denizens. Something was here that was a bit beyond her ken this night. She was about to wake up until something caressed her cheek. The foal’s voices twisted into something infinitely more horrible. “Cling clang go the chains, the last sound that you’ll hear…” The voice of Thresh cooed. And then she remembered. No pony in Canterlot Castle forgot the screams they heard that night.