//------------------------------// // Entry 186 - Chaos // Story: Diary of a Ruler // by Lamia //------------------------------// Today was... Quite different than the norm. Earlier in the morning hours, I felt a great disturbance coming from the courtyard. It was a familiar feeling, one of anxiety and foreboding. I excused myself from the meeting I was in, galloping down the halls to the outside. I was not sure what to expect as I trotted around the garden. Eventually, I passed Discord's statue. At least, I thought I had. His statue was gone from its pedestal. It was as I feared; Discord's seal must have weakened from this period of disharmony my queendom has gone through as of late. I instinctively looked around the garden. No doubt he was watching me even then. I called out to him. He answered and appeared before me, animated and quite ecstatic. The spirit of chaos told me that he was delighted to finally get to an itch that was bothering him for several years. I remember holding back the slightest of smiles as I heard that. It was a well-placed joke in its own right. Discord let me know that he was going to play with the denizens of Equestria again as he did so long ago, back before Luna and I first sealed him. He taunted me to try and seal him again using the same method with her as before, which he now knew how to defend against. However, I knew I had a different way. Twilight and her friends, all of whom embody the Elements of Harmony perfectly. I knew that they would be able to stop him, and he would not have had time to prepare a countermeasure. He left as quickly as he came. I walked back into the castle casually, not wanting to make a panic, thinking to myself that I needed to contact my dear student and her friends. I wrote a letter to Twilight, summoning her and her friends to the castle so that I might teach them about him. I awaited their arrival anxiously at the lobby, pacing back and forth to think of how I would explain everything. They arrived, and I began to inform them about our past, taking them through the hall of history. I needed them to take the charge of stopping Discord themselves, as Luna and I were not completely harmonized just yet, unable to stop him on our own without the magical artifacts. They found new owners, regardless; Twilight and her friends were now their wielders. While the excitable pink pony seemed to want to find reasons to keep Discord around, my student came to me and accepted. I felt proud that she was brave enough to stand up and take the responsibility... There was no way for them to be prepared for what they were up against. Even so, I needed to have faith in them. Unfortunately, the Elements of Harmony were missing. The chest could only be revealed by my own magic, having taken thorough measures to protect it. That meant... Discord had stolen them, no doubt. He made his appearance and began taunting once more. As I told him off, he commented that I was still just as grim as he remembered, quite boring. It was rather... Insulting? I was not sure what to feel about it. Have I not changed through all of these years? I have grown since we last met, but I knew it struck a nerve, as it pains me to admit. I do wonder now if anypony else thinks the same, but unlike Discord, is afraid to speak up. I left Twilight to go after him, giving her my blessing, hoping to myself that nothing happens to her... Discord was quite a powerful entity, but he does not act without purpose. There was a reason that he mentioned he knew Twilight and her friends, along with the Element of Harmony they were linked with. I realized he could very well use the elements of polar opposites against them. Greed, wrath, pride, envy, etcetera... When it came down to it, I needed to remind them what it meant to have friendship within themselves. I galloped up to my study and opened the safe containing Twilight's letters to me, preparing to send them back through Spike. After I sent them all, all there was to do now was wait. I walked to the window and looked outside at the chaos that was ensuing. Day became night became day in seconds. He even taunted us with his control over everything, including the cosmic objects. I wonder just how powerful he truly was? He certainly was more powerful than Luna and I put together, so how could he become imprisoned that one time? I suppose he was simply caught by surprise by a magic he had not considered. Could it work again, from a different source? At the time, I wondered if Discord would be forever free. As I watched time pass outside, or at least believed so, I saw a blinding light come from the direction of Ponyville. I leaned out of my window to get a better view, and saw an enormous rainbow encroach upon the village; it then formed a bubble around the entire area, creating another powerful flash. When I opened my eyes again, everything was back to normal! They succeeded! No doubt all thanks to my most faithful student, Twilight Sparkle... Later on, I held a ceremony celebrating their victory over saving the land once more. As they stepped up to me, I could not help but give Twilight a broad smile, blushing slightly. I felt quite foolish with such a silly grin. I was so very proud of her. Unveiling the new window behind the curtains of them defeating Discord with the Elements of Harmony, everypony cheered them on as I congratulated them personally. Now, after going through the memories of my day, I began contemplating something that came to mind. Ever since I was young, I have enjoyed a mostly stable peace and harmony within my lands, but even so... Lately I have tired of it. An epiphany came to me. Could Discord not be truly malevolent? It is almost as if he is playing games with us. He remarked out loud that he knew of the new wielders of the Elements. He directed them and gave hints on where to look. He was never worried about us stopping him, but I could tell that was not out of arrogance. He provides a kind of whimsical experience to everypony, a significant contrast to the normal stability of everyday life. In a way, he breaks the monotony, the routine. Early on, I found myself wondering if I should simply let him do as he pleases; it certainly could be an enjoyable experience. My sister and I did not entirely understand his incentives all those centuries ago. Perhaps I should at least talk with him someday, to try and compromise with his tendency to go too far. However, I have a responsibility, do I not? The ponies of Equestria count on me to protect them from extraordinary dangers such as what he is capable of. An issue comes to my realization that nopony other than Luna or I would be able to enjoy or understand Discord's motives. When one is eternal, what more can be done to keep oneself entertained? One may lose their sanity, should they not keep themselves busy. Nevertheless... I must act on my duty. It was left to my sister and I to watch over the ponies of this world for a reason.