Through The Eyes of Innocence

by Icudeadnow

Chapter 4: Something Not Quite Right...

Virtue cannot separate itself from reality without becoming a principle of evil.
-Albert Camus

It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow. -Robert H. Schuller

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The orange filly had some trouble finding the rainbow mare, suprisingly. But whenever she was about to confront her idol, something held her back. Because each time she did, the question of why this was so important kept coming up. Why in the world is Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash getting along so important? She watched as the boastful mare showed off to a group of colts and fillies, demonstrating her flying abilities.

"Come on, Scoots... just go up to her and make up. Why is it so hard. it's as if there's something more my mother didn't tell me." The orange filly berated herself for not moving in sooner. There was this deep down feeling that she should do something before confronting Rainbow Dash. But what is she supposed to do? What's missing in this puzzle? After about fifteen minutes of what usually would be exciting entertainment, she left and took a walk. To where she did not know. It was as if there was some unseen force commanding her movements. She wasn't being forced by any means. And she wasn't really being guided by unseen forces. Probably not. But she just had this feeling that something was not quite right.

There was happiness occuring all around her, but it had not infected her with its so-called contagiousness. She just couldn't find any room to enjoy herself at all. Of course that was to be expected after you see your mother in a dream and she all but says that she will never see you again. And she has a problem that she's quite sure will not be able to fix itself. After about eighteen minutes of excruciatingly slow, mind-numbing, and boring walking, her strange spur of the moment walk took her to the Ponyville hospital. She stood in front of the entrance, not knowing what to do with what had been given to her. The weight of her mother's album comforted her as she took her steps into the huge building full of hurt and despair. She never really liked hospitals. She always thought of blood, which gave her the heebey jeebies.

Inside, the feel of air conditioning against her sweating body was pretty awesome. She had almost forgotten about the ridiculous heat outside. She looked around her and was suprised to see only two ponies in the waiting room. Both of whom her elderly. She looked to the counter, which had a young mare behind it. She was not paying any attention at all. She was reading a magazine entitled Celebrity Neighs Weekly. Scootaloo looked beyond the conter and foud a door that said Records. Without thinking, the young filly trotted quitely across the carpeted floor, through the employee's only door, and snuck by the mare at the counter and to the records room. She tried to open it, but found that it was locked. She quietly cursed to herself as she looked around for keys. She eventually found them, but she didn't exactly like the location the were in. They were literally hung up on the wall, next to the mare at the counter. The now nervous filly crept up to the oblivious mare. She looked up at the keys, which were way too high up for her to reach. She looked around to see a small stool next to the other wall. She then snuck around, silently lugged the light stool back to the first wall, put it against said wall, got on it, and snatched the keys.

She whipped her head around as soon as she got off of the stool, expecting to have been caught. It was apparently not to be so as the oblivious mare was still oblivious. She then snuck back the the Records door, unlocked it, and crept inside. She didn't know what she was looking for, but yet she did. She was basically playing on a hunch who's identity was unknown. She went to the patient file cabinet and looked for her mother's name. After some time of searching, she soon found what she was looking for. She then began reading.

Patient: Winds, Serene

Date of Birth: November 5th, 966

Children: Two known females and one male.

Scootaloo paused at what she was reading. it said that her mother had given birth to two females, not one. Who the buck is the other one? She kept reading.

Patient history:

Patient is married to Dawnfire, a stallion known throughout the community of Ponyville. She gave birth to two female ponies. One she named Rainbow Dash, who she gave up for adoption. The foster parents kept her name because they said that it fit her quite well. Then years later, she named the other one, Scootaloo. The second child she birthed was named, Cloud Runner who was killed in a carriage accident.

Scootaloo stared at the line of text that stated the impossible, one she named Rainbow Dash, who she gave up for adoption. She just kept staring in stunned silence. She couldn't even form the thoughts necessary to comprehend what lay before her young eyes. Without thinking of the consequences, she ran out with the files, swinging the door open and making it slam against the wall, suprisng the mare behind the counter.

"Hey, where did you come from?! You can't be in here!" The mare yelled at the fleeing Scootaloo. She didn't care anymore, because she couldn't be any more happier and shocked than she was now. She ran out of the hospital and was greeted by the intense heat of the afternoon. She ran into an alleyway and reread the files. they still said that she was Rainbow Dash's sister. What was going on here? There was only one pony who could provide any explanation. And that pony was her father.