//------------------------------// // Unbelievable // Story: Vile beast // by ZheTwidashLover //------------------------------// For a moment Celestia couldn´t break eye contact with the creature, it was like she was staring into a a void, a void that needed to be filled. The creature stared back, teeth bared and a low growl making its way up its throat. As it stared at Celestia, she felt like it was challenging her, daring her to try and do it harm. Celestia was snapped out of her train of thought as soon as the creature looked away. One of the unicorn guards had apparently used some advanced gravitational spell on the creature, making it feel gravity magnified to the point where it couldn´t carry its own weight, even on its hands and knees. The creature had a look of shock on its face when it was pulled to the ground, it´s breathes were labored and it seemed to be in a lot of pain. The creature stayed that way for at least a minute before it stopped breathing. Celestia decided that that was enough and was going to teleport into the room. A twitch. And another. Celestia looked at the creature being crushed under its own weight and had to strain herself to keep from wowing. The creature was getting up. It´s breathes were labored and it was struggling, but it wore a face of rage, anger, frustration but most notable, determination, and was slowly propping itself up on its elbows and knees. It moved a foot under itself and pushed itself up on one knee. At this point it was sweating, face red from excursion and its whole body shaking from the extreme workout it was getting. Even with all that, the creature scrounged up its face and pushed one last time, only stumbling slightly before rising to its full height. The unicorns were frozen in place on the balcony above the cell, clearly in shock at seeing something at that size, heavy enough to crack the floor, stand up on only two legs. The earth pony guards, while usually the most down to earth, (heh, pun) were put off by its sheer size and froze momentarily. The pegasi however, were in the air from the moment the creature started moving and didn´t get the full intimidating effect. Eagle Eyes moved before the unicorns could warn him and charged the creature. He raised a hoof and hit the creature as hard as he could straight in the gut. Eagle Eyes felt good when the creature wheezed but something was wrong, that wasn´t wheezing, it was just exhaling, it barely budged. Suddenly, Eagle Eyes´ mind caught up with his body and searing pain went through his hoof and all the way to his back and then back down. Eagle Eyes then realized his fault; the creature was still heavy enough to crack the floor, so he basically punched- a solid wall with all his might. One of the unicorns on the balcony was going to scold Eagle Eyes but decided he had had punishment enough and instead charged another spell, this time a muscle relax spell. The spell hit the creature straight in the chest and it fell to one knee. It´s face displayed nothing but anger at this point. It´s breathes were no longer labored but instead came in short, furious breathes in between its teeth. It was fuming with rage. Watching the creature, Celestia couldn´t help but be amazed. It was holding five times its own weight with only a part of its strength. ‘It would be right at home on a battlefield of some kind, fighting droves of foes, getting cuts and bruises, gashes and broken bones. I don´t think it´s going stop till it´s dead… I have to try and stop this, before it´s killed.’ Celestia teleported into the cell, she was one of only two the wards allowed through. She appeared right in front of the creature, an act she should have gone without. The creature took one look at her and all spell effects seemed to wash off of it. To someone like Celestia, who had lived for thousands of years, it was always exhilarating to see something new, even more so when that new sight was magical energies falling of off some creature like water, the whole thing admittedly made her a bit frightened when combined with the glare from the creature. Celestia had to stifle a whimper when the creature´s eyes met hers, they were filled with so much fury, all directed at her. It leaped at her, fist raised and ready to kill. Celestia wasn´t fast enough, the punch landed on the side of her muzzle, braking molars and cracking her lower jaw. Celestia was sent tumbling backwards and the unicorns opened fire. A number of spells were cast upon it, most of them some kind of projectile spells ranging from simple magic bursts to fireballs to magical icicles. Some spells were more complex, like a binding spell to tie its hands behind its back and then to its feet via magical ropes, a dizziness spell, a disorientation spell, a petrifying spell even. Everypony in the room watched with equal amounts horror and awe as the magical bursts fizzled out of existence, the fireballs turned to nothing, the bindings blinked out of existence, stone turned back to flesh and the dizziness and disorientation spells seemed to do nothing. The only things that did anything were the icicles, but they too disappeared before any damage could be done other then small holes, only visible do to a few drops of blood. The unicorns all had to lean against walls or railings to stay upright, the vast number of spell having taking their toll. Celestia was gaping; the amount of spells used and the power of some of them would have strained even her if she had to block or dispel all of them, but the creature was still standing, seemingly not tired at all by the ordeal and practically stabbing her with its stare. If it was possible, the creature seemed even angrier then before as it roared and leapt at Celestia again, fist raised in the same manner as before. Celestia narrowly avoided the punch by moving her head back. The creature was now underneath her head as it almost lost its balance when it hit only air. Celestia spread her wings and quickly gained some short altitude to try and get away from the magic resistant creature that apparently wanted to kill her. Suffice to say it didn´t work out as she had planned. The creature used its hunched position to gain some extra thrust as it shot of the ground and wrapped its fingers around her left foreleg. Celestia had expected that to be the end of it and a pegasus would tackle it before she would tire, but that turned out to not be the case as the creature pulled itself upwards and grabbed her leg just above her knee, but it didn´t stop there, oh no, it stretched out its arm and before Celestia could do anything, it grabbed her left wing. With one wing stuck in the creature´s grasp at a very downward facing angle, Celestia could do nothing but fall as her other wing gave one last, involuntary flap, turning her on her side before both she and the creature fell to the floor. The creature landed first, on its feet no less, and used the precious milliseconds it had gained to pull on Celestia´s leg and wing. Celestia´s wing was the first thing to touch the floor, then came her leg, stretched out to her side at a very awkward angle, having almost been yanked out of its shoulder socket when the creature pulled on it. Third was her torso. Celestia would have screamed when her wing broke underneath her and her leg twisted but the wind was knocked out of her lungs before she could make a sound. Her head was the last thing to touch the floor but the concussion hid most of the pain she should have felt and her consciousness began to slip. Seeing their princess of the sun thrown into the floor snapped the two earth ponies out of their stupor. They drew swords out of sheaths on their sides and charged the creature side by side. The creature turned towards them and took some sort of battle stance with its right leg behind the left and arms held in front of its chest with its fists clenched. When the two guards were almost within striking distance the creature lifted its right leg, bending it at the knee, turned its front foot -which was now it´s only support- so it´s toes were almost facing backwards , brought its right leg to its side, parallel to the ground, leaned back and was tackled by Eagle Eyes. The creature fell on its side and grunted before Eagle Eyes pinned it to the floor. It tried to move its arms and legs to free itself but Eagle Eyes had all of them pinned, so it did the only thing it could do and headbutted the pegasus on top of it. There was enough power in that headbutt to lift Eagle Eyes´ front half so that the creature could move its arms under his body and lift him off the ground. The creature then slammed Eagle Eyes on his side and knocked the wind out of him too. Before the creature could get up however, a sword was held up against its face to stop it. The creature looked at it for a few tense seconds before biting the blade, successfully rendering it useless for enough time to grab the earth pony´s neck and squeeze it like a handful of wet sand. The effect was instantaneous. The earth pony opened his mouth and gasped for air, which had the effect of him letting go of the sword in his mouth. The creature spat the sword to its side and stood up with its hand still around the earth pony´s neck. It held him up a bit higher before letting go and sending him flying into a wall with a kick. Eagle Eyes had recovered at that point and joined the remaining earth pony and the other pegasus as they got ready to charge the creature all at once, no words were needed to relay what they were going to do. The creature looked at each and every one of them in turn and gave a low growl that grew into a roar as it took off towards the sword baring earth pony. By that time Shining was finally able to overcome all the different wards placed on the door and erected a barrier around the creature before it could do any more harm. The creature didn´t stop but instead ran straight into the barrier, cracking it before it spun around and gave a back kick to the center of the crack, shattering the barrier. Before Shining could do anything more, the creature had already leaped the short distance between it and the lone earth pony. The earth pony tried to stab it with its sword, but it sidestepped to his right, spun in a full circle and fell to its side, putting all of its weight into an elbow drop. A sickening crack echoed through the cell as the creature brought its elbow down on the guard´s back, right in between his scapulas and the guard fell to the ground as his back legs lost all strength. “My legs, I can´t feel my rear legs!” There was panic in the earth pony´s eyes as he tried to crawl away from the cruel animal. His shoulder felt like a unicorn´s horn was wedged between his scapulas while everything behind that was numb. Before the guard could escape, the creature jumped in the air, spun a full circle and stomped on the guard´s neck, just above his shoulders. The resulting noise echoed through the cell as the guard lost feeling in his front legs as well. The guards head hit the floor along with his upper torso. His muzzle was first as it broke against the cold floor, enchanted to be even harder than a normal stone floor. He lost consciousness before he knew what had happened. Celestia had watched the entire thing in a dreamlike state, unable to process fully what was going on. As the fog shrouding Celestia´s mind cleared, she was able to feel magic in the air. She looked to the unicorns on the railing above. One of the unicorns had moved and collapsed by a big red button. The button was a call for help in case whatever was in the cell couldn´t be contained, it called for a special unit consisting of only one member, the strongest non immortal sentient creature known to Equestria. Celestia stood up on three shaky legs and focused her magic on healing her injured leg. After that she healed her wing, broken molars and fixed her jaw, and just in time too. The creature saw Celestia get up and charged her. Before it knew what hit it however, Celestia teleported to its side and wrapped her legs and wings around it, causing it to fall on its back from the sudden weight. Deploying her full earth pony strength, Celestia was able to keep it in place. The creature was unable to move any body part that could be used to deliver a hard blow and Celestia´s weight kept it pinned to the floor so no momentum could be gained for such a hit anyway. “Please just calm down, if you don´t attack anypony then nopony will attack you. You just have to calm down, please.” Celestia said to the creature as it struggled to get out of her iron grip. After a minute of struggle the creature finally stopped. It was breathing heavily but the glare it tried to give Celestia from under her head -her being a little longer than it was- was still the same. The creature turned its head to face Celestia´s neck proper gave it a sniff. Before Celestia was able to think about that strange action on the creature´s half, it sank its teeth into her neck. Celestia screamed. Her scream almost made it through the soundproofing spells cast on the cell before she rose off of the creature that was still attached to her neck like a leech, hands around her neck with its feet still on the floor. Celestia saw no quick way out of her conundrum other than simply lying back down, fast. Celestia used her full weight to smush the creature hanging on her neck. The creature wheezed as it was flattened under an alicorn and at least seven cakes. Celestia now had a bleeding bite mark on her neck and a breathless animal underneath her that would stop at nothing to get away, it seemed. The animal gasped for air and anypony with any knowledge of fighting could see that the air had been knocked from its lungs and it was having trouble breathing. Celestia honestly felt a bit sorry for the poor creature, waking up in a cell, then forced to bear its own weight at least five fold without a reason other than look at her funny. ‘But it killed a pony.’ A small part of her brain kept telling her over and over again. The creature finally caught its breath and wasted no time on dillydallying. It tried to bite Celestia again but this time she was prepared. She made a gag out of magic and was able to place it and hold it in the creature´s mouth long enough to fasten it and keep a steady stream of magic feeding the gag so it would not go the same way as the bindings. To say the creature was furious would be an understatement, it was so angry that Celestia could now barely hold it still and the gag was starting to take a toll on Celestia as well. Celestia hadn´t struggled this much in ages and it was becoming apparent that she needed to lay of the cakes, high metabolism or not. That thought was enough for her to lose focus and the gag disappeared. The moment the gag was off, the creature latched itself onto Celestia´s neck again and forced her to attempt the same maneuver as before, but this time the creature let go of her neck and used its hand and feet to launch Celestia off of it, stand up and deliver a heavy punch to her gut while she was still moving upwards. Celestia was caught completely by surprised that the creature had devised such a successful plan in the short time it was immobile and that it had actually managed to launch her into the air with just its physical strength. Celestia´s thoughts were yet again interrupted when the creature grabbed her front left leg. ‘Ohh, not again.’ Lucky for Celestia, Eagle Eyes, Shining and the other pegasus had devised a plan by that point and set it into action. Eagle Eyes went as high as the ceiling allowed him to and waited for the others to do their parts. The other pegasus charged the creature and knocked it into the air. Eagle Eyes saw that it was his turn and flew straight down and into the creatures back, pushing it down in front of him as Shining´s horn lit up and cast a beam of magic into Eagle Eyes. Eagle Eyes felt like he was just home from a short vacation, all strains and aches gone from his body that was again full of energy. The creature hit the floor with a resounding thud as the revitalized pegasus held it down on its back. The creature groaned as it tried to prop itself up on its elbows but Eagle Eyes would have none of that and rose to only his rear legs and then stomped on the creature´s shoulders, successfully pushing it back to the ground. The creature tried to prop itself up on its elbows again and Eagle Eyes did the same thing again, except this time the creature straightened its arms before he could push it down again and Eagle Eyes landed flat on his back. The creature stood up but didn´t face Celestia immediately but instead turned to Eagle Eyes who was still flat on his back. The creature looked him straight in the eye before raising both hands in front of its chest. Its right fist went into its left palm and a cracking noise filled the air.