//------------------------------// // Scaling the Lhorse Mountain // Story: Princess Celestia: Sorceress Supreme // by spideremblembrony //------------------------------// After a brief interlude of asking for directions, Celestia was well on her way to the Lhorse Mountains. As she trotted towards the mountain, she would constantly shift her gaze upward in hopes of seeing the top. However, the mountain’s peak was covered in white clouds, almost as high as the sky itself. She could only wonder how high it was. As Celestia approached the mountain, it seemed to grow in size, making it much larger than she had anticipated. As she finally stood at foot at the mountain, she realized looking up in an attempt to find the top was impossible. Well, if Luna’s up there, I’m going after her, Celestia stated her resolve. She opened her mighty wings, completely neglecting the coat in her pack. She figured she wouldn’t need it. She would be up the mountain quicker with her wings. At first, the journey seemed simple. The base of the mountain was lush and beautiful. Little animals scampered around, going about their business, not even noticing Celestia. The trees provided shelter for the birds to sing their lovely songs. The grass was so lush and green. The flowers were in beautiful bloom. She couldn’t help but smile at how peaceful it was. It was like a Garden of Eden. This is going to be easy, Celestia thought to herself. However, after a few hundred feet, it became anything but easy. The air became frigid and unbearable, forcing Celestia to don her coat to keep her body safe from the chill. As she entered the more snowy parts of the mountain, the wind had picked up tremendously. The force pushing against her was so strong that she had trouble maintaining her course when flying. Her struggles against the wind were wearing her down quickly and eventually, the gust forced her to the ground with a thud as she plowed into the snow. And that was another problem entirely. The temperature had dropped so suddenly and vigorously that snow quickly covered the landscape. Her body began to shiver uncontrollably as she trudged through the snowy depths. The air was so cold and the wind was blowing so intensely, the cold draft cut through her coat and onto her skin like a knife. The touch of the chilling breeze gently struck Celestia’s spine, giving her goose bumps. She curled herself in a ball and rubbed her chest in a vain attempt to keep warm. Just… got to… stay … warm…, she repeated to herself as she quivered in the deep snow. But no matter how she tried, she was still as cold as ever. She then thought of an old spell she knew that would dispel weather storms. She hadn’t thought about her studies since she left the castle. It hadn’t come to mind, not even when she met Starswirl after the large rainstorm. The truth was that she wasn’t sure she knew that she could perform the spell correctly. If she was Luna, she would figure out the spell in a heartbeat. Not her, she didn’t care for spells like that. She didn’t see any use for them. At least, not until now. Celestia lifted her head high and concentrated with all her might. Her horn started to glow as she focused on the gusts of wind blowing against her and as the snow that continued to fall from the heavens. She gathered all her strength against the storm, but even with all her might, the tempest would not let up. Celestia stayed at this for several moments until finally she exhausted her patients. All that time trying to quell the squall and it made no difference. The seemingly unstoppable hurricane continued to pummel her body. She knew that flying was far too dangerous to try again. If she was blown off course by a single, sudden, powerful burst of air, she could be sent plummeting down the mountain. Or sent into the side of the mountain with the sharp, jagged rocks. She turned her gaze upward, hoping to see the top. Alas, she was too far below the clouds to see anything above them. As for below them, she saw only miles upon mile ogs snow and ice that she would be forced to trudge through, cliffs that were several hundred feet high and there was very little vegetation or shelter. She knew if she was going to attempt this journey, there was no turning back. And she would have to climb the mountain, the hard way. Celestia took a deep breath and slowly started to rise to her feet. She inched forward, beginning her long hike to reach her sister. She trudged through the path specified on the map with as much strength as she could muster, which was slowly dwindling as she pressed forward. Her chilled body would cause her to curl up in hopes of warming her. In that instance, she remembered a spell that would help her keep warm. It provided a small fire in front of her and she set herself beside it. However, as soon as the concentration of her spell ended, the cold wind and large snowflakes would douse the flames. She was forced to keep her mind focused on the fire. The effort kept her awake, despite her weariness. All she wanted to do was rest her head down and fall asleep next to the roaring flame, but she would perish if she did. After picking herself back up, she again trotted through the seemingly endless field of deep snow. Climbing the cliffs left her longing for the simplicity of trekking through the white plains. Her hooves were so numb that they could barely grip the rocks for support. Her forelegs were already exhausted and frozen, yet she forced them to help her scale the cliff side. As she climbed, the wind constantly pushed against her, causing her to cling to the rocks for dear life more than once. The climb was not always filled with ascension as she had hoped. She had slipped of the rocks and fell to the snowy ground below her. Her body ached. All she wanted to do was lie in the snow and forget everything that had just happened. She often wondered if she was safer digging through trash and running from the guards than scaling this seemingly impossible mountain. However, as she rested against the cold, soft ground, her thoughts wandered to Luna and the chance that Starswirl was telling the truth. All she had wanted was to see her sister again. To be accepted as she once was. This was the only thing that kept her going. Celestia picked herself out of the snow bank and started to climb again. The journey became increasingly exhausting, however. The gale had blown even fiercer than before, the snow fell like daggers upon Celestia, and her supplies were running dangerously low. There was barely any water left and food was even scarcer. She had lost track of how long she had been traveling the mountain side. A couple of days? A week? She couldn’t tell. All she knew what she needed to find where she needed to be soon, or she’d run out of provisions. She lifted the map from the pack at her side, her magic holding it as straight as she could. It wasn’t easy considering the wind was constantly threatening to rip it away from her. It took all her concentration to hold onto it and she still needed to study it to ensure she hadn’t wandered off the designated target. I should be getting close by now?! I’ve traveled the right way so far, I think, she continued to contemplate as she studied the drawing. Oh, who am I kidding?! I’m lost! I have no idea where the Tartarus I’m going! She growled and stomped her hoof in irritation causing her to lose her concentration on the map. The spell she wrapped the paper in vanished causing it to be taken by the wind. Celestia attempted to grab it with her spell once more, but the drawing was soaring too wildly to keep track of. Within a few moments, the map was lost in the wind and snow. Of all the damned luck! she screamed to herself. Her voice then unleashed a cry of frustration that echoed into the wind. After her voice had failed her, she slunk down in the snow. She began to consider her next move. She was lost in a snowstorm with hardly any food, water or direction. She shook her head in fear as the cold wind blew against her. She looked up, hoping to see some sign, any sign of hope. She didn’t know why she did. She was just hoping. As she continued to stare into the snow covered air, a figure started to take shape in the distance. She focused her gaze to the figure to see it was rather large. As she looked upon it, the wind started to die out and the snow dwindled from a raging blizzard to a calm, gentle fall. The figure was actually a large statue of a unicorn. And a few feet from it, stood another statue, almost a mirror image of the other. However, there were a few differences. One of them had a beard while the other did not. One of them had a long mane while the other was bald. Why are there statues out in the middle of the nowhere? Celestia asked herself, searching for an answer. She lifted herself to her feet and journeyed to the two large statues. As she made her way there, she noticed that just beyond the statues was a large temple-like structure. The temple had enormous towers and a massive wall that looked like it was used as a fortress. That place! That must be where Starswirl said that I can find Luna! Celestia cheered. It was the first time she had been happy since she had heard that Luna was atop this mountain. She prayed with all her heart that she heard right. She rushed up the many steps to finally find herself at the doorway. She was breathing heavily as she toppled to the ground, just in front of the door. It was hard to get up due to fatigue. She hadn’t slept in Lords know how long. She was hungry and thirsty. The entire climb had taken just about everything she had in her, but she found the strength to move the door knocker with her magic. Banging it with every ounce of strength she could muster, hoping somepony would answer. After the first knock, the door began to open. Celestia looked up to see the pony who invited her here. Starswirl. “I …made it,” Celestia stated, her deep breaths interrupting her speech. Starswirl, at the door, smiled. “One journey ends.” He then motioned Celestia to enter the temple. “As another begins.” Celestia made her way passed Starswirl and entered a long hallway. The walls were filled with tapestries of ancient symbols, writings and textures that were unfamiliar to her. But as much as she paid attention to them, she had more pressing concerns on her mind. Starswirl then stepped beside her, “Come. It is not much further.” Starswirl started to lead her down the hallway, towards one of the large doors at the end of it. “Where is my sister?” Celestia asked impatiently. “All will be explained in time,” Starswirl replied as he continued on his path. Nothing was stopping them from reaching the doorway. Celestia didn’t want to wait, she wanted answers now. What was Luna doing on top of this mountain? Did these ponies kidnap her and held her for ransom? She quickly disregarded the idea when she thought about why they would bring her here. Unless, they were holding her for ransom too? But then why would they not have grabbed her back in the city, instead of forcing her to climb that perilous mountain? The more she thought about it, the more insane ideas popped into her head. Each one more unlikely than the last. Finally, she focused her thoughts on following Starswirl. As the doors slowly opened, they revealed a unicorn on the far edge of the room with his back turned towards them. His long red cloak descended to the ground. He didn’t move and didn’t acknowledge their entry. Celestia followed Starswirl as he placed himself on the ground just short of the unicorn. He got on his knees and lowered his head to the ground, as if to bow before this pony. “Do as I do.” Celestia cringed at the fact of bowing to any pony. She was a princess after all. But if there was a chance to find Luna, she would submit. She mimicked Starswirl’s movements and bowed before the motionless unicorn. “Who is this?” “The Ancient One,” Starswirl stated. As Celestia keep her head near the ground, a shadowy figure appeared overhead. She looked up to see an ebony unicorn, barring the path to the other. This unicorn had a stern, fierce look in his eyes and his frown was only just hidden by his purple mustache. She noticed him glare at her with disapproval. Out of discomfort, she quickly diverted her eyes back to the floor. Moments passed as Celestia patients wore thin. “How long must I wait like this?” Starswirl turned to her, “Be patient. An audience with the Sorcerer Supreme is an honor that cannot be rushed.” That was the last straw. Celestia’s patients had finally given out. She stood up with a scowling look on her face. “You would dare?!” She started to step forward towards the two ponies. “I have climbed your accursed mountain and I was nearly killed in the process!” She didn’t notice Starswirl urging her to come back. Even if she did notice, she wouldn’t have cared. She was angry. Everything that had happened to her was because of these ponies and their mysteries. And she was tired of it. “And I did not climb it, just so I could wait for-!” “Sit down!” the ebony unicorn shouted as he shoved Celestia so hard that she fell to the ground. Before she realized what had happened, Celestia was on her flank looking up at the ebony unicorn, who was glaring at her once more. Did he just push me? Celestia growled in her mind as her eyes filled with rage. He just pushed me! The nerve! She rose to her feet, staring right into the eyes of her opponent. “How dare you?! I am the princess of Canterlot!” She emphasized as she took another step forward. “And I shall not be treated-!” The ebony unicorn lifted his hoof and thrust her back to the ground, this time even harder. After hitting the ground, Celestia looked up and saw that the unicorn was undeterred. “I said, sit down,” he said in an irritated manner. Celestia took a deep breath, realizing that throwing a fit was getting her nowhere. She picked herself up to her feet and lowered in her head. “Look,” she started to plea. “All I want is to find my sister.” “You can only find your sister,” the Ancient One finally spoke. “Once you have found yourself.” Celestia’s mouth dropped in disgust as the Ancient One’s words rung in her ears. Those were not the words that she wanted to hear. She wanted news of her sister, her whereabouts, if she was alive and safe. She wanted anything. Instead, she was offered… “Spiritual guidance?! That is what you offer me in compensation for my sister?!” she shouted in disbelief. She turned her head towards Starswirl, who was shaking his head. “You lied to me!” She turned her attention back to the old pony. “He said you could help me find my sister!” “I cannot,” the Ancient One replied. “For the answer you seek lies within you.” Celestia shook her in frustration. “That makes no sense to me.” “Then you have made this journey in vain.” The Ancient One finally turned towards her revealing his old, frail body to her. Her eyes widened as she saw him. Not because of his body, but because his feet were not touching the ground. He was not sitting on anything, nor was he standing on anything. He was just hovering. Hovering above the ground like a puppet on invisible strings. She looked at the horn on the top of his head, wondering if it was some levitation spell, but his horn wasn’t glowing. It was dark and still. How… How is he doing that?! No unicorn can just… defy gravity?! Not without some type of magic! He set his legs on the ground and walked towards the far wall, not even taking note of Celestia’s reaction. Celestia took a step towards him, trying to get around the dark pony in front of her. She held out her front hoof as if to stop him. “Wait! Wait-!” She then screeched in pain as the dark unicorn grabbed her foreleg and twisted it behind her back. Tears started to develop in her eyes, not just from the pain, but of desperation as well. “Please,” she whimpered. “I need my sister. I’m nothing without her.” A single tear started to stream down her face. She did everything she could to hold them back, but like a dam, it eventually broke. “I’ve searched everywhere.” “No.” the Ancient One stopped in his tracks and turned towards her. “You have not. The question is: Are you willing to?” Without even a moment’s hesitation, Celestia responded. “Yes.” She didn’t know what that meant. Nor did she care. She just wanted to find Luna and these ponies were the only ones who had information. Even if it was locked away in riddles and nonsense. The Ancient One looked upon her and nodded his head. “Then you may stay.” With those words, the black unicorn shoved Celestia back to the ground, letting go of her foreleg in the process. As Celestia turned her eyes upward towards the dark pony, he had completely forgotten her and was well on his way out of the room. She was so distracted by him and his cruelty, she didn’t even notice Starswirl come to her side until he had spoken. “Come, you must be hungry,” Starswirl said as he helped Celestia to her feet. Celestia almost put on a smile. Hungry was an understatement. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starswirl had taken Celestia to a small room that was filled with long wooden tables. All of the tables had wooden chairs surrounding them and each of them was bare, save for one spot. One table contained a small bowl that was steaming with something. As Celestia approached the table in question, she noticed that the bowl contained a dark green liquid. It had some sort of vegetables inside it. Celestia had eaten something like this before, not that she enjoyed it. Vegetables were not her favorite food. And neither was soup, which was what lay before her. However, if she had developed anything on this journey, it was the will to stomach anything to quench her hunger. She sat herself in the chair as her horn picked up the spoon in front of her. She dipped the spoon in the broth, noting the steaming coming off the liquid. She gently brought it to her mouth and took a small sip. The soup was very bland, with not a single trace of taste. Celestia started to frown as the tasteless concoction slithered down her throat. She had been hoping for something better after all her travels. However, she was grateful to be eating something. Starswirl continued to stare at her from the doorway, making Celestia slightly uncomfortable. As she turned to him, he smiled. “When you are ready, I shall show you to your room.” My own room? Celestia thought to herself. Oh, how I’ve long to sleep on a nice warm bed at night. Thoughts of a soft pad to sleep on filled her thoughts as she continued to stomach her plain soup. It had been so long since she had a safe place to rest. Her travels often saw her sleeping in alleyways, behind crates, under trees and canopies, anywhere she could find. And the ground was often hard and cold. Her mind then traveled to her childhood when she would go camping with her sister. It was only to the castle garden, but it was the closest thing to camping she had ever known. They built a tent together, pretending it was their personal castle where they could do whatever they wanted. She remembered they fought off pretend dragons, hydras and hordes of evil zombies. When night came, they would roll in their sheets and sleep together, doing all they could to keep each other warm. As she played back the memories in her mind, she realized the games they played had not prepared her for the real outside world. The outside world that nearly sucked all of her willpower and strength. She had been lucky to make it this far and she didn’t know how much longer her luck could have held, but she was silently thankful for the soup in front of her, no matter how boring it tasted. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia was finally shown to her room after a second helping of her soup. It was even less bland than the first bowl, which Celestia had thought to be impossible. However, fatigue was rearing its ugly head and she was looking forward to sleeping in a safe, dry, warm bed. Starswirl opened the wooden door with his magic and beckoned Celestia to look inside. At first, excitement filled her mind. She could hardly wait for what room they prepared just for her. She began to imagine her old room, with curtains so bright and beautiful, made with real silk. They were as soft to touch as they were beautiful to look at. Her mattress that sank as she laid upon it, supporting her as she would have her hair done or wardrobe presented before her with a stunning mirror. Then of course, her bed. Her bed was as soft as a cloud, and she would know. She laid on a cloud once just to compare. She could fall asleep peacefully and soundly on that bed. It filled her thoughts with joy as she pictured herself leaping into that soft place. But as she looked inside, her smile turned into a disappointed frown. Inside the room that was destined to be her’s were stone walls, a stone floor, and a single small window. No furniture. No mirrors. No curtains. And certainly, no bed. She then thought, Oh, this must be a joke. She turned to Starswirl and smiled. “Okay, good one. Now tell me, where is my real room?” She expected him to laugh and perhaps rub it in her face a bit. She could take a joke. After all, she was the master of pranks. However, Starswirl simply pointed the empty void he called a room and insisted that it was indeed hers. Her face turned into an appalled stare. “Really?!” Her eyebrow rose in disbelief, but once again, Starswirl insisted it was her’s. She scoffed as she entered the room. This place is not fit for a princess! She took notice of her surroundings once more. She searched up and down the room, but there was nothing new about it. It was an empty room with a single window. A window she could only get through if she was a filly. Other than that, there was nothing else in the room. She turned towards Starswirl with a vicious look on her face. “If this is my room, where am I supposed to sleep?” Starswirl made his way passed Celestia and pointed to the ground. “Here.” Celestia mouth hung wide open as she looked at the ground. “You’re joking?! I am a princess of Canterlot!” “Here, titles mean very little,” Starswirl revealed. Celestia was dumbfounded by Starswirl’s last statement. She stammered her words as she pointed to the ground. “So I’m to sleep on the floor then?” “Comfort is a privilege. One that must be earned.” Starswirl turned towards the doorway, just exiting the room. “You start work in the morning.” With that, he closed the door behind him, leaving Celestia alone in her little corner of the temple. Celestia shook her head in disbelief. She couldn’t believe that she had been forced into this tiny room and expected to sleep on the ground like a common criminal. She made her way to the center of the room and laid her body on the ground. The floor was as hard as she had expected and was freezing cold. It wasn’t comfortable at all. She tossed and turned as she attempted to find a spot that provided some level of comfort. However, no matter how uncomfortable she was, her fatigue finally got the better of her and she was able to fall in sleep’s deep embrace.