Solar Child: Burden of the Crown

by Bakmah Genesis

Chapter Fourteen: Aftermath

The four alicorns and one Pegasus burst through the door, almost vomiting as the stench reaches their nostrils. The air smelled of blood, decay, and sulfuric acid. Celestia shook her head, pushing the stench away from her mind, and focused on the scene before her.

A large pile of black AC armor sat to the side twisted and disfigured and also seeming to be the source of the smell of acid. Next was the disfigured body laying on the ground in a pool of its blood and entrails. To her suprise, it's head turned to reveal Blueblood. His eye were dull and pleading. He made a gurgling sound that sounded close to 'Help'

"I told you to keep your mouth shut!" Celestia looked up to see Chysalis. She knelt in front of something while her horn glowed in a green aura. "Shit, Shining, place your hoof here. I need to pull out the bolt head that was left behind. She might try to move so keep her down." Shining, who sat next to her, nodded and leaned forward. There was a sickening sound of something sliding inside flesh and a pained scream that sounded too much like Trixie.

"Trixie?!" cried out Luna upon hearing her daughters voice. She was about to run forward when Chrysalis whipped her head around.

"Stop! There is acid on the floor and the royal guard already have acid related injuries after stepping in the wrong spot." she said. She looked back down at Trixie for a second. "Shining, keep pressure. I need to get rid of the acid quick." She stood and walked down to the base of the throne before lighting her horn in a black aura. The floor was covered in more blood than before as her earlier spell was released. She nodded before walking back up to the wounded alicorn.

"Alright, I did what I can now I need to close the wound. Shining, hand me that spear head." He nodded and floated over the sharp piece of iron. She grabbed it in her magic and switched her aura to a reddish orange color. The spear head soon grew hot. Her aura turned back to its usual green and she brought it down slowly towards the wound.

Trixie screamed as the hot metal made contact with her open wound. There was a sizzling sound as it stopped the bleeding. Using her magic, Chrysalis closed the wound. She lifted off the red hot spear head and threw it behind her, purposely making it land in the gaping hole in Blueblood's abdomen, making him release a high pitched gurgling scream.

"Oh shut up, you get to die in another ten minutes. Then you can go to hell and get ass raped by Satan for what's it worth." said Chrysalis, doing a quick check up on Trixie. "She seems fine, let's get her to the hospital staff so they can properly clean and close the wound. My work will only last temporarily."

"What did you do in here?" asked Twilight, looking around the blood stained throne room.

"I came just as Blueblood and his team kicked down the door. When I came in, Blueblood already got a shot off and hit Trix. Let's just say the entire AC army are now newly made blood puddles." explained Chrysalis, motioning to the blood puddles she recently made appear.

"And Blueblood?" asked Celestia, looking over at the stallion who now had a spear sticking up from very uncomfortable area. Rainbow Dash was walking back towards them with a satisfied grin.

"Let's just say she taught me how to dissect a living creature." said Shining.

"I basically put a spell on him to keep him alive for an hour even if I removed his head and caused him unimaginable pain. He can't die nor sleep nor lose consciousness." said Chrysalis. She sighed and looked around the room. "I knew I had a demon but I never used it. This was a first and I'm scared of it." she said Luna placed a hoof on her shoulder and smiled warmly.

"It's scary at first but you soon get over it. Ignore it, if you will." she said, brining the changeling into an embrace. "And I can't thank you enough for saving my daughter. You may not be married, but I will be more than glad to call you my daughter." Chrysalis cried into her shoulder. Luna looked over at the figure of Blueblood. She smiled evilly as she thought of something.

"I have a plan for our fallen stallion, here." she said, her voice causing Blueblood to shiver at what she could possibly mean.

"Oh?" asked Twilight, curious.

"What if we heal him, but keep the spells keeping him from sleeping and dying. Add a spell that causes him to heal at impossible rates so we can put him through whatever torture we want." proposed the night goddess. Chrysalis grinned, her fangs showing.

"As long as I get an hour with him, I'm okay with it." said Rainbow with a shrug. Celestia and Twilight nodded.

"And you don't need my approval. We all know I will put him through hell for entirety without hesitation." said Chrysalis.

"Then it's settled. Chryssy, if you would do the honors." said Luna, motioning to Blueblood. Chrysalis did a small curtsy before trotting towards the stallion, an evil smile that was enough to send the bravest demons cowering on her face. Her horn glowed a pitch black, covering Blueblood to the point where he was replaced by a black blotch. She placed the extra spell on him and waited until she could feel him fully healed.

"Good evening, Bluebitch." said Chrysalis as she released him. The stallion yelped and ran towards the door. He was soon suspended by a green aura. "Where are you going?" she said, shackling his hooves. She placed a collar on his neck and grabbed hold of the tether.

"Oh guards." said Chrysalis in a sing-song voice. Two guards walked into the room from outside, eyeing the numerous blood stains on the ground. "Will you please escort this stallion down to the cell in the lowest level of the dungeons. The five of us will be down there in the morning. And please fetch the medical ponies to pick up Princess Lulamoon." They nodded and trotted away, Blueblood being dragged away.


Trixie slowly opened her eyes, letting them adjust to the bright light of the room she was in. She immediately felt a sharp pain in her chest, throbbing with each beat of her heat. She gasped at the sudden felling and arched her back. A black, holed hoof appeared out of the edge of her vision and pressed down her stomach, bring her back down to the bed.

"Careful! I didn't murder a room of ponies for you to go and tear yourself open again." Trixie turned her head to see Chrysalis. The changeling had bags under her eyes and seemed to be exhausted as well as worried. Her mind caught up on what she said.

"You...murder....ponies?" she asked, her voice hoarse. Chrysalis levitated a glass of water to her lips where she greedily swallowed the whole glass. "You murdered ponies?" she asked again, finding her voice.

"Yes. You were attacked by the AC and Blueblood was able to get a shot off at you." Chrysalis placed a hoof on her chest. "He wasn't too far off." She sighed and leaned back into her seat and looked into her marefriend's waiting eyes. "I was close enough to hear the call for a medic. I bursted in to find you bleeding to death and Blueblood holding the crossbow.

"All my hate, rage, and grief came up at once, releasing my own demon. As a result, I killed a whole entire army by turning their blood into acid and sentenced Blueblood to an his entire life in endless pain. Not allowed to sleep or die until his time naturally comes. The past two days, me, Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash went down there in intervals and had an hour with him. This will go on for a few months before I place a spell to do the work for us.

"When I'm not torturing Bluebitch, I'm here, checking up on you. I can't stay in calm conscious knowing you still have yet to wake up. I love you, Trixie, and I will plunge this world into hell if that's what I need to do to keep you safe." Trixie sat up amd embraced the changeling the best she could.

"You stupid, lovely changeling. Oh how I love you." she said, crying into her shoulder, Chrysalis grabbed onto her and did the same. After awhile, Chrysalis broke off and stood.

"Well, it's my turn with Blueblood. Any requests?"

"Set his balls on fire from the inside, please." said Trixie with a smile that made you forget that her request was on how to torture a pony. Chrysalis nodded and left. Outside of the room sat Luna, waiting entrance.

"She's awake if you want to see her." said Chrysalis as she started down the hall.

"Wait, where are you going." asked Luna.

"To fulfill a request." said Chrysalis, looking back with and evil smile. Luna sat there for a moment before smiling in realization. She nodded to the changeling before going into the hospital room. "Get ready, Blueblood. You are going to need it."


Chrysalis tossed the bag containing Blueblood's stallion hood down the shoot to be incinerated. Said stallion was screaming in pain as he tried to get over having the feeling of his balls on fore then having them and his dick swiftly chopped off. He has only been there two days and was surprised he was still alive until he remembered the spells.

Chrysalis grabbed his horn that they each chopped off before starting, to prevent any unwanted attacks. Taking the alabaster horn in her hoof, she drove it into his eye socket, shoving as far she could.

"Until next time, Bluey." said Chrysalis, patting the end of the horn. She turned around and walked out of the cell. She then teleported to the room she shared with Trixie and walked into the bathroom, keen on washing the blood and whatever else she had gotten on her chitin.

After a refreshing bath, she turned to the small pile of work she was told to look over. It was nothing major so she didn't make major mistakes due to the lack of her knowledge of Equestria's legal system. She sighed as she looked them over. She was torn from them as there was a knock on the door.

"Enter." she said, looking up to see Celestia walk in. The alicorn had a small smile on her face. "You better not have more work." said Chrysalis, turning back to the offending piled on the desk. She glared at them, wishing for them to be finished.

"Nope. No work. But a bit of a tough request." she said, still giving a sheepish smile.

"Why? What is it? I doubt there is much I find difficult unless it's some huge project that I have to look up a hundred building laws." She shuddered at the thought.

"No. Just a peace treaty negotiation. Twilight and Rainbow already went on their honeymoon, Luna has to head off to the gryphon empire, and I have plenty of other work. You are the only option at this point." Chrysalis sighed.

"Alright. Who am I negotiating with?"

"The queen of your old hive?" said Celestia, preparing herself.

"What?!" she yelled out. Celestia winced at the noise. "You want me to negotiate with the exact same queen from the exact same hive that wanted me dead?!"

"Chrysalis, the faster we mend this feud between you and that hive, the faster we can secure Equestria safe from further attacks from that hive. We both know as long as you are here and in a very steady relationship with Trixie, they will be against us unless we can convince otherwise." pleaded the white alicorn. Chrysalis put a hoof to her temple and rubbed it.

"Fine. But if you find dead changelings in the throne room, please be ready for war." said Chrysalis, standing.

"Thank you. They are waiting. There will be a pony to take note of the entire meeting." said Celestia, smiling. Chrysalis waved her hoof dismissively.

"Yeah, yeah. You're lucky this family has grown on me." she said, marching to the inevitable shitstorm ahead.


Queen Swarm sat on the padded coushin infront of the empty golden throne. The changeling stood at a smaller size than Chrysalis by about a head and had a more purple mane. Her eyes and chitin the hive color of green. She tapped her hoof impatiently as she waited.

"I'm sorry for the wait, ma'am, but we are currently trying to get ahold of our temporary princess at the moment. The other two are very busy and Celestia is as well." said the squire, a brown Pegasus. Swarm arched an eyebrow.

"Wasn't there a Princess Lulamoon? What about her?" The squire winced and pointed at the marble floor. She followed his gaze to see a very faint blood stain.

"We had an attack a few days ago and she was injured. The attackers were killed but blood is not easy to clear fully in two days." said the Pegasus. The changeling nodded and focused on the throne once again, tracing the engravings with her eyes.

The door to the side of the throne opened to reveal a grey unicorn squire. The brown Pegasus rushed to his side and stood on the other side of the door.

"In the stead of the respectable princesses is temporary princess and consort to Princess Lulamoon, her respected Chrysalis." Swarm jolted upright and whipped her head to the door as she heard the name.

The taller alicorn changeling walked in, her mane shining as if she took a recent bath. Her insect like wings had small blood stains on them that refused to come off, showing she had recently been in battle and probably helped create some of the blood stains. She stopped at the foot of the throne and looked sadly at the base. Swarm followed to find a noticeably large stain. She winced as she figured where it came from.

"Nice to see you again, Swarm. Thankfully in a better situation then before." said Chrysalis, sitting in the throne. She looked at it for a second the looked over at the lavender unicorn sitting next to the throne. She had a dark blue man and what looked like a ink pot for a cutie mark.

"Excuse me miss, what is your name?" she asked. The mare looked up at her, thrown off at the question.

"Oh, um, I'm Swift Quill, your Majesty." said the mare. Chrysalis chuckled at the name.

"Been two years since I heard that. Now, Miss Quill, I'm guessing you are my scribe for this meeting?" She nodded. "Alright. Now, are you familiar with most laws that retain to the subject of this meeting?" Another nod. "Good. I may rely on you for help if I need to know certain laws. Those books are a bit difficult to read and memorize in two days." she said, winking. Swift smiled and nodded.

"Now, Queen Swarm, as only formal I must ask why you wanted audience with the throne." said Chrysalis, gaining a serious look on her face. Swarm shook off her initial shock from seeing the changeling.

"Well, I must ask how you were able to trick a entire family of alicorns." she asked, curious on how it was possible. Chrysalis had a confused look.

"Pardon? I was dying, starving, and blind in the Everfree for two years. I was found only two weeks ago. I didn't trick anypony." said the former changeling queen. Swarm scoffed.

"Am I supposed to believe that? You probably are using the whole family as a food source. You probably just protected Trixie as the blood stains suggest because you didn't want anypony to kill your food." said the queen with a smirk. She was completely shocked when she sensed outrage, pain, grief, and love all from the changeling alicorn.

"What kind of cold, sick, monster do you think I am?!" she shouted, making Swift jump. She quickly started to jot in her scrolls again. "I did NOT steal Trixie's love nor do I fake it! She loves me for me and I love her for her!" She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Now, I promised Tia that I would settle peace with your hive while she deals with her work and checks on Trixie. So, let's get to that, shall we?

"Now, what terms have you made for peace with Equestria?" asked the alicorn. Swarm took a moment to arrange her thoughts.

"We steady shipment of supplies to the hive. We also ask for the ability to walk freely in Equestria and make homestead there if need be. Finally, the ability to feed." stated the queen. Chrysalis thought for a moment.

The shipments were no problem. They probably wanted it so they didn't have to go through the extra shipping trouble. Living in Equestria would be simple enough after the original outburst subsided. What really was the problem was their feeding. She was able to feed off Trixie without force because Trixie showed care, friendship, and love, the basic needs for changeling feeding. For her to allow the changeling hive into Equestria, she had to lay down laws to prevent attacks and incidents.

"Well, supplies are easy enough, as well as living. Feeding will be difficult. I will have to set-up laws focusing souly on changelings and feeding. Is that possible, Swift?" asked Chrysalis, looking down at her trusty scribe. Swift Quill went into thought for a moment.

"Possibly. We could create a bill and send it to the shipping industries for easy shipment. Another set of bills to the board of real-estate should handle changelings owning or renting apartments or homes. Lastly, laws restricting them to feeding off of emotions given to them and not taken forcibly such as taking another form should be able to stop any incidents. The bills should take a day or two, the laws a week or more debating on how the nobles take to this." said Swift.

"You remind me of Twilight SO much right now." said Chrysalis with a shake of her head. Swift gave a big smile of pride in response. "Alright. Get into getting the bills and laws written. Have me and Celestia. I set them up but Tia is still Princess. Once they are signed, send the bills to where they need to go and have the nobles sign off on it. Blueblood is out of the picture so this should be simple." said Chrysalis. Swift nodded and trotted off.

"I still think you are foolish for putting so much trust into ponies as you are." said Swarm, shaking her head. Chrysalis walked up to her and stared her down, making Swarm feel very small.

"Listen to me, child. I am centuries older than you and have more expirence in this world. So don't you talk to me about what is foolish and what is not. Because, so far, you are foolish enough to talk to a changeling alicorn who has been in this game much longer than you. You are dismissed, Queen Swarm." said Chrysalis. She turned around and headed out of the throne room, leaving a very confused and very scared Swarm to try and figure out what had just happened.