//------------------------------// // The Meeting // Story: A Dragon's Pride and a Mare's Kindness // by DARKPHANTOM13 //------------------------------// The princesses, my friends and I made our way out of the castle when we met a group of guards with one particular unicorn leading them. He was a tall muscular pony with white fur and two toned blue hair and was wearing armor befitting a captain of the guard. He looked towards us with a smile and I recognized the unicorn. "Shiny!" I yelled out as I ran towards him and gave him a big hug. The stallion retuned the lets out a chuckle. "It’s good to see you to Twily. How's thing been with you?" "Great! I can't wait to tell you everything that has happen for the last few months." "Ahem." We hear a polite cough. We turned around to see that the princesses had an amused look on their faces my friends were confused. "Twilight, darling, would you kindly introduce us to your friend." Rarity asked. "Sorry about that girls. Everyone, this is my older brother Shinning Armor, captain of the royal guard." "It's nice to meet you girls. You can't even imagine how happy I am that you girls are her friends. I was worried she would grow up as some lonely, grumpy old mare that only cares about books." "Shiny!?" I yelled out embarrassed as everyone either lets out a laugh or a chuckle. "Anyway why are you here?" "A group of guards and myself are here to be the princesses', your friends', and your bodyguards on the way and during the meeting." "I understand your concern Shinning Armor." Princess Celestia said. "However you and the guards do not need to do so." "It is our job Princess. We cannot let the Princesses of Equestria and the Elements of Harmony go unprotected." Celestia lets out a sign, probably given up on changing their minds. "Very well, but I expect you all to be on your best behavior. We'll be greeting our guests outside of Canterlot and will have our meeting outside while we have our meal." That sounded a little odd to have a meeting outside. "Why outside Princess Celestia?" An amused smile appeared on my teachers face. "You'll see." We make our way to outside of Canterlot on foot. My friends and I talked with each other along the way. It was about a thirty minute walk and thankfully the guards was able to keep some of the overzealous citizens away. When we got outside of the city we waited for about 15 minutes. Rainbow Dash was getting impatient and Pinkie was zipping around, rambling about making new friends. I turn my attention to the Princesses, who have been silent during the trip and the wait. The two of them just quietly looking into the horizon. "Excuse me Princesses, but how much longer until they arrive?" Princess Celestia was about to say something but something caught both sisters' eyes. A friendly and happy smile appeared on Princess Luna's normally stoic face. "It appears that our guests have arrived." That caused everyone to look into the horizon closely. We all look up and see something high in the sky. While we couldn't make out what it is we could tell it was big. As it got closer we could see it had large wings that occasionally flap. A loud roar is heard throughout the land, telling us what the large figure was, a dragon. The girls and I was getting nervous while Fluttershy was shaking like a leaf and hiding behind Dash. The guards were on edge waiting for any attack. The dragon closes its wing and starts to dive boom with a smaller figure speeding in front of it. The dragon levels out while the other figure continues its dive. It finally spreads its wings and levels out just about two or three meters above the ground as it flies toward us. As it got closer we realize that it was another dragon only this one was pony size. It suddenly flapped its wings, sending it high into the air. As it reached the apex of its height the dragon point its wings toward the sky and falls to the ground. It lands a couple of meters from us creating a small crater and a dust cloud. As the dust clear we the dragon on one knee with one hand on the ground. He gets up and calmly walks closer to us and stops when he is a few yards away. Now that he was close enough to see in detail I must admit that I'm a bit impress. He was over 6 feet tall. His scales were a dark purple and had green spikes that reminded me of the teeth on a buzz saw that started on the top of his head and ended near the tip of tail which ended with an arrowhead. His eyes were cover by a pair of sunglasses as he looked at us. Coming out of his back was a pair of purple and green wings. He was wearing a green t-shirt with a weird dragon symbol on it and a black long sleeve high collar unzipped jacket. He wore fingerless biker gloves and had black cargo pants. On his side was a side black and green book bag with flame designs on it. Maybe he liked to read as well? I noticed that he was armed. A massive, weird looking broadsword with a double edge blade was attached to his back that was slanted to one side. And on his legs two large guns holstered on his legs, one gun for each leg. Guns were very rare in Equestria since most were illegal to normal citizens. It didn't bother most people since Equestria focus more on magic than technology. The most advance gun you usually in this country was revolvers. Just about everything about this dragon screamed 'Bad Boy'. The guards were reaching for their weapons, ready for any hostile actions by the dragon. Fluttershy is still hiding behind Rainbow Dash while looking at the newcomer. Rainbow Dash was staring at him while muttering 'That was so cool.' to herself. Rarity had a spark of interest in her eyes that I had never seen before. Applejack was looking at the drake speciously. And Pinkie was looking at in awe, probably because she thought she was going to make a cool looking friend. Even I'll admit that that my jaw was slightly open. He calmly looks at all of us until his eyes lay upon the Princesses. "Princess Celestia and Princess Luna I presume?" The dragon said in a deep but surprisingly smooth voice. The Princesses nodded while Princess Luna asked, "Indeed. We take it that thee is our old friend's student?" "That's me." He takes a quick glance at the girls and I before looking back to the princesses. "Though I think we should hold off the introductions until my teacher gets here. He's not as young as he used to be." He then turns around to look at the larger dragon. The beast slows itself down and hovers down to the ground. When it landed the ground shake like a mini earthquake. Now that he was closer we could make out his features. He was a really large dragon with pale greyish green scales. While most dragons have wings on their backs with wings were his arms like that of a bat with small holes and tears in them. He had two horns with one of them broken. Three rows of small spikes went from his head to his spiked tail. His lower jaw was lined with horns and spike that almost looked like a beard with a few broken. His blue snake like eyes held wisdom and experience that surpassed even the princesses in depth. Overall anypony could tell that this dragon was powerful, wise, and really old. It made wonder just how old this dragon is. My friends were looking at the large dragon with different levels of interest and fear. The dragon turned his attention to the princesses and what resembled a smile spread across his snout. "Greeting ponies of Equestria." The dragon said in a voice so deep that I could feel it in my body. "It is good to see that you are back to your old self Luna." "Indeed. And it is nice to see that you are doing well after all this time old friend." Princess Luna replied. She then turned her attention to the smaller dragon. "And I see that you had taken on another student during my absence." "Quite right. He has been my student for about ten years now." "I hate to interrupt but I think introductions are in order." The purple drake said while pointing to him, the girls, and myself. "I believe you are right." Celestia said. She turned toward us and gestured to the dragons. "My little ponies, allow me to introduce Paar the Wise, the Sovereign of the Northern Mountains and one of the five leaders of the Dragon Empire." One of the leaders of the Dragon Empire? There is little that Equestria knows about the Dragon Empire due to the tension between the two nations. A good portion of ponies in Equestria consider dragons to be savage monsters due to looks and eating meat. While dragons believed that ponies are too high and mighty about themselves since many discriminate against none pony races. There have been peace talks between them but it's usually the nobles on either side that made things difficult. They current treat is in lay stallion terms it basically said it will stay out of each other’s manes and scales respectively. Citizens of both nations could visit the other but dragons usually stay away from Equestria due to the treatment they get from a lot of ponies. While most ponies were too afraid of being attacked or eaten to even go close to the Dragon Empire. "And I'm his student." The smaller dragon announced. The drake takes off his sunglasses and puts them away in his jacket. Reveling his emerald, snake like eyes. "Spike the Wanderer, at your service." "It is going to finally meet you in person Spike. Paar has told us a lot about you." Celestia commented. She gestured to the six of us. "Allow me to introduce the Elements of Harmony, my student Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy." "Now that everyone has been introduced I believe that we should get our meeting started." Paar suggested. "I do believe your right. Why don't we talk somewhere more appropriate?" The white alicorn replied. Both Princesses and The large dragon eyes glowed with magic and teleported everyone to a secluded section of the Canterlot Gardens. There waiting is a large table eight chairs on one end with one on the side of the other end. It left a lot of open space on the other end of the table. It is probably for the wise dragon to sit. The Princesses, my friends and I went to sit in the eight chairs while Spike sat on other end as the large dragon positioned himself in the open space of the table. My brother stood guard on the where we sat. "Now that everyone is comfortable I believe now it is time for us to discuss what I proposed." The large green dragon started. "Yes and I have to agree that our students will benefit from it greatly." The Princess of the Sun agreed. "Umm, excuse me Princess but what are you two talking about?" I asked. "Why having Spike living with you in Ponyville, of course." The white alicorn explained. "WHAT?!" Spike and I yelled. Apparently he didn't know about this as well. "You didn't say anything about me staying in Equestria teach!" The young drake yelled to the older one. "I didn't?" Paar asked with a fake confused look on his face. I think, it is kind of hard to tell Paar's expressions. "It must have slipped my mind." "Yeah right." Spike muttered under his breath. He forced himself to calm down and asked, "Any reason why you want me to do that?" "There are a few actually. I want you to be the ambassador of the Dragon Empire and a mediator during international discussions. You have experience with not only ponies and dragons but also many different races and cultures makes you perfect for both positions. Plus you have the will and skills to deal with those that will...disapprove of your position." "Umm, excuse me." Fluttershy quietly said, while raising her hand a little like a filly asking a teacher a question. "What did you mean by the experience with different races? If you don't mind me asking." "Well you see the "Wanderer" title isn't just for sounding cool. When I was sixteen my teacher wanted me to go out and see the world and that's what I basically did for six years. Go from one place to the next. Meeting new people and seeing new sites. Learn as much as I can and pick up a few tricks along the way." Spike explained in his teacher's stead. He then turned his attention back to said dragon. "Anyway, while I can see your point those jobs doesn't need me to be here 24/7, let alone live with a complete stranger." I couldn't help but agree with him on that. "Another reason is to have the two of you learn from other." Princess Celestia spoke. "What do you mean Princess?" I asked. "While both of you both study magic each of you specializes in different fields. You mainly study magical theory and magic in general while Spike specializes in its practical use and combat based magic. The two of you will teach the other in their respective fields. Maybe Spike can also teach your friends how to fight or at the very least how to protect themselves." "Wait a second Princess." Rainbow Dash spoke out. "I can understand the magic part but why should we learn how to fight?" "As the Elements of Harmony there is chance that the six of you must face dangers to Equestria." Princess Luna stated. "Nightmare Moon is not the only foe in the world. If you find yourselves in such a situation it is better to be prepared." That seemed to be enough Dash and the others as they nodded their heads in understanding. The Princess of the Night turned her gaze toward Spike. "Now do you understand our reasons?" The drake in question lets out a sign and answered, "Yeah I do. Fine, I'll do it, but under two conditions. I want to still be able to take and do jobs and missions outside the country." "Very well." Spike's teacher agreed. "But you must limit the number of missions you take. A few every few months should be enough." "Okay than. And I want my own place. I don't like that fact that I have to live somebody I don't know, I don't think that there is enough room at her place for my stuff and horde, and I'm not about to turn vegetarian for her sake." "I understand where you are coming from but there are no available houses in Ponyville at the moment." Celestia explained. "I got the house part covered, I just need some land to put it on. Maybe somewhere near a forest and or rocky terrain that have gems." "I think that can be arranged but I would still like you to spend time at Twilight's at least on occasion so the two of you can get use to each other quickly. I believe eight days a month should be enough. What do think Spike?" "That's fine." Spike turned his head towards me. "What do you think?" "If Princess Celestia thinks it's for the best then I'll do it." "Very good, I'm sure that this will be a great learning experience for everyone." Princess Celestia said with a pleased and happy smile on her face. "YAY! We get a new friend!" Pinkie yelled as she suddenly appeared next to Spike. "What the hell?!" Was Spike's response. The party mare picked the drake up from his seat and gives him a huge hug. I'm pretty sure I heard some bones popping from Spike's body. "Nice to meet you Spike I'm Pinkie. Once we get to Ponyville I'm going to throw you the biggest welcome to Ponyville party ever and invite everypony in town. What kind of cake should I make, chocolate or vanilla? Or maybe both?! I could make a chocolate vanilla cake!" As Pinkie continued to talk as she tried to squeeze the life out of Spike. The drake in question said to nopony in particular and with a deadpanned look, "Not even ten seconds into agreeing to this and I'm already regretting it."