My Little Pony: The Entities of Emotion

by Michael_Ravencroft

Episode 1: Scootaloo, who are you?

Adara was dreaming peacefully, as she always did. As an entity, sleep was a foreign thing to her, but it was relaxing. She didn't really dream, she mostly wandered the dreamscape, her powers allowing her a glimpse into the long held hopes of many of the ponies in Equestria. She found that the dreams of the young foals were the strongest, each one dreaming of what their cutie mark would be, what they want to become when they were older.

Some wanted to be explorers, doctors, Wonderbolts, teachers, great magicians, and even strong and brave Royal Guards. Adara discarded her mortal form in favor of her true form. Within a dream you're liable to see many things you don't usually see in the real world, and a three faced, giant blue glowing bird definitely counts as one of those things.

Currently Adara was shifting from one dreamer to another, having just exited the dream of a young colt looking to profess his love for a young filly he admired. She decided to enter the dreams of a particular friend of hers, one that had taken her in and whose life she saved.

Adara was flying through the Astral Plain, a vast ephemeral universe that allowed all spiritually or magically aware beings to traverse and enter higher states of consciousness. It is often a dangerous thing to enter the Astral Plain, especially for those who are not centered enough, or lose their way when trying to return to their physical body. For an entity like Adara it was little more than second nature. The vast ethereal strands of energy, wafting about like sparkling stardust, it was a beautiful sight to behold, and one that she never got tired of seeing.

Soon Adara could see the twinkling of a distant star; it was how all dreams marked their location. Unfiltered, there would be many stars, enough to match the ones that hung in the night sky, but since Adara was looking for a specific dreamer all she needed to do was focus and fly towards that one star. Once upon it, Adara changed into cerulean light and shot straight into the star.

The scenery had changed a lot. She was no longer in the vast sparkling space, but instead she was in the bright blue skies. Adara glided through the air, wondering where Scootaloo was. It didn't take long before her keen eyes spotted a V formation of pegasi flying a few miles below her. Adara could easily spot Scootaloo; she was wearing a jumpsuit that resembled the famous aerial team known as the Wonderbolts, but it didn't seem to cover her body like the normal ones.

The formation zipped and zoomed around, performing loop-de-loops, spins, and different forms of aerial stunts. Soon the team of five made their way to a tall megalith pillar of land jetting clear into the sky. There were trees, grass, and even a runway on the mountain pillar, with dozens of pegasi flying around dressed in similar uniforms.

The Wonderbolts Academy, you made mention of this once before.

Scootaloo seemed to be much older, at least in her twenties; Adara had to admit she did look rather…MOVING ON.

The formation of ponies landed on the runway and quickly stood at attention. Soon a rainbow maned mare in uniform came trotting along; she marched up and down the line, staring behind black colored sunglasses. Around her neck was a clipboard and a stopwatch, both of which she looked back and forth from. She then turned her attention to the group, but from what Adara could tell, her gaze was more focused on Scootaloo.

"Your time was ten minutes, and five seconds. Not bad, but not record breaking good either," said the mare.

Scootaloo gave the uniformed pegasus a smart-alecky grin. "Kinda hard to do that when you're the one who holds the most amount of broken Academy records, ma'am."

"True, but that still doesn't mean that you couldn't do better, now give me one-hundred laps around the Academy – ON THE DOUBLE!!" Rainbow Dash shouted.


As the other pegasi were about to take off Rainbow Dash flared open her left wing, making Scootaloo stop in her tracks. The orange pegasus mare looked up to her idol and drill sergeant confused. Rainbow Dash lifted her sunglasses, revealing her rose colored eyes; she then gave the young flyer a confident smirk.

"Not bad kid, now smoke those guys so we can go out and get some grub."

"You got it," said Scootaloo.

With that said Rainbow Dash lowered her sunglasses and folded her wing to allow Scootaloo to take off. She was fast, ridiculously fast, zooming past her fellow cadets and leaving behind an almost fiery orange streak in her wake. Adara watched as the grown mare wore a bright smile upon her face, knowing her idol and sister figure was watching her from below, silently cheering her on as she zoomed through the bright blue skies.

The Entity of Hope couldn't help but let a smile appear on her three different beaks, a happy feeling in her heart as she watched the dream unfurl before her.

"Her dreams are quite inspiring, wouldn't you agree?"

Adara was pulled away from watching Scootaloo, startled as she heard a voice that was not her own or any of the other dream ponies. She turned to her right and saw a midnight-blue alicorn floating next to her. The alicorn had a starry mane and tail, undulating of their accord, her brilliant turquoise eyes looking up at Adara as she gave the blue, three faced bird a kind smile.

"Princess Luna, how are you here," asked Adara.

"I am the Princess of the Night, and as such, I am tasked with the duty to watch over the dreams of my sleeping subjects," explained Luna.

Adara gasped and quickly bowed her head, "Forgive me; I did not know the dream plain was under your dominion! I meant no disrespect."

Luna chuckled a bit, "Do not fret, you're intentions were not malicious, like me, you wish to grant peaceful dreams with your light of hope. I do not mind the company." The Princess of the Night then turned her attention back to the mare version of Scootaloo who was flying circles around the other cadets. "She is quite the strong little filly isn't she?"

Adara returned her gaze back to the filly she had come to call friend, "Yes, yes she is. She aspires to do great things, I feel honored to know such a filly." Adara turned to Luna and saw that her expression had darkened. "Princess Luna, are you alright?"

"Adara, Entity of Hope, while we are here there is something I need to show you," spoke Luna.

Adara nodded her head and motioned for Luna to proceed. The lunar alicorn's horn glowed and immediately the scenery before them shifted. No more the serene blue skies of Wonderbolts Academy; instead there was darkness, with wafting strands of dark purple mist all around. Adara's face scrunched up, the miasmic mist reeked of negative emotions and evil impulses. The two winged dream walkers flew through the void for what felt like hours, after a while Luna stopped flying, prompting Adara to do the same.

"Princess Luna –"

"Please, just call me Luna," she corrected.

"Luna, why have you brought me to this…place," asked Adara.

"This 'place' lies within the mind of our dear Scootaloo."

Adara gave the lunar princess an incredulous look. Luna picked up on the skepticism of the Entity of Hope, upon which her horn was aglow with her azure mana. Suddenly the void seemed to rumble and groan; from seemingly out of nowhere a giant gate appeared. It was made of iron, wrapped in jingling chains that crisscrossed all over the front. The symbol of the crescent moon was emblazoned on the front, acting as a magical seal. The miasmic mist was pouring out of the cracks of the gate, the groaning noises still echoed through the void, its point of origin the giant gate.

"Luna…what in the name of the Entity is that," asked Adara aghast.

"That is the Gate of Nightmares, behind that gate lies all of Scootaloo's greatest fears. I am unaware of her past, as I am sure you are, but whatever this young filly has gone through it has left her with memories that have grown into powerful nightmares," explained Luna.

"Are they so strong that keeping them locked behind such a construct is necessary," asked Adara.

"Whatever her life was before coming to Ponyville it must have been painful; those memories have become nightmares that wish to plague her relentlessly." Luna stopped speaking as a loud groaning roar echoed through the void, emanating from the gate. "When I first entered her dreams, it was only to help her face the fears she had at that time, little did I know that there were worse ones hidden within her mind. So I collected them all and placed them behind this gate within her mind, unfortunately, the gate isn't strong enough. The miasma is its way of trying to influence her dreams and bring her into a nightmare."

Adara looked between Luna and the gate; she then flew towards the gate and examined its surface. The Entity of Hope then placed her left wing against the gate, suddenly the gate shook violently, the chains rattling and swaying to and fro. Whatever lied behind the gate did not like the light that Adara emitted.

"Thanks to you, Adara, Scootaloo's dreams have been peaceful as of late." Luna floated towards Adara and gently placed a hoof on her right wing, gaining the attention of the blue bird. "Adara, I have a favor to ask of you…"

(Monday: Morning)

Today was pleasant, a bit chilly, but pleasant. The seasons were changing, soon summer was going to change to fall and the leaves would change their colors. Currently, Adara was perched in a tree overlooking the schoolhouse.

Since Adara was a new filly, and had no parents, she couldn't go to school with Scootaloo. So she contented herself with watching from affair. Time and again she saw Apple Bloom walk to school with a pony she knew quite well and today was no different. As this particular pony, a stallion, trotted down the dirt road his body suddenly went aglow with green energy, much to his surprise as well as hers.

Oh my, thought Adara.

"Adara," called out the stallion.

The blue filly opened her wings and flew down from her perch; she glided on the air currents till she was brought to the side of the green earth pony stallion. Adara looked up at the stallion apologetically.

"Sorry Ion," she said.

"No problem Adara, but could you turn down your power so that I'm not glowing like a lightning bug," asked Ion.

Adara closed her eyes and concentrated, even though her powers weren't being called upon, the blue light of hope had a passive ability to power-up the green light of willpower, so Adara had to concentrate on lowering her power's influence when in proximity to Ion. As she did so Ion's emerald aura began to dissipate till it no longer shined brightly. Giving a sigh of relief Ion smiled down at the filly Adara.

"Thanks," he said.

"No need, I will try and make sure it doesn't happen again," said Adara smiling back.

"Well, I'll be seeing you Adara; I have to get back to the farm."

Ion started walking down the dirt road, but something compelled him to spare his fellow entity a sideways glance. When he did Ion saw that Adara was looking a little down, prompting him to stop and turn towards her.

"Adara, was there something you needed to ask me?"

"Um…well…if you don't mind Ion, I'd like your council on a certain matter," said Adara.

Ion nodded towards the little filly pegasus, she then fluttered over to the earth pony stallion and the two emotional entities started to trot down the road. For half the trip there was silence between them, Adara didn't know just how to phrase her position. Adara saw Ion as not just a fellow entity and friend, but as a sort of older brother figure, so there was no one else she'd rather get advice from than him.

"Ion, Princess Luna has requested my help with a certain matter," she said.

"I'm listening."

Adara began her explanation, telling Ion how Luna wanted the Entity of Hope to find out what Scootaloo had gone through in her life that had caused her to develop such extreme and violent nightmares, nightmares that the Princess of the Night had to lock behind a giant gate within the young filly's mind. Ion listened intently; the blue pegasus filly could tell that Ion was thinking hard about the subject.

"So you believe that Scootaloo has gone through something terrible in her life, but you don't know how to go about asking her. Using your light might reveal the source of her nightmares, but something tells me that is not the route you wish to go, is it," asked Ion.

Adara sighed, "You are right, but I'm – and this is completely absurd to begin with mind you – a-afraid to ask."

Ion shook his head, "It's not absurd at all, she's your friend, she'll understand."

"We'll see."

Ion placed a hoof on Adara's withers and smiled down at her, "I'm always here for you, whether you need to talk or anything."

The cerulean filly chuckled, "Thank you, Ion."

After their talk the two entities went their separate ways. Adara took to the skies and made her way back to the school house, returning to her tree branch perch and overlooking the playground. She couldn't imagine what Scootaloo had gone through in her life to cause such nightmares, as wonderful as this world seemed to her, there still appeared to be skeletons hidden in some of the ponies' closets. Adara started to work through a number of scenarios and questions she could ask Scootaloo, they ranged but were limited by her imagination; thinking of cruel acts wasn't something the Entity of Hope was good at.

Could…could someone have hurt her? No, why would anyone do that…but what if someone did?! The mere thought of someone even laying a finger on Scootaloo ruffled the filly's feathers, literally, her wings were extended and flapping like an agitated bird. Adara then released a long sigh. Well, guess I'll try asking after our crusade later today…

(Monday: Afternoon)

Adara was the Entity of Hope, in the universe she had left behind she and her fellow entities have seen, and been involved in, strange things. But while some things were better left unanswered, Adara couldn't help but pose this question to her fellow Crusaders, because, in all honesty, it baffled even her.

"Explain to me, how it is possible to even get covered in tree sap, when our crusade at Sugar Cube Corner was nowhere near a tree," asked Adara.

"Trust meh, Ah've been wonderin' that mahself since we started the Cutie Mark Crusaders," said Apple Bloom.

All four fillies were currently waiting for Pinkie Pie to run the bath so that they could all get rid of the sticky substance that refused to yield no matter how many times they tried to pull away from it. Adara tried to give a flap of her wings, but the sap kept her from spreading her wings to their full extent. The cerulean filly was becoming increasingly annoyed at the tree saps refusal to release her and her friends from its grasp; her frustration must've showed since Scootaloo looked a little down.

"Sorry about this Adara, guess I should've warned that this kind of stuff might happen," apologized Scootaloo.

After a few more tries Adara gave up on getting loose and just waited like the others for their bath.

"It's not your fault, as annoying as this tree sap is, our crusade for 'cake baking cutie marks' was the most fun I've had in years."

"I guess you didn't get to play a lot with your friends back home, huh," asked Sweetie Belle.

"Oh no, things were very peaceful on Ody –" Adara snapped her mouth shut, having almost spoke of her past in the other universe.

"'Ody' is that the name of the town you moved from," asked Sweetie Belle.

"W-W-Well…n-not exactly…"

Adara started to become a little nervous; the question about where she came from hadn't been raised for nearly over a month and a half, and so far she had gotten by on just the clout that she saved Scootaloo's life.

"Actually, Ah don't remember ya ever sayin' where it was ya came from," said Apple Bloom, thinking out loud.

"Um…uhhh, you see…"

"Hey look Pinkie's back," exclaimed Scootaloo, a little louder than she probably intended.

Indeed the pink party pony was trotting down the stairs, looking all happy and bubbly as she usually was. Adara let out a sigh of relief, thankful for the distraction that Pinkie Pie brought.

"Sorry for the wait everypony, but the tubs all filled up and full of bubbles…Ahh…Aachoo!" As soon as Pinkie Pie sneezed dozens of bubbles appeared out of nowhere. The pink mare shook her head and sniffled a little before putting on her big smile yet again. "Those bubbles sure do tickle a lot, which is weird, because bubbles are made of soap and water, so you wouldn't think that it make you sneeze. Wonder what they put in there to make them so tickly, I think they put something in there to make ponies sneeze on purpose what do you think?"

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Adara just stood there under the anticipating gaze of Pinkie Pie, wondering if there was a right or wrong answer to this random question.

"Um…yes," they said collectively.

"I knew it! Okay then, everypony into the tub!"

Rather awkwardly, the Cutie Mark Crusaders made their way up the stairs of Sugar Cube Corner and got into the tub of soothing hot water. The tree sap literally melted away as all four of the fillies splashed around, playing with the bubbles and occasionally giving each other a hoof in washing the sap off their backs.

Adara couldn't help but notice how Scootaloo's mane and coat glistened from the water and soap, when the light hit her at the right angle Scootaloo sparkled, even her eyes seemed to shine a bit. After shaking the thoughts loose from her mind Adara continued to bathe, washing out the remaining sap from her mane and coat.

After about half an hour of washing up and drying off, the Crusaders were treated to some complementary pastries from the Cakes. After a few minutes Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom bid their two pegasi friends goodbye, for some reason though, Sweetie Belle glanced at them from over her left shoulder. She seemed to be looking straight at Scootaloo; the young unicorn's expression resembled that of concern or worry. Scootaloo seemed to pick up on her friend's look; she then waved a hoof at Sweetie Belle, silently telling her that it was alright.

After that, Sweetie Belle was finally out of sight, leaving the two pegasi foals alone.

"Well, we still have some time before the sun is completely down, shall we head back to the clubhouse," asked Adara.

"Nah, too early, I don't want to run the risk of Apple Bloom or her family to find out that we're living in the clubhouse. We could just walk around town for a while till it gets a little later then make our way back, by then they'll all be inside and not out in the fields," said Scootaloo.

Adara nodded in agreement to Scootaloo's suggestion. The two of them started their little trot around town, not really going anywhere in particular. Just two friends out for early evening stroll. The sun was starting to sink on the horizon, and most of the Ponyville residents were either at home or getting ready to wake up for their night jobs either in or outside of Ponyville. The whole time they were walking Adara was trying to think of the best moment to bring up the subject. Luna had asked her for a favor, and it was one that she wanted help with.

Scootaloo openly accepted her, despite not knowing her true identity or origins. Adara didn't want to ruin what she had with Scootaloo, her first friend, a dear friend. Her distress must have been showing as the orange pegasus filly nudged Adara with her shoulder, snapping her out her inner thoughts.

"Adara, you alright?" Scootaloo asked.

"Huh, well yes…Actually I need to thank you," said Adara.

"Don't mention it, us runaways gotta watch out for each other right?" Scootaloo punctuated her statement by giving Adara light jab to the shoulder.

"Yes, you're right. While we're on the subject, there is something I'd like to ask you…"

"Well go ahead and ask, we're friends Adara, you can ask me anything," said Scootaloo smiling.

I wish you wouldn't smile at me like that, it makes asking just that much harder…

"I was wondering, you said ran away and found yourself in Ponyville, I thought that maybe you'd want to tell me where you used to live?"

Scootaloo's happy expression fell quickly, a somber and pain filled look darkened her countenance.

"Of course I'd be willing to tell you where I came from as well, I don't intend for this to be one-sided," she added quickly.

There was silence between the two friends as Adara awaited her answer.

"…No, sorry but I just don't want to talk about where I used to live…Ponyville's my home and that's all I care about."

"I understand, but don't you miss your parents sometimes, I'm sure your mother and father are –"

"I SAID I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT!!!" Scootaloo shouted.

Adara took stopped walking for a moment and took a few steps back, the amount of anger in Scootaloo's voice had surprised her greatly, but it wasn't just her tone of voice, there was a look in her narrowed eyes, something close to pain.

"I'm…I'm sorry, Scootaloo."

The violet maned filly seemed to realize what her outburst did; she turned her head away from her friend, ashamed of what she had done.

"Let's just…get back to the clubhouse…"

The trot to the clubhouse was a silent one that day night. Nary was a word spoken between them beyond the occasional question. When they arrived at the clubhouse the two fillies got out their sleeping blanket, although, instead of Scootaloo curling next to Adara she kept a sizeable gap between them. It hurt Adara to see what her questioning had done. As impossible at it sounded, the two of them were able to drift to sleep.

Adara had entered the dreamscape once again. She was in her true form, shining her hope light bright, signaling to a certain dream walker to come to her aid. The great three-faced bird did not have to wait long. In the distance the image of the full moon appeared, from it shot out a blue and white comet that zipped around and landed a few feet before Adara. The energy dispersed and revealed the regal form of Princess Luna.

"Adara how did…it…go?"

Luna's question died upon looking up at the three frowning beaks of the Entity of Hope.

"She was angered by my question…I fear she is displeased with me at the moment," said Adara.

Luna sighed greatly, "I am sorry, truly I do not like to burden you with this task. But Scootaloo might not open up to me. In her eyes I am the Princess of the Night, though I am a friend of hers, the fact remains I am much older than her, an adult, and she might not open up to me as easily as she may you."

"I understand your reasoning Luna. At the very least I gained something out this."

"And what would that be?"

"Whatever happened in Scootaloo's past has caused her great pain and sorrow. So, as much as I hate to admit it, my suspicions may prove correct. And from the looks of it, so have yours," spoke Adara.

Neither one of them wanted to say what was going through their minds, though it did make sense. For such nightmares to be so powerful and frightening they could only stem from some truly traumatic event in her life, the list was not a pleasant one to think of for the two immortals.

"Adara, you need to get Scootaloo to tell you the truth, barring that…I think you might have to bring the situation to somepony she trusts greatly," said Luna.

All three of Adara's face looked at Luna stunned.

"Wait, do you mean to have me tell someone that Scootaloo is homeless!? She may have not been safe before, but she is safe so long I remain with her!"

"I would rather dear Scootaloo bring such a matter up to somepony, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, even her teacher Cheerilee, but if the nightmares grow stronger, her mental health well be at risk, and if there is something serious she is keeping secret then it must be resolved."

Adara's three faces became stern as she looked down at the lunar princess, her great wings flaring out as the symbol of the blue hope shined on her chest.

"So long as that filly is under the protection of my light, I shall not let any harm befall her, this I swear," spoke Adara, her voice echoing in the Astral Plain.

Her proclamation sounded like a mixture of love as well as a dare. Luna was not fazed; she only smiled at the Entity of Hope, happy to see that she did care for Scootaloo.

"Very well, try again if you can, maybe try asking one of her other friends. She may've even confided in adults, but be careful, use discretion, you are here in this world in disguise, so don't betray your current persona," warned Luna.

"Do not worry, I shall not."

Luna started to flap her wings and rise up; she gave a gentle smile at the entity.

"She is lucky to have a friend who cares about her so much, one could say you care about her as more than just a friend," said Luna teasingly.

If it was Luna's intention to see if an Emotional Entity was able to blush, she succeeded. Before Adara could rebut her claim Luna was gone, off to check on the many dreamers under her protection, leaving the blue bird alone.

Maybe I shall have better luck tomorrow…?

(Tuesday, Midafternoon)

Adara was perched upon her usual branch, the school bell had rang and all the foals and rushed out in a mad dash stampede. She watched her friends scramble out just like the others, each one heading out do their own separate activities. Adara watched as Scootaloo got her scooter and began flapping her wings quickly, propelling her down the dirt road and away from the school house. After a few minutes of waiting to make sure no one else was around, Adara flew off the branch and down to the front door of the school.

Forgive me for lying to you Scootaloo, and for going behind your back…but this is for your own good, she thought.

The cerulean filly pushed open door and was greeted by the sight of a maroon colored mare, with a pinkish mane, and kind light green eyes, Cheerilee if she remembered correctly. Currently she had a pencil in her mouth; there was a large stack of papers on her right side, while a smaller stack was on her left. She was using the pencil to make marks on one of the sheets in front of her, no doubt grading a recent homework assignment. Cheerilee seemed to be deeply engrossed in her work, so to get her attention Adara cleared her throat loudly. No response. That's when she opted to take a more direct approach.

"Excuse me, Miss Cheerilee!"

The school mare was snapped out of her grading mode; she dropped her pencil and yelped a bit.

"Oh my!" She looked at the blue filly a bit startled. Cheerilee then shook her head and quickly composed herself. "Sorry about that my little pony, you surprised me. I thought everypony had left a long time ago."

"Yes, well, I waited because I wished to speak to you," asked Adara.

"Is that right? Well then please sit."

Adara went to the desk closest to Cheerilee and sat down; the whole time Cheerilee studied the young filly, trying to place her face.

"I'm sorry, but you're not in my class are you?"

Adara flinched a little, forgetting that little important fact. Of course it was natural for a teacher to have memorized the names and faces of their students.

"Oh – well – uh – I'm from Cloudsdale! I just came by to ask you about a student of yours, a friend of mine actually." Adara tried to gather her thoughts, she needed to make sure that Cheerilee didn't become suspicious of her questions, or inquire about Scootaloo's housing. "It's about Scootaloo."

"What about Scootaloo, is she alright?" Cheerilee asked.

Adara began speaking to Cheerilee about Scootaloo's nightmares, or, it was more accurate to say that she spoke that she had nightmares, past tense. She tried to keep to the subject of her and Scootaloo's accommodations, or to the fact that she was homeless. After the conversation was over Cheerilee was silent, she had kept a neutral expression throughout, making it hard to figure out exactly what the school teacher was thinking.

Cheerilee looked off towards the window; she didn't seem to be staring at anything in particular.

"Adara, remind me again what your relationship with Scootaloo is?"

"I-I'm her friend – her cousin actually," she fibbed.

"You're not related to Scootaloo," said Cheerilee flatly.

Adara's eyes bulged from her skull at those words; she shook her head and tried to regain her composure.

"What are you saying, of course I am, why would you doubt that?!"

"Because if you were then you'd know why she's having the nightmares, rather than coming to me for answers." Cheerilee returned her gaze back to the cerulean filly. "I've seen you around town as well, you go crusading with Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle, and you have been for the past month and a half now. So please young lady, tell me the truth."

Adara knew Cheerilee was intelligent, but she didn't think she was this perceptive. Adara didn't know how to respond, fearing she may tell more than what she wanted the school teacher to know.

"Alright, would it be easier if I told you I know about Scootaloo's situation. That she has no home."

"How is that possible," she blanched.

Cheerilee got up and trotted from behind her desk. She then stopped and sat on her haunches, about a foot away from the desk where Adara was. The school teacher let out a long sigh before she said anything.

"A while back, when Scootaloo came to this school, she told me that her parents were very busy ponies, and didn't have time to come to school events. 'They worked till late and don't really have time to come here,' at least that what she said. I didn't think much of it at first; many parents of foals work late and sometimes don't have time to spend with their children. So I ignored it, she seemed happy enough, especially when she made a friend in Sweetie Belle, mind you this was before they met Apple Bloom and became the 'Cutie Mark Crusaders."

Cheerilee seemed to take a moment to let herself enjoy those memories, before the three incarnations of chaos got together and caused nothing but worry for her, and yet, it wasn't all that bad.

So, Sweetie Belle was friends with Scootaloo before they met Apple Bloom…Sweetie might know more, but more importantly…

"Miss Cheerilee, how did you find out," asked Adara.

The maroon mare snapped herself out her reminiscing and continued her explanation.

"I noticed one day, while walking around town. It was late and I swore I saw Scootaloo moving around the town late at night, she seemed to have a happy expression on her face, so I wanted to see why. I followed her to an alleyway; it was one that you'd never notice if you weren't actively looking for it. Anyway, I saw her duck into a little abandoned cart, I soon saw her pull out her scooter, and then a saddlebag stuffed with a blanket and pillow…I ducked away, I was…I was in shock. One of my students was living in an alley, homeless! Before I could say anything Scootaloo zoomed off towards Sweet Apple Acres on her scooter, I ran faster than I ever have that day trying to keep up with her."

"Eventually I found her at the Cutie Mark Crusaders' clubhouse. It was nice, considering what it looked like way back when Applejack was using," mused Cheerilee. "Anyway, apparently I caught her moving into the clubhouse. Every bone in my body screamed out that I should've gone there and helped her, confronted her, but…"


Cheerilee got up from her sitting position and made her way towards the window, she stared out into the blue sky, trying to remember something.

"Adara, do you know what 'Community Raised' means," she asked, looking over her shoulder.

The cerulean filly shook her head.

"I thought not. Community Raised: The pegasus tribe was once a race of warriors, they fought hard on the battlefield, but it belayed the kindness shared between them. Whenever a foal's parents died from illness or in battle, if the foal choose to live on their own then they were granted that option. But it didn't mean that they were alone, the pegasi of Cloudsdale have a 'flock' mentality, even though it looks like they are alone, they aren't. They are Community Raised, each of the community taking up the part of a parent, friend, or sibling, raising the orphaned foal till it was old enough and strong enough to make it on its own."

"I believe that's what's happened here in Ponyville, there may be some who know, like me, but there are also those who truly care about Scootaloo and wish to take care of her from afar. Waiting until the day she's ready to tell somepony why she's alone…So you see Adara, while Scootaloo doesn't know it she's, in a way, Ponyville's daughter. And that's the only reason why I haven't said anything, and with her friends Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, and even you, I believe she'll be alright. We just have to wait till she's ready to tell us…"

"I never knew that," said Adara in awe.

"Not many do…you must think I'm a terrible pony…"

Adara got up from her seat and trotted over towards the school teacher. "Why would I?"

"For not telling anypony about Scootaloo…and for burdening you with all this, I just thought that, because the two you were friends and since you don't seem to be from Ponyville that you should know. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, the three of them have done so much together that I don't want their friendship to end," said Cheerilee, a certain tremble in her voice.

Adara stood on her hind legs and placed a hoof on Cheerilee's shoulder. The school teacher looked into the blue eyes of the little filly, and for some unknown reason, she felt a wave of relief overpowering the growing sadness in her. Adara could sense Cheerilee's sincere care about her students and for Scootaloo as well.

"Miss Cheerilee, you don't need to worry. You've done all you can, Scootaloo's happy here in Ponyville, you needn't worry what I think. Though she tends to complain a bit about the homework, I still see a smile hidden behind her grumpy exterior when she does it. You enjoy teaching the others, nurturing their talents, instilling them with hope."

Adara flapped her wings and rose up, bringing her at eye level with Cheerilee. She then moved forward and touched her forehead with the teacher's. Adara could feel the connection to her light of hope within Cheerilee; she used this to calm the tempest of worries within the school teacher.

Cheerilee didn't seem to know how to respond to this new feeling, but there was comfort in this feeling, so she closed her eyes and allowed this comfort to fill her heart.

Adara retreated back a bit and floated back down to the floor. She then looked up at Cheerilee and smiled gently at her. "Don't worry Miss Cheerilee, all will be well."

Adara made her way towards the front door of the classroom, having heard all she needed to. Knowing that there were ponies in this town that cared for Scootaloo this whole time made her happy.

"Adara, sweetie, tell me are you…are you the same as Scootaloo?"

The cerulean pegasus looked back at Cheerilee and nodded in conformation.

"And…are you staying with Scootaloo, in that clubhouse on Sweet Apple Acres?"

Again, Adara nodded.

"Well then, please continue to be a good friend to Scootaloo, would you, and watch out for her?"

Adara smiled brightly, giving the school teacher one more reassuring nod before heading out the door.

Adara was trotting through the streets of Ponyville, her mind still buzzing with the knowledge she had just gained from Cheerilee. It was amazing that there was somebody in the town who knew about Scootaloo's situation, even more so, the town itself had an inkling about her.

But still, I'm no closer to figuring out her past. Cheerilee said that Sweetie Belle was Scootaloo's first friend. I should probably start at Rarity's, thought Adara.

With that in mind, the Entity of Hope made her way towards Carousel Boutique, if she wasn't there then she'd head towards Sweetie's actual house, failing that she'd have to start tracking down the little unicorn, which shouldn't be too hard considering the size of the town.

Soon Carousel Boutique came into view. Adara still marveled at the house and business of the esteemed dressmaker, and Element of Generosity, Rarity. She began knocking on the front door, but there was no response. Adara knocked a few more times, but again there was nothing. It was starting to look like there was nobody home.

Suddenly the door flew open and a plume of black smoke bellowed out from within the shop, her vision obscured completely. The cerulean filly coughed and gagged as the smoke continued to flow out of the front door. Adara started to become worried that something bad may have happened to Rarity inside the shop. Before her imagination could run wild with bad thoughts she could soon hear other voices coughing as well inside. Now that she thought about it, there was no heat, no sign of a fire. So where was all this smoke coming from?


The worried sound of Rarity's voice propelled Adara into the Boutique, fearing that something may have happened to her friend. When she entered Adara saw that the origin of the smoke was coming from the kitchen. She quickly rushed into the kitchen and gasped audibly. Now Adara, being the Entity of Hope, had seen many a thing in her immortal life. The atrocities of war, the feeling of utter hopelessness from the creatures in the universe, being taken prisoner and forced to possess a Guardian by Krona, and even witnessed the horrors of the Blackest Night. But even all that couldn't compare with the sight before her now.

There something on the stove, a skillet, and there appeared to be something creating the smoke within the skillet itself. On the table there seemed to be an assortment of…well…food would be stretching it. Adara knew food was colorful, smelled wonderful, and was sometimes neatly arranged. However that was not the case, this "food" was black as night, charred beyond recognition. There were two plates of the black masses, and a bowl that contained a bubbling gray substance, along two glances full of the same thing.

Next to the table stood Rarity, her mouth was agape as she stared at what was created and placed on the table. Next to her was Sweetie Belle, her white coat had sooty patches on it, indicating that she was probably at the epicenter of whatever created the monstrosities before them, however the young unicorn was beaming with pride for some unknown reason.

"See Rarity, I'm getting better at this," said Sweetie Belle.

"Sweetie better implies that your skills are improving, and I feel as if we took one step forward the one time and now have taken two steps back," replied Rarity.

"What do you mean, at least the toast looks like toast this time."

"And yet you've somehow managed to burn orange juice."

"It's not that bad." Sweetie Belle went up to the glass and took a cautious sniff of the burnt liquid.

"Um excuse me, Sweetie Belle, Miss Rarity?"

Both unicorns turned around and finally took notice of young pegasus waiting quietly in the archway. Rarity quickly did an about face and greeted her guest.

"Oh Adara what perfect timing darling, what can we do for you," she asked.

"Oh, um, I was wondering, could I please talk with Sweetie Belle about something," asked Adara.

"Oh why yes of course. Sweetie why don't you go and talk with Adara, while I, uh, well, I'll bring you two something in a minute," said Rarity as she eyed the condition of her kitchen.

"Okay, c'mon Adara," said Sweetie Belle.

"Thanks Miss Rarity!"

"Oh not all, and please darling, just Rarity," she corrected.

Sweetie Belle led Adara up to the spare room that she often occupied when staying over at Rarity's. Sweetie Belle seemed happy to see the cerulean pegasus, and after what she saw downstairs she knew Rarity was glad to get the little unicorn out of the kitchen. Once in the room Sweetie Belle bounced up onto her bed and looked over at Adara.

"So what did you want to talk about," she asked.

Adara rubbed the back of her left foreleg nervously, "Well, I was wondering if you wouldn't mind telling me about Scootaloo?"

Sweetie Belle quirked her head to the side looking confused. "Um, okay, what about Scootaloo?"

"I recently found out that you two were friends long before you met Apple Bloom, so I just wanted to know more about her and so I thought I should ask you," said Adara.

Sweetie Belle started to fidget with her front legs, and her eyes were downcast a bit.



"Why do you want to know more about Scootaloo," clarified Sweetie.

"Well, uh, no reason really, I just kinda wanted to get to know her better."

"If anything she'd tell you more than she'd tell me," said Sweetie as she looked away from Adara.

"Oh I don't believe that, you two are best friends, why would you think Scootaloo would tell me more?"

Sweetie Belle mumbled something under her breath, Adara's ear twitched as she tried to catch what Sweetie said. She continued to stare at Sweetie, there was silence in the room for a while, that is until she asked the question again.

"Sweetie Belle, why do you believe that Scootaloo would tell me more about herself than you?"

This time Sweetie looked directly at Adara, her brow was furrowed and she stopped fidgeting with her forehooves.

"Because you're a pegasus!" Sweetie shouted, her voice cracking a bit.

Adara was taken aback by her friend's shouting, but still she pressed for an answer.

"W-Why would that mean anything?"

"You've seen the way she admires Rainbow Dash, even more now that she and Rainbow are like sisters! Scootaloo's always been self-conscious about not being able to fly like other pegasi, some the other kids haven't really bothered her about it, but Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon call her on it almost every day…"

It was at this point that Sweetie's angered look gave way to something else, a kind of forlorn sadness.

"And then…and then you showed up, you saved Scootaloo, plus, you're the only other pegasus our age who isn't bothered by the fact that she can't fly or who's made fun of her for it. If you haven't noticed you two spend a lot of time together, and the times I'm alone with her she talks about you," Sweetie Belle pointed a hoof at Adara for emphasis.

She couldn't deny that fact, and indeed there may be some truth to that, but their closeness was more due to the fact that they were living together for the past month and a half, so it wasn't unthinkable that the two of them would seem a bit closer than normal friends…Wait she talks about me when I'm not around?!

For some reason Adara felt her cheeks become warm, something that didn't go unnoticed by Sweetie Belle. The Entity of Hope shook her head quickly, dislodging whatever thoughts were rising in her mind and focused on the situation at hand.

"Sweetie Belle, I'm sorry, but despite what you might think, Scootaloo hasn't – doesn't – want to talk to me about everything. I know little about her parents, or where she was before she came to Ponyville," she confessed.

This new information caught Sweetie Belle off-guard.

"Wait, you mean…are you sure," she asked uncertain.

Adara looked down at the floor, genuinely feeling bad for the way she made Sweetie Belle feel. "Yes, that's why I came to you, her best friend…I'm sorry if I made you or Apple Bloom feel like we were excluding you or something, I really am…"

"Stop," Adara looked back up at Sweetie, "I'm the one who's sorry, I-I just…I just really worry about Scootaloo sometimes, yes she's my best friend, but she's also my first friend. And I guess I got a little, you know…"

Adara reached out a hoof and tapped Sweetie on the shoulder. The little white unicorn looked directly at Adara, who gave her a little smile.

"All is forgiven Sweetie Belle, you just care about Scootaloo and were looking out for her wellbeing, there's nothing to apologize for," she said.

Sweetie Belle allowed herself to smile back at Adara, while a crimson blush started to appear on her cheeks.

Sweetie turned around and hopped back onto the bed, she folded her legs underneath her and patted the spot next to her, motioning for her friend to join her. Adara took the hint and flew up onto the bed and laid on the spot across from Sweetie Belle.

"So…where do you want to start?"

"Well, how about when you two first met."

"Okay, it was about two years ago when I first met Scootaloo…"

Adara and Sweetie Belle talked for a long while, hours flew by, the two fillies even took the time to play together, and cause a little mayhem for Rarity. It wasn't long before the pegasus filly noticed that the sun was getting lower in the sky and that she and Scootaloo would have to head back to the clubhouse soon. Adara then bid adieu to the unicorn sisters and went about her way.

After her talk with Sweetie Belle, which went awkwardly well, Adara decided to check in on Scootaloo to see how the flying lessons were going. She didn't get that far.

Suddenly Adara heard the familiar buzzing sounds of wings. She immediately recognized this sound and looked around. The cerulean filly didn't have to search long, as the origin was fast approaching her. Adara turned around and saw Scootaloo traveling at full speed towards her, a trail of dust was kicked up in her wake. The keen eyes of the Entity of Hope focused on her friend's expression, and it worried her.

Scootaloo's scooter came to a grinding halt, kicking up even more dust into the air. Adara flinched a bit as she saw the look in Scootaloo's eyes; they were narrowed, boring deep into the cerulean filly before her. Her brow was furrowed and her grip on the steering handle was tight. Scootaloo dismounted her scooter and stared her fellow Crusader dead in the eyes. Something about her stare made Adara uneasy, even more so when Scootaloo spoke.

"Adara…why," said Scootaloo in a shaking voice.

"Why what," asked Adara timidly.