Kamen Rider Drake

by RedStar76

Intermission#3: Arc Introduction, The Rider Program

インターミッション3番 - Intermission number three
"Sir, shall we deploy the Rider program?" Helix Pixel said in his usual indiscreet tone. Ah, and what music those very words were to the ears of Mr.President. It wasn't his real name, of course, but Helix Pixel, or rather Holo Pony, was programmed to call him that to keep his main identity a secret from any potential 'clients'. He thought about programming him to call him Kougami, but he decided to go with a general title rather than a fake name.
"With one word. With one, sweet, word," Mr.President thought to himself, "Yes."
"I shall prepare the letters immediately sir," and like that, he was zapped away off to begin preparations. That was a wonderful day for The Corporation. After countless years of analyzing and decrypting the research left behind by none other than Mr.Leo himself, they had finally accomplished it.
The first module, HxB. Hibiki cross Blade.
Truth be told, an even grander goal was behind it all. This was not for fame nor fortune. This was not for power nor greed.
This was for science, for research, and most importantly, for data.
"Hm, yes?" Mr.President was snapped out of his day dream like state.
"Ms.Rarity is to arrive tomorrow, shall I order the chefs to prepare the dining hall?"
"Of course! Excellent! Let it be so!"
"As you wish," Holo Pony once again disappeared. How glorious. Tomorrow would be yet another glorious day for The Corporation. However, it was not yet time to celebrate. There was still so much data to collect.
"Drake... what data will you have for me?"

Meanwhile, below the estate....

"Geez, this guy put up one heck of a fight, but I still got it."
"Thank you, Ms. Scratch. There are currently no new missions available at this time. However, I do suggest you prepare for the guest's arrival tomorrow," Helix Pixel said, taking the yellow, triangular object that had been acquired by Vinyl.
"Yeah, well, alright. But what about him?"
"Do not worry, Ms. Scratch. He is in no harm, we only wish to extend our 'services' towards him."
"Whatever," Vinyl walked out of the room. Upon her departure, Helix began examining the subject, as per the president's orders to collect even more data about him. This first piece of information that was collected was what the subject mumbled.
"K-Kiva, I'm sorry..."

[KAMEN RIDER DRAKE] 仮面ライダードレイク