Solar Child: Burden of the Crown

by Bakmah Genesis

Chapter Seventeen: A Royal Wedding

"This day is going to be perfect~ Just as I dreamed as a child~" Chrysalis did a little twirl in her wedding dress. It was an odd look since her black carpace stood out against the white fabric, but she was going to stick to tradition. It was the least she could do for her soon to be wife.

She hummed 'This Day Airia' as she brushed her mane. Rarity stood by another mirror as she fixed up her own mane, having nothing better to do while Chrysalis brushed her own mane. It would cause less pain when she gave it up to be done up.

"Where have I heard that song before?" asked Rarity, the notes finally making some sense to the mare. Chrysalis froze and flinched.

"I may have been singing it before the royal wedding of Cadence and Shining Armour." said Chrysalis with a sheepish smile. Rarity cocked her head.

"You dreamt of getting married?" asked the mare. Chrysalis nodded.

"To a prince, of course. That was, however, before I figured out I was gay. Them it was a very beautiful princess." said Chrysalis, smiling as she remembered old fantasies. "Funny how old dreams can come true."

"It is curious, indeed." said Rarity, walking up behind the mare to start on her mane. "And I say Trixie couldn't be luckier." said the fashionista. Chrysalis chuckled.

"I heard that a lot the past five months after. By the way, did Swarm find a partner to bring to the wedding? She was fretting over how she needed one." It was true. The young Queen Swarm somehow believed that she needed a date to bring to the wedding. Chrysalis tried to tell her it was not needed, but the young alicorn refused to listen.

"Yes actually. You even know this mare." said Rarity with a smirk. Chrysalis raised an eyebrow.


"Oh yes, deary. It's that lovely assistant of yours. Swift Quill if I recall."

"Swift?" said Chrysalis, surprised. "Never knew Swarm to be the type to go after the bookish mares. You know, if you ask, Swift could tell you every single law concerning the area of your choice. I swear she is a book." said the former queen with a giggle.

"So another Twilight? Well that's different indeed. They do look like a cute couple, however." said Rarity, looking off in nowhere.

"Equestria to Rarity? The bride would like her mane down before I have to on the alter." said Chrysalis, waving a hoof in front of Rarity's face. The mare smiled sheepishly and went back to work on the green mane before here.

"Nervous?" asked Rarity, noticing Chrysalis' bouncing hoof. Chrysalis sighed.

"It's just-I'm just scared. I don't want to mess up. I mean, this is the biggest step next to our foal we have taken and I don't want to mess this up." said the changeling. Rarity finished and stepped away.

"It's normal for you to feel this way, deary. I had the most unladylike breakdown before marrying Applejack." said Rarity, bowing her head to make the golden wedding band more visible. Chrysalis reached up with a hoof and played with the green and blue engagement sitting at the base of her horn, ready to meet its golden comrade.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." said Chrysalis smiling.

"Of course, darling. Now, let's finish getting you ready!"


Three weddings. That was the new count. The wedding during the invasion three years back, the dual wedding around a year ago, and now her own.

Behind her stood Swarm, Swift, And Rainbow Dash. On the other side was Twilight, Rarity, and Applejack. The room was filled with ponies and changelings from across Equestria. It made her shake slightly. Her nerves starting to show.

A white golden clad hoof was placed on her shoulder. She turned her head to see Celestia smiling down at her warmly. Chrysalis calmed down slightly. Celestia leaned forward so that she was level with her ear.

"Don't worry, me and Luna are right here and so all of your friends. Just relax." whispered the regal alicorn. She straightened back up, the warm smile never leaving. Chrysalis smiled back, now calm. This lasted until the music signaling the arrival of the bride played.

Chrysalis turned towards the door and ha to keep her jaw from hitting the floor as Trixie entered the ball room. She was wearing a similar wedding dress, straight from the shop of Miss Rarity, and had her flowing mane tied back slightly, giving Chrysalis full view of the azure face that was beaming brightly at her. Chrysalis mentally yelled at her heart to slow down, she did not need it flying out in the middle of the ceremony.

Trixie stood in front of her, Luna detaching herself from her daughters side and walking back to where Shining and Cadence were seated, picking up her daughter as she did so. Bright Night giggled as Luna picked her up and placed her up. She then cooed as her other mothers voice echoed through the room.

"Fillies and Gentlecolts. We are here to witness the combining of two ponies in marriage, and the first ever marriage of a pony and changeling. Here to forever join in marriage is the Princess of Lunamancy, Princess Trixie Lulamoon, and esteemed changeling high queen, Queen Chrysalis." This statement earned murmurs from the crowd, a smile from Luna, and a proud grin from Swarm. Lastly, a wide smile from Trixie and an overly shocked gape from Chrysalis. Celestia smiled and continued.

"Trixie, you may recite your vows first." The new declaration of title was forgotten by Chrysalis as Trixie began.

"I, Princess of Lunamancy, Trixie Lulamoon, vow to be by your side through all hardships, aid you when you are ill, and support you when it is needed." said Trixie, capturing Chrysalis once again. Celestia smiled wider as she turned to Chrysalis.

"And now, Chrysalis, your vows." Chrysalis took a deep breath.

"I, High Queen of the Changelings, Queen Chrysalis, vow to hold and protect you and our daughter, let no obstacle stand the way for our future, and love both of you forever and always." All doubts Chrysalis ever had vanished, the bright smile amd tears of joy from the mare in front of her were enough to vanish them.

"With these rings, the souls of these two mares will be bound together, signaling their everlasting love for on another." It was now Chrysalis realized Spike, the teenage drake that stood at the height of a full grown stallion, stood at her side in a tux holding a plush pillow with to golden wedding bands. Chrysalis levitated one and placed it around Trixie's horn, Trixie doing the same to her.

"Do you, Trixie Lulamoon, take Chrysalis as your newly wedded wife?" asked Celestia. Trixie smiled, choking back tears.

"I do."

"And do you, Chrysalis, take Trixie Lulamoon as your newly wedded wife?"

"I do."

"Then I pronounce you mare and changeling. You may now kiss your bride." Oh how Chrysalis was more than happy to do just that. The crowd erupted into cheers as their lips met, making that moment more magical than either imagined possible. It was surely on of the best days of their lives and the start of their life together.