//------------------------------// // The Abyss // Story: Night Fall Equestria // by FLUTTERxxDASH //------------------------------// The Abyss The room was pitch black apart from the light red glow of the crystals, a dark figure came in front of the light and came closer to the tied up Twilight Sparkle, "Child, how does it feel to be so helplesss, you're teacher, you're friendsss, all gone and you are a husk of the mare you used to be, without a horn you are nothing," Dark purple magic wrapped Twilights horn and with a loud SNAP!!! The figure tore it from her skull. Screams of pain, noise that just wasn't natural escaped from her mouth, Tears flowed like rapids from her eyes as the trickle of red joined the stream of liquid that escapes her. A sharp toothed grin came across the figures face, "That was payback my dear little sparkle, for my horn AND body was literally blown apart by you and you're friends," he leaned over and licked some of the liquid, with a low tremble hum, "mmmm tastes like sweet vengeance!!" the venom seemed to drip from his mouth. A haggid voice came from the beaten body of Twiight, "N..ver.. y.ou..wont...last..so.mbra," gasping for air, coughing and wheezing but her eyes still showed resistance. "DAMN YOU TWILIGHT SPARKLE!!! you will die in here alone, you will lose you're sanity, you will lose you're hope!," his eyes flared up as purple mist drifted off his green enveloped eyes. The sound of buzzing came as a second more slender figure came towards her, "Do not worry my king, she cannot escape but just in case," Twilights left front leg was enveloped in green magic as it twisted and turned in ways it shouldn't. Another set of screams as she nearly passed out from the pain, her captors would not let her slip though as Sombra slammed a hoof into her. "GAHH!! *COUGH*.......*COUGH* haa...haaaa you bastards!" Twilight now didn't even have the strength to keep her eyes open. "Now that was just sick and twisted, HAHA get it 'Twisted', oh Crysalis you are just the sweetest thing mine eyes hast laid upon in centuries," Sombra chuckled as he began to walk out of the light, Crysalis followed, his voice echoed through the caves, "time is ticking my dear, you're end is soon, say you're prayers in you're last moments, goodbye," the noise of loud creaking doors slamming was the last thing she heard, Twilight then passed out. Some hours later the moon rises Twilight awakes, still not having much strength and feeling very disorientated from blood loss, the cold rusting shackles that bind her are sharp cutting into her fur, at this moment the only thing keeping her tied to this plane of existence is the pain she inhabits that is her body. Knowing full well her horn is gone she know that this will hurt, trying her best to get anything she can from her power, small flickers of purple come from the nub on her head only to be replaced with pain, more screaming and blood pulsated out of the open wound, "this is the.........end, no magic, I cant even see my friends anymore *panting* Spike, I hope he got away, thankfully he stayed with the ponies in ponyville, *Tears flow again* I'm sorry Spike, I'm not coming home anymore, I think this is it, I'm getting cold" she thought, Twilight with the last of her strength opened her eyes ever so slightly to see the light of the moon through a crack on the roof of the cavern. "funny, the student of the sun falls beneath the moon in her last moments, tragic" As Twilight began to close her eyes she heard a voice, regal and loud that resonated in her, "Thou would chose death willingly, thine power only amounts to this feeble amount, you worm, struggle for you're existence, I can give you power beyond you're dreams........... "Who's there" "Thou dost not need to know, just know I'm the only one left who can save you're sniveling existence, as you're the only one who can now free me, brake thine shackles, accept the darkness," Twilight realized the voice was not audible through her ears but it was a telepathic connection to somepony. "I'l never accept the darkness," Twilight began to cough blood as she spoke. "Think child, I can still hear thou through you're mind but you must accept you're hatred, accept the darkness if you wish to free yourself and you're friends, DO IT NOW!!!" The light in the room started to drift from sight, the moon could not be seen, Twilight felt Liquid at her hooves, It was warm much like a bath at the spa but this liquid was thick and smelled, It smelled of rotten flesh, Twilight didn't even have the strength to puke from the smell, The liquid encased her legs and seemed to crawl up her chest as it seeped into her wounds like nails, digging deep and hard causing pain to thrush through Twilights mangled body. Twilight could feel it pulse through her vains and spread through her body, her arm snapped and popped in a violent manner as it bent back to its original position. The nub on her head began to drip the thick liquid as it started to solidify into a new horn, her fur malted as her skin bubbled, It burnt like she was in the center of the sun itself, in an instant it stopped as she felt knew fur and mane with a tail on her body, the pain wasn't there anymore more so it changed into something euphoric, it was strength, her eyes bolted open, Two red orbs in the pitch black of the cavern as she screamed out not in pain but in power as she tore the chains that held her, the wounds that the chains made sizzled as they healed like brand new. Finally away from her binds she breathes out, A dark red mist escaped her lips, "What is this, its.....its fantastic I've never felt so empowered before" The light came back to the room, a pool of red and purple lay under the crystal pillar where she was, "That was the darkness, you said you would resist the power but you accepted it without struggle so easily" "No I would neve....." "But Thine power now dost not lie, you did accept it, you're body does not lie, even now you have changed you're appearance for you're task, the Twilight which once was is now dead, you need a new name, if not you will be soon found by King Sombra and his black arch mage guards" "But I......I cant change my name what would I be called, I wouldn't be me anymore I would be changed my destiny is with my friends" "I suggest you look at thine flank and see what you're cutie mark now holds," Twilight began to turn, in the moonlight her cutie mark had changed, the pink star was now red, A black mist flowed from it, the five stars had become a dark purple and she noticed her fur was much darker, almost black itself, apart from that she could not see anything else so she decided to run to a crystal that was able to act like a mirror ever so slightly, "Oh Celestia, What has happened to me, I..I.I've changed so much," her new horn was twisted like before but had small shards point out at different angles, her hair was longer and more messier with the purple turned to deep crimson and her stripe was now black, same with the tail but the worst was her eyes, slitter like a dragons with blood red pupils, "What have I become," she stumbled back wards and fell on her flank biting her lip, "OW," she licked her teeth and felt four canines as sharp as a knife on the top and bottom of her mouth, "I..I.I...I I'm a monster" "As I had said it would be best if thou changed thine name, you are not you anymore, you are not Twilight Sparkle you are much more than that pathetic excuse for a pony, you are the the suns eclipse, you are Astral Star" "Astral Star, It doesn't sound too bad, I cant keep my old name looking like this, Why would you want too it was shit anyway, What was that, who was that, Doesn't matter to us," Twilight started to climb the crystals up to the hole in the roof of the cavern, slipping she grazes herself on the razor sharp rocks but stabilizes herself, the crystal had a black liquid dripping upon it now as she carried on climbing finally reaching the hole and climbing out, "whatever that voice is its quiet now, where do I go now and you still haven't told me who you are," The voice comes back, "I told you Astral that it matters not who I am, only that I am here to help, you're friends will be released from their prisons when Sombra falls, but first we must kill the bug queen, she is to the east many will come to block you're way upon this quest but you're body shall tell you what to do" "What do you mean my body will tell me?" Twilight waited but nopony returned her question only silence and the crickets could be heard in the night air, "Atleast tell me how far I'd have to walk, still she said that my friends could be sav.......," Pain spread through her head, FORGET FRIENDS, FORGET FAMILY, ONLY DEATH, KILL THOSE WHO WRONGED US, KILL, KILL, KILL!!!!!, The voice stopped as Twilight opened her eyes again. "What was that?"