//------------------------------// // The New World // Story: The Prototype // by Imperial Brony //------------------------------// The New World "Get on your feet and state your name, rank, and intention!" the thing barked "Ok..." Prototype said slowly trying to stand. He fell to the ground with a heavy thud "I can't," he said plainly. "Get up! You have broken entry to the Crystal Catsle of Princess Miamore Cadenza!" keeping his volume high and stern, not wavering a bit. "I told you I can't," Prototype huffed. "Get Up!!" the thing said, smacking Prototype across the face with a appendage that resembled a hoof. "That's it you prick," Prototype's arm grew in size as the thing's mouth widened and his pupils narrowed. Just as he was about to run Prototype smacked him across the room. The thing fell with a heavy thud lying limply on the floor, his breathing was staggered but he looked like he would be fine, although he might be sore for a few days. Wait why was Prototype worried about this...THING'S health. Prototype brushed it off quickly as he got his first good look at the thing that he had imoblised. It was a horse, no it was too small too be a horse, it was most lickely a pony. It also had a orange coat and a shield with a lighting bolt across it on his flank. "Hey, Flash, what's going on in there?" Prototype did not want detection so he tried to mimick the voice he had heard moments before. "Uhh I'm just fine in here everything is under control we are doing fine, uhh how are you?" Prototype said shakily. "Well I'm just doing fine but hurry up though we have to be back to the barracks in five minutes!" the voice on the other side of the door said. Prototype exhaled deeply and was relived and just as he turned away from the door he came face to face with a mirror. In the mirror though he saw not a human in a black hoodie but a grey colered pony with a red horn and odd wings. The wings that lay on his back were a sickly green and black with odd holes in random spots, and on the edge of each wing were small white bone like blade fined down to the sharpest thing imaginable. Prototype exhaled deeply and was relived and just as he turned away from the door he came face to face with a mirror. In the mirror though he saw not a human in a black hoodie but a grey colered pony with a red horn and odd wings. The wings that lay on his back were a sickly green and black with odd holes in random spots, and on the edge of each wing were small white bone like blade fined down to the sharpest thing imaginable. And his eyes, his eyes! They were a neon green, with red pupils and purple smoke pouring out for eternity. He also had a pitch black mane that seemed to flow freely without breeze or water to move it. "Cmon Flash we have to meet Prince Amour, so hurry that flank up!" the voice said as another pony walked into the room. This pony though was extreamly different from the pony Prototype had knocked out. This pony was see through and resembled the most perfect, most polished crystal he had ever seen. Snapping out of his stupor he relizied the pony was frozen in place by fear. "S-s-s-s-sombra..." the pony said "wait, who is Sombra?" Prototype replied He never got his answer, for the new pony burst out of the room screaming his head off. "Raise the alarm! Sombra is alive!" the pony screamed. "Aww crap," Prototype said just as the sirens started to wail.