//------------------------------// // Chapter One - Enjoy Your Stay // Story: Interdimensional Destination // by ArizonAnon //------------------------------// After your little 'nap time' bit. You woke up inside what you believed to be a castle. Which you were correct in assuming, however. Let's not get ahead of the game here. You had thought you would wake up face-down in the bathroom, but no, you were greeted by those two horses, plus three others. Oh! More importantly, there was another horse. This one was closer to an actual horse size, but not quite there. She had introduced herself as 'Princess Celestia'. A horse princess... You're not sure why, but you had imagined a Mario game with a small horse princess instead of princess Peach. More to the point, she had explained that, through a dimensional spell, you were randomly brought here. With the possibility of infinite dimensions, you felt slightly honored... only slightly. The princess had set up a test for her protégé. The test was to use some kind of advanced spell of some sort, from a wizard you knew nothing about. You had asked the question for your eventual return. Their nervous glances said everything. You said nothing, except just stare blankly into nothing in particular, as all of this finally dawned on you. This went on for a good couple of minutes, coupled with a nauseating feeling. The fair horse prin- "I do not wish to be rude, Anonymous. But, specifically, we are ponies." Right. The fair -PONY- princess, claimed that she would still try to find a way to send you back home. Though, one question lingered. "I can see that you are well mannered. However, I wish to know your true intentions, as one of my subjects claimed that you poured some kind of 'evil monster water', onto her younger sister. Is this true?" Oh dammit... You were hoping that wouldn't have come up. But, oh well... Time to do honesty. "Well, your pony highness. It was not, as she claimed, 'evil water'. *deep breath* It was pee." The room goes silent as a corpse... which is what you felt like you might become in due time. Mainly based on the angry glare from the orange pony. "You PEED on my sister!?" You quickly explained the circumstances of your arrival. About how you were transported here as you were about to urinate into 'your toilet'. Ergo, as soon as you arrived, your body continued where it left off: Peeing. Onto a poor little filly that happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. You still gave her a heartfelt sorry. As well as a promise that it'll never happen again. She seemed to accept your answer, but still looked a little miffed. Which is completely understandable. "Well, *giggle* *ahem* excuse me. I do believe we have more important matters to speak of. For instance, Twilight. I want you and your friends to watch over Anonymous. Help him integrate with our society, and keep him safe from harm." "We'll do our best, Princess!" Well, you thanked the princess. But, really, you couldn't add anything intelligent to the topic, so you just went with it. "Oh, and before I forget. Here, Anonymous. Carry this with you at all times." She gives you a scroll. You'd read it. but she'll just tell you about it anyways. "It will waive any and all fees that may come up with your integration. Food, clothing, etcetera." "Wow! Um, thanks! I really appreciate this." "It's the least I an do for simply ripping you from your home with no way to return. I feel just awful. Maybe I should not have used that spell..." You tried to console her, but your still in the beginning stages of coping with this situation. Actually, for once, you didn't go into a full-blown panic mode. Good on ya, amigo! ------------ Onto the present. ----------- You and your posse just arrived back to what they called 'ponyville'. Adorable. And it was time to do the proper introductions. Rainbow Dash - Definitely a competitive spirit in that one, and very narcissistic. Not a quality you find favorable. But, hopefully she's not completely egotistical. Rarity - A lady... er, pony lady? anyways, as an up and coming seamstress, she carries herself very well. Though you see a hint of her having delusions of grandeur. But, you chalk it up to her having high goals. Very admirable. Hopefully she can replicate some clothing for you. Otherwise, with only one set of clothing, you'll eventually end up naked... somehow. Twilight Sparkle - Aye! These names... They sound so silly. Anyways, she is full of knowledge, and is always seeking more. Which is also very admirable. Though, there are subtle hints at her being a bit on the naive side. Which is not a big deal. It's actually kind of cute. You'll definitely need to get in touch with her so you can learn about well, everything. Applejack - Wait... A pony named after alcohol? You like her already. Plus, the stetson is cute. -Anyways-. She's all about honesty, hard work, and family. Damn! You could really get along with this one. Too bad you might have screwed the pooch by peeing on her little sister. Pinkie Pie - GOOD-NESS! Where to start. How about, she talks so fast it makes you want to puke. She loves making people, er, ponies, smile. And she has lots, and lots, and lots, of friends. You'll take her in small doses. Otherwise you won't be held responsible for the damage caused by your head exploding. Fluttershy - Well, she's quiet. And, from what you heard everyone else say, she's good with animals, is very kind, and is a pretty good field medic. That could come in handy for when your dumbass eventually gets into some trouble. Because It will happen. Oh, it WILL happen. You dumbass. And there's you - You told them where you worked, lived, and such. Not much else to tell. You are 'Mr. Introvert'. Sure, you had friends, but if you weren't hanging out with them. You didn't go out. Which, makes you feel kinda bad. Maybe... you can start over. better yourself? Who knows. "So... now that you know my 'interesting' story. What now." Twilight perks up. "It's getting late. so, obviously you're gonna have to stay with one of us." "Wait. You all don't sleep together?" Despite all of the blushed faces, Rarity speaks up. "Wha... what are you suggesting, Anonymous?" Whoops... Did they think you meant...? Wait... "No. Wait. I meant in a stable or something." They look at you even more flustered. Gah! Why can't you do anything right!? You take a deep breath, and tell them some quick info about equines from your world. About how more often than not, they're kept in stables, which are separated by stalls. That seems to have calmed them down some. "I call dibs on takin' Anon fer the night!" Really? You figured that Applejack would be the last... Wait. Oh, you see now. She's going to kill you in private. Shit... "Okay. That settles it. We'll figure out some kind of rotation tomorrow. Ooh! I'll keep a log about this, that way it'll me much more organized so we don't have to fight or bicker. Plus it will also help to keep track of Anon's finances-" "... Right. Ya do that Twi..." Twilight adopts a sheepish expression. "aheheheh... Sorry, girls, I just got excited. I mean, An we're in charge of an actual extraterrestrial. This is really fascinating! I mean-" Rainbow Dash puts a hoof to her mouth. "Yah. I think we better call it a night, before Twilight's lecture puts us -all- to sleep." They all say their farewells and such. Leaving you with your future murderer. "Alright. C'mon, Anon. Follow me." Yes... Follow her. To your doom! A short walk later, and you see a farm. A farm of apples. She eventually leads you to what looks like a storage shed. "This'll be where you'll stay for tonight. Ya better get some good sleep, 'cus come mornin', I'm puttin' ya through yer paces." Yes... Your paces. Of death! "Well, Thanks. Applejack. I mean it, thank you. I know after what I did to your-" She puts a hoof on your chest, since she can't reach your mouth. "Hey now! No more of that. Not tonight anyways. Just get your rest. Yer gonna need it." "Okay. And, um... Goodnight." "... Yeah. See ya in the mornin'." You find a cot of some sort... It's a bit small. But it'll do. You find some extra wool blankets to use as a pillow and as a... well, proper blanket. You can only imagine what the morning holds for you. Hopefully not doom. That would suck. Especially when it's in the form of a pony wearing a stetson. Seriously, that's pretty damn awesome. [End Chapter One]