//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: DBZ Abridged // Story: MLP meets ___! // by EpicStory //------------------------------// It has been two weeks since the Skyrim incident. I have been spending the majority of my time honing my craft at the forge. I have been focusing on a specific blade for myself. It’s a samurai sword and I have been folding the steel thousands of times, over and over again. Thanks to this unicorn magic, I can hammer away at it so fast, years of work are crammed into days. The rest of my time has been split between helping Twilight and her friends with day to day tasks and spending time with Princess Luna. Since the night that Luna appeared in my room and kissed me, we have spent more and more time together. She tried to keep it covert, coming by to ask for my ‘crafting abilities’. It didn't take long for Princess Celestia to figure out what was happening. But what surprised both Luna and I, is that not only did Celestia approve of it, she encouraged it. Ever since the Nightmare Moon incident, Celestia felt that Luna needed something or somepony to distract her from what she had done. With my arrival and the random universe merging, that shouldn't be a problem. Today, Luna and I are walking over to Twilight’s to show off my finished sword. While we walk over, she asks me questions about my world. “So, in real life, you don’t work a forge, but are a simple student?” Luna asks. “Yes.” I respond. “I was trying to get into being a writer; books, scripts, plots for video games, that sort of thing. I've been told I have a rather intense imagination.” “And your profession?” “I work at a store, selling electronics.” “Fascinating...and what of your social life?” “Well...I didn't have much of one. I have friends, but we don’t see each other as often as I would like to. I mostly try to focus on work and my studies.” “I see...and was there...a special somepony in your life?” I chuckle. “Two weeks we've been together and you ask that now?” She gives me a look, waiting for my answer. “The answer is no. I didn't have much skill or luck in that department.” She gives me a smile. “You could have fooled me.” ============================================================ Meanwhile, in the DBZ Abridged universe, Vegeta and Nappa are flying towards Earth. “Are we there yet?” Nappa asks. “No.” Vegeta responds. “Are we there yet?” Nappa asks. “No.” Vegeta responds. “Are we there yet?” Nappa asks. “No!” Vegeta responds. “Are we there yet?” Nappa asks. “No!!” Vegeta responds. “Are we there yet?” Nappa asks. “No!!!” Vegeta responds. “Dammit Nappa, just shut the hell up!” “But Vegetaaaaaa, I’m boooooooored!” Nappa whines. “Can’t we at least stop at another bug planet and kill it?" "If it will get you to shut up, fine!" Vegeta says. "Yaaaaay!!!" Nappa tells. Almost immediately, a wormhole opens up in front of their ships flight path. "Hey, look Vegeta! It's a wormhole." Nappa points out. "(Bleep), turn away from it Nappa!" Vegeta orders. "We don't know what will happen if we..." "Weeeeeeee!" Nappa yells. "Dammit, the pull is too strong!" Vegeta says. Their ships are sucked into the void. ============================================================ Back in Equestria, we're all having fun throwing stuff at me and watching me slice whatever they throw into pieces. Twilight even chucked a huge boulder at my head and in one swipe, I cleave it in two. "Wow Epic, you're good!" Twilight said. “Thanks.” I respond. Then, a vortex rips open and thunders cracks the sky. Without skipping a beat, “Now it’s time to really test it.” Then I see the two saiyan ships come out of the vortex. “Oh...well...guess I’ll use the sword another time. For now, Barry! It’s time for level 10 fisticuffs!” Without even being told what to do, Barry erases and draws Twilight, her friends, Luna, and myself as DBZ-esque fighters. Before we set off for the saiyans, I remembered. “Barry, fire up the ‘Wub signal’!” I say. Barry draws a mock ‘Bat signal’ with ‘Wub’ on the spotlight instead of a bat. It shines in the sky and moments later, Vinyl shows up. “Alright, sup now?” She asks. “We’re dealing with aliens that like to punch stuff, yell loudly, grow shiny yellow hair in fits of rage and turn into giant monkeys.” I say. “Barry, make Vinyl a ‘wub’ based Namekian.” Barry draws a note saying, “Wut?” “Imagine ‘Special Beam Cannon’ but with wubs.” I explain. Without hesitation, he draws Vinyl as a Namekian. “Ok, lets get moving...these guys are ridiculously tough and don’t mess around.” I warn the others before we fly off. ============================================================ Meanwhile, on the outskirts of Ponyville… “Yaaaaaaaaay!!!!!” Nappa squeals. “This...this place...is really...really….I want to blow it up so badly.” Vegeta groans. In seconds, the Saiyans spot me flying towards them. “Well...it looks like I get to blow something up after all.” I land a couple yards away from the saiyans with the others a few miles behind me. "Okay, I'm gonna say this once!" I yell at Vegeta. "Leave now or prepare to get your ass stomped!" "Ha!" Vegeta laughs. "You? Stomp MY ass? I bet you couldn't even stomp on a blind puppy." It takes me a minute to notice Vegeta's odd voice, then it hits me. “Wait...oh my god…” I say before I burst into laughter. “Oh, this is gonna be easy as hell!” “What are you talking about?” Vegeta asks angrily. “Do you know who I am you low class wretch? I am…” “Vegeta, prince of all saiyans, prison bitch, Freeza’s pet monkey, and you’re never gonna be a super saiyan.” I say. Now, he is pissed. He falls into a insane, obscenity spouting rant. While he is going off, I whisper to Barry. He understands and makes the necessary changes before the others arrive. Then, I turn my attention back to Vegeta. “Ok, last chance, leave or get wrecked.” I say. Vegeta breaks from his rant at “on a green *bleep* dinosaur!” “Oh really, Nappa, take care of him.” Vegeta orders. “Okay, time to play!” Nappa says creepily. I distract Nappa with a ball of yarn. “Yaaaaaaay! Yaaaaaarn!” Nappa cheers. Vegeta face-palms. “Alright, I warned you.” I say to them. “Now you have to deal with my universes Ginyu force.” The moment I said that, Vegeta and Nappa turn to me with looks of shattered hope and despair. “There...there’s a Ginyu Force here?” Vegeta asks fearfully. “Yup.” I respond. “Oh, and Dodoria, Zarbon and Freeza are coming too.” Now, their jaws are on the floor and Nappa’s pants slowly turn yellow. “You...you’re bluffing!” Vegeta says. “There’s no way that they’re in this…” Behind Vegeta: “We’reeeeeeee heeeeeeeere……..mates.” The moment Vegeta and Nappa both turn around to see them, our ‘Equestria’ Force gives their sound off in their new voices. “Ginyu!” says Twilight. “Jeice!” says Applejack. “Burter!” says Rainbow Dash. “Guldo!” says Fluttershy. “Recoome!” says Pinkie Pie. “And together we are…” Twilight says. And what follows is the “Ginyu Force Sentai” music thing with the team gathered in the exact pose of the Ginyu Force. “Oh, we done goofed Vegeta.” Nappa says. “Shut up Nappa!” Vegeta yells. “This doesn’t mean anything! I still don’t see…” “Don’t see who?” Says Luna behind me in her new voice. When Vegeta turns back in my direction, he see’s Rarity as Zarbon, Vinyl Scratch as Dodoria, and finally, Princess Luna as Frieza. “Now we done goofed Vegeta?” Nappa asks. “Yes Nappa, now we done goofed.” Vegeta responds without hope. “Now, what is my little monkey going to do?” Luna asks Vegeta with a grin. Vegeta mumbles under his breath. Luna raises her hand with a finger pointing straight up and a purple speck of energy floating above it. “What was that?” Luna asks in a creepy voice. Vegeta grunts. “I’m gonna leave and take care of those Earthlings.” He said while gritting his teeth. “Good boy, now off you go.” Luna says while giving a ‘shoo’ motion with her hand. Vegeta gives off a ‘grrrrr’. “Nappa, we’re leaving.” He says. “Ok...can we get me some new pants first?” Nappa asks. “Just get in the damn pod!” Vegeta says. Vegeta and Nappa get back in their pods and fly up, back into the wormhole they came in from. “......aaaaaaaand, scene!” I say with a sort of bravado. Barry changes us back into our original forms. "Wow, Epic, that was smart thinking." Twilight says. "Indeed, and impressive acting by the way." Luna adds. "Well, I have done a couple of theater pieces." I say bashfully. “Awww, I didn't get to wub lazer something.” Vinyl says sadly. “Maybe next time Vinyl.” I say to her. “Maybe next time. Pinkie?” “Yea?” She asks. “Party time!” I say triumphantly. “Yaaaaaaaaay!” She says in Nappa’s voice. ============================================================ Meanwhile, back in the DBZ Abridged universe… Vegeta and Nappa exit out of the wormhole and their ships return to their pre-set course. “Holy piss!” Vegeta yells. “We barely got out of there alive.” “But Vegeta,” Nappa says. “we didn't even fight them.” “It was the Ginyu Force and Frieza!” Vegeta yells. “We don’t need to fight them to know they’d kick our asses!” “But what if they weren't them, but people changed to look like them?” Nappa asks. “Don’t be an idiot Nappa!” Vegeta says. “Besides, there’s no way we could have known.” “We could have checked our scouters.” Nappa states. Vegeta stays silent for a few seconds…… “Those bitches!” Vegeta yells. “Hey, hey Vegeta!” Nappa says. “Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!” “What?” Vegeta says with a sigh. “Are we there yet?” Nappa asks. “.......God dammit Nappa.” Vegeta says bluntly. ////////////The End///////////// Chapter Five: MLP meets...the Internet?