//------------------------------// // Below the moonlight // Story: Night Fall Equestria // by FLUTTERxxDASH //------------------------------// Below the Moonlight A mare alone in a rock formation at the edge of the canterlot forest, staring at the moon with slight pain lingering in her head, her eyes adjust better to see the white orb surrounded by twinkling lights, "what the hay was that voice, it was.. *gulp* sickening," the voice had curdled her stomacher as it reverberated through her thoughts, "being turned into this and pushed back out of the cave,I didn't think I could escape that fast, I mean it was just yesterday when we got captured," Twilight suddenly jumped out of shock as a far off siren flared for a few seconds, turning to were she heard the noise she could see smoke rising, luckily it was east, the direction she needed to go. "Well no point just standing around, first its back to civilization," Twilight began her walk through the moonlit woods, small growls could be heard in the distance but they never got closer, moving for numerous hours through the woods as her muscles burnt from the exercise, she came to the edge of the forest that crept to the borders of the town, one of the houses had caught alight somehow and was being put out by two ponies, most unusual though was that they weren't in the yellow and red firemen suits but in black hooded cloaks, glancing around further from the shadows she noticed that the rest of the accumulated crowd was also in these cloaks and had an onyx chain dangling from their necks," what the...... they couldn't have taken everypony over so fast," Twilight rushed over the tall wall she dangled from and made quick steps to the shadows in between two red buildings. The alleyway had puddles and a big open trash can, a rat was feeding on rubbish as she started to trot down the path, as she did it squeaked and ran away, "why is it so dirty, it never got like this, were is all the ponies who clean these, they usually clean them everyday," shaking her head she carried flitting in between the shadows of the buildings getting more and more confused by the odd pony who was out for a stroll still in a dark hooded cloak, finally her exhaustion caught up to her she decided to rest, a pile of boxes not so much appealing but still dry non-the-less was a quick fix bed she made, sleep quickly took her as she curled under the cover of the boxes. A few hours later as the sun rose Twilight cracked an eye open as a stream of red light pierced the crack of her makeshift bed, quickly stretching and yawning she pulled herself from the box, jolting in pain from a few scrapes and bruises she caught yesterday from the forest, "Weird.........," as she stared open eyed at the orb in the sky her mouth became agape, the once orange sun that donned the sky was now a deep red, she was even able to stare at the sun feeling no pain in her eyes, it changed too fast, not even Sombra and Crysalis should have this amount of power combined, "thi....this is impossible even for Celestia in one day," Hoofsteps could be heard down the alley, not knowing what was coming Twilight jumped back in her cover, hearing the steps slow down and then a dumpster lid slam she peaked out for a second before shooting back, two black guards were scanning the area with magic, realizing this she threw a counter spell up so not to be noticed, as they walked past and turned the corner she came out looking in there direction, "fffeww.. that was close I don't know what I wou....," Suddenly she felt a magical pressure around her waist as she felt a metal blade at her throat, a white muzzle popped into eye view but her eyes could see the black cloak over the ponys head. A mares voice slightly squeaky came from the muzzle, "Are you one of the guards, answer me and don't make any sudden movements," the mare used her light blue magic to turn Astral around slowly a pointed curled lock of pink dangled from the left side of her hood. Astral turned to find a cloaked pony just a bit smaller than herself, "I'm no guard, just a no pony form no where," Astral faked a worried expression like she couldn't counter the spell that the mare had her in, It wouldn't be best to cause a problem as soon as I get free from that pit, she fell limp in the magical grasp after a few pretend struggling flaps of her body. "Hmm...... Still you look very odd," the mare took her hood down, similarities sprung from Astral mind to a certain marble white purple maned unicorn friend she knew, apart from the fact that her mane was slightly smaller and was half pink half light purple, her mane covered half her face covering leather straps, "Still you should know better, even if you are homeless you should wear your cloak, everypony no matter who is issued it along with that shitty chain," the mare stamped her hoof and shot her muzzle in the air as her main swished around her head to the other side. "Rari...Rarity?" "What did you just say, how do you know that name, TELL ME!!" "It cant be, you...... you look different" "How do you know my sister, who exactly are you?" The white mare backed away slightly taking a stance that was ready if she needed to use her magic against this individual. "Oh, what you cant be Sweetie belle, that's impossible, you're a filly, not a teen" "I'm no teen I'm twenty three this year, and no one calls me that anymore, not since all those years ago," the glare in her eyes sharpened, "so not only my sisters but my name as well, again who. are. you!" Astral sat down an pawed at the ground, how can I tell her, LIE, what?, no I cant do that, JUST DO IT, LIE TO HER, no I'l explain what happened, then get answers to why the world has changed, "You may not believe what I have to say," Astral looked up to Sweetie, she nodded to reply her to carry on, "Years ago, I think, myself and five friends tried to stop an evil that wanted to take over equestria, one of those five was you're sister Rarity, after the battle I was locked in the crystal cave, left to die but then I was changed into this, crawled from the pits of darkness to this world that is unknown to me," Astrals face never twitched, it stayed in place. "But that means you're............... Twilight, but Overlord Sombra announced you're death, you have been dead for years now, and you're horn was thrown into the crowd where we were, granny smith even wrapped it in cloth to bring back to ponyville where spike was, you died so stop lying you can't be Twilight Sparkle, don't disgrace her memory. I TOLD YOU TO LIE, SHE DIDN'T BELIEVE US, I know but we must make her believe us, "Please understand I don't know what happened to me..." WE DIED, REMEMBER, WE ROTTED AWAY FOR OUR NEW BODY TO GROW, Twilight stopped halfway through an explanation as she realized that gruesome voice was interfering with her thoughts, not only that, the voice said she had literally died, "I..I remember now, I did die, my body rotted away and from that my new body grew, Sweetie exactly how long have I been dead now?" "Its been around sixteen years since the announcement of Twilight's death, *a tear escapes her eye* its also been that long since I have seen Rarity up close, now she is placed amongst the crystalized ponies in the royal chambers, If you really are Twilight do something, We have been trying to but with so few numbers we can't" "what do you mean 'we'" "For now I'l try and find some sort of way of believing you since you resemble Twilight slightly but I'm warning you, one wrong move and I'l cut you were you stand, follow me we'll get there soon," Sweetie turned around and shook her head forward to say 'follow me', as she turned the corner the two guards from earlier spotted her, "RUN!!!" she bolted around as Astral followed. "Whats happening?" "Those ass' are back again," for a while they were chased many ponies were bumped into but then one of the guards tackled an elderly pony down, Astral noticed this so when they turned another corner she stopped, they turned the corner to follow and found themselves in a constricting grip of magic. Astral bared down on the two guards, nostrils flared and her eyes became sharper, "quickly tell me why you chase use or I'm going to clip you're colthoods short, don't waste my time," her magic gripped tighter. Struggling and flailing around in mid air the left pony choked out, "W..w.wanted crimi *urk* criminals for treason against *ARGH!* *Haaa* the empire," after he finished Astral threw the two as fast as her magic could take them and slammed them to the wall, she turned and caught up with Sweetie by using a teleportation spell. *PUFF*, "so, all this time and you become a criminal against the so called empire?" giving a quick eye a turn over the pony on her right. "What, don't expect me or the others to conform to their sick and twisted attitudes of using their chains to take our magic and freedom, I would never agree to that." they carried on running for a while passing many houses and trees and then entered the train station without being noticed, once in they boarded a train going north, WE SHOULD BE GOING EAST, we need to find out who Sweeties friends are first maybe they can help, WHAT AND BE EXTRA TARGETS FOR US, I would never hurt them For around three hours they were in a steamy compartment of the train only the sounds of the clunking track could be heard above the toots of the train. Arriving at Ponyville The ride wasn't the most comfortable, Astral has never had to hide while riding a train before, every second was tense as the black guards of the train would pass the small gaps where they were led, on arrival they both sped out of Ponyvilles train station passing the guards without being noticed, not much changed for the village apart from a few minor changes such as the butique was borded up, they passed by it fast, before long they were nearing the barnyard Applejack use to live in, a red stallion was out on the field pulling a big piece of metal that churned the dirt, he looked back to Sweetie and nodded, nodding back they entered the house. Again just like she remembered, the wooden chairs and clock on the wall and simple atmosphere, apart from the numerous ponies that inhabited the room, a little colt ran through the room and bumped his head on Astral falling backwards, A mare rushed through after him, she had a large red bow above her right ear, "Corey Jack stop right there ya lit'l varmit! Oh Sweetie," she turned her head up and hugged sweetie before turning to Astral, "and this would be?" "Its Twil.." she was suddenly interrupted, "I'm Astral Star," she turned her head and winked at Sweetie Belle, "I was told that you ponies are against the royals at what they are doing, I also noticed that the ponies here don't wear cloaks," she then looked down at the mares neck, the same onyx chain dangled from it, she cringed at the sight of it. "This lil thing, ah know its not a gud thin to look at but now ta av a gud life ya hafta have one of these things to do evry thing nowadays" "I just wish you would take it off when you're in the house, plus I'm sure Corey doesn't like to see her mom in chains," she put a hoof on the young colts head and scruffed his mane. A colt wandered from the kitchen, he was a cream, red maned colt, "I agree with Sweetie on this one Hun, you really should take that off, ain'tit heavy?" "I ain't no weak lass, I have my sisters blood in me, us apples are a strong family plus you yourself are still wearing you're magic sapper Butter Scotch," she sauntered over to the colt and tapped his horn that had a ring placed around it. "You know this is different from that chain" "Well never mind any of that crap, if ya a friend of Sweet you a friend ta us" "Thanks Applebloom," Astral began to walk in as they all stopped what they were doing. "I never mentioned mah name, huh, did you already, wait even if Sweet did tell you, you wouldn't know if it was me or the other two mares, Sweetie! who is she," A stern look came across appleblooms face, her hooves ushered Corey away from the room, glaring daggers once again Astral huffed and pointed for Sweetie to talk. SMOOTH MOVES THERE JACKASS, shut up it was a slip of tongue A few minutes pass, tears were shed and then Astral began to tell them memories to prove she was Twilight, after long she had explained how she changed, many just cringed and felt sorry for her but some faces in the room never lost their own suspicious looks. "and after that we arrived hear the rest is history, I need to defeat Sombra to free you're sister and my other friends, one thing I just have to ask where is scootaloo, I've been here for nearly an hour and I'm sure I should have seen her by now, you CMC were inseparable as fillys," Astral knew straight away that what she said struck a nerve, their faces grew dark. Applebloom came over, "Erm Twi...Astral I think you should come with me, shes upstairs," if the air was any more tense you could literally see it, after rising the stairs they walked to the very end door, *knock* *knock* "Scoot, I'm C'min in," no words came just a mumble like something had muffled her words. Astral was shocked, the young orange and purple filly she use to know was sat up in bed, although she was not a filly any more she had not grown much, "This is what happened to Scoot, Twilight.. I mean Astral, a lot has changed, this is what happens when you go against the guards," the young mare who sat in the bed dribbled slightly, "Oh dangit weresa tissue, here yar Scoot" "hannn uuu," Scootaloo was torn physically, her face was slashed and having most of her tongue was gone, her right eye was milky, and her wings and one hoof was missing leaving only bandages, "ss hhdat hrely hu hriilight," Applebloom was tearing up, scootaloos left hoof rose up and wiped the tears, "Thank ya Scoot, Astral this is what happens, this is why Sweetie has to cover her face and this is why," she turned around and showed a wooden appendage for a back leg, "we were all tortured, we were caught stealing food in canterlot to help some of the people here, Scoot tried to defend us, that sick twisted bitch was in the castle that day tho, we had to watch her bite and claw through her skin, then she went to town on us, she plucked Sweeties eye out of its sockets and ate the thing, I don't want this world for Corey Twilight.......Please do something, we want retribution, we need you and mah sister and the rest of the Elements Twi er I mean Astral," Scoot pulled her friend into an embrace then looked up to Astral with her good eye. The word may have been jumbled but it was clear with its intent, "VVVEENGHEAANCE!!" the venom dripped from Scootaloos torn lips. Sweetie Belle was stood at the door, now Astral knew why she seemed so cold now apart from the filly she use to know, the nickname Robot clearly fit now, "Hey Applebloom we goin on a food run, do you or Big mac need anything apart from the usual," Applebloom just shook her head as a reply, "K, we'll be back at dawn, Astral make yourself at home an go meet the guys, some might be who you know already and there is some new faces, be back tommorow," leaving the room. "Shes right we need to catch up, Corey darlin go get a new towel for auntie Scoot will ya, Go on downstairs Astral I'l be down in a while" "Alright I'l see you soon," Astral left the room, and began to walk downstairs as Sweetie was leaving, she gave a quick wave, MORE TIME WASTED, WE SHOULD BE KILLIN THAT BITCH OF A QUEEN, one day, just one day and we can go is that too much The night went by quickly, card games and getting to know Corey, after talking to everypony and getting to know them the only one who was still edgy was a cream pegasus mare named Noi, still it didn't matter, they were safe and she could set off east in the mourning, everything was going great, until...........................