//------------------------------// // Chapter XIV: Breaking In // Story: A New Life // by DaBeejees //------------------------------// We were woken with a jolt, as we found ourselves being shaken by Pinkie Pie. "Wake up you sleepy heads! I need to get ready to open up the shop!" I let Vinyl get up first before I follow suit, shaking my head once I do in an attempt to get myself fully awake. Vinyl seems to immediately be ready to leave, nudges me to get my attention. "Hey, babe, let’s go and..." She yawns. "...and go buy ourselves a place, now." ”What about food?” She smiles softly as she uses her magic to put on her glasses. "We can worry about getting food later. If we go now we won’t have to worry about autograph stops!" "Oh, okay." I emphatically point a hoof toward the door. "To the DeLorean!" Vinyl looked at me and and raised an eyebrow. "...seriously? How does that Back to the Future reference -- or what I’m assuming is a Back to the Future reference -- fit here?" I slowly lower my hoof, and pause to think. "I...guess it still metaphorically works...it’s a running gag used when ‘time was of the essence’, ‘there isn’t much time’, or even simply ‘we need to hurry’ or ‘escape!’..." Vinyl seemingly decides to just go along with it. "A ‘running gag’ starting now?" "I don’t see why not." "Good enough for me." Vinyl emphatically point a hoof toward the door in the same way I had earlier. "To the DeLorean!" Vinyl immediately starts galloping toward and then out the front door, and I immediately follow. Once I get outside, I find Vinyl standing just outside the door, seemingly staring off into nothing. I walk up right beside her, when she speaks. "...we don't even know where there's a house for sale..." "I do!" Vinyl and I both jump with a yelp, but fortunately don't fall down. Pinkie squeezed herself between us, and pulled out a map of Ponyville, which already had the houses of the mane six already circled with their appropriate colors. Vinyl grabs the mini-map (to use an RPG analogy) with her magic and levitates it in front of Pinkie Pie, while the latter pulls out a red crayon and circles one more location on the map. Pinkie drops the crayon. "This is the only place in town that's for sale!" Almost as spontaneously as she had appeared, Pinkie then disappeared back inside. Vinyl looks at me. "Well, that solves that issue then." *** "...how much is this place again?" Vinyl and I were standing side-by-side a little distance away from the property, both of us wide-eyed, looking up at the building that we had failed to notice was labeled as 'The Mansion' on the map that Pinkie had given us. "69 thou." "...and you already paid?" "We paid; it's under both of our names, remember?" "No, you paid; I don't even have a single bit to my name." Vinyl levitates a single bit in front of me. "Now you do." "How, how generous of you." "Don't mention it. Ready to go inside?" "Damn straight." *** Once we were inside did I truly see how expansive the place was...there were so many rooms...we started to look around, and Vinyl started writing some room ideas on the walls with a magically-levitating marker -- we were already planning to paint the walls later, anyway. The room that in which we had entered into the house was absolutely ginormous -- every single other room in the house was connected to this one, though there were some hallways that branched off of it. After we had been through every room, it basically looked like this, only...better: After all that, Vinyl and I walked back into the main area...where Vinyl started to get really close to me... "What do you say...that we..." She starts to lean into me, getting close to my face. "...break in our new home? Hmmm?" Vinyl never gave me a chance to speak as she started kissing me. However, my eyes were focused on the pony standing in the doorway, which we had forgotten to close -- Fluttershy. She had been standing there the whole time, and was blushing profusely...and every couple seconds she had to reach back with a hoof and push her wings back down. I gave Fluttershy a look to tell her to just stay there, which she did, while I poked Vinyl with a hoof. Vinyl broke the kiss, and followed my gaze as I pointed to Fluttershy, causing Vinyl to literally jump in shock, and fell to the ground. I leaned over her and waved a hoof in front of her face...with no response. She had fainted. I then approached Fluttershy, who was blushing even more now. "It...seems that I came to congratulate you on getting your own home at a bad time..." "Perhaps a little...come back over later, though, okay, 'Shy?" Fluttershy started making her way toward the door. "Um...okay then. S-see you later!" I smiled and waited for Fluttershy to leave, then gently closed the door behind her.