Night Fall Equestria


To The East

To The East

Astral rose up from where she lay, she could see nothing around her, just a pitch black darkness, "wh..where am I," the vale of darkness seemed to move ever so slightly, Astral began to hyper ventilate, she was alone in this dark world, "WHOSTHERE!!" the black parted way letting a red mist leak through.

A deep voice reverberated through the room with bass, "you are where you need to be, my little birdie," a pair of red eyes with a slit going both through and down peered from the darkness at Astral.

The eyes seeped through every contour of Astrals mind like there was no space between the two creatures in the darkness, "w..what are you," backing away Astral asks, the eyes didn't stay in place though as they turned to red mist and drifted at lightning speeds behind the mare.

Astral stopped in her tracks at the muzzle that now stood from the darkness with a grin that could match any chesire cat, but these teeth were serrated like that of a saw, "Oh my dear Astral, you should know this most, you know me so well how can you not recognize me," Astral fell backwards as her eyes widened, the figure stood before her a mixture of purple and red, almost a physical form but still that of mist, "yes, you know me best of all, as you say great minds think alike"

"NO!! not you, I cant be........................

early mourn sunshine

Astral sprung from the bed she lay in, sweat dripped profusely off her muzzle as she panted gasping for air, "I cant be," just after these words Applebloom walked through the guest room door.

"Canbe whut, Astral"

"Its nothing Applejack............. oops sorry, hehe Y'know you look so much like your sister now, almost identical if it weren't for the red mane and bow, guess I'm still waking up *YAWN* whats for breakfast," putting her arms back down to her sides and blinking a few times to get the sleep from her eyes.

A smile was on Appleblooms face, "waffles with lots of hunny, fresh from mrs hunnybottoms farm," she pondered into the room and lay down the wooden tray that was on her back onto the side table, "heres a glass of water be down in ten for the waffles hun, Sweetiebelle ul be back in half hour or so, ahl go get those waffles ready"

"Cya Applebloom be there in a few minutes," waffles sounded great to Astral *gurgle*, also to her stumoche, but there was another thought that seeped into her mind since last night, I wonder if Spike is ok, last night Applebloom said he still runs the library, glugging the water down and running through to the toilet Astral made her way downstairs.

The light blue furniture was just right of the staircase, in the middle of the table lay a great pile of toasted brown waffles, with golden hunny dripping over the edges, at the far end of the table was a mischievous little colt trying to reach for a head start on the mountain of food, a high pitched voice came from his direction, "Ah almost got it," suddenly a hoof swattered at his head with a light thump, "OW, WATCHA DO THAT FO MOM!"

Applebloom glared daggers at the young'n, "Y'know it aint fair on other people if only you get to start ya food first, wait for everypony else before starting"

"But mom I might get my cutie mark in waffle eating"

"Ah told ya before, when you're ready your cutie mark will reveal itsel, now sit down still and wait for, Oh Astral just in time," Astral walked through and sat down on another chair, "this little bugger was about to go nuts on the waffles tryin ta get his cutie mark"

Astral placed a hoof to her mouth letting a giggle escape her lips, "Guess like mother like son then, did you know your mother was a cutie mark crusader, that reminds me when did you get yours Applebloom, erm is that a hammer with an apple emblem, you always was handy with fixing things"

"There was an accident that happened at the farm a few years before Corey was born, when we were fixin it mah cutie mark popped on, when I weren't even trying to fand a cutie mark either, guess mah sis was right so I've been telling Corey the same things Sis told me," one of her hooves was placed on Coreys blond mane, it was scruffy but cute at the same time, he also has three freckles underneath each eye.

"Mom whats a cutie mark crusader," Applebloom just blushed at this comment, "is it some club or something"

"Ahl save that story for another day, isnt benchmark and Frostina waiting for you, you have to get going to school soon, quickly each your waffles then set off ok and dont forget your coat its cold out today," Applebloom took a seat next to Corey to begin breakfast.

After they finished Applebloom went upstairs to wake scootaloo for her breakfast, when she did the front door open as Astral was passing it, Sweetie Belle walked in, "Hey sweetie bel....... whats wrong," Sweetie belle looked at Astral like she just lost her soul.

"They got Talon............. they killed him on sight, he had no chance," tears began to stream down her face, "I stood there in the shadows, he saw me and shook his head for me to stay where I was, I saw it all, they tortured him, there was so much blood, a full eight minutes before they would let him die," In her remaining green eye, deep hatred dwell within as the tears fell down from her muzzle, "they need to die, all of them," Astral ran over and wrapped the young mare in a gripping hug.

"Calm down and just let it all out, don't hold back your tears," Sweeties grip was almost bone crushing as she waled at the front door, luckily they weren't loud enough to disturb Applebloom upstairs as the noise was muffled by Astrals fur, "I will fix this all, don't you worry"

Sweetie Belle looked up from the wet patch that was now on Astrals chest, "take me with you to wherever it is you're going, I want to see that tyrant bastard Sombra die with my own eye," her tears turned into a snarl, the hatred clear as the words turned to venom.

"Sweetie it is too dangerous don't argue with me on this, just trust me.."

"But you know what they will do if you're alone...... they'll kill you too just like everypony who is captured"

"Sweetie I'm not the SNIVELING LITTLE SHIT TWILIGHT ANYMORE!!" Astral raised her voice making Sweetie retreat ever so slightly, "I..I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you, I don't know what came over me"

"what was that red mist that came out of your eyes"

"What do you mean red mist," Astral moved to a mirror and checked her eyes, no mist just her new ruby red eyes, "there isn't any mist what are you talking about?"

"you had red mist and your teeth were sharp, your appearance changed for a second, what happened to make you like this?" Sweetie Belle moved over out of curiosity forgetting that the same mare just shouted at her.

For a few minutes the pair checked through the changed features of Astral new body, Applebloom came downstairs to Sweetie on the far end of Astral, it painted quite a picture as it looked like the pair was smooching in the doorway, "*CLEARS THROAT* well definitely a way to greet one another"

"Hmm what now, whatcha mean Applebloom," Sweeties head popped above Astrals back and then she realized how it would look to her from the other side, "Its not what it looks like I'm just getting a better look at her new looks"

"whatever just don't let Corey see non of it, got it Sweetie, he nearly saw you and that other mare toot sweet smoochin before," Applebloom stated flatly.

Sweetie just huffed, "It was just once and he didn't see nothin"

Astral moved back a bit with a surprised face, "wait you like mares, wow everything did change, I thought you actually liked spike for a while after my brothers wedding, although weird you two were sweet together, that reminds me do you know whether Spike would be still at the library?"

"Ah would think he would still be there at this time yeah, its only two so he shud be sortin the books at the moment," Applebloom walked to the kitchen with the plates that Scootaloo just had her food off of, "why you thinkin of goin seeing him?"

"I think it would be best if I leave him alone but I just can't do that I need to see him so I'l be back soon and then I have to set off to the east, there is somepony there expecting a visit from me," Astral nodded then began to head for the door.

Sweetie quickly grabbed her hoof, "wear this," she handed Astral a black cloak, "you know what happens to those without them, we both know that too well by now," sorrow deep in her voice, "I'l break the news to Applebloom whilst you're gone seeing Spike"

"Alright I'm off then be back around half three," she waved a hoof at the two mares before leaving the door.

It was a quick journey with not much hassle, same old ponyville just with the odd few black guard here and there, there it was, the big tree that was once her home, The open sign is there so he must be in, Astral began to walk up to the door but before she could knock on the door she stopped, its been so long to him, what if this shocks him too much pus he'll be a teen now,but before she could turn away the door opened to a grinning Spike.

"Heya, I thought I heard somepony outside and its a new face too don't worry I don't bite come on in," the little purple dragon she knew wasn't so little anymore, he was a head height above her now even with her little growth spurt, he also had wings now, you really have grown Spike, I just wish I was here to see it nut I can't change what has happened, "Erm this might sound weird but you seem very familiar, both your looks and aura feel very............... erm comforting, ur I didn't mean to gross you out or anything but its just what I feel"

Astral sighed and released as much pressure as she could, "Its ok Spike, you know me quite well, you've grown so much in the time I've been gone, I might not look the same though"

Spikes eyes widened, "Twilight?"

Astral moved forward and nuzzled Spike, "you've definatly grown if can see my aura now, sixteen years, its not a long time for a dragon but so much has changed," Astral could feel something tugging at her throat as tears began to streak her face, "I'm so glad I can see you again"

Spike grabbed a hold of Astral, "I thought you were dead, and you look so different but its you, your smell the way you move and talk, its really you isn't it, I'm not having another night terror am I, I'm not dreaming that sadistic dream again am I where your taken from me again," Spike moved away but never let go, "your really here, I'm not dreaming, quick come in before the black guards get a wiff of your magic," Spike pulled Astral into the building and moved to the kitchen.

The library didn't change much apart from looking a little more worn down and the new additions to the library, "Twilight what happened to you, your physically different now, I could tell from sight and physical observations, I can see your spiritual form now, It isn't purple anymore its red and is flowing around like a mist, unlike the usual flow of a stream. Its more like that of Celestia now."

"First thing first, I have changed my name for obvious reasons, I've changed it to Astral, so from now on when we meet call me that so that no guards find the name Twilight, even if I weren't me but had the name Twilight they would inspect me never-the-less, okay?"


"Now as to why I have changed so much, I'l make it simple, I have no clue, when I was locked up I DID in fact die down there but when I woke up I heard a........... well lets say someone helped me, and the next time I saw myself I looked like this," Spike stood up and moved over to the doorway of the kitchen.

"Well, I won't ask anymore, you're back and that is all that matters to me, do you want a cup of tea and some biscuits, I'l make your favourite, be right back," Spike went through the door and Astral saw a singe tear fall from the drakes face, sniffing could be heard lightly over the kettle.

Many hours passed, more than she wanted to spend at Spikes due to the danger she was bringing him, they shared stories until late into the night, by the time Spike began to get tired it was too dark to head back to Apple Acres, "Stop hear tonight, Your room is the same as when you left, I didn't have the heart to change," they ascended the stairs as Spike opened the door, "See, nothings changed, Its all as you left it Twi.. Astral"

"Spike I'm sorry I left you alone so many years but I'm back to correct my mistakes and rid equs of that villain for good, I'l see you tomorow before I set off to the train station, night Spike"

Spike moved to his room, leaving Astral to her own thoughts, well that was an eventful day, Yawning she made her way over to her bed and lay her head down as sleep took her away.

In the realm of Dreams

Astral looked at her surroundings, white sand surrounded her for miles as the blue and green orb in the sky covered the sun, its quite beautiful up here

"Thou hasn't spent a millennium here yet child,yes its beautiful but it is a desolate cold place," the voice spoke from behind Astral, Astral turned around to face the voice, an alicorn with a mane of stars walking toward her, although regal the mare had slitted eyes like that of a dragon and she had canines that were pointed, "Its finally nice to meet thee Astral face to face, you don't look like such a worn anymore with your new looks"

"I've heard that voice before," Astral was interupted by another deeper voice but still recognizable as a mares

"of course shithead, she is the one who made us," Another figure came from the alicorns shadow, such as the alicorn this pony had a flowing mane but it was red and had blotches of black drifting through it like sludge, "for us being so smart we are so stupid, I cannot believe you are my host"

"your the mare thats in my head, your Eclipse aren't you?"

"Give the mare a prize, nice one genius what made you think that, so stupid, fucking rediculous," both mares walked forward and took a side on either side of Astral.

"If you want true beauty child, it is down on Equs, luscious green grass but now it is being corrupted by the king of nightmares, my power fades as he grows and you are the only one in my place who can rid the darkness, you did it once with the elements but now that is useless, the only way to victory now is by using dark magic to counter sombras attacks"

All the mares were stairing at the blue orb until Astral turned to the alicorn, "Princess Celestia told me that using dark magic will take control of me if I use it..."

"That was before Child, that was the sniveling bookworm Twilight who was too weak and would submit to the darkness with ease, now you are a creature of the darkness, you are ECLIPSE!!" the alicorns wings extended as she said Eclipse, "now you control the darkness, you control the fate of this world, you. control, death. itself."

maniacal laughter came from Eclipses side, "you really think she can do it, you know she will give into me, after such I will kill you nightmare and become the queen of the nightmares myself, after which comes the rest, Sombra then Celestia, Equestria will be mine when Astral falls," the words came with venom intact as the waves of words slammed into the pair.

"I cannot wait for the day that happens so I can put your sniveling existence in its place," the navy blue mare turned her muzzle to the sky in a show boating way, "and when I do I'll make you my slave for eternity, so remember Astral if you fall I will have your body, I'l be waiting for you to kill Sombra," she placed a hoof upon Astral, "But for now its time you went back to reality," blue hue surrounded Astral as she rose into the air, all of a sudden she was hurtling towards the blue planet, as she entered the atmos she started to burn up, her skin melted and she could feel every intense pain as she hurtled towards her target, a town that surrounded a tree, she hit the tree with a large explosion

She bolted up from bed with streams of sweat dripping from her muzzle, that was the strangest dream,panting for breathe just like the last time she regained composure for the day ahead, I can't lose to Eclipse, no matter what happens I won't lose