//------------------------------// // A Night to Remember (Detour Chapter) // Story: Clash of Worlds // by Gunner59524 //------------------------------// Pinkie Pie had already booked the club, set up the party, and sent out the invitations. The location chosen was Vinyl Scratch's Club in Ponyville. Vinyl Scratch is a master of the Dubstep musical arts. Pinkie made double sure that Vinyl would play some slow songs during the party. She wanted Gunnar to have just as good a time as Twilight and the others, even with his broken leg and all. Soon, everypony had arrived and the party was underway. Even Fireteam Majestic attended, and not just to keep their charges safe, but to enjoy themselves as well. Applejack brought some hard apple cider, family recipe, to liven up the mood and lighten the load of anxiety stemming from the impending operation in the Everfree Forest. Fast Dubstep music was blaring and Twilight was enjoying some time with her friends at the moment. Gunnar was in a nearby booth, conversing with the Spartans. "Out of curiosity more than anything," DeMarco started to ask, "Why did you volunteer for an experimental training program at such a young age Gunnar?" "I....," He paused, the question bringing back memories... but he pushed aside his hesitance to answer, wanting to be honest with his team for the coming op. "I'm an orphan," he said plainly, "My parents up and left one day and..... never came back. I saw a poster detailing that the military were looking for young and able bodies to put to work. They didn't put the real details of course. They gave me those when I got there and gave me the option to stay and train, or leave. Being an orphan with nowhere else to go, but wanting to make a difference, I stayed." "Noble from the first years of life despite the hardship," Thorne responded, "I admire that about you." "Thanks Gabriel," Gunnar said with a genuine smile gracing his features. It was nice to have beings he could call friend and relate to in some degree, even if they were from another world entirely. The Spartans of Majestic were quickly becoming close friends. He knew they would have his back in the coming ops, and he would have theirs. "I'll bet you're wondering what that weapon was that I had back at the Infinity," Gunnar chuckled. A few of the Spartans nodded as they all chuckled with him. "On top of being a soldier, my talent is developing and building futuristic technologies. That weapon you saw was the one that gave me my cutie mark," Gunnar explained, "I named it the Phalanx Plasma DMR. It fires plasma beams and functions as the weapon of a marksman or markspony. I had a particular natural ability for archery and later, accurate use of rifles." "Heck of an upbringing. Did you design that dropship you came in too?" Hoya asked, "The Phoenix? Yeah." "And here I thought you ponies would be more docile," Madsen chuckled, "no offense." "None taken. For the most part, its true, we are mostly docile. But, there are those of us who aren't afraid to fight for what's right." "That's part of the reason Lasky and Celestia are carrying out a certain project," Hoya stated. "What project is that?" "They're replicating UNSC firearms for use by the bulk of Equestria's military, some vehicles too." Grant explained. "Sound's like both sides are determined then," Gunnar mused, "The Covenant won't be able to take us down without a serious fight. How long until Infinity is in the air again?" "Three months," DeMarco stated sadly, "I'm not sure that's soon enough though. The Covenant are keeping their distance though since our weapons systems are largely intact. They don't want to taste defeat from a downed human ship." He laughed at the last sentence along with everyone and everypony else in the conversation. "You human's are alright in my book if you ask me," Gunnar stated with a genuine level of respect, "The Covenant had no right to attack your race the way they did." "All of humanity would like you for saying that," Hoya laughed. Gunnar smiled and chuckled. "I think we'll leave the details of the op for tomorrow," DeMarco said to his squad and to Gunnar, "We were gonna explain the plan of action to you today Gunnar but, I've decided to let you enjoy today. This is a party for you AND Twilight after all." He chuckled at the last sentence. "Can you blame him?" Madsen started a joke, "Mare's love the soldier stallions, ladies love the Spartans." They all laughed heartily at that one. Twilight looked over and saw Gunnar laughing with the Spartans, identifying with them, he was in his element now. He had friends, both pony and human, and he was enjoying everyone's and everypony's company. It warmed her heart to see him so happy. A couple of the Spartans and Gunnar saw her and waved her over, smiles on their faces. She happily obliged. Coming over and sitting next to Gunnar. "Hey Twilight, enjoying the party?" Gunnar asked with a smile. "I am. Are you?" She answered, then asked the stallion. Gunnar nodded with a genuine joyful smile on his face. She couldn't help leaning against him and nuzzling into his neck. He held her close. "That right there is what I like to see," Grant said ecstatically, "It's a sight like that that tells me that soldiers like us are doing our jobs right, because we're keeping evil at bay so things like this can happen." "I definitely agree with that," Thorne chuckled. The two ponies blushed in response, but smiled all the same. "You know, I'm pretty confident that we'll kick some Covenant ass in the coming op. They'll never see us coming," Hoya mused with a confident grin. "I'll drink to that," DeMarco stated. It wasn't long before a slow song came on. Twilight and Gunnar excused themselves and headed to the dance floor. The Spartans could only smile at the sight of the happy couple dancing out there. "We gonna be keeping an extra close eye on them and making sure they come to no harm?" Thorne asked, already knowing the answer. "Definitely," the other members of his team answered almost instantly. He knew they would. He leaned back, relaxed, and smiled. There was no way they could fail now with all the recent developments turning the tables in their favor. "You Spartans enjoying yerselves?" Applejack asked as she came up with a tray with five mugs of hard apple cider. "I think I speak for the whole team when i say we are," Grant answered with a genuine smile. The rest of the team nodded an affirmative, confirming her claim. AJ smiled and served them some drinks as she spoke, "We'll I brought ya'll some drinks to help ya enjoy yerselves more. Consider it a 'thank ya' for the protection and extra companionship from me and mah friends." The Spartans thanked her for the kind gesture and gratefully took up their drinks. "I propose a toast," Thorne said suddenly, which drew the attention of the team and Applejack, "To new friends, new love, and victory to the forces of freedom and justice." "Here here," the other Spartans said in unison, and they all drank from their mugs. Applejack smiled at the sight. No words needed to be said. New bonds of friendship were rapidly forming. The Elements of Harmony had become more powerful. The UNSC and Equestria were quickly becoming tightly bound allies. Victory against the Covenant was a certainty at the moment. Nothing could go wrong now. But, it was still too early to tell just how certain it really was. The outcome of the upcoming op would tell them.