//------------------------------// // Chapter One // Story: Scorpio // by Foxes33 //------------------------------// It had been sixteen years and the young defenseless colt was now a young teenager who lived in Ponyville. Although he liked to talk and meet people, he liked the small town's quiet noises. There were hardly any loud bangs or booms, except for maybe the occasion parties. There were big crowds to get lost in and the cobblestone streets fit in with the town's look. It was a Saturday afternoon when Scorpio had decided to go out, even though the strange acting of his father. His father was strange after all, he wouldn't let him call him father, it was weird. However he shook off his thoughts and gazed at the fountain, it was lovely and he could see school ponies in front of it, but soon just turned and left. It didn't matter how much he tried, he was far too different, instead of like the others, every since he was young he had his cutie, and still was unsure what it meant. His guardian wouldn't tell him, he even asked the teachers, but none recalled of the strange symbol. All they knew was that it was shaped like an M, but they didn't think that made a difference. He went down the empty streets, only hearing his hooves hit the ground. Snow began to fall, making him shiver with cold, he wasn't prepared for that. Instead of having a soothing walk home, he ran to get out of the cold before he got sick. He got home sooner and open the door, walking into the porch and whipped off his hooves. Then he entered the kitchen to see that his guardian wasn't there. He could see a note on the table, he was probably going out for a while. Scorpio sighed and waited for his return. It was dark and his guardian finally came through the door, he looked tired, and Scorpio had no idea why. "Flicker where were you? Why are you home when it is dark? And don't say it is none of my business." Scorpio asked, but still knew he would get the repeated answer. "It isn't your business Scorpio. Just stop questioning me whenever I get home." Flicker growled while Scorpio rolled his eyes, "Don't roll your eyes at me. I hope you behaved better today." "Yeah, but it was an accident, I didn't mean to spill my drink on the mayor's new shirt, she over reacted." Scorpio retorted. Soon Flicker just ignored and went down the hallway and into his office. Scorpio sighed, knowing he going back to his 'work'. It wasn't a real job, Scorpio honestly felt as though he just went in there to get away from him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It was early morning and light leaked in through the window in Scorpio's room. Monday had come so soon and the alarm went off. Scorpio groaned and as though trying to block out the light lifted his blanket and stirred some more. However his eyes did open slowly and were still tired looking. He lifted off his blanket and shivered from the cold air that had wrapped around him in seconds. He disabled the alarm and hoped of the bed and out of his bedroom. However was surprised to see Flicker blocking his way. "Uhh, good morning." Scorpio said, cocking his head. "You not going to school, we need to talk." Flicker explained. "But I need to go. The more absences I get the angrier my teacher gets. Literally, tomorrow I might get detention for an unexcused absence." Scorpio retorted. "I already called you will be fine, besides this is more important then school." Flicker said and went into his office, Scorpio followed. He hadn't been in the office for a long time, but when he entered was surprised, there were pictures on the wall of symbols like his, there were notes cluttered on the floor, tables and chairs. He almost wondered if his guardian had lost his mind, he knew Flicker, and he wasn't a big fan of messes. He just looks at Scorpio, and Scorpio was looking at the large mess. "Listen, there is something you have to know," Flicker said to get his attention, "Your not like the other ponies. Your different, you are here for a greater purpose. There are other breeds of ponies as you know, one is called Seferic, they are a breed and a group. These ponies had dark skin and often reddish eyes, there hearts are darker then night. Scorpio there after you, there are more like you with these symbols." Scorpio laughed, this was like something from a science fiction movie and he doubted the fact it was true. Well his guardian scolded him, he rolled on the floor laughing. "Yeah right!" He chocked. "I am an all powerful being here to save the world. Sounds like some sort of science fiction crap." "Well it is true!" Flicker snapped, but soon, Scorpio was laughing as he left the room. "Where do you think your going?" Flicker demanded to know. "To school, your messing with me. I am maybe a little gullible at times, but that was when I was young, I am a teenager now." Scorpio answered. "Scorpio stop, I swear I am not lying, you can't go to school they will kill you!" Flicker called, but Scorpio ignored and went out the door. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scorpio got to school just in time not to be late, he sighed a little, he was a little early. He didn't have to get up the hill fast or anything. Scorpio knew, he must have set his alarm wrong. He entered the school putting stuff in his locker and went to class. Class started in ten minutes and the teacher, smiled, almost happy to see something had changed, and Scorpio cocked his head, did Flicker actually call the school saying he would be absent? As the class started Mrs. Clay sipped her coffee and stood at the front of class. "Today we have a new student, this is Shadow." She said and a darkish pony with reddish eyes entered. Scorpio's heart thudded against his chest and he felt like everyone could hear it, Flicker wasn't lying. This wasn't some prank, lucky for him, Shadow sat on the other side of the room. Scorpio lifted his hand after three classes had passed. "I have to leave. My dad is taking me to the dentist, he got the times mixed up and thought it was this morning." Scorpio said, she nodded, being nice for once and Scorpio hurried out the door. He grabbed the stuff from his locker and ran down the halls, ignoring all orders to stop, he slammed through the doors, he almost swore he almost broke it. His heart was still thudding with fear from the terrible realization that Flicker was right. He ran down the cobblestone streets, ponies looking at him confused and some yelling, he ignored that and burst through the porch door, startling Flicker who was sitting in the kitchen. "You... were... right." He admitted, panting heavily and sweat coming down his face. Flicker nodded, and lead Scorpio back into the office, probably to talk again. Scorpio followed him into the office for a further explanation. "As you know, you don't know much about me when I was younger." Flicker started. Scorpio replied with a nod, it was true, his guardian hardly told him about when he was younger. "I had a fiancee once, she was secretly your caretaker. When you were a very young colt, they were coming. No one knew how, but they knew you were there. They were coming, but she already knew, she called me in for a talk. She took me to our secret room and showed me to you, she told me everything, she told me I would be your guardian, she died for you in the end, but I knew you couldn't know when you were young, you would perhaps have nightmares. The Seferic left you for latter, now it has come to this. From the fact that people take your picture, they know your here. I wish I told you earlier to be more careful, but that would make it strange. They are looking harder now. We will have to leave Ponyville." Flicker explained. "What was her name may I ask?" Scorpio asked, curious. "Sweet Tunes. Now come, we have to move now." Flicker answered.