Big Brother, Little Sister

by Arctic Wave

Little Sister

I open the big glass door and walk in to the Minnetrotta High School. The air is cool in my lungs as I take a deep breath in the new school. I walk slowly to the gym where I know the person that I'm looking for would be. I head to the gymnasium and jog on my way there. Book bag on my back and Converse on my feet, I run harder than I ever have before. The map I looked down at several times before showed that the gym was on the opposite end of the school. My chain necklace bounces on my muscular chest as I continue to bolt down the halls and corridors. In a few minutes, I find the gym and screech to a stop. I look through the open doors and see about ten girls running laps around the large area. Then I see a rainbow haired female and I shout out her name. She turns her head and her hair goes flying. She dashes over to where I stand. I rub the back of my neck and shoot a random smile at her. She glares in question at who I am as she finally reaches point B from point A. She stares in awe at our hair and makes a small gasp.

"Hi Rainbow. What's up?" I ask.

"Who are you? How do you know my name? Why do we look alike in some way? Why am I rambling?" She rambles.

I explain who I am, how I know her name, why we look alike, and why she was rambling. I explain that our dad was... different now that I had to live with her.

"Dad told you that you were going to live with me!? I didn't hear from him? And if you ask where my room is in my apartment... I will end up hurting you so bad that you will cry for our mommy. You got that?!" She shouts at me.

I nod my head in disbelief. "Yup. Got it. Umm. Well may I ask some questions? I need answers too," I say.

"Shoot," Dash whispers.

I say my questions one at a time until she has a chance to answer all. As soon as I tell her that I'm a couple years older and heading off to college in a year, she freaks out. Yelling at me for a reason that I don't understand. She scoots back and trips over one of the gym bags left on the floor. I catch her by her hand and then she heavily blushes like me. I pull her up when we both notice that the other girls had stopped and had begun staring. She turns without a thank you grabs her bag and tells me that she is gonna hang with Fluttershy. I ask Rainbow if I could hang with her and not bother her but she just said Fluttershy didn't need any help at the place where she worked. She also said to leave her alone. Walking away with the still heavy blush, she tells the girls to begin running again. A tear runs down my face and I walk away, picking up my sky blue backpack and heading to the boys locker room. There I cry. No one is there to hear my hyperventilating cries and screams of the dis I just got from my little sister. Other schools would have brought me in with loving arms like a new kid to a family, but here, I have no one. No friends, no relationships, not even my sister. I cry harder and hush between my heavy breaths. I hear someone coming and shut up. The stomps of their shoes echo throughout the room. Then they stop. I see a glimpse of rainbow hair in the doorway of the locker room and then swoosh away.

I whisper words of hate at my sister and mother so only I could hear. I check the time on my watch and see that it's ten minutes after school ended. I think of how strong and popular I was before I found out about the squirt in my family. I get up and grab hold of my backpack again and walk out of the room. The halls were lighted but were as empty as a graveyard. I walk the ghost town halls and exit the building. I walk through the parking lot and head to my pick-up. I head to the left side, unlock the door, and hop in to start it. The motor hums. I step on the gas pedal and relax. I check my phone to see if I have any texts from my dad or friends from my other schools. When I turn it on, I see an unknown number on my screen and I read the text while I'm at a stop light.

Leave me alone. I don't want you in my life. Sorry. -RD

Surprised that I have her number now, I begin to well up. The words she typed hurt like a knife to the heart. She was family and I loved her like that. Not like I wanted to go out with her. Was I going into denial? She was cute and all but really? Did I like her on a whole different level? I couldn't. She was my sibling and that can't happen. I hear a horn honk at me and I snap back into reality. I see that the light was green and step on the gas. I think about my sister and the tears run down my face. I wipe them away with the heel of my right hand and with the left on the wheel. Both hands go onto the wheel once I finish wiping my eyes and turn on my blinker. I take a left turn and head over to where the girl Fluttershy worked. A completed turn makes me smile. At least that brightened my day. But then thinking of when I saw Rainbow Dash in the gym, she lit up my life. I had someone to care for, to protect, and to love. I reach the parking lot of the shelter and go to an empty parking space. I put the car in park, turn off the engine, get out of the car, and lock it. I see Rainbow's mountain bike with a lightning bolt coming from a white cloud like mine but without the cloud. I walk into the store and see my sister with a pink haired girl in the back with the kittens. I tap the service bell and the pink haired girl runs forward.

All I wanted to do was say sorry to my sister, and get some pets to keep me company while I find a place to live.

"Welcome! What can I do for you?" Asks Fluttershy.

"Well, I'd like a puppy. Do you have any?" I question with a smile.

"Oh yeah! We also have 'teen' dogs. They have a lot of ener..." Her voice trails off as I stare at Rainbow Dash.

She just rolls her eyes and starts to laugh. I feel a cold hand touch mine and drag me to the dog kennels. Rainbow follows me and starts to softly punch my back. I smile because she was being annoying for no reason but I was used to it in some way. Dogs and puppies galore when we make it to the large room. Barks and yips echo in my ears. Then my phone vibrates in my sweatpants pocket. I take it out and it's RD again.

I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I was mad at Dad. You can com live with me. -RD

She gives me a hug and I immediately forgive her. I share the hug and find a cute pooch with a peanut butter coat.

"HEY SHY!" I shout over the loud noise. "I'LL TAKE HIM! THE ONE WITH THE PEANUT BUTTER COAT!"

"Yay! He came here yesterday and was the shyest thing! Walk up to him! See if he likes you!" She shouts as well.

I do what she says and he likes me. Maybe having a family isn't so bad.