//------------------------------// // Chapter Two: Pack It Up, and Roll it Out. // Story: Snow Job. // by overlord-flinx //------------------------------// The road ahead was long... It was cold... And it was unforgiving... But, it was nothing a van filled with suitcases, snack-packs, and travel blankets couldn't handle. Early on in the morning, Vinyl and Octavia spent the better part of it deciding on what to bring on their trip and getting into arguments over what they didn't need to bring. More-so, what Vinyl didn't need to bring. Yet, such is the curse of the first vacation with someone: differing opinions on what was needed. Vinyl had her ideas, Octavia had her own. Even the choice of vehicle fell onto a winded debate. Octavia suggested they travel with Vinyl's jeep, given that its tires were more suited for any snowfall covered roads they may come across. Vinyl on the other hand voted on taking a bus up to their destination. Why? In the case that something bad might happen, they could rob one of the other passengers for their phone. Also, because it saved on paying for gas for them. The argument on that point went for a good while, though Octavia beat Vinyl out with the aid of the "rock-paper-scissors" method. A crude method, but one that Vinyl would always adhere to. That aside, the two locked horns moments later when deciding on what they should bring. "But we could totally need it!" Vinyl argued this way. "There's no practical purpose for it!" Octavia would fire back that way. "It's a crucial element for any vacation!" Octavia protested. "Then let me bring my sack!" Vinyl would retry. Again and again, the two bickered and fought over this and that. One would put something into the van, only to find it out of the van the second they looked the other way. After awhile of the exchanging of blows between one another, even Vinyl started to get a little hot under the collar. For all purposes, the stop of their first vacation together was not off to a great start. However, a moment came where their bickering came to a sudden halt and their attention was brought to the car radio left to play holiday songs while they worked. The music had died-down to a subtle musical backdrop while a voice cued in over it. "Happy Holidays to all you early morning birds out there. This is your holiday host, RD, coming at you live from the studio. I wanted to turn down the music and level with all of you out there. Here to help me with that is my really good friend, Shy." "Nice to be here with you, RD." "Same to you. So tell me, Shy, what was it you and me were talking about when the last song was playing? I was really into it, and I think our listeners will be into it to." "Yes, well, I was telling you about all the cars I saw parked outside the High School when I came in today. I remembered that the High School was putting on a cultural fair today. So... I just thought that was so special..." "'So special', what do you mean?" "Well... A lot of people went to show up for it, yes? So... That shows a lot of people -maybe of a lot of different cultures- wanted to go under the same roof and spend a part of this special holiday season -not with family and friends- but with someone they don't know anything about. The holidays, no matter what you believe in, are a time to value spiritual exchanges like that." "I hear that. But what about everyone out there listening to this show right now? They aren't at this cultural fair, right? Are they missing out on this 'valued spiritual exchange'?" "Heavens, no! People listening to this show right now are most likely in their car or sitting at home with loved ones. As much as getting to know something you don't know already is a great thing, I don't think there can be anything more beautiful than sharing these precious moments with someone you care deeply about. If you're at home hearing this, I hope you're curled up next to the fire with family and friends nearby. If you're in the car, I can hope you're looking over at the person sitting next to you and knowing this drive is all worth it." Both Vinyl and Octavia softly looked at the other, argumentative frustration dwindled away into just somber frowns. They couldn't read each other's mind, but they knew they felt the exact same way right at that moment. They felt like real fools arguing on their first real time spent together... Vinyl offered Octavia a sided smile and put her hand against the other girl's back, patting it and snickering a little. Octavia too started to laugh and went to fill the trunk of the van with as much of Vinyl's strange curios as she could while Vinyl organized out the front for her friend. They shared not a single word, only the occasional glance over to the other followed by a moment of a chuckle. "I'm with you on that, Shy. Right now, I'm here in the studio with a time-weathered friend right with me. Not even Christmas yet, and I'm already feeling the warm of the season deep inside me." "I feel the same way, RD. Thank you for having me on this morning." "No. Thank you for coming. And -hey- why don't you stay for the next few days? Could be fun mixing out the New Year with you. What do you say?" "I say, 'put some Jingle-Bells on and let the holidays begin'." "Can do, will do, and already done. Tune on later all you Holiday crazed kids out there. RD and Shy will be bringing the holiday feel to you all weekend long."