//------------------------------// // Climbing the Walls // Story: The Pony That Is Never There // by divinearcadia //------------------------------// Climbing the Walls I wonder what Friday has in store for us. Twilight thinks, pondering who Ever Here and Pure Interval will have attending. If their coworkers are as interesting and unique as they are, Twilight is sure that it will be a night to remember. However that's a few days away and she's supposed to meet Never There at Sugar Cube Corner in a few minutes. Calling out to Spike, who is wandering around the library at the moment, she lets him know that it's time they should be leaving to meet with their friends. “Pinkies cinnamon rolls two days in a row... How luck can a dragon get?” He asks rhetorically. “You're going to have to cut back on desserts for a couple days unless you want to get even pudgier than you are now.” Twilight says with a giggle. “Hey! I'm not pudgy... I like to think of it as tuxedo filler.” He says with all the bravado of Spike. Twilight just laughs and continues out the door with Spike right on her heels. “So, do you want to go with me to the dinner party I told you about?” She says as they make their way down the road. “Sure. From what you've said, they sound like really great ponies and his Moms food is even better than his. That sounds like a good enough reason to me.” Spike says with a chuckle. “Well just be sure to be on your best behavior. You haven't met them yet so don't forget that.” She says admonishing him gently. “I know.” He says casually. “How about we hurry up a little, I haven't had anything for lunch yet and I'm starving.” “Alright.” Twilight says chuckling, increasing her pace a bit. “I could use a fresh roll myself.” They move through the busy streets of Ponyville at a fairly good rate, managing to get there just ahead of their friends. Looking around, they see that Pinkie is nowhere to be seen but the smells and noises from the kitchen lets them know that Never There must be here. “Hello, Never There. How are you doing today?” She says as she makes her way to the corner table by the window and takes a seat, Spike sitting beside her. “Looking forward to Friday night?” “Friday night? What's going on?” Pinkie says leaning back out of the kitchen, a bowl of batter being mixed furiously in her forelegs. “Oh, it's a small dinner party Never Theres parents are hosting with some of their coworkers. I was going to to ask you and the other girls if they want to come along as well.” She says in reply. “Sounds like it'll be a super time!” Pinkie says with her usual anticipation for any form of mass social interaction. “You can count me in!” Out of the corner of her eye, she notices a piece of paper placed on the table beside her. I'm doing quite well today and I always look forward to visiting my parents. He writes. “That's good to hear and I know what you mean, they're fantastic ponies.” Twilight says beaming. “Do you think you may want to come along with the group? I remember how you said it's a bit of a hassle for you to get to Canterlot, so I think it might be better this way.” She responds. That sounds fantastic, Twilight. I look forward to it. He replies. “So, why don't you sit across from me and I'll bring some chairs around so everypony can sit comfortably. You can use your inkwell to show everypony where you're sitting too.” She says, pleased with her idea. A splendid idea. You don't know how many times I've been sat on in my travels. He writes with a chuckle, placing his inkwell in front of him. Twilight laughs a little at his words, not knowing if he's serious or not. Before she can ask, Rainbow Dash walks in with a jingle from the door. “Heya Twi. How's it going?” She says as she makes her way over. “Pretty good.” She replies with a smile. “I've just been chatting a little with Never There while Pinkie bakes the rolls.” “Sounds like fun.” She says grinning back. “So where's that guy who's outta sight?” “Across the table from me.” She says with a smirk. “He's still so awesome you can't even touch him though.” “Yeah, yeah... Very funny.” Dash says with a smirk. “I still don't know what you don't see in him.” Twilight almost responds, a bright blush on her cheeks, but is cut short again as Fluttershy and Applejack enter together. “Howdy girls.” Applejack says after the bell subsides its announcement. “Never There here yet?” “Yep.” Dash responds as she and Twilight begin moving two more tables together to make a loose triangle. “He's across from Twi.” “Ah was wonderin' what that inkwell was doin' all by its lonesome.” She replies. “So... um... do you think it would be alright if I go get us something to drink?” Fluttershy asks in her usual fashion. “That's right kindly of ya, Fluttershy.” Applejack says with a smile. “Ah'll pay fer us all since yer goin' to all the trouble.” “You don't have to do that Applejack...” Twilight begins. “It the least Ah can do since Never There treated us all to such a good meal last night.” She replies with a smile. It was my pleasure, Applejack. But like Twilight said, you don't have to pay for my drink. He writes. “Well, it's mah pleasure to treat mah friends once in a while.” Applejack says with a firm nod, ending their protests. She passes a small bag of bits to Fluttershy who smiles in thanks and leaves quickly. “So where's Rarity?” Dash says curiously. “She's normally right on time when we get together.” “Maybe she's finishing some project she put off since she was hosting our dinner last night?” Twilight ventures. “Or she's jus' tryin' ta' be 'fashionably late.'” Applejack says with a chuckle which cuts off comically short at sound of the bell jingling as the mare in question walks in. “Oh my, it appears as though I'm not the last to arrive after all.” She says with a smile. “You are, actually.” Dash says casually. “Fluttershy's out getting us something to drink right now.” “Oh...” Rarity replies, slightly put out. “So how much longer do you think until Pinkie's done with those heavenly rolls of hers?” It shouldn't be too much longer. She has been working on them for about fifteen minutes now and she said she had the dough made up last night. Never replies. “Wonderful.” Rarity says after glancing at the note. “I was putting in a little extra time this morning to catch up on a custom order and I think I made good progress.” “Sorry about you falling behind on your commission, Rarity.” Twilight says slightly guilty at her friend putting them before herself. “If you'd like, I can help out if you need it.” “Think nothing of it Twilight.” Rarity says in a slightly haughty manner. “It is truly nothing for me to miss a day on a commission and my being host for that dinner party is worth far more than any amount of bits.” “Even I have to say,” Rainbow Dash says prodding Rarity's shoulder gently, “That's pretty cool. For you anyways, Rarity.” “I do have my moments, don't I?” She says with an upper class air. “Aaaand... It's over.” Dash says, getting a laugh out of both Twilight and Applejack. A moment later, Fluttershy returns with a medium sized bottle of milk. “What did I miss?” She asks softly as their humor winds down. “Nothin' much.” Applejack says. “Jus' Rarity bein' Rarity with Dash in the same room is all.” “Oh.” She replies simply, a timid smile on her face. “They're almost done everyone.” Pinkie calls from the kitchen. So do you and your friends always tease one another like this? Never asks, sliding his note over to Twilight. “Oh, yes.” She replies easily. “It happens so much anymore that we don't even really think about it anymore.” All of you must get along quite well in that case. He responds. “You wouldn't believe some of the things we've been through, but at the end of the day, teasing one another is just a part of our friendship.” Twilight says with a smile. “That's right.” Dash says cheerfully looking over to empty space across from Twilight. “We wouldn't trade our adorkable egg-head for anypony else.” “Adorkable?” Twilight asks genuinely confused, though a silly grin spreads across her face matching Dash's. “Well that's a new one.” “Speaking of new, the rolls are done!” Pinkie shouts from the kitchen. “Hope everypony's ready for these super duper double-delicious rolls!” “Oh, one last thing before I forget.” Twilight says as Pinkie carries a steaming pile of heavenly rolls in, placing it on her table. “I was invited to a dinner party by Never Theres parents this Friday night at seven thirty and his Mom said that I can invite my friends along as well, so if you girls would like to come long, that shouldn't be a problem.” “Another dinner party so soon?” Rarity says with an eager gleam on her face. “If I remember correctly, didn't Never There say his parents live in Canterlot?” “Indeed they do.” Twilight responds. “Then why ever would I say no?” Rarity says gleefully. “Ah'm sure Ah can manage it if Big Mac is willin' to take on a couple extra chores this week.” Applejack says confidently. “If I won't be a bother...” Fluttershy says demurely. “Why not? I'm sure it'll be awesome.” Dash answers with a casual crossing of her forelegs. If my Mom told Twilight to invite her friends, then she's going to be pulling out all the stops with the meal. Also, Fluttershy? You wouldn't be a bother in the least. I know my parents would be delighted to have you join us for a dinner party. Never There writes, trying to assure one of his new friends. “My... such a considerate gentlecolt.” Rarity says smiling about the last part. “Okay, I don't know about you girls, but I'm about ready to start gnawing on this table if I don't get at these rolls.” Rainbow Dash says dropping her chin onto the table. “Let me just go grab some cups for the milk and we can get started in a jiffy!” Pinkie says diving over the counter and into a tumbling roll before darting into the kitchen. “I'm glad you all can make it.” Twilight says with a big smile. “His parents are both wonderful ponies and I'm sure the other guests will make for interesting conversation.” “I just hope they don't drive me up the wall with some mumbo-jumbo I don't understand.” Dash says with her usual slight grumpiness at having food in front of her and not being able to eat it quite yet. “I don't think you'll have to worry about it too much.” Twilight assures her. “They're just like anypony else. They just see the world a little differently.” Dash makes a noncommittal noise but perks up as Pinkie puts some cups and plates on the table. The conversation generally revolves around the subject of Friday, with everyone deciding that meeting at the train station at six would work out for the best. Dash asks Never if she could drop by later today to borrow one of his series to which he gives the go ahead. For the most part, Twilight would be happy about going to Canterlot and having dinner with one of her soon to be instructors, but this time she has a feeling of mild dread looming over her. Not because her friends are coming along. Just for some unknown reason. She just shrugs it off for the time being and takes a bite of hot cinnamon roll, letting it wash her concerns away. For Twilight, the week seems to go by relatively calmly. No disasters, dilemmas, or otherwise disquieting events to cause any disruptions. She receives a letter from Princess Celestia the day after they had their get together, not only accepting her choice in mentor, but also letting her know she had the very same pony in mind for her. Though aside from that, nothing very exciting happens. Then Friday dawns and Twilight is filled with the kind of golden excitement that nothing could tarnish. She goes about her usual routine before she decides to settle down on her plush couch to read, just after lunch. The time flies by for her as she gets immersed in her book, only distancing herself from it when a patron comes in or asks for help in searching for a book. It was a bit a a surprise for Twilight when a slip of paper suddenly slides down the page she's currently reading. After a quick gasp of shock, she catches it in her magic to read it. We... have a problem. It says. “Oh, hello Never There.” She says after her heart stops trying to migrate up her throat. “What do you mean we have a problem?” Mobius Fractal is going to be attending the dinner party tonight. He writes, setting the paper on the arm of the couch this time. “Mobius Fractal? Who's that?” She replies. He's the head of the department where my parents work. He's not only a very powerful unicorn, but he's a genius when it comes to metaphysics. It might be best to have you and the others come some other time. His next note says. “It's fine, really.” Twilight says. No, it's not, Twilight. He replies fervently. You have no idea what he can do without even trying. “I'm sure your parents can safeguard us if he does anything strange.” Twilight says confidently. “Plus I'll be there as well.” I guess you have a point... He writes, still unsure if he should let his new friends go through with this encounter. “Anyways, we've all been really looking forward to this all week. You'd have better luck trying to pry Rainbow Dash from a new Daring Do book.” Twilight says chuckling. I have noticed that when you or your friends want something, you tend to pursue it until you get it. He writes with a smile. “What can I say?” Twilight says smiling. “We're all very driven mares and know what we want.” I think I caught a glimpse of that drive when you went to visit my parents to try to understand me better. It's not often I meet ponies who not only want to understand my mystery but become my friend as well. I'm sure you and the others will get a chance to meet him on Friday. He writes with a smile. “In that case, a friend of yours is a friend of mine.” Twilight says with a smile. “I look forward to meeting your other friend as well.” I have a feeling that you may know him already. He writes laughing a little. “Oh?” She says curiously. I'm sure you'll know as soon as you see him. He replies with a smirk. “Well then.” Twilight says with a sly smile. “I guess I'm going to put a little extra into getting ready for tonight. I think I'll probably close up the library now to get around to it since it's about two right now. Sorry for cutting your visit short, but I'll meet you at the train station at six?” I'll see you there. He replies, leaving the library ahead of Twilight. “Spike?” She calls out to the library in general. “Lets go to the spa so we can look our best for tonight.” Spike trudges down the stairs, rubbing at his eyes slightly. “Alright.” He says a little groggy. “Though I don't know why we have to. It's not like we're having dinner with the Princess or anything like that.” “Well I want to make a better impression to his Mom.” Twilight says as though it's obvious. “Show her that I'm not some frumpy scholar who only excels in studies, neglecting even their bodies. I've met those kind of ponies before and almost became one. That's not the kind of pony I want to be.” She finishes with a shudder. “I guess.” He replies dispassionately. “I'm sure Rarity will be there~” Twilight says teasingly, knowing that will get him moving if nothing else will. “Then what are we waiting for?” Spike says visibly perking up, all traces of his midday nap evaporating. “Lets get moving.” With a laugh at her young companion, Twilight flips the open sign to closed as they leave for the spa. After arriving at the spa, Twilight and Spike make their way to the large room filled with all manner of relaxation and beautification stations. As Twilight suspected, Rarity was there along with Fluttershy. Applejack was there as well, which was a bit of a surprise. Her only explanation to her presence was that she felt that she should get her mane, tail and coat washed thoroughly as well as getting the harsh burs on her hooves removed so she wouldn't ruin their floor if it's polished. As time progresses, their remaining two friends join them for company though they don't use any of the services. Rainbow Dash isn't much company though as she sits down and promptly looses herself in a book, presumably one she borrowed from Never There. It's a very nice change of pace for Twilight all-in-all, taking her time to relax instead of worrying overly much. Though she does take a moment to talk to everypony and tell them the warning that she was given, to which they reply just as she thought they would. With assurances that they will handle any oddness with their usual flair and that they would rely on Twilight or their hosts to deal with any magical problems. They take their time in the spa, taking the time to simply unwind and generally catch up with each other about their busy week. However, the time comes for them to eventually make their departure from the spa when five thirty rolls around. With little else to do, they make their way to the train station so that they can get their tickets purchased and wait for the last member of their group to arrive. They don't have long to wait as a scrap of paper flutters to the ground in front of Spike who picks it up and passes it to Twilight with a snicker after reading it. Good afternoon, everyone. It seems as though I will be in the company of a group of radiant mares this evening and I can't even enjoy the jealous looks of other stallions at my good fortune. The note says. As Twilight reads the note out loud with a smile, mirth silvering her words, as she and her friends all find a blush rising on their faces. “Dear Never, would you rather enjoy their jealousy over our wonderful company?” Rarity says with a flutter of her eyelashes. I think that the company is unquestionably the best part of this evening. I am a lucky stallion to have such good, and might I add, lovely friends. He replies. “Such a flatterer, but a charming one at that.” Rarity says with a smile. “It truly was a stroke of luck that our dear Twilight had the chance to meet you and to introduce you to us as well instead of keeping you all to herself.” “Rarity!” Twilight replies, an embarrassed flush covering her entire face. “It's just a joke, darling.” Rarity says with a laugh. Her friends joining in as well, though they all comfort her with either hugs or assurances that they think she would do nothing of the sort. Soon after they finish apologizing, Twilight even chuckling a little at the absurdity of the jibe, they hear the distinctive whistle of the train. They look up to see the distinctive smoke trail rising in the distance. “Well, in any case it looks as though our ride is here and in no time we'll be in Canterlot. I simply must give your mother my most sincere thanks for allowing Twilight to invite us all.” My mother will certainly be happy to have you all attend. It's not often they are able to get new ponies to attend her dinners due to the strange nature of her field. He writes just before the train crests the final hill. “It's not a problem at all, right girls?” Rarity says, her friends smiling and nodding in agreement. “Now, we should hold off on any more conversation until we've settled in in the train. Wouldn't want to loose your words due to an errant breeze, now would we?” Not that he could reply in any case. Soon enough, the train comes to a stop and they file on shortly after the current occupants leave. The conductor gives Twilight a strange look as she hands him three tickets instead of the obvious two for her and Spike. She just smiles and nods, so the conductor takes the three with a shrug. Once they find an empty car, they settle in for the trip to Canterlot. After roughly an hour and fifteen minutes, they find their selves standing in front of Never Theres foalhood home. Taking the lead, Twilight walks up to the front door and gives it a couple solid taps. Listening intently, she hears the muted noise of conversation from inside. She doesn't wait long as a couple moments later the door opens to reveal the smiling face of Ever Here. “Twilight!” She says happily, bringing her into a brief hug. “I see you took my open invitation and brought your friends as well.” “Yes, I did.” Twilight responds, smiling in kind. “Also, might I add that they have all become acquainted with Never There and have been looking forward to coming here since I invited them. Thank you again for that, Ever Here.” “Wonderful.” Ever says before beckoning with her foreleg. “Please, come in. It wouldn't be right to have you all introduce yourselves on our doorstep.” They all thank her as she holds the door open and walk through. After closing the door a couple moments after they all walk through, she turns to the small group. “If you would kindly go down the hall and into the first door on the left, that would be our living room, you can make your introductions to my husband at the same time. We're having an informal arrangement for tonight so that everypony can mingle or sit as they please.” Once they follow her directions, they are greeted by an older stallion roughly the same age as Ever Here. “Twilight, it's good to see you again.” He says smiling at her before he looks at her friends in turn. “So these are the friends you brought? It's a pleasure to meet all of you, I am Pure Interval, though I would prefer if you call me Val.” Once Ever walks over to his side, Twilight's friends make their introductions along with compliments about the house and their sincere thanks for allowing them to attend. Once officially welcomed into the dinner party, they are directed to the moderately laden table in the middle of the room and encouraged to simply mingle with anypony in general. As her friends move off, Twilight and Spike linger with Ever and Val so that they would get better introduced as she told them about him the last time she was here. However once they talked with him for a short time, telling him that they even prepared a small bowl of gems for him, Spike makes his way off to find it and confiscates a comfortable chair to sit in. “So, Never told me that the department head of your field would be attending tonight?” Twilight asks after a short pause. “He said that it might pose a big problem.” “Oh, you mean Mobius Fractal.” Ever says with a small roll of her eyes. “He's normally not too bad, though if his concentration slips... it can cause some interesting situations to arise.” “Oh...” Twilight says, not entirely sure if she wants to know what counts as 'interesting' in her book. “So were my parents able to accept your invitation?” “Sadly, no.” Val says. “It seems as though some high ranking noble pulled a fast one on Night Light and they couldn't attend tonight. Something about his departments budget and an appearance at his soiree.” “Ugh...” Twilight replies a little annoyed. “I was hoping they could make it tonight. I'm sure they would like to get to know Never There better.” “There's always the next time.” Ever replies cheerfully. “No need to fret over it.” “Alright.” She concedes. “So, where do you think Never There has gotten off to?” “Oh, he's probably around here somewhere.” Ever replies chuckling. I'm right here. Says a note that flutters down in front of his Mom. “Oh, there you are dear.” Ever says happily. “I didn't see you come in.” “Oh my...” Twilight says both aghast at how bad the joke is and that she found it monumentally funny. “You're horrible.” “What?” Val says with a chuckle. “After moving to Ponyville, we only get the occasional letter from him and when he's home, we don't see hide nor hair of him.” At this, Twilight looses it. Her laughter drawing the attention of a few guests. She catches her breath soon enough though and tells them about her own attempts at word play involving her friends. At this, Never gets involved as well, telling his parents about some of the highlights as well as the culinary genius of Pinkie Pie. At his high praise, Ever decides to hunt down said pony and potentially accost her for the recipe. “Since I first met her, she has always had a passion for cooking.” Val says as he watches his wife ply through the light gathering. “She once told me that she does it because through cooking, she can bring a little bit of there to here.” “It sounds uniquely her.” Twilight says as she watches Ever strike up a conversation with Pinkie. “It's quite romantic in its own way.” “To be honest, when we started to spend more time together, she would cook unique dishes from all of Equestria and some more exotic ones from Saddle Arabia.” He says with a chuckle. “On our first picnic, she prepared a traditional Saddle Arabian dish. It ended with my head in a nearby fountain trying to cool my mouth off.” If you want your taste buds to remain intact, I would recommend easing your way into some of her transitional dishes. Never writes, shuddering as he remembers asking his Mom to skip a few intermediary courses. “I think I'll take that advice to heart then.” Twilight says mirthfully at imagining Val rushing off in a mad dash. “If it's alright with you, I think I may be ready to sample some more of her exquisite cooking. Would either of you care to give me some recommendations?" “I think I'll leave that in my sons capable hooves.” Val says looking off at something before looking back at Twilight. “I'm glad you could make it tonight.” “I'm glad I could make it as well.” Twilight replies happily. With that, Val moves off to chat with another guest while Twilight turns to look where she thinks Never should be. “So, what do you recommend? Also who's this mystery friend of yours?" Sadly, I don't know if he'll make it tonight... He may have something going on with his father if I remember correctly. Though I would recommend the zesty cheese spread with the butter crackers. He replies, thinking that he's shrewd enough to avoid any suspicion from her. Twilight doesn't think anything about it, aside from a mild sense of disappointment as she is fine with the company she's in right now. The dinner party progresses at a good pace as food, conversation and laughter go around in equal measure. As nine o'clock rolls around, Twilight feels that something is strangely off. She can't place her hoof on it though, so she decides to ignore it for the time being. She looks around for a bit before she notices Val and Ever talking passionately to a third. The much younger stallion has a royal purple mane and a jet black coat. As she gets closer, she notices his cutie mark appears to be a pin striped figure eight repeated over and over, each slightly offset. This repetition creates an optical illusion to her that his mark seems to be both one and many at the same time. “Sorry for intruding, but is there something wrong?” Twilight asks with no small amount of trepidation. “Oh, Twilight dear.” Ever says, throwing a warning look to their companion. “Nothing at all. Though it is slightly bothersome. I would like you to take your friends into the kitchen for the time being though if you could.” “Are you sure that's all you need right now?” She says to make sure. At a nod, Twilight turns to gather her friends. As she makes her way through the room, she notices something odd in the reflection of a drink. The ceiling is no longer there. Instead, it's as though it had been replaced by a mirror. A mirror that doesn't reflect the ponies gathered in the room. With a shiver at the inevitability, she looks up... and finds herself looking up at the same time. What??? “Oh for the love of Celestia! Finally another guest has arrived at the other half of the party!” A strange voice says jovially. “Welcome to the other half of my dear friends dinner party! It's not often that one has the chance to be in two places at one time, so you may as well enjoy twice the party!” He says with pure happiness in his voice. “What's going on?” She responds dumbly. The strangeness that is now surrounding Twilight takes the form of herself, and her reflection looking at one another. One looks up at a warm room filled with lively guests and conversation while the other looks at a room mostly devoid of ponies. Trying to look up and around at the same time, Twilight spots three other ponies talking. This is wholly disturbing as the vision of two Twilight's makes their presence known to her eyes. Two similar minds with similar thoughts takes up residence in her head. All of her senses are shared between the one below and the one above. “Oh, it's just a little something I thought up to double the enjoyment of the party!” He says making his way over. The emptier reflection shows him weaving back and forth, as though navigating between other ponies while the other shows him doing just that. “I'm Mobius Fractal, it's a pleasure to meet you!” “Uh huh.” She replies lamely, still looking up. “Can you tell me what's going on? I don't understand...” “Oh, I just induced a reflected quantum entanglement harmonization involving a localized location. It's a little tricky, especially as it requires a pony to acknowledge the reflection to have its full effect, so it's somewhat related to the observers principal of reality.” He explains happily. “Mobius?” Ever says gently as she closes the distance, as though trying to sooth a harmless madpony who's half a step from plunging a carriage of school foals into a large vat of clotted cream. Much to the enjoyment of the foals and the loathing of the messy cleanup by their respective parents. “Could you please start dispelling this? I don't think our guests would enjoy this very much.” “Oh posh.” He replies with a wave of his hoof. “You never know until you know.” “But I do know that Twilight's friends wouldn't enjoy it. You're about to drive us up the wall as it is...” Ever says reasonably, to Twilight anyways, though her look of shock at what she just said reveals otherwise. “No, no no. Please don't Mobius.” She pleads. “It has been a while since we've had a nice wall party.” Mobius says with a hoof to his chin. “This is getting boring anyways since you wouldn't let me get others in on it.” “Wall party?” Twilight asks, still craning her neck at a strange angle. “Please don't encourage him.” Ever says with an exasperated sigh. “Fine Mobius, but you can only use the east wall. I don't want anypony falling through a window, walking on our books or scuffing up our paintings. The last time you did that we had to replace a dozen books because you decided that it would be a good idea to impose it instead of suggest it. We won't invite you back if you do that this time, now please dissipate the quantum entanglement.” “Okay, okay... Such a party pooper.” He grumbles, Ever only sighs in response. As the reflection looses coherency, the senses of the other Twilight begin to dull gradually which creates a sort of... pressure on the real Twilight's senses which ends with a 'popping' sensation. It's very hard to describe how it tastes to have that particular sense 'pop.' “Was that some kind of arcane construct tied to me?” Twilight says softly after the ceiling becomes its normal self again. “No, that was you as much as you are you.” Ever explains. “Though that you only existed once you acknowledged that pocket of reality.” “I... feel like I'm going to be saying that 'I don't understand' a lot in the near future.” Twilight responds. “No worries dear.” Ever says patting her shoulder comfortingly. “Now, would you help me to remove the few things on the east wall?” “Sure.” Twilight replies as her horn flares to life. “So... is he going to do what I think he's going to do?” “Creating a secondary non-inclusive gravitational orientation with the full causality effect?” Ever says with a slight shake of her head. “Yes, yes he is.” “So... if you begin walking up the wall, not only will you not fall, but physics will adjust to the new orientation?” Twilight ventures. “Close enough for an educated guess.” Ever says warmly. “There's quite a bit more to it than that, but yes. That it the general gist of it. I have a feeling that you're going to catch on fairly quickly in your studies.” “I hope so...” Twilight replies. “Attention everypony!” Ever calls out, cutting through the modest conversation with the same efficiency as a plasma cutter applied to butter. “If you would turn your attention to the eastern wall, we will have a demonstration of some minor applications of metaphysics by the head of the department. I introduce you all to Mobius Fractal.” “Ah, ahem...” He clears his voice nervously. “I-if you a-all would l-look this way? I-it's as easy a-as wa-wa-walking up th-the wall.” At the conclusion of his stuttering explanation, he turns to the wall, places a hoof on it and begins to walk up it with no visible active magic nor ill effects. Once he nears the halfway point of the wall, he turns and smiles with a beckoning wave of his hoof. A couple just shake their heads with a smile before they too decide to join him, some of the unicorns levitating a few chairs up to rest on the wall. As though this is nothing out of the ordinary, the party continues though Rainbow Dash seeks Twilight out with the oddest look on her face. “H-hey... Twi?” She says slowly, her voice scratchier than normal. “You know what I said earlier this week was a joke, right?” At this, Twilight slightly looses it and breaks out in laughter, causing Rainbow to look at her worriedly. “You okay, Twi?” “Oh, yes.” Twilight says as she wipes a couple mirthful tears from the corners of her eyes. “I'm fine. Lets just say... I'm glad none of you girls had looked up earlier. I'm not sure how you would have handled that particular oddness.” “I... I don't want to know. This is weird enough, though Pinkie, Spike and Rarity seem to be enjoying their selves well enough.” Dash replies. “To be honest, I'm kinda surprised to see Rarity mingling with them up there... I mean... they're on a wall for goodness sake.” “I am too, now that I think about it.” Twilight responds. “Why don't you find the other girls and see how they're holding up. I need to talk to Ever Here for a bit.” “Alright.” Dash responds. “Just... try to keep the freaky to a minimum? N-not for me... For Fluttershy.” “I'll see what we can do, though no promises.” She says smiling as her friend goes to check on the others. “So... Ever, not that we can particularly do anything about this for now, why was Mobius stuttering like that? Why was he so nervous? Was he afraid he couldn't do it?” “He has glossophobia.” Ever says with a slight smirk. “He's fine with two or three ponies, but a group of this size will cause it to surface in full force.” “That's kind of mean.” Twilight replies. “Oh, it's payback.” Ever says with a slight giggle. “He keeps changing what floor our offices are on and makes it worse than Tartarus for everypony in the offices on his bad days. I swear he took some lessons from Discord when he was unleashed.” “You know about Discord?” Twilight says slightly shocked. “Oh yes, we know all about that troublemaker.” She says with a sigh. “Causality started to break down in certain areas, Ponyville and a localized area in Canterlot predominantly. The Elements of Harmony repaired the damage in Ponyville, but we all had to pull double shifts here in Canterlot to deal with the residual damage he did.” “It was quite the pain.” Val says with a distasteful twist to his mouth as he walks up to join them. “At least Mobius can be reasoned with... Sometimes at least.” “Does... this happen often when he's around?” Twilight says waving her hoof towards the ponies walking about on the wall. “Only if he's feeling impish or when he's particularly happy.” Val says wryly. “Which is fairly often. You should have seen the dove-pocalypse. It was gloriously disgusting.” “Oh... That thing.” Ever says giggling behind her hoof. “As you can imagine, we have to vie for funding through the college and it's determined through overall effect we have with our students as well as any services we may provide. Well, two and a half years ago our budget was cut by two-thirds and nopony was pleased, Mobius least of all. So Mobius decided to link all the broom and utility closets together into a pocket dimension he made which attracted all the doves in Canterlot to it through a magnetic disturbance and copious amounts of bread crumbs. Needless to say that whenever one of these closets were opened, hundreds of doves would flood out and inhabit the immediate area in which they were released. Not only was it a unholy mess of feathers and droppings, but they had no immediate supplies to clean it with. The incessant cooing of a small horde of doves could be heard for days, the staff herding flocks of doves through the school was a sight to behold and Celestia save any poor pony who entered a classroom taken over by the doves. They tried almost everything until they realized that this kind of thing falls under our jurisdiction. We got twice our annual budget that year and a twenty percent increase in all succeeding years with no questions asked as long as the closets were put right by the end of the day.” “At the end of the day, even though he may be an unholy terror to work or deal with, he does care for the ponies under him.” Val says chuckling deeply at the memory. “He's actually a few years younger than you, Twilight, so we're hoping that he will settle down a bit soon or maybe mellow a little.” Twilight is without words at the end of the tale. The absurdity, the audacity, the sheer blegh of it all is too much, so she falls back on a tried and true coping mechanism; laughter. Before long, she's dragging in deep breaths and feels calm enough that even if a tiny manticore were swimming in the punch bowl, she wouldn't give it a second thought aside from a passing hello. For all she knew, it could very well be a thing and she just hasn't seen it yet. After that, Twilight eventually finds Never There once again who happens to be talking with Fluttershy who seems only a touch nervous about ponies walking on the wall behind her. She joins them for a little bit, just relaxing for a short while before she decides to join her friends on the wall. Rainbow Dash and Applejack who have found their way up as well, mingling with the occasional wide eyed look towards the actual floor to make sure that it stays there. The rest of the night passes by fairly well for her, wall party included. They mingle for a few more hours before they decide that it would be best to catch the last train to Ponyville at eleven thirty. So with a slightly sleepy parade down the street (though Spike is already asleep) and they board the train after purchasing their tickets, Never There included. By the time they all get back to Ponyville, Twilight offers to host an impromptu sleep over so that Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy don't have to make the moderately long trip back to their own homes. With half-awake thanks, her three friends accept the offer and all go to sleep after their heads touch the pillows after tucking into their borrowed sleeping bags on the main floor of the library. After her friends all turn in, Twilight trudges upstairs with a sleeping dragon on her back. With a gentle use of magic, Twilight tucks Spike into his small bed before turning back her covers as well. Once she pulls the cool covers back up and rests her head on the cool pillow, she lets her tired mind succumb to sleeps soothing embrace.