//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: The Beginning (REWRITTEN) // Story: The Rookie In Equestria // by ace_attorneyfan800 //------------------------------// "Cross the streams!" Egon shouted as the busters crossed their proton streams together Shandor shouted like a madman as it gave him pain, he couldn't express it though 'cause he was destroyed. The five then stopped their fire and was pushed back, when they stopped they were no longer in the ghost world, but back in the place where they found Alyssa and Peck. "We eat gods for breakfast?" Ray asked confused at Egon's comment "Hey, where'd the caddy go?" Peter said as he got off the ground realized they were missing a member "Damn he must not have made it through!" Winston shouted "Wrong he did." Egon said as he saw the PKE Metter flash his location "Oh no." "What, what happened to him?" Winston asked "He's in another dimension." Egon said, "And it's not ghost world." "Oh no indeed!" Ray stated The Rookie woke up from the push and found himself in some kind of forest. He thought for a moment and realized when he entered through the portal he wasn't in a forest. "Great... I defeat a god and now I'm seperated from the others. Not like as if I didn't expect this though considering it ain't the first tme." The Rookie/Bryan Welsh sighed as he looked at his new enviornment In the distance, he could see what looked to be a town. "Well time to go explore like I always do." he sighed to himself as he turned off his proton stream and put it back on his one-man army of a proton pack He felt like a war veteran every time he looked at it, with its arsenal of a Proton Stream, Boson Darts, Shock Blast, Stasis Stream, Slime Blower, Slime Tether, Meson Collider, and Overload Pulse, all fully upgraded he felt like a one-man army. All of a sudden he saw a rainbow run across the top of the city and headed for the town to see if they were in trouble. Since he was a Ghostbuster now he had to see and check for all paranormal, he then equipped his PKE Meter, which in turn, plopped the Ecto goggles down over his eyes, since they were linked together, but quickly noticed he had a flat. "That's strange... I mean rainbows aren't, but I know they don't do what it just did. That HAD to have been the work of a ghost." Bryan said to himself, "Probably an illusion ghost. Wouldn't be the weirdest thing I ever fought, that's for sure." He kept it up in case it spiked either Red, Green, or Blue, and he remembered which ones represented which, Red signified a hidden ghost, Green indicated an environmental paranormal anomaly, and Blue meant an active sample. "Then again it's not really that hard to remember. ...... I really need to stop talking to myself." As he walked down the trail to the town he noticed that he was getting some spikes on the meter, but the wings didn't come up so they weren't any danger to him yet. However, when he hit the tip of the town it changed to Red and the wings came up a bit. "Gotcha. ...... I've got a VERY bad feeling all of a sudden." As the ponies of Ponyville were enjoying their day Rainbow Dash was busy clearing away some clouds because of it being her job as Ponyville weather manager. "Ugh, why do I always get stuck with this. Can't those weather ponies get someone else to-" Just then she was cut off from a boom sound that went across Ponyville. The citizens below also heard it as well as did Bryan, who just made it a few inches into town. When they looked in the direction of the sound they saw an Ursa Minor was on a rampage, Bryan scanned it upon seeing the spikes and wings reach its peak and it showed this information: Ursa Minor Class: VIII Weakness: Shock Blast, Stasis Stream Attack: Melee, Charge, Stomp, Roar Bryan then put away the PKE Meter, that then pulled the goggles back up, and pulled out the proton stream switching it on where he switched to the shock blast and the overlay showed red on the Ursa meaning it was destroyable. Bryan gave a smirk at this and used the stassis stream function which slowed down the minor, he missed a shot however and had to move to the side alot to avoid the claws of doom, meanwhile Rainbow Dash as well as the rest of Ponyville saw the blue stream and the ursa going crazy in that one are and decided to investigate, when they got there they saw a wired creature battleing it with some kind of device, the scientist ponies stared in awe at the invention but soon snapped back as The Rookie hit another stassis on it, this time freezing it completly. "You're too slow!" Bryan taunted as he fired, only managing to get chunks off of it before it unfroze, "Uh oh..." The Ursa Minor roared at him and sent him flying into a house. He was able to get back up, but the green bar was REALLY low. "Come on Bryan, think, think, think!" he went, "Aha! I've got a plan now!" He switched to the Meson Collider and painted the Minor with it before switching to the Overload Pulse and going ham with it.... for a few seconds before the pack overheated and shorted out. "D'OH! That's the ONE disadvantage of this mode!" Bryan cursed as he moved out of the way of the minor's charge attack Bryan then made a desperate move for the Stasis Stream again as he noticed the minor's health was at one point. It was now or never. The Minor charged for Bryan again and with careful timing managed to freeze the Ursa completely before quickly switching over to the Proton Stream and using the Boson Dart to completely obliterate the Minor. Bryan then gave a sigh of relief after the battle. It sort of reminded him of Azethlor's patterns mixed in the Golems so he did what he did in the Azethlor and Golem battles and kept dodging all his attacks. Oh, how he wished the other busters could see him now. Just then he heard someone speak up. "That. Was. AWESOME!" Rainbow shouted in glee as the rest followed "Ah've never seen something take down an Ursa before!" Applejack stated Bryan then put his hand behind his head in confusion before turning off his proton stream and putting it back on the pack. "Uh, no need to thank me. I'm just doing my job." Bryan went Oh boy this is gonna be interesting..... Bryan groaned in annoyance, Bryan Welsh just what have you gotten yourself into this time.....