A Moonlit Balcony

by aquilerafroot

Two/ Invitation

Moonlight spilled over the grounds of Canterlot Castle, blanketing the magnificent structure in an ethereal luminescence. Silence had fallen on Equestria and the only remaining sounds were the whispers of the night breeze.

The highest room in the tower of the Night Princess was shrouded in darkness, its owner having pulled down all the drapes in her room – she did not want to be distracted at all from the task at hoof.

Luna seated herself at her writing desk, and with a touch of her magic, a row of candles on the desk flickered to life with azure flames, illuminating the royal letterhead that adorned the otherwise-blank scrolls arranged on it.

A quill hovered in the air, surrounded in a starry, deep blue aura. What to write, what to write? The younger ruler of Equestria furrowed her brow in thought. I should use this new, more casual form of the language and not the formal royal writing, as Celly advised.

She had pestered the Princess of the Sun to lend her a letter from her faithful student for use as a reference and now levitated her prize to eye level, carefully analyzing the wording in said letter.

So I shall place ‘dear’ in front of her name… Her concentration was broken by the appearance of the scroll, which irked her. Luna wrinkled her nose at Spike’s untidy scrawl. This writing is terrible! Pfft, if a mere scribe had been so imprudent in correspondence with their monarch back in the time -

The lunar goddess frowned, not wanting to bring up memories of ‘the time’. No, this era was indeed different – she even had a friend other than Celestia now, a pony that did not grovel and please her out of fear, but a friend that she could talk to! Or whatever else it is that friends do. I am not sure as of now, but I hope Twilight Sparkle will tell me everything.

Smiling, the alicorn pressed the nib of the quill to the parchment on the desk before her.

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

Luna made a face as she realized that she did not know how to proceed – the only words that came to mind were along the lines of ‘Her Royal Majesty hereby extends her benign hoof in invitation’, and that was exactly the kind of language Celestia had warned against using.

“Friends should not be overly formal with each other, unless the situation requires; after all, if you cannot be relaxed and open around a pony then you would just be acquaintances,” she had advised, and the Princess of the Night inspected that piece of information in her mind.

I cordially invite you to tea at sunset on this day next week-

The alicorn studied her sentence with a hoof under her chin. Is this ‘casual’ enough? She started writing again, pausing now and then to scrutinize Twilight’s friendship report letter, which she had placed on the table.

However, as I am aware that you may wish to return to your Ponyville residence for the night, I understand if sunset is not a convenient time for you. Should that be the case, please inform me of a more suitable time and I shall adjust my own schedule accordingly. It will be no trouble at all for me to do so, as I am keen to enjoy your company once more.

Yours sincerely,

Princess Luna

Luna smoothed out the scroll and surveyed her hoofiwork. It seems adequate to me, but perhaps I should ask Celly to take a look at it before I send it.

Grabbing the letter with her magic, she trotted out of the door and descended the winding staircase of the tower, mumbling encouragingly to herself on the way. “Yes, it shall be all right. Twilight Sparkle will not be scared away by my writing, she will not. And big sister will tell me if there are strange phrases in it.”

The younger alicorn rapped on the door of her sister’s sleeping quarters in the tower next to hers. The guards had greeted her with their usual poker faces, allowing her to step right up to the door.

Truth be told, she could have flown over and knocked on Celestia’s window, but as it was nighttime, the only time when her sister had time to herself, she was loath to interrupt her sister’s nightly grooming routine so abruptly.

“Luna?” the alabaster alicorn queried, as she opened her chamber door and poked her head through the gap. Her mane and coat were damp; she had taken off her regalia and was dressed in a pink bathing robe.

"Celly, are you busy at the moment? I need your help..."

“Oh, of course I have time, I was just washing up, do come on in."

“Thanks, Celly! I finished penning the letter to Twilight! But could you take a look at it for me, please?” Luna said, following her sister inside her chambers.

“I’ll see what I can do,” the elder Princess replied, “but I am afraid I cannot be very specific, it is your own personal letter to Twilight after all.” She grinned playfully as she levitated a towel over and started drying herself with it. “If you’ll just wait for a minute, I’ll be done very soon.”

Alicorns and unicorns, being blessed with magical abilities, could complete a multitude of tasks without the need for direct interaction. However, most of the time they preferred to carry on with their daily lives without relying too much on magic; perhaps it was just the satisfying simplicity of carrying out a procedure with their own hooves.

The younger Princess found a rug, settled herself on it, and gently placed the scroll down beside her. Resting her head on her hooves and staring at nothing in particular, she waited until Celestia finally looped a fluffy headband around where her tiara would normally rest and wrapped her towel around her withers.

“So, Luna, you wanted me to take a look at your letter?” the Goddess of the Sun prompted as she lay down beside her sister.

“Oh yes, here it is.” Luna used her telekinesis to pass the scroll to her sister, giggling when she saw that Celestia still wore her bright pink robe. “You know, this shade really reminds me of your mane when we were fillies!”

“In fact, I did get this robe because it resembles my original mane color.” the solar Princess smiled sheepishly, running a hoof over her woolen garment. “Maybe I could get you one in your blue, too.”

“Huzzah! I’d like that!” Luna joyously nuzzled her sister and then gestured again to the letter. “But, could you please proof read this for me first?”

Princess Celestia cocked her eyebrow playfully at her sister. “You’re really so enthusiastic about this, aren’t you? Can’t wait to see Twilight again?” she teased, getting a light hoof-punch in return.

“Yes! I mean, just a bit!” The lunar princess tried to stop her outburst a bit too late, widening her eyes and clapping her hooves to her cheeks. Her elder sister’s features lit up in a delighted smile at her reaction.

“Oh Luna, I know it’s very exciting to make a new friend, not least Twilight Sparkle! You’ve read some of her friendship reports, and you know that having friends is one the most magical things in the world. Now you can experience it for yourself, and I’m very happy for both of you.”

Celestia carefully levitated the scroll to eye level and unfurled it, lifting a hoof to her chin in concentration. “It’s pretty good, Luna! But isn’t the signature a bit formal? ‘Yours sincerely’, a bit distant, don't you think?”

The younger alicorn practically snatched the scroll from her sister and glared at the offending wording. “Oh! I thought it was in fact a bit formal, but I simply could not think of anything else.” Twilight signs her letters to Celly ‘Your faithful student’, but I could hardly do the same. “Celly, please do tell me how I should amend it!”

“I’m afraid I cannot, dear Luna,” the alabaster Princess smiled apologetically. “That is for you to decide.”

“Please, please?” Luna bit her lip and blinked pleadingly.

“Well, how would you describe Twilight, as a friend?”

“Ah, Twilight?” The lunar princess cocked her head. “My good friend, Twilight?”

“I should have put it another way, sorry Luna,” Celestia fluffed her feathers and put a hoof around her sister’s withers. “You’ve seen how Twilight signs her letters to me, have you not?”

Luna nodded vigorously. “She signs them ‘Your faithful student’.”

“And that is because?”

“She is your faithful student?”

“Exactly, Luna! So who, to Twilight, are you?”

“I am … her friend? Aha! I should sign ‘Your friend’, am I right? HUZZAH!” The younger Princess threw her hooves up in delight.

“That is one way, yes. Oh Luna, I am so happy to see you like this, did I ever tell you-” She was cut off by an excited Luna, who could only focus on the letter once she had found a solution.


A baby dragon smiled in its slumber, occasionally letting out a tiny snore of contentment. Suddenly his body jerked and was lifted up like a marionette, convulsing as a sickening sensation welled up in his stomach, which finally released with a retch, propelling forcibly out of his throat. “Arrggh – ekkk!”

A stream of sparkling emerald fire appeared along with a scroll, the sudden cessation of flame causing Spike to fall to the floor with a dull thump.

“What?” His mouth hung agape in disbelief, all sleepiness shaken off by the unpleasant shock. “Hey! Why did Princess Celestia have to send a letter while I was asleep?”

Twilight, awoken by the sound of her assistant hitting the ground, leapt from her bed and trotted over to Spike worriedly. “Spike? What happened? Are you alright?” Then she spotted the scroll lying next to the dragon. “Huh? A letter from Princess Celestia?”

“I’m alright, it just really, really scared me!” answered Spike. “I didn’t even know this could work when I was asleep!”

“I’m really glad you’re not hurt, Spike. But if the Princess sent me a letter so late at night then it must be very urgent! Oh no, oh no, please, read it right now!” said Twilight, her brow furrowing anxiously.

The dragon hurriedly picked up the scroll and unraveled it. “Hey, it’s from Princess Luna!” he said, spotting the crescent moon insignia at the top.

“But didn’t it have Princess Celestia’s seal?” The lilac unicorn peered at the back of the parchment, still nervous. “Oh I get it, only Princess Celestia can send dragonfire letters directly to you, so Princess Luna must have asked her to help! And that explains the hour as well.” She patted Spike on the arm. “But that doesn’t make it not urgent!”

“Okay, okay! I’ll read it,” The baby dragon cleared his throat. “Dear Twilight Sparkle…”

“I couldn’t possibly ask her to change her schedule!” Twilight exclaimed , now in a sitting position on her bed. "I’ll send a reply to her immediately and tell her it’s completely fine with me."

“Do you want me to write it?” offered her assistant.

“No, it’s okay Spike, but you’ll have to help send it, and then you really should go back to sleep.” The bookworm smiled gratefully at the dragon, then trotted out her room and down the stairs to where she kept her writing tools.

The main room of the library was dark, so Twilight illuminated some candles with a flick of her magic. Levitating out her quill and parchment, she quickly composed a letter, muttering to herself as she wrote.

Dear Princess Luna,

Of course the time you suggest will be fine with me. I was thinking also that perhaps I could stay in my old tower, so we will not be pressured for time at all. I really look forward to seeing you again!

The studious mare looked her letter over. Assured that there was nothing she had failed to mention, she dipped her quill into the ink again and pressed the nib to the paper to sign her name.

Your dear friend,

Twilight Sparkle

Three days had passed since Luna had received the letter from Twilight, and she was reclining on her lawn chair, idly watching as birds glided past and critters romped amidst the bushes of the Castle gardens. It was late afternoon, and she had just finished her waking-up grooming routine.

“Thinking about your date with Twilight, Luna?”

The dark blue alicorn jumped, not expecting her sister to be dropping by at this time of day. “Celly? I thought you were tending to your court?”

“I thought you looked somewhat frustrated last night, Luna, so I called a recess for the afternoon so I could check up on you. Now pray tell what has been bothering you?” The alabaster princess summoned a second lawn chair with her telekinesis and settled herself on it, watching her sister attentively.

“Very well then, I am worrying about the meeting with Twilight Sparkle, although I am not sure what you mean by the date. I thought I already told you that Twilight has agreed on the time that I proposed.”

“Oh, yes, of course I remember now.” Celestia stifled a giggle as she realized her sister's obliviousness to her teasing. I really need to explain to her some of the modern usage of some words, although now that she is finally her old self again I do worry that constantly reminding her will make her think I’m being too nosy.

“I am actually not very sure what to do when we meet – I am afraid she will find me boring.” Luna squirmed uncomfortably on her lawn chair, all her anxiety coming back. “What if I do not know what to talk about? I have been reading up on modern history, but there is still much that I do not know!”

“Relax, Luna, I’m sure you’ll have a lot to talk about. Twilight is very knowledgeable in many subjects – in fact, one of her favorite activities is stargazing, did you know that?”

Luna’s cheeks grew warm, and she beamed in delight. “I did not know that.”

“Why, you two are just fit for each other.” The solar princess grinned impishly. “If you are still worried, I could slip her some love potion – then you wouldn’t ever have to worry about her getting bored!”

The younger alicorn merely rolled her eyes in exasperation, but the phrase ‘love potion’ rang a bell – something she had read about recently?

“Ha, you would not dare. You do not wish to destroy Equestria, do you? After all, did not such a potion cause the destruction of at least one kingdom already?”

“Hmm. For you, Luna, and Twilight, I might.” Celestia smirked.

“No, but-but,” the lunar alicorn sputtered, “but dear sister!”

“I would do anything to make you happy, Luna, although preferably not at such a huge price,” Celestia clarified. “The point I wanted to make was that you will have no trouble at all conversing with Twilight, but I shall of course give you any advice you wish for.”

The younger alicorn gave Celestia a grateful smile in response, then remembered something she had been meaning to ask for a while, but had never gotten the chance to do so. “Celly?”

“Yes, Luna?”

“I just wanted to ask… why did you not correct me when I continued using the Royal Canterlot Voice on my return? I know you mentioned that it is not common anymore, but you never told me that ponies had grown so averse to it.”

The elder Goddess gave her sister an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry if It has caused you inconvenience, Luna, but the truth is, I didn’t want to appear interfering – hovering over you all the time like a mother hen; I was afraid you would resent it. Would you forgive me, dear sister?”

Luna grinned in response. “Of course I do, Celly, I just didn’t understand your reasons. I know now that you were just being considerate towards me.”

“Well, I’m glad that I did so – otherwise you might not have become acquainted with my dear pupil!”

Luna shot Celestia what was meant to be a dark glare, but the elder alicorn could still read the subtle gratefulness in her eyes. She gave her sister a wink, and the two rulers of Equestria laughed together, their voices carrying like the sweet jingle of bells across the Royal Gardens.

“Oh, and Luna?” Celestia said, still grinning widely. That she could spend such a carefree time with her sister was simply magical – she also felt she owed no small part of this to her faithful student.

“Yes, Celly?”

“I was thinking that, should you need some additional attire, I could arrange for some well-known dressmakers to prepare something suitable. A nice saddle, perhaps?”

No. She is jesting. She must be jesting. Luna’s jaw dropped, her eyes widened in mortification and she leapt to her hooves. “But, but Celestia! I must protest! Are you suggesting that I meet Twilight in the-the attire of a consort?”

”No, no, Luna, please wait, you misunderstand!” The alabaster alicorn quickly held up a hoof as she realized the source of her sister's agitation. “Luna, saddles are no longer just for… consorts, whether male or female. Have you not seen the common workpony wearing them as a protection for their backs? They have also become popular accessories in fashion as well; many ponies wear them nowadays.”

“Oh. That does explain it,” muttered Luna dully. “I am sorry for reacting so strongly – and I thank you for the suggestion, sister, but if I were to wear one I would still think of it that way.” She raised a hoof to her chin in thought. “I think I shall refrain from wearing anything special this time; I would not want Twilight to feel pressured if she had not as well.”

“Always thinking about her feelings, aren’t you?” Celestia eyes twinkled in merriment. “Perhaps you should consider getting that saddle after all…”


The mellow warmth of the afternoon sun cast golden rays through the windows of the Boutique, glimmering off the gems and trinkets that were placed around the front room. Twilight entered through the door, and was welcomed by the lyrical voice of the owner of the shop.

Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where every garment is chic, unique – oh, it’s you Twilight!” Rarity quickly trotted over to Twilight with a brilliant smile and put a hoof over her withers. “So, darling, what brings you here today?”

“Well, um, I have this meeting with Princess Luna in three days; I was kind of hoping to get your advice?” The studious mare bit her lip in a dorky expression.

“Of course, Twilight! I am willing to answer any query you might have, if I am able to.” The fashionista led her friend over to a pair of cushions and gestured for her to make herself comfortable before resuming their conversation. “So, do tell me about this meeting of yours, is it a private affair or an official visit?”

“Well, it’s kind of private I think – Princess Luna invited me to tea at the castle, at sunset.”

“Ooh, so what did you want to ask? No, wait, let me guess – Did you need a fabulous new dress?” Rarity’s eyes lit up as she looked at the bookworm expectantly.

“Um, actually, I was just wondering whether I should wear something special, you know; or just go like I normally am?”

“Oh, Twilight, I must absolutely make you a marvelous, special new garment. Although I do agree that it should be simple; it is a casual affair as I take it?”

Twilight nodded. “Yeah, I think so. It’s just tea, right? Between two friends.”

Rarity leapt to her hooves, her magical aura already levitating various ribbons and fabrics over. “Well then, in that case, how about a nice… saddle?”