//------------------------------// // The Doos // Story: Ep.3: Meeting the Doos // by MirrorShard //------------------------------// Ep.3: Manehatten Visit ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mirror Shard rubbed his ruby red eyes. "Uh... what happened last night?" he feels more tired than normal. As he got up he heard Twilight pacing. Mirror walked downstairs to see what's going on. As he expected Twilight was pacing. "Uh... Twilight, what's going on?" he asked feeling as though he should ask. "Oh, uh... Mirror, um... I'm just waiting, for day," she sheepishly smiled. "I wasn't meaning to disturb you, sorry," she apologized rubbing her purple mane. Mirror rolled his eyes. "Okay, well, your wait is over." With that Mirror went to the kitchen. He saw not too much left for him to eat. Mirror does look forward to going to Manehatten for a day meeting Mr. and Mrs. Doo for Ditzy. Besides, it looks like a nice day to go to Manehatten. The birds are chirping, the sky is clear - thanks to Rainbow Dash - it's truly a nice day. Mirror saw as Spike came in. He ignored him. Twilight occasionally made eye contact with him. Mirror heard a knock on the door. Twilight opened it. "Oh, Ditzy, uh... Mirror Shard's almost ready," she said simply. "Oh, alright," she said smiling as she glanced inside. Moments later Mirror walked outside smiling as he wore his usual scarf and bowler hat. Mirror saw Ditzy in a nice white and gray dress. "Ready Mirror Shard?" she asked an eyebrow rising to the air. Mirror nodded gleefully. "Yeah!" he said happily; this is his first time to Manehatten so he was really excited. Ditzy for some reason frowned. "Glad you're glad we're going to Manehatten," she kicked a little dirt. Shard didn't pay any mind to it. "See you tomorrow Twilight," he said waving behind him as he followed the gray Pegasus. Twilight blindly waved back; her muzzle deep in a book. "Yeah, bye Mirror Shard," she said not even changing her position. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It wasn't long until Mirror Shard and Ditzy Doo were at the train station. Most ponies were still not quite used to Mirror Shard's normal form. Mirror walked next to Ditzy Shard smiled happily. They approached the counter where the tickets were given. "Two tickets to Manehatten please," Ditzy rubbed her mane lightly. "Right away," the stallion said handing the ticket to Ditzy. "Have a nice honeymoon," he said smiling. Mirror stopped in his tracks. "What!? We're not a couple you dolt! I'm meeting her parents!" Mirror hissed causing the stallion to begin stuttering. "S-Sorry S-Sir," he saw as Shard walked off. Ditzy shuffled her hooves nervously. Shard was in awe as he knew he's getting closer to Manehatten. "Are you as glad as I am Ditzy?" Shard's pupils enlarged to the size of a saucer. "Yeah, sure," she took a long pause before responding. Mirror smiled as his Pegasus/bug like wings folded up. "Well, I've never been to Manehatten before!" he exclaimed smiling as the city came into a small view. Mirror sat back as he then noticed Ditzy was off. "Is everything okay Ditzy?" Mirror rose his head to her. Ditzy nodded sheepishly. "Yeah," she followed that with a sheepish smile. Mirror didn't really care too much. "Okay," he went back to watching the city come closer but he was also watching Ditzy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Happily Mirror Shard leapt out of the train jumping like Pinkie Pie. "Settle down Mirror," Ditzy scolded as she walked next to him. They stood near an old building selling candy. Ditzy knocked loudly. A few moments passed and she noticed a few things were off about Mirror. "Here let me fix that," Ditzy began straightening his scarf, and tilting his bowler hat behind his Changeling horn. All ponies around him were in shock just staring. Half way Ditzy saw the door open as she tightened his scarf gently. She gasped as her father spoke. "Having fun?" he chuckled lightly not noticing Mirror Shard. Ditzy chuckled similar to her father's. Soon enough Ditzy's father looked to Mirror Shard and gave a sharp gasp. Ditzy immediately cut him off. "Shh, he's alright, this is Mirror Shard, the stallion I told you about, Dad," Ditzy said holding her hoof in place of his mouth. With that Ditzy's father nodded and came to him. "Hello Mirror Shard, I'm Echo Doo," he had a blank face. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ditzy after goin inside noticed her mother wasn't there. "Where's Mom?" Ditzy asked scratching her mane oddly rough. Echo rubbed his mane lightly. "How to tell you this?" he tapped his muzzle. Ditzy had a quizzical look to her face. "Tell me what?" she tilted her head. Echo rubbed his mane. "Mom, she died, a carriage accident," he frowned he saw a tear roll down Ditzy's left eye. After moments of silence and to Mirror Shard this left a bitter taste in his mouth as he knows the feeling. Mirror saw Ditzy run to her room in sorrow. Leaving the black Changeling and gray Pegasus. Mirror Shard cleared his throat. "So, Mr. Echo, can I ask you a question?" he asked after seeing the large scar on his face. Echo Doo shrugged looking upstairs. "Shoot," he said staring upstairs. "What's your job?" Mirror asked tilting his head. Echo looked to him with a serious face. "Ever been to war son?" he asked suddenly the non-walleyed stallion asked bringing a hoof on Mirror's shoulder. "Of course, I've been to war against the Albino Changelings, that's it though, I'm too valuable to the Changeling Empire to do too much," he chuckled rubbing his white mane. "I'm a retired Royal Guard of Princess Celestia," he said proudly. "Her Personal Royal Guard," he added he has a reason to be proud of that. Later on Mirror Shard decided to speak with the sad Ditzy Doo. He knocked on the door lightly. "Ditzy? Are you in there?" Mirror asked putting his ear to the door. "Come in Mirror," she said through tears. Mirror walked in and shut the door. "I'm sorry for your loss Ditzy, I'm sure whatever's happening in Ponyville is worse," he smiled sheepishly. Meanwhile in Ponyville... "I came as possible," Twilight said to the nurse. "Oh thank goodness we don't know what happened," the nurse brought up as she showed a large portion of the sick ponies throwing up. Manehatten... "Maybe," Ditzy looked to Mirror Shard giving the weakest smile. "There's that sm-" he was shocked her eyes were straight. He was silent for a moment. "What's a matter Mirror?" she asked her eyebrow rose. He cleared his throat and soon noticed it was going back to its old crossed state. "Nothing," he said as he looked away. "Can we get on with this visit?" Ditzy asked begging for a 'yes'. Mirror nodded. "Let's do that," he admitted chuckling. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After a while the stairs crackled as both walked down. "You feel alright honey?" Echo asked hoping she was. "I'm fine Dad," she assured him with a hug. Mirror smiled soon the remembrance of he has no parents anymore came to his mind. Mirror let out a heavy sigh and a tear rolled down his eye with that he felt Ditzy squeeze him tightly in a hug. "Okay Ditzy," Mirror Shard gasped for breath. The time went by fast. It wasn't too long until they had to go back to Ponyville. They quickly packed their bags. "It's been nice to meet you," Mirror said shaking Echo's hoof. "Likewise, now, be kind to my little daughter, and don't be afraid to kiss her in public," Echo said to Mirror who was appalled. "What!? I am not dating your daughter!" he exclaimed this is the second time that day he had to explain that. Echo tapped his muzzle. "Really? That's not what my daughter said," he admitted he was cut in by Ditzy. "Well we better be on our way," she smiled sheepishly as her and Mirror had a blush on their face. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ They arrived in Ponyville; they argued the whole time they rode the train. "Fine, but your father knows the truth now," he was shocked seeing half the town in the infirmary. He shook his head and walked back to his house. He needs a goodnight sleep. "I'm going to take a nap Ditzy see you later," he said smiling. Ditzy's eyes widened. "Remember you have to meet Vinyl Scratch's parents tomorrow!" she followed behind Mirror. Mirror nodded. "Okay, fine... I'll bring some headphones," Mirror said as he walked to his bed. "Have a nice nap Mirror Shard, and thanks for coming with me," she smiled at Mirror. "Of course, anytime." With that the door closed slowly.