Don't Go Into the Everfree Forest, TD

by BronyWriter

Going, Going....

Wow, Princess Celestia was coming to meet me? I mean, how often does something like that happen to somepony like me? She's definitely a busy pony and...

Dammit, it's happening again.

I groaned and slammed my hoof on the ground, clutching at my head with the other. I was dying, and I knew it. Not necessarily physically, though I could be for all I knew, but definitely mentally. If I turned into some pony who didn't remember that he used to be a human, then there was no way that I was going to still be able to be called TD again.

Of course, the most frightening aspect for me was the fact that every time my mind went back from pony, I wasn't sure if the next time it went pony it would go back again. I mean, would I fluctuate between pony and TD for the rest of my life, or would there be a point where I'd be pony forever? Probably the latter, and that...

Well, Princess Celestia would fix the weird pink stuff hanging off my fur. It itched really bad. I scratched one of misshapen ears, and, with a noise not unlike a plunger being pulled from a sink, it detached from my head and my normal pony ear unfurled. I smiled and walked over to a nearby mirror to make sure that there was nothing wrong with it. There didn't seem to be. I moved it around, and everything seemed to be in order. My other ear was misshapen, but maybe...

I frowned and began pawing at the other ear. I felt it separate from the skin, and knew that a little tug was all it would take to get it back to normal. I gave it that tug, and both ears were back to normal. I looked down at the... whatever had been attached to my head on the floor and poked at it. I had never seen anything like it before on any of the other creatures around Equestria.

Oh my gosh, what's happening to me?

I groaned again and sat down on the floor to fully examine myself. If I had to attach a number to it, I'd say that I was about ninety percent pony now. My hands and feet were hooves, my skin was pretty much all gone, my face was stretched out into a muzzle, and my arms and legs were becoming thinner to match pony legs. To top it all off, I was visibly shorter. Given the rate of change, I'd be fully pony in an hour at most. Physically, at least. Mentally? Who knew? I just... wanted to take a nap. Of course, if I did I might have missed Princess Celestia's arrival, and that would have been all kinds of awkward. She wouldn't want to walk in to find me asleep on the floor.

But... a little one couldn't hurt, right?"

* * * *

I woke up some indiscriminate time later on the floor feeling rather refreshed. I let out a spectacular yawn and pushed myself to my hooves, stretching out as I did. I looked over into the mirror and I found out something rather interesting.

All of the abnormalities? Gone.

I was fully pony again! That weird skin stuff? The odd ears? All of that was gone, leaving me as the light red earth pony that I was born as. I smiled at my reflection and gave it an approving nod. No doubt Twilight would be quite pleased now that I was back to normal. She did seem really worried that I was mutated like that, but now there was no need to be!


Oh no.

My eyes widened, and I collapsed onto my haunches as I stared in horror at my reflection. She could fix this, right? If not, Celestia could. Surely somepony as old as Celestia would know what I had been exposed to and would find a quick cure that would have me back to a human in no...

Was she here? I heard the door to the basement open, and I shot to my hooves. I couldn't wait to show Twilight that I was all better now!

She wanted a sample of what I had been exposed to, and I knew I had something that had some. Some article of clothing that... I couldn't remember what.

Twilight stepped down the steps, and I saw her lower jaw quiver when she saw me. I wasn't sure why. Maybe it was tears of joy? She was glad that I was fixed without having to go through some painful surgery or something? Twilight shook her head and wiped her eyes with a foreleg before turning her head back to look up the stairs. "He's down here. He's... he's fully transformed."

Twilight reached the bottom of the steps and walked to the middle of the room just as another set of hoofsteps echoed throughout the basement. I felt my stomach clench up as I could guess who it was, and I wasn't sure how I felt about it. I mean, I was already fixed, so maybe... uh, yeah, Celestia would know how to fix... but I was already fixed. Princess Celestia didn't need to come down.

But there she was.

Princess Celestia, the ruler of Equestria herself, reached the bottom of the stairs and looked straight at me. She had a look in her eyes that I couldn't quite figure out, but it made me nervous all the same. Still, I knew that I had to be polite. I gave her a weak smile, took a few steps towards her, and sunk to my knees in a deep bow. "Princess Celestia. It is an honor to meet you."

"Oh dear," she whispered. "You are correct, Twilight. This is indeed worse than originally imagined."

I straightened up and raised an eyebrow, unsure of what she meant by that. Did I do something wrong? I mean, I'd seen pictures of ponies bowing to her, so I didn't think that I did it the wrong way.

She could fix me. She had to. I grimaced and alternated my glance between Celestia and Twilight. "My mind is going pony more frequently and longer. I... I'm not sure how much longer I'm going to be TD, Twilight. Whatever you're gonna do, do it... do it..."

My left ear twitched. Why were they looking so scared? Princess Celestia is the ruler of all of Equestria! She shouldn't be scared of anything! I flattened my ears and took a step backwards. "Did... did I say something wrong, your majesty? I'm sorry if I did. Don't be mad."

Princess Celestia took a step towards me and gave me a warm smile. "I'm not mad at you, my little pony. I just need to check for something with you. It won't take but a moment."

I frowned uncertainly, but she was the princess, so she would know what was best for me. She wouldn't try to hurt me, and she would... she would know how to fix me. I nodded again. "Yeah, do whatever you have to do." I turned my head towards Twilight. "You wanted a sample of what I was exposed to? I think that my... uh..." I squeezed my eyes shut as I tried to remember what had gotten wet. Heck, I couldn't remember much of anything from that day. It was like... I don't...

Twilight shook her head with a sigh as Princess Celestia ignited her horn, and a spell like a fine mist fell over me. I wasn't sure what she was doing, but I trusted her. Maybe she thought that I was sick in the head or something and she was trying to fix me. Maybe she wanted to make sure that the abnormalities that had appeared didn't have any lasting effects.

Yeah, that was it. That made sense. I smiled at her as she maintained the spell, and, to my relief, she smiled back. She really wasn't mad at me.

I hope she knew how to fix me.

She powered down her horn, and the mist dissipated. I took a deep breath and rubbed my temples. "So? Can you help me or not?"

Celestia stared intently at me for a few moments before quietly sighing. "TD, I don't even know what you were exposed to. The Everfree Forest holds many mysteries that even I do not know of. You say that you stepped in some water that set this off? That sounds like nothing that I have ever heard of. I cannot make an antidote for something that I do not know the properties of, and transformative magic on a permanent basis is impossible."

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. "S-so you can't fix me?"

"Not until we know what you were exposed to."

I growled and squeezed my eyes shut. "There is something I have that's... that has something with it. I don't know what it is!"

"Do you know where it would be?" Twilight asked.

I shook my head. "I don't... I don't even know what kind of thing it is. It could be at my house, it could be something I threw away, it could be Fluttershy's chicken for all I know!"

"Should we search your house?" Celestia asked. "It seems the most logical place."

I frowned and tilted my head. "Search my house for what?" I blinked twice and looked between the two. "I'm not hiding anything illegal in there, and I don't think that there's anything in there that led to me getting the abnormalities. I think that was just some random disease."

Princess Celestia and Twilight exchanged a glance before Princess Celestia took another step towards me. "TD, you have lived in Equestria all of your life, correct?" I nodded. "Can you tell me where you were born? Who your parents are? If you have any siblings?"

Wow, she was really interested in me, wasn't she? "Of course. I was born and raised right here in Ponyville. I don't have any siblings, and as for my parents, I don't... I don't..." I frowned as I wracked my brains for the answer. It was an easy question. It was my parents. The two ponies who had raised me since birth! But... I couldn't remember their names. I flattened my ears and shrank backwards. "Did whatever caused the abnormalities to appear on me affect me mentally?"

Princess Celestia didn't respond. She instead walked over to Twilight and whispered something in her ear. Twilight visibly pales, even under her purple coat, and turned her gaze to me. She blinked once and gulped. "TD, what do you remember about your life here in Ponyville?"

I... no... I deeply exhaled and hung my head. "Please tell me you can fix me, Celestia," I moaned. "Each time I come back, I'm scared that the next time that I go is going to be the last, that I'm going to go all pony forever." I raised my head and looked pleadingly at her. "Please tell me you can do something."

Celestia took a deep breath before giving me a small, sad smile. She reached out to me and put what I supposed was supposed to be a comforting hoof on my shoulder. "TD... we'll take care of you. I know that this must be difficult for you, but..." Her sad smile faded. "We cannot fix you if we do not know what changed you."

"Come on! You're Princess Freaking Celestia!" I said with a snarl. "You've gotta have seen something like this before!" I batted her hoof away and shot to my hooves. "I mean, you could just take a little bit of the water from the pant leg that got wet and..." My eyes widened when I realized what I had just said. "The pant leg that got wet. My pants got wet when I stepped in the pool! That's what I was trying to remember!"

"Where are they now?" Twilight was already walking towards the door. "We haven't a moment to lose!"

"They're on the floor next to my bed!"