To Call the Moon My Own

by That_Random_Pony

Nightmare Fight

Applebloom heaved for air as her wound began to weaken her, but the adrenaline of fear pumping blood helped delay her fainting spell. The hydra above tore apart the four timberwolves, devouring the mixtures of meat and wood. It spat them out in a blob of black blood, roaring in annoyance at its fake meal. The heavy scent of blood reached each of the mutated nostrils on the four heads, enticing it to lower itself and search. One of the heads passed above the log, and once again the small filly held her breath. She watched the blackened head as it growled and snorted just within her reach. 

The head strayed away. "Unh… Applebloom?" Sweetie groaned. She saw her friend's gored stomach, immediately sending her into panic. "Applebloom, you're bleeding!"



A head clamped down on each end of the log, then tore it apart and sent the fillies into the bushes. Applebloom cried out in pain as the branches poked at her exposed flesh, and Sweetie panickedly look between the hydra and her friend. She stood her ground ahead of her and in the beast's way.

"Stay away from her!" Sweetie shouted, the shake in her knees visible. The hydra seemed to smirk at this, then step back as it prepared its charge.

With an ear-shattering roar, it leaped forward. Sweetie shut her eyes closed, waiting for it to be over. Another roar sounded from the side, and then the ground shook from the slam of the hydra's body. She cracked an eye open, glancing to where the hydra once was. Standing above her, a mighty dragon bigger than a barn with blood red scales and blue spines loomed over her, snarling at the thrashing creature.

Nyla turned her head towards the little filly dressed as a manticore, then to her injured friend who was badly injured. 

Reku'un! The two fillies are here!

What?! How far are you from the cave?!

Some dozen meters. That is aside from the point. The Iikro-

I know, it's controlling timberwolves.

No! It's much worse! A four headed creature's been infected! Applebloom is badly hurt! She might not survive at this rate!

The hydra swung two heads around and sent Nyla into a patch of trees, knocking most over.

And neither may I.

Just hang on Nyla! We're coming!

The dragoness groaned as she stood back up, then roared in agony as a set of jaws snapped shut around her leg. She was tossed across the forest, tumbling to a stop near the fillies once again. They would be crushed if the two kept going at it, and so Nyla wrapped her tail around them and placed them on her back. She summoned a significant amount of energy from her partner.

I'll keep you safe, children.

"A-A-Are you… Nyla?" Sweetie stammered. 

She nodded, cutting the brief bond and turning back to the charging hydra. Her wings covered the two, and her scales parted to make way for her metals. The second pair of wings sprouted from her back, and she gained her mask resembling her partner's. Large spikes poked out from her tail, readying her for battle. She roared as she ran at the hydra, and the two collided. Nyla was knocked to the side, but quickly regained her footing and took flight. The ground bound hydra roared up at her, and to her shock and surprise, four masses of dark energy charged in each of their mouths. The beams fired out at her with a loud whir, forcing her to fly quickly and make sudden turns to avoid being hit. 

Maneuvering around the energy, she dived lower and lower to ram into it. With the beast on it's side, she bit into one neck and used her tail to slash at its frontal plates. The head she was attacking thrashed violently, and another bit down on her back. Nyla was slammed into a boulder, making her release the hydra. The beast's tail wrapped around her neck, lifting her up into the air. The four heads roared as they charged their beams, but Nyla opened her own maw and let loose a stream of blue flames. The attack loosened the tail's grip, and she grabbed hold of the appendage and took flight. She flew as high as possible before making a flip-turn and diving down to the forest. Sensing the intention, the hydra swung itself up and slapped her with the combination of it's heads. 

They seperated mid-air, but it was the hydra that landed on it's feet while Nyla crashed into a cliffside. She collapsed beneath a mess of boulders and trees as the mutant hydra stepped forward. The teeth marks in the neck she had bitten healed quickly, as well as the slashes on its torso. She spread her metallic wings and tossed the rubble off of her. The attack had sprained her front left leg, and she was forced to limp around while they paced in a circle. Her flames wouldn't be effective against the tough hide, but fighting tooth and nail seemed to be working. The hydra's necks stretched towards her, and she slapped the first away then bit down on the second. The third headbutted her, and the fourth took hold of her metal wing and swung her around. 

Anguish jolted through her joint as her wing was torn from her body, and she let out a deafening screech. She slammed into more of the large trees, splinters and such scratching at the torn limb stump. She came to a stop when hydra blasted her from the other side, then trapped her beneath its foot. Her tail slashed one head before another bit down on it. The other two snaked around to her back and rammed themselves into her, trying to get to the fillies. She used her only metal wing to act as a cover, but it slowly dented and crumpled under the reinforced skulls of the Iikro driven beast. It slammed her into the ground, hoping she would go limp. But she only encased the fillies tighter.

It's patience nonexistent, the hydra dropped her onto the floor and charged one mass of black above them. Nyla shuffled her wings tightly against the two, and she watched in a daze as the beam reached its maximum peak. She roared as viciously as she could for it to fire, and it did. But an equally large beam of blue sent it back and blasted the hydra away. Tony landed beside Nyla, along with Luna, Rainbow, and Twilight. Nyla growled at the ponies, who approached her battered body with much fear of her well-being. Soon enough, the other four Elements came galloping in, gasping at the sight of the bloodied Nera'ak. 

"Where's Applebloom?!" Applejack exclaimed.

"And Sweetie!" Rarity cried.

Nyla groaned as her metals painfully receded beneath her scales, and she used her tail to carry the frightened fillies beside her. Applejack gasped loudly at the pale and bloodied Applebloom, and the sisters ran to their young'uns and held them close.

I was… too… too late, Reku'un.

Nyla, you did your best. This could be much worse.

He grimaced at the sight of her open wound on her back, and the gashes over her body just spouting blood. "Applejack?" Applebloom croaked.

"Ah'm here, Bloom," she whispered, rocking her back and forth. "Jus' hang on. We're gonna getch outta here."

The small filly coughed, and the sight of her so hurt made Tony clench his fists in rage. He forced the metals over his face to recede enough for his mouth to show. "Luna, can you help?" he asked.

"I'll do what I know," she nodded. "She'll need a hospital, but I'm not leaving."

"Us either," Twilight said.

He nodded, scanning over the dazed hydra and quickly formulating a plan. "Twilight, use that shield spell and make sure Luna has some cover. Rainbow, Pinkie, get its attention but be careful. Rarity and Applejack, help Fluttershy clear the area of any animals," Tony ordered, nods of agreement being his reply. "Alright, go, go, go!"

The metals jolted back into place and he took flight with Rainbow while the others went to work. Luna did her best with her magics to keep the young filly's blood from spilling out, and she used light adrenaline spells to keep her awake. Applejack sniffled and held her little sister's hoof as the princess took care of her. 

Rainbow and Pinkie each shouted and taunted the behemoth in order to get it distracted. Tony, in the meantime, uprooted a tree and took flight. He bellowed demonically as he flew forward, catching its attention at the last second. He jerked the tree around and bashed it over each of their heads, knocking it over. Pinkie jumped out of the way and Rainbow flew around the falling heads. Tony landed by one of its tails and grabbed hold of the thick appendage. He grunted and strained as he started dragging it around, eventually lifting it off the ground and spinning it madly. 

He sent it flying through the air and took chase. Tony slammed his fist into the center of the hydra's chest, stopping its flight path and dropping it into the forest floor. A huge crater with the hydra's own shape blasted into the hole. Tony put his energy into two spheres floating in his palms, then joined them and pulled them to his side. The hydra did the same, funneling energy into a single mass. It fired its blast first, and Tony waited as it hurtled towards him. Before it connected, he shot just above the beam and seperated it into four individual shots. He grunted as the explosion of the dark energy sent him flying across the Everfree, and tumbling past the ponies until he bounced up and crashed into the cliffside his partner had hit. 


The beams he had shot flew to their targets: One head per shot. Unfortunately for the hydra, its attack had left it open and lethargic. Still, it attempted to throw itself out of the way. It screeched in agony as one of the heads was blasted clean off while a second partially blown off. It toppled over, the three heads crashing somewhere in the Everfree. Twilight ceased her spell and galloped over with Rainbow and Rarity to help Tony. The man groaned as he gathered his bearings and pulled himself free of the stone. His short fall caught him by surprise and he fell onto his side. Rainbow and Twilight helped him up while Rarity cleared away any remaining rubble on him.

"Did you… y'know…" Rainbow questioned. Tony could barely feel his doppleganger's energy, and it was still taking a nosedive so he assumed the worst.

The metals receded completely over his body. "Yeah. It's gone," he panted, snapping his shoulder back into place. 

While the display was gross, they were glad to see he was alright. Sweetie and Scootaloo galloped over and hugged him tightly.

"We're sorry!" Scootaloo sobbed. "Applebloom's hurt and she's still bleeding!"

"We just wanted to help!" Sweetie cried. "This is all our fault."

Tony hugged the girls back and hushed them softly. "Don't worry," he whispered, standing back up. "I can help."

He gave the girls to their guardians and stumbled over to Luna and Applejack. "Tony, are you-"

"I'm fine, Luna," he assured her. He glanced down to the whimpering filly. The wound was still trickling blood.

"I've done all I can," Luna said, much self-directed anger and disappointment evident in her voice. "If we had only gotten here sooner… she doesn't deserve this fate."

"Stop that!" Applejack shouted, glaring at them. "She ain't gonna… you know! She's gonna be fine! We jus' need a doctor!"

"She is in no condition to move, Applejack," Luna told her, placing her wing on the mare's shoulder. "I'm sorry."

The little filly seemed to be slipping faster by the second, and Tony glanced to his mark.

"If you do that… you'll die… Tony"

That was irrelevant now. He was fully (hopefully) healed and he had strength that surpassed his adolescent form by a huge margin. His fist clenched and he placed his hands under Applebloom.

"Tony, she can't be moved," Luna reiterated, placing a hoof on his shoulder. He looked at her, and the weakness of her voice matched the tears beginning to well in her narrowed eyes.

"I know how to help," Tony said. He turned to Applebloom, who was drifting but managed to look up at him.

"Tony?" she weakly asked. "Where… mah sister?"

"Ah'm right here, sugar," Applejack whispered. "Don't move much. Got a nasty cut."

She grunted softly as she went to see it, but Tony stopped her hoof. "Applebloom," he whispered, "listen to me. I'm gonna help you, okay?"

"O-Okay," Applebloom nodded, grunting in pain.

"I need you to be strong," Tony said. "This might sting a little, but I need you to be strong. Hold my hand and squeeze as hard as you want, okay? Just be strong. And be brave."

A little smile crept over the dying filly's lips. "Like you?" 

He chuckled softly, letting a small tear fall as he watched her struggle to maintain that smile. "Yes. Like me," Tony smiled. "Ready?"

She gripped his fingers weakly, and nodded. Tony began, funneling a fraction of his power and building it up in his hand. That was the first step, as Eishla had told him. The next… target the wound in need of help. He had his energy close in on her gored stomach, and her hoof tightened around his fingers. 

"I-It… doesn't feel nice," Applebloom whimpered. 

"I know, 'Bloom," he smiled. "But it's gonna make it better."

Step three, bond the energies together. Her abdomen began glowing, much to the ponies' surprise. Twilight was the first to remember this was what he had done to Dan.

"Tony, you're healing her?" Twilight asked. "But Dan said-"

"He was a grown man, and I was a beaten and tired Signa," Tony said, a bit of strain in his voice. "I'm better now… and I… can do this."

Luna wasn't sure of that, as his hand was struggling to not clench around the filly's body. But if it was the only thing that could help her, she was willing to have faith in him. "If what my mother said was true, this should help."

Her horn touched his right shoulder and glowed its faint indigo hue. Tony could feel energy being transferred into him, and the glowing only brightened further. 

Alright. Step four… transfer and align… c'mon… c'mon!

His insignia glowed at last, and Applebloom squirmed as she felt her tummy moving around to accomadate the healed flesh. When her body was no longer able to take anymore energy, Tony cut the connection, and the light died off. He groaned and wiped the beads of sweat near his forehead. Applebloom stood back up, leaving Applejack speechless along with the other mares. The other two Crusaders, however, wrapped their friend in a group hug like no other.

"He did it!" Sweetie exclaimed. "He did it! You're okay!"

"Yeah! We thought you… y'know what, that doesn't matter!" Scootaloo laughed. "You feelin' okay?"

"Ah'm fine, ah'm fine!" Applebloom laughed. 

Tony panted with a smile at the fillies normal behavior. Luna kissed his cheek and nuzzled him after. "Don't give me all the credit," Tony laughed, trying to return the gesture.

While they were all glad that Applebloom was alright, Fluttershy turned to the fallen hydra and trotted over to it. She very much disliked seeing an animal, any kind, dead from unnatural causes. She rubbed the cold scales atop its head, feeling very sorry for what it had to endure. An eye shot open, and she gasped as she stumbled backwards. Tony felt the spike, as well as Luna and the two unicorns present. Fluttershy fell back and watched in horror as the fourth neck grew another head, and the third's regenerated its missing portion. They locked onto Tony immediately, and with a furious roar it shot its heads at him. The metals rushed out of their openings, but from the hydra's speed it would flatten each of them. 

Nyla tackled the hydra mid charge, throwing it to the ground and then fluttering over to collapse beside her partner. 

Nyla… it's using the Makti's power. We need… to Ina Dulok.

We won't be able to sustain that for long.

But we have to try.

Nyla growled, but she listened and stood behind Tony. "INA!"


Tony and Nyla's bodies began glowing. Luna, the Elements and the Crusaders watched in awe as the two joined together and grew about as large as the hydra. The light of the figure changed to a bipedal form, but the wings were still present. Blue scales formed over the being, and claws grew out from the hands along with a spiked tail. The shining light vanished as soon as it had come and there stood a huge dragon-like creature. It stomped its left foot forward and took Tony's stance, but roared just as Nyla. 

"Ny'ku'un!" the being roared, its voice mixing between Tony's and Nyla's. 

The hydra charged again, but Ny'ku'un ran faster. It punched a neck, uppercut a head, slashed a third head, then bit down briefly on the fourth head. The blue dragon warped behind it and kicked it forward and teleported again to kick it into the sky. Flapping its powerful wings, Ny'ku'un flew above the hydra and sent a flurry of punched into its abdomen and flipped above it to kick it down again. Ny'ku'un then charged a beam of white in its wrist-joined claws before letting it fire with a loud roar. The hydra roared in pain as the blast sandwiched it between the earth and the energy. When the beam faded, Ny'ku'un landed in front of it and kneeled down. It planted a claw right over the creature's heart and charged a beam.


Ny'ku'un looked down and saw Fluttershy glaring up with tears in her eyes.

"Don't kill it," she said softly. "It's hurting enough."

He didn't want to make it suffer. He wanted to help it… by ending it. For once he gazed into one of the beast's pair of eyes. Anger, hatred, and rage were obvious in them… but past them was what mattered. Past the orbs of black was pain, despair, and desperation. The hydra was suffering from the Iikro's control, and it wanted this to end in one way or another. Ny'ku'un placed its hand on the creatures chest again, and through Ina reached within its own mind. 

Luna watched as both behemoths glowed once more, and then a bright flash blinded them. When her vision returned, Tony and Nyla were seperate once again and the hydra was its usual dull orange. She and the others galloped over to their fallen friend, but he held a hand up to stop them.

"Hold… hold… on," he grunted, clawing at his head.

The pain of trying to contain the Iikro came back to him, but it wasn't anywhere near a fraction of it's strength, yet he was still trying to keep it from entering his mind.

"What's wrong?" Luna asked, placing a hoof on his arm. His arm involuntarily twisted around her leg and gripped it tightly.

Tony punched himself in the stomach and collapsed to the floor. 

Fight it, Reku'un!

"I'm trying," Tony grunted, shaking uncontrollably. 

An idea, as radical as it was, came to him. A being he hadn't spoken to in a long time was his only hope.

Please… I need your help.

I have created an evil that threatens everything you know. What help could I be?

You're its original… the combination of Makti… please… help… me kill it.


Know this… nothing has changed between us.

Fine… just do it!

Tony blacked out in front of the ponies, and a beam of black light shot into the sky. Worriedly, Luna shook Tony until he groaned and wiped his face. "Wasn't expecting that," he muttered.

"What was that?!" Pinkie exclaimed.

Wake me… when it is time.

Tony rubbed the side of his head as he felt the Ashla fade back into its corner. "That… was the Ashla helping me," he sighed. 

"I thought the Iikro was controlling the hydra," Twilight said.

"It was… then tried to take my mind," Tony chuckled. "I was hoping the Ashla could do it."

"It brought you back, at least," Luna sighed, nuzzling him. 

Tony stood up, but spun around to the hydra when he heard it moan. Nyla was ready to attack, baring her teeth and adjusting her hind legs. The tired beast locked each of its eyes on Tony, slowly moving forward. He lowered his arms, waiting for it to do something. Each of the heads licked him, covering him in thick saliva. The hydra nodded and went off back to it's home across the forest.

"Haha! You got licked!" Rainbow laughed. Tony swiped his arm and sent a few globs of the drool onto her. "Hey!"

"You were asking for it!" Tony laughed. "Oh, Lunaaaaa…"

"Don't. You. Dare," she said. Tony grabbed onto her and squeezed her tightly. "TONY!"

"I just want a hug!" Tony laughed as she wriggled in his grasp.

The mares and fillies laughed as Tony rubbed his cheek against Luna, who was in between laughs and disgust. Nyla chuckled bemusedly, uneasily standing back up and limping forward.


Tony finally let go of Luna and turned to Nyla.

I think I should take my leave.

"Tony." Applejack and Rarity trotted up with Applebloom and Sweetie. "Ah think Applebloom and Sweetie got somethin' t' say."

"Yes, they do," Rarity agreed, nudging Sweetie forward. "Go on young lady."

The fillies sighed and looked up to Nyla. "Thank you for saving us," the two said. 

"Ah hope we weren't botherin' you," Applebloom sincerely said. 

"Yeah. We would've been timberwolf food," Sweetie smiled sheepishly, gulping at the dragon's neutral expression. "Um… is it okay?"


Tell them I forgive them. But they must promise not to venture out without one of their guardians.

"She says it's okay, but to promise you won't come out here without an adult or your sisters," Tony repeated.

"We promise," the fillies nodded. 

"Come on girls, there's still an hour before we have to hit the hay," Tony smiled. "And maybe you could show me some apple bobbing, Luna?"

"Oh yeah! She's the best apple bobber since Apple Strudel!" Scootaloo cheered. 

While they walked off with Luna, Tony stayed behind, feeling as though the ponies had something to say. "Tony. Could you tell us what Nyla is saying?" Rarity asked. "I'd like to thank her for keeping Sweetie safe."

"Me too," Applejack smiled. Tony nodded, then turned to his partner. 

Did ya get that?



Nyla's gaze went to the two sisters, then to the other four who smiled nervously. She huffed a cloud of smoke, discreetly glaring at Twilight.

Tell them it wasn't a favor. I saw the fillies and I wouldn't let them become food. That is it.

Tony shook his head with a small laugh and turned to them. "She says you're welcome," Tony smiled. 

They smiled to Nyla, but she only huffed another smog cloud and took flight to her cave. "I don't think she likes us," Fluttershy said, a bit frightened by the dragoness.

"She doesn't," Tony sighed. "But she will. Don't worry, I was like that too when I got here, remember? Saying thanks got her a little respect for you two, and I'm sure she'll warm up to the rest of you."

None of them were too sure, but they had to take his word for it. "Alright then, let's get on back t' Ponyville," Applejack said.

"Yeah! We still have time!" Pinkie laughed. "Treats! Whoo!"