Schoolhouse Shenanigans!

by Dragonborne Fox

Chapter XXVI- What in the--?!

Weeks had passed since the whole cider incident, and Lazarus and Lancelot actually liked the change of pace. Of course, both would spar with Matt and Natalie every now and then, but other than that, no fights of any sort had broken out. Both men had to learn how to use choice wording around the children (Katie went and pointed out everyone's cursing habits, so it was more or less necessary.) You could say they made peace with each other and as a result, the party got two more additions to its framework. Just how much bigger will its ranks get, for crying out loud?! Next thing we know, GodCat will join! There were some disagreements, of course. But those were quickly averted with the power of compromising.

Anyhow, Lazarus was reading the newspaper and the main headline was 'Foalnapper apprehended! All nine missing foals declared to be in critical condition!' To be honest, the God of the Winds was thoroughly disgusted at the article. "Good thing he didn't have kids of his own with anyone," Lazarus snarled to himself in a whisper, "I bet he'd treat them just as bad as the victims."

"I read that article too." Lance sighed, his voice bitter, "If he did that to my kid, let's just say the foalnapper would be practically nonexistent by the time I was finished."

"I can see why," Replied the God with a nod.

The phone started ringing. Natalie answered it.

"Hello?" Asked the wizard.

"Um, you need to come to the school now. Bring Blake," Mr. Rhodes replied on the other end.

"Why?" Natalie asked worryingly.

"T-This man..." Mr. Rhodes started, his voice now shaking in what could be best described as fear, "H-He tried pulling a fast one on Alexis and...well..." He stopped, as if struggling to find words.

"Well what?" Natalie gasped in shock.

"He...succeeded. We're still trying to find him." Mr. Rhodes choked out.

Natalie's hair stood on end. "I-Is she at the s-school?!"

"She's in the nurse's office screaming." Mr. Rhodes choked. "Get here as soon as possible."

"Will do." Natalie answered before hanging up. She turned around, took a deep breath, and...


I've the feeling that someone's going to die. Lazarus thought as the half-demon rushed down the stairs and flew toward the wizard.

"W-What happened?!" Blake asked.

Natalie grabbed his head, turned his ear to her mouth, and whispered something into it.

"Do they know where he last was?!" Blake shrieked, his eyes turning crimson.

Natalie shook her head. "All I know is Alexis is in the nurse's office. We have to get there immediately!"

Both of them ran out the door as if the house had been set ablaze. Anger and panic overcame the duo as they ran to the school while many other people and ponies gawked at them. One peculiar mare understood that, whatever the reason for them to run like that was, it was bad. But she didn't speak.

Sister Emily greeted them at the door and led them towards the nurse's station. Opening the door, they saw Nurse Redheart clutch a bruised and shrieking Alexis in her forelegs. Her hair was a mess and there was a bandage wrapped heavily around her right hand, indicating it had clearly been broken.

"My God..." Natalie murmured before she walked up to the nurse. "Nurse, could you hand her to me? I think she needs to stay home for a few days."

Redheart complied, handing the quarter-demon to the wizard. She clutched her mother with her good hand and started screaming into her chest.

"T-This man beat me up!!" Alexis wailed, her voice causing worry.

"We should've brought Fenrir with us." Blake sighed, trying very hard to not punch the wall. His mind was reeling with questions.

The next thing everyone knew, Lancelot dragged a man in his mid-40's into the room. He had greying brown hair and blue eyes.

Alexis moved her head off of her mother's chest to look at Blake. When she saw what Lancelot dragged in, however, she went into complete freakout mode and pointed him out as the culprit before hiding behind Mommy once more.

"Want me to take him to jail?" Lancelot asked.

"Please do--before I add him to my skeleton army." Blake answered sternly.

Lancelot dragged the man out of the building.

"Take her home and soothe her. It's really all I can say." Nurse Redheart nodded, motioning for the now-infuriated parents to leave. The parents did as told, and along the way home after checking with the principle they stopped at Sugar Cube Corner's bakery.

"Should we inform Pinkie about this mess?" Blake asked.

"It's what I'm asking." Natalie replied with a worried sigh.

"Momma..." Alexis cooed, her face red in bruises and tears.

"Yes?" Natalie asked.

The quarter-demon whispered something into the wizard's ear.

"If you told anybody?" Natalie asked in worry.

"Where in Tartarus did Lazarus hide his e-Bay cannon?" Blake asked.

Natalie would shrug if her hands weren't full.

Pinkie Pie opened the door, but rather than her familiar poofy, bubbly, happy-go-lucky appearance, her mane lay flat on her face and her colors had somewhat faded. "I overheard the whole ordeal, and I am sorry I couldn't do anything to catch the wrong-doer myself."

"It's okay, Pinkie." Natalie nodded, "We'd only gotten wind of it earlier in the last 30 minutes."

Pinkie's mane grew just a hare poofier than its flat appearance. A faint smile crossed her lips. "Things happen beyond our control, I suppose. And as parents, we have to move on from there."

"Yeah." Blake sighed. "I really hope Golden Streamers never undergoes what...." He trailed off.

"Horrors?" Pinkie finished.

Blake nodded. By now, Alexis had fallen asleep against her mother's chest.

Pinkie's mane flared out into its usual, frazzled mess and her bubbly colors returned.

"I think we should visit those poor, injured foals in the hospital." Pinkie said.

"That's most likely the best course of action given Alexis will have to stay home for a few days." Natalie agreed.