Digimon Crusaders

by Klonoahedgehog

Needing a break part 2

We now return to Digimon Crusaders.

Twilight is on the computer searching for something on the map of the Digi world searching for signal of black rings, she looks to the side, The six of them are resting on the couch watching TV, on the screen 5 brightly colored super heroes were fighting monsters, coming from the TV a voice yelling out. "Xyger, mega evolution!"
Scootaloo stretches and gets up. "Well this is fun but i'm gonna go get something to eat." She gets up and head to the door, Apple Bloom looks to the door. "I'm going to!" Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle ran to the door as well.
"Would you mind bringing me something." Twilight looked behind her and the only people there were the Digimon still watching TV, Twilight just sighed.

Outside Apple Bloom and Sweetie belle caught up with Scootaloo. Sweetie belle looked to her side and noticed Apple Bloom limping around. "Apple Bloom are you sure you should be out like this?" She asked.
"No need to worry. Twilight said a'll be fine if ah don't force it." Apple Bloom said smiling, giving a thumbs up.
"Well... If your sure"


Trixie walks through the hallway just staring at the floor in thought. "That power Sombramon has inside him, that power will be the key i need for Trixie's plan. Those fool in the real world will never know what hit them." Once she finished that thought something flashed through her mind, people ridiculing her and causing her great pain. Once that came through she flinched.
"Look what we have here, it seems our "great and powerful" Trixie has a little trick up her sleeve!"

Trixie shot up and looked behind her seeing Flim and hi's Pawnchessmon looking back at her. "Wha?! How did you!?" She responded with a look of surprise. Flim laughed back at her. "Oh come on Trixie, the look on your face tells all. And yours says you've got something planned." Trixie put her hand against hi's mouth to shut him up.
"If you tell!" Flim took her arm off. "Don't worry, i won't tell." Trixie raised an eyebrow. "I want in on this." Her eyes shot open. "What?"

Flim put hi's arm against the wall and leaned towards Trixie. "You heard me, give me a place in you'r conquest, it'll give me acess to the worlds riches and that's what i ask." Trixie sharpened her gaze at him. "That's all? No strings attached?"
"Oh come on my little Trixie, every queen needs a king." He bowed in front of her. "...Are you hitting on me?"

"What would make you say that?" There was an awkward silence between them after Flim said that last line. Until Trixie spoke up. "What if Trixie says no?" Flim puts hi's hand on hi's hat, making it tap hi's eyes. "If you don't, i will tell KingSombramon about your little betrayal. Besides, there's no way you can pull this off without help." Trixie thinks about it for a minute, looking up to the ceiling in thought. She then turns around, her cape flowing in the wind.
"Very well, you may help."

"You won't regret it."

Meanwhile back in the throne room Sombramon was sitting on the throne, he looked to hi's hand, he clenched hi's hand into a fist. The fist generating some power. At this point hi's power should be spiking to near a different level. Knowing Sombramon's power should be reaching it's maximum he got up from the throne and shot a blast to test out hi's strength, breaking the corner of the wall, blowing a hole in the wall. "hehehe, HAHAHAHAHA!!!!" He laughed.


Back at the library Twilight was paying really close attention to the map of Digiworld, Coronamon and the others watching TV instead. Coronamon and Armadillomon smile at the show. "This show is surprisingly go." Coronamon was stopped when a feeling came over him, the other Digimon no doubt felt the same way. A sweat drop feel down Twilight's face at what was on the screen, a huge burst of energy came from a location in Digiworld, but just a quickly as it came it vanished.
"What was t that?" She said.
"That was no normal energy." Hawkmon said as he looked to the rest. Coronamon and Armadillomon nodded.
"I got to call the others." Twilight said grabbing a her digivice.

Apple Bloom is staring at the milkshake on the table, around it the rest of the food they ordered was lying there already over and done with. Apple Bloom was deep in thought about what to do about this Digimon.
"...And that's when i tampered with the DNA evidence." The two girls started laughing for no real reason. The laughing stops and Sweetie belle just says. "What were we talking about?" The two of them looked to the side and saw Apple Bloom staring into space. The two of them looked back at each other and then looked to Apple Bloom. "Are you feeling alright Apple Bloom?"

Apple Bloom looked up to them. "Huh? Oh ahm fine, just thinking."

beep beep beep

Sweetie belle took out her Digivice and answered the call. "Hello?"
"Girls get back here!" Sweetie belle Raised an eyebrow. "Why? Did you find something out?"
"There's something we need to discuss." And just after that Twilight hung up, the three girls looked at each other.
"I wonder what that was about, it sounded pretty urgent."
Scootaloo got excited. "Yeah, but we've got a mission to do! Lets go!" Scootaloo ran off. Sweetie belle ran after albeit at a slower pace. Apple bloom just went off behind them.
"Wait girls! Ah can't run remember!?" So they let her catch up and they walked back.

Once they got there and opened the door, climbing up the stairway in the back to where the home area was and noticed not only Twilight and they're Digimon were there but so was Applejack and the others. "Sis? What are ya'll doin here?"

Fluttershy spoke up to Apple Bloom. "Apple Bloom! Oh are you feeling alright? I'm sorry if i'm bothering you..." Apple Bloom just reponded awkwardly.
"Don't worry, ahm' feeling fine! Sure it still hurts a bit but ah can get around just fine."

"Oh thank goodness for that! I mean after what happened we were so worried about you! I mean i couldn't get a wink of shuteye last night, i mean who would after what happened to you? I mean if something happened to you well everyone would be depressed especially Coronamon and Applejack! And..." "PINKIE!"

She smiles awkwardly and sits back down. "Sorry."
"Anyway, Twilight, is there any reason you called us all here?" Everyone looked at Twilight.
"Indeed, i was in the middle of an finishing an order."
Twilight looked at the friends around her and just stayed quiet for a bit, finally speaking up she said. "I think i know where that Digimon is." Everyone leaned in to look at her with they're piercing gazes. Twilight closed her eyes. "He's in a large woodland area in the digital world. Odds are Trixie and those others are running around in there as well."

Apple Bloom got up from where she was sitting all excited. "Then what are we waitin for!? Let's go!" An hand was put onto her shoulder and she looked back to see Apple Jack there looking at her. "Look sis yer in no place to go back in the digital world." Apple Bloom turned around to look at her sister and pouted. "Applejack, i'm feeling fine! Ah can go in there just fine!" She said knocking her arm off.

"Guys i'm not done." Everyone in the room looked back at Twilight. She looked down for a second.
"We know where he is now because he unleashed some of hi's strength. ...And that power is stronger than all of our Digimon right now." Everyone in the room looked at her with a surprised expression on they're faces. While Twilight had a serious face.

Ending theme