Making the Best of it

by Flame6666

Trying to Kill Me

Making the Best of it

Trying to Kill Me

Anthony's consciousness slowly began to return, his senses trying to register this new environment. He opened his eyes just to be blinded from the light that come though the window, after his eyes adjusted he could see a small green couch, a picture of a couple of butterfly's, and other furniture that you find in a house like a table, a chair, but as he started looking up he also saw some bird houses and some small... walkways like things that had doors leading throughout the house. He could hear the singing of birds coming from outside and the sound of pans moving. Just then, he smelled something being cooked that he just couldn't put his finger on. Almost instantly after small entered his nostril, the pain in his stomach felt like it just got hit by a cannon ball. He tried to move his arm to his stomach to ease the pain but found it hard to do so, he looked at it and found that it was bandaged up.

"What the hell? Where am I and who put these bandages on me?" He struggled to sit up, and he looked around and saw no one, then he looked over his shoulder and went white as a sheet. Anthony saw it, standing next to a stove on its hind legs, a yellow pony with a pink mane and couple of butterfly tattoos on its flank.

"Angel? Can you get me the daffodils please... I want to make something special for when he gets up." just then a white bunny comes hopping by with the daffodils in its paw and jumps onto the stove and hands them over. The yellow pony takes them in her mouth and puts them in the pot. "Thank you Angel, I know he'll just love it." she says with a smile.

"IS SHE TRYING TO KILL ME! There's no WAY I'm eating that!" he is now starring wide eyed at this... psychotic pony that's trying to poison him. The pony's little sidekick in killing hops off the stove and sees Anthony sitting up, starring at them and it taps the pony on the leg.

"What is it Angel?" the pony looks over and sees this strange creature sitting on the floor in her living room. "Oh... uhm... hello... are you... uhm... feeling better?" the pony says very quietly and it just got more so as she said it.

Anthony looks away and says nothing but simply nods slowly, not wanting to tempt the pony to go on a killing spree.

"... Good.. uhm the soup is done... I'll just put it a bowl for you..." she fly's up and grads a bowl in her mouth and puts it on the stove, then carefully dose the same with the pot and pours some of the delicious soup, or rather deadly poison. She also grabs a spoon and takes the soup over to the creature and puts it in front of it. She pushes the soup to the creature.

And Anthony pushes it back...

She pushes it back...

And Anthony pushes it back again .......

And then she pushes it back again.......

Back and forth, back and forth until a loud rumbling noise come from the creature, breaking the never ending loop."I-I know your hungry... so please eat... I worked so hard on it." she said with the shyest yet cutest smile she could make.

"Shit I... I can't keep saying no to that smile for much longer... but if I eat I might die... guess I have no chose but to tell her I can't eat it." he cleared his throat, "Uhm... I-I can't eat this." the pony shot up in surprise with her eyes widening.

"You can... you can talk?" The creature nods. "Uhm... why can't you eat it?"

"I heard you say you put daffodils in it and I... I can't eat those." Anthony says looking away from the pony.

"Why? Everypony I know can eat them."

"Well... I'm clearly not a pony... and the daffodils can poison me... so... thank you for the offer, but... I need to say no." the yellow pony looks down frowning.

"I'm sorry, I-I didn't know... is there something else you can eat?" she asked with pleading eyes.

"Uhm... Think... what do you know that they definitely have... apples?" the yellow pony puts on a small smile and fly's off to the kitchen for a apple and flew on back dropping it on Anthony's lap. "Thank you..." he said and started biting at it.

"You're you have a name?" asking the creature

Already done with most the apple, he swallowed what was in his mouth and told the yellow pony, "Oh it's... it's Anthony..."

"Anthony? Well that's a strange name, OH...sorry..." she said while tensing back getting ready to be yelled at, but all Anthony did was smile and nod showing it was fine. She eased back up with a sigh of relief and continued to say, "Well hello Anthony... my name is-" she got cut off by Anthony who says.

"I know... its Fluttershy right?" he said with a little confidence, but as he did Fluttershy jetted back in surprise.

"Well yes but, how did you... how did you know that?" Realizing his stupid mistake Anthony eyes got wide yet again. He had to think fast to get out of this.

"SHIT... I just messed up BAD. How in the world I'm going to explain this? I can tell her the truth, but then she might think I'm crazy or worst, she might believe me and go into shock because her world is just a fictional place! Crap I can't think of any thing to explain this!" beads of sweat started to form on his brow, "Uhm... you see..." KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. They both jump at the sudden knock and look over at the door and hear someone say something.

"Fluttershy are you in there? I need to talk to you about the flowers that you needed to pick for when the princess gets here tomorrow." The voice sounded familiar but he couldn't place it. Fluttershy looked at Anthony and he just pointed at the door to gesture her to go open it, more than ready to get off this topic.

"Coming Twiligh.t" she said with her almost nonexistent yell and she flew over to the door to open it. "Hello Twilight, I was just about to come show you something I found when picking the flowers, but when I came home to drop them off I found him just out side the Everfree Forest."

"Him? Him who?" Twilight looked puzzled. So Fluttershy moved out of the way to let her in. "Uhm... Fluttershy... what... is that?" Twilight pointing her hoof at this new creature that she has never seen before.

"Oh Uhm... I'm not sure. The only things I know is that his name is Anthony and he can't eat daffodils." Twilight rolled her eyes and started walking over to Anthony.

"So, Anthony was it? Can you tell me what... you are please?"

"... Uhm... sure... Twilight, I am what is known as a human and-" RUMBLE. a loud rumbling sound came from Anthony. "Uhm... sorry but can I get another apple... please?" Anthony's face rose red from this.

"Oh sure hold on." Fluttershy flew back to quickly grab a apple. "Uhm... here you go." she said while still holding the apple by the stem in her teeth, and handing it... or is it mouthing it, over to Anthony

"... Thank you Fluttershy." Anthony starts tearing away at the apple. He looks up at Twilight who is waiting patiently. "Uhm...Twilight? Can you... uhm... talk to Fluttershy when I'm eating... your making me nervous."

"Uh... sure I guess." Twilight looks over to Fluttershy."Uhm... you said you found something to show me Fluttershy?"

"Ohh yes, just hold on." Fluttershy talks to her mane. "You can come out now." Just then three small round ball like creatures with big green eyes and bug like wings flew out of her mane. "Hmm that's weird, I only found one."

"Fluttershhhyyy! Their so CUTE!" Twilight grabs one and hugs it before letting go after a few seconds blushing. "Can I have one? You know to... keep Spike entertain when I'm busy."

"Sure Twilight I don't mind. Uhm... would you like one to Anthony?"

" thanks Fluttershy, those just seem kind of... creepy." They both look at him like he just insulted the princess.

"How could you say that? They just soooo cute." Twilight said while holding one in her hoofs.

"S-Sorry... Its just my opinion."

"Well it doesn't matter, see ya later Flutter Shy, Anthony. I need to check up on Spike to see if he cleaned up the library yet." Fluttershy waves Twilight good bye and Anthony don't really care to do so but, then he remembers something.

"Finally shes going... wait a minute, she can't leave! If theirs anyone that can get me home its her." he got up, "WAIT... uhm... Twilight.. can I come with you?" Anthony says with a rose colored face.

"Um... can I ask why?"

"Can we talk about it there... I don't want to seem crazy in front of to many peop... uhm ponies."

"Sure... I don't see why not, follow me." so Anthony follows Twilight but only manages two or three steeps out the door before realizing he forgot something.

"Wait" he turns around to ask Fluttershy, "Did you see my bags when you... uhm... found me?"

"Oh yes, its the table over there, I'll go get them." she flew over to the bags and got ready to pull when Anthony ran over to stop her.

"No, no... I got them. Sorry, but I just don't want whats inside to get damaged."

"It''s fine. Now go on... you shouldn't keep Twilight waiting."

"Okay... see you later Fluttershy."

And with that they left Fluttershy's cottage and are now on their way to Twilight's library, with a cute little ball like creature and whatever is in Anthony's bag.

---------------Authors Notes---------------

First I would like to say thanks to the few people who helped me decide where Anthony should wake up this chapter

Second I would like to say sorry for the rather abrupt end here, this chapter was getting longer than I thought it would.