Schoolhouse Shenanigans!

by Dragonborne Fox

Chapter XXXII- Awkward

"This is getting awkward." Matt sighed, jaw agape. The woman standing before him looked at least 50 years old, yet faint traces of auburn still existed in her grey hair. Her blueish eyes sat on a face that looked surprisingly young for such a woman. In fact, there was only one wrinkle on her forehead. She stood upright and was as tall as Blake. But deep into her eyes was what Matt saw as...longing. But for what was beyond him.

"Is there anyone in your house named Lance?" Asked the woman with a frown.

"Um...yeah, we do. And by 'we,' I mean everyone that comes here for regular sleepovers and things like that." Matt answered sheepishly, "Let me go fetch him." With that, the swordsman turned around and ran up the stairs like a Quick Slash was being performed.

Lance just walked out of the bathroom and he was wearing a bathrobe. A green, wet towel hung on his head like a nun's habit on Saint Patrick's Day (somebody please explain why nun's hats are called habits, please?!). Matt almost knocked him over, but the Nazi got out of the way just in time to see his half-brother land right on his face.

"Matt, what is with you?" Lance asked, raising a brow.

"An olb woban thwants fo thee you." Matt replied, his voice muffled because his face was on the floor.

"An old woman?" Lance asked, clearly bewildered. It sounded like a toad decided to make a hotel room out of his throat before he cleared it and shouted, "Son of a lumberjack!" Quick as a whip, he ran into his room and changed into his regular uniform and then flew out the bedroom door, down the stairs, past Blake who immediately spun in place like a top, and stopped before the wide-open front door. Sure enough, there stood the elderly woman Matt had spoken of. But this wasn't any elderly woman...

Lance's jaw dropped. No, this couldn't have been...

The woman's eyes went wide, though only slightly. Her mouth quivered and she found herself hugging the Nazi with a case of wet-head. "Oh my adopted child, it's been so long! Please, tell me what you've done after you dashed off like that!"

"Let me go and come inside first, I have some people you need to meet." Lance replied. The woman complied immediately before smiling sheepishly. Lance led her to the living room couch before running upstairs and yelling at the top of his lungs, "EVERYONE! WE HAVE A VISITOR!!"

Matt stood up as everyone else, save Blake who was still spinning in place, ran to Lance and crowded both sides of the hallway.

"Thank you, Captain Obvious," Matt sighed in annoyance.

"So," Sarah sighed as she held her foal, who was trying to get out of her arms so he could go exploring the house, "Why call us, exactly?"

"It's my adoptive mother, and I'd like her to meet you all. And yes, it counts Mr. Tentacles," Lance answered, his eyes mere white dots.

Everyone, save for Anna and Katie, went wide-eyed in shock.

"NO WAY!" Nick cried.

"HUH?!" The twins shrieked.

"WHAT?!" Alexis objected.

The Beholder shrugged. All five of his eyes dilated.

"REALLY?!" Natalie caterwauled, holding her hands on her cheeks.

"She's on the couch downstairs. See for yourselves." Lance sighed in defeat.

Everyone rushed downstairs and saw the woman looking at them like they were the Ku Klux Klan who recently converted to Islam.

"Which one of you is my.....err...adopted child's wife?" Asked the woman.

Anna stepped forward and raised her hand. "Me."

"You are..." The woman was at a loss for words.

"Wait till you hear about how I met him to begin with." Anna cut her off, playfully sticking her tongue out in the process.

"TRICYCLE!" Katie shouted for no reason.

"Is she alright?" Asked the woman worryingly.

"She does that on a daily basis." Natalie answered, "Besides, she's always been like this until someone with a gun threatens those she loves."

"And then someone gets hurt." Lazarus chimed.

Rainbow Dash suddenly burst into the room from the window. Good thing said window was open already.

"Oh hello..." Matt sighed as he nearly had a heart attack.

"GUYS!" Rainbow yelled in panic, her wings keeping her airborne, "Normally, I would've called all the pegasi in town, but half of them are sick and we need to get water up to Cloudsdale so we can make rain!"

"Can it wait for two more days maximum?" Anna asked impatiently.

"Why?!" Rainbow asked in frustration.

"My anniversary is tomorrow." Anna answered, eyes squinted.

"Alright, alright." Rainbow said, now calming down. "I'll postpone it until the day after tomorrow."

"Who wants to explain who did what to the kind woman over there?" Sarah asked, pointing to Lance's adoptive mother.