//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: Hospitals Blow // Story: Adventure Anon // by Bastinator //------------------------------// You struggle against your constraints helplessly, your muscles not responding. ”Please don’t do that, you’re going to hurt yourself worse.” Worse! How the fuck could things get any worse! A brace holds your jaw against you as you grunt frantically. You’re going to kill them! You’re going to make them wish they were never born! Once you get out of here, you’ll head back to Los Pegasus and exact your revenge. There will be no place for them to hide. Twilight’s talking with Fluttershy, making sure to keep their voices hushed. ”Guess ya didn’t kill that dragon huh?” Her snide remark only fuels your rage. You fight at the restraints, the sheer pain keeping you down. ”Whoa now, don’t get your saddle in a twist.” Death, so much death. The doctor enters, carrying his clipboard. ”Anon, well this is a surprise. We didn’t expect you to come ‘round.” Real reassuring. ”Is he going to make it Dr. Stable?” ”Given enough time, yes he should recover, but he’s been through so much…” Don’t pander about, you asshole, give it to me straight. He picks up on your glare, shuffling a bit. ”It’s not necessarily- a full recovery.” You mother fucker. You fix me up you piece of shit! Damn these bindings, damn Equestria! ”You’ll live, but your adventuring days are over.” He draws up some diagrams, showing various parts of your body. ”I thought you’d wind up in the morgue with these injuries. You’re a resilient young man.” And you’re head’s going to find what the inside of your ass feels like if you don’t fix me up. He points out several injuries to the p0nies, marking where the damage was sustained. ”If he takes things easy and lets himself heal, he’ll be up and walking in no more than six months.” You don’t fucking have six months! They’ll be gone by the time you get out. ”So he’s going to be here for that time?” ”I’m afraid so ma’am. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have other patients to attend to.” You grunt in response as he leaves you with the others. It’s pointless, you’re going to be stuck here whether you like it or not. ”Poor Anon, not so mighty anymore now are ya.” ”Applejack please, he’s been through a lot.” ”You heard what he’s done! Been here just a day and caused so much harm. He deserves this.” Well fuck you too lady. ”No one deserves this, not even after what he did. Besides aren’t you forgetting? He saved Fluttershy.” ”No doubt in his foolish act of heroics.” Bitch, you’re a hero, it ain’t an act. ”Regardless, we should help him. It’s not right to just let him sit here.” ”And why in Equestria would we do that?” ”Because that’s what we do. There’s good deep in there somewhere, we just have to find it.” A nurse enters the room, carrying an IV along with her. ”Good evening Nurse Redheart.” ”Same to you Twilight.” She plants the IV down next to you, grabbing the end. She pulls out the needle, pressing it against your arm. Fuck that bitch! You squirm relentlessly forcing her to pull back. ”Please be still, I need to insert the IV.” Applejack chuckles, “What? Anon afraid of a little needle?” You struggle against the brace, freeing yourself from its restraint. “Fuck you Applejack!” ”Anon please, let me put that brace back on.” ”You can piss of lady. I’m not letting you touch me.” The nurse backs the fuck off, but looks back to those two other stupid ponies, “Twilight, Rarity. A little help?” Their horns illuminate, though their efforts are for not. “You can’t hold me back.” Twilight’s stunned, hopefully frying a brain cell or two in the process, ”You…” “Cat lost her tongue?” Applejack steps up next to you, pressing down on your stomach. You clench your teeth painfully and arch back. This gives the nurse enough time to latch you back into your cast and insert the IV. Struggling only leads to more pain, and they wait for you to die down. ”We’ll be back tomorrow Anon. Stay well.” That’s right you better leave. I didn’t even want you here! The door closes, the lights losing their glow. Fuck Ponyville. You sit there for hours unable to sleep. How does anyone just sit here? It’s so boring. The clock ticks away, birds chirping outside. You hear a slight creak, shooting your head over to the door. A shadow slips inside, darting at incredible speeds. The culprit joins you at your side, his voice deep and gravely. “I heard what happened. I’m sorry.” The fuck? He pulls out a book and turns on the light, making himself behind the lamp. ”This helped me get through my time here.” Daring Do? He’s not seriously going to… He begins reading it, his voice fluctuating between high and low. You just lie there and take it. You’d rather listen to the birds, at least you could cook and eat them later. He’s about an hour in when there’s a knock at the door. ”Hello, visiting hours are over. I’ll have to as-“ She spots the individual, the two staring at each other. “Security!” ”I’ll finish this later,” he says flying out of the room’s window. Damn, as soon as things started getting interesting. The nurse comes over to you, “Are you alright?” You nod, earning a smile in return. ”Good, I wouldn’t want her to have all the fun.” Wait what? She pulls out a vial, the milky yellow substance churning your stomach. ”Do you know what this is?” You nod, being quite familiar with the stuff. “And you know what it’ll do to you if I put it in here don’t you?” You nod having experienced its effects the hard way. She takes out her syringe, drawing out a substantial amount of it. “Hydra venom is hard to find around these parts, thankfully Zecora was willing to part with a vial.” She penetrates the IV, placing her hoof on the plunger. ”I can’t let you just walk out after what you did to that child.” You squirm slightly as she presses down on the plunger, the liquid mixing with the IV’s contents. ”I’ll see you in the morning Anon.” She gives you a peck on the head, turning and leaving the room. All you can do is wait, watching as the venom rolls into you. You feel your mind drift away as you slip into a deep sleep. You begin to stir once more, a purple hoof waving in front of you. ”Anon, are you okay?” Like she said, she’d be back. She’s here with Applejack and Fluttershy again, Nurse Redheart nowhere to be seen. You shake your head, looking down at your cast pleadingly. ”You want me to take it off?” ”Don’t do it sugarcube, don’t give him the pleasure.” ”Maybe he needs to tell you something?” Fluttershy peeps. She takes a deep breathe, moving your cast out of the way. “Closer,” you whisper, trying not to alert the nurses. You can feel the effects fire back up, your limbs heating up. She places her head next to yours, “Yes?” “Get me the hell out of here.” She sighs moving away, “You really haven’t learned anything yet have you?” She’s about to turn away and leave. “Please!” The words hurt just to say. She looks at you, your eyes begging for her help. You won’t last another hour with this stuff pumping through your veins. ”What do you want me to do?” ”Twilight you can’t be serious now? He’s a monster.” ”He’s trying to reach out, Applejack. This is the chance we need.” ”He’s tryin to play you, don’t ya see?” God you hate that apple cunt! “If you don’t get me out of here now, I’m never leaving this hospital alive.” They both eye you suspiciously, “And what exactly do ya mean by that?” You can’t exactly tell them that your nurse poisoned you. They’d never believe that. You look at the IV, its tainted liquid trickling in your veins. “It’s that.” ”A needle ain’t gonna kill ya you big babby.” “It’s not the needle you dumb cunt!” ”That’s no way to ask for help.” You take a deep breath, your lungs stinging as the venom continues to work inside your veins, “It’s what’s inside that’s killing me.” ”Good try, but I’m not falling for it.” “Please, you have to trust me.” ”Trust goes both ways Anon, and you haven’t given us that chance.” Fitting that you’d die in a hospital. You lean back in your bed defeated. Fluttershy takes a closer look at the IV, taking a dollop and tasting it. She spits out the substance, and gives a look of horror. ”Oh no…” She yanks out the IV, a stream of blood jetting from your arm. Flying over to the medicine cabinet she rummages through its contents, tossing vials away without a thought. ”Fluttershy what’s gotten into you?” ”No time.” “Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhe…” Your mouth numbs, the heat pulsing through you. ”Got it.” She hovers back over to you, pressing a vial to your lips, the grotesque liquid flowing into you. It hits you like a train, regaining feeling in your body and quenching the heat. You gag, the taste still ghastly. “Fucking finally. Someone who helps me.” You breathe deeply, taking in the scent of life. ”Are you alright?” Fluttershy asks. “Been better.” Twilight and the others are stunned and perplexed, their primal brains not even understanding what just transpired, ”You- I- What-“ “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” Fluttershy stays quiet, knowing that you’re right. ”Fluttershy?” ”You wouldn’t believe me.” “Like I said.” Fluttershy applies pressure on your wound to stop the bleeding, unknowingly sending pain shooting up your arm. “For fucks sake, be a little more careful.” She gives you a pained expression and backs away, your blood flowing out again. “Well don’t stop!” You’re conflicting order confuses her as she lightly presses down on the vein. “Thanks Fluttershy, you’re a life saver. Literally.” You relax, crisis averted. Bullshit, you can’t rest! That bitch almost killed you before, you need to get out of here. “Alright Twilight, are you going to get me out of here or not?” She’s still processing the entirety of what just happened. “Earth to Twilight. You home?” She escapes from her thoughts looking back at you. ”I- I don’t know. Where could you go?” ”He sure as hay ain’t bunking with me.” “I wouldn’t give you the pleasure.” You hiss painfully, arms struggling against your binds. ”Both of you stop it. Your banter isn’t getting us anywhere.” “I will if she will.” ”I will if you will.” ”I’ll take him.” Fluttershy squeaks. ”Until we figure this out you aren’t going anywhere,” Twilight says. ”He can stay with me,” she says again a bit louder this time. ”Good luck with that. Like anyp0ny would care for his flank.” Fluttershy shuts her eyes, ”I said I’ll take him!” Twilight and Applejack are speechless from her outburst. Fluttershy bows down a little, “I mean, if that’s alright…” ”You sure sugarcube? Ya don’t have to.” ”I know… I want to.” Hot damn, you might get to break her in after all. Well, she might break you in the process… You now have an unnatural hatred for boulders. ”Is that alright with you Anon?” “Suits me just fine. Just hurry it up will ya?” ”Fine, but when this is over I want an explanation.” “Deal.” ”Applejack, can you push the bed while we steer?” She begrudgingly moves behind you, placing her hooves on the handles, leaning over you. You take in the sight, getting a nice view of her underside. “Damn, that’s enticing.” She presses a hoof on your shoulder, shutting you up as you grimace in pain. What a bitch. Twilight opens the door as you’re eased through and into the hall. The halls are basically empty except for the four of you. There must be a lack of boulder injuries in this wing. Leading you down the hall, you approach reception. Twilight goes to the desk and starts talking with the mare. ”I’m sorry Ms. Twilight, but there’s no way Doctor Stable would allow it.” ”I’d like to ask him myself if you don’t mind.” ”You can try, but don’t get your hopes up.” The nurse places her hoof on the intercom. ”Doctor Stable, your presence has been requested at reception.” ”Thank you,” she walks back beside you. ”I’m going to have to put that brace back on you now.” “Fine, just don’t fuck up.” She slides it around your jaw, locking in place. You wait there until the doctor arrives. That bastard needs to hurry his happy ass up. ”Good morning, how are the three of you doing this morning.” ”Fine as always.” ”And how is our little patient?” Fucking fabulous, I love not being able to move without cringing. Thanks for asking. ”He’s been better.” No shit lady. ”I’m guessing you are the ones who called me down in the first place?” ”Yes we were. I’d like to request that Anon be moved, somewhere outside of the hospital. The doctor gives her one look and shakes his head. ”Anon needs proper care Miss Twilight. I must reject your proposal.” Proper care? Your fucking nurse poisoned me you tool! You try and fight the cast again, desperate to get a word out. ”He’s hemorrhaging. Nurse!” Nurse Redheart trots over to the doctor, giving you a glance. ”Get me a sedative on the double.” You shake your head and relax, emphasizing your control. ”See doctor? He’s not getting the proper care here. If he were to stay with us-“ ”He could become paralyzed completely. The repercussions could be devastating.” I don’t care, just get me out! ”He’d be in Fluttershy’s care, at least to start. She knows how to look after injured creatures right?” Fluttershy nods, the doctor sighing dejectedly. ”Who exactly would he be staying with?” Finally a sensible thought appeared in that rotting brain of his. ”Fluttershy, myself, and likely my close friends.” ”What in the hay are you on-“ Twilight forces her hoof in her mouth. Doctor Stables eyes her suspiciously, “And they agree to it?” ”Not exactly, but they’ll come around.” The doctor rolls his eyes, giving you a look over. ”You’d need Anon’s consent as well.” ”That we have, isn’t that right?” You nod. ”Doctor, here’s the sedative you… What’s going on here?” ”Twilight and her friends are taking custody of Anon.” ”You can’t seriously be allowing this? Think of the patient!” Bitch, go choke on a cock. ”The more I do so, the more I agree with them.” ”Sir?!” ”Anon requires constant care, and we can’t meet those demands.” That’s right bitch, suck it. ”Twilight and her friends have proven themselves time and time again. I trust them.” How does it feel to have your plan spoiled huh? ”We’ll take good care of him Ms. Redheart.” Better than she did no doubt. ”Now, there is some paperwork you have to sign. If you’ll join me at the desk…” Fluttershy, Applejack and Twilight follow him, leaving you alone with Redheart. She glares at you, her voice hushed. ”I don’t know how you’re still breathing, but mark my words I will get you back.” Don’t make promises you can’t keep. ”The last thing you see before you die is my face, because you don’t scare me.” You jut your head forward, the nurse recoiling. So much for not being scared. You’d laugh if it didn’t hurt to breathe. She leans closer, undoing your cast. Before you can say a word she forces her lips to yours. You can’t fight it, might as well enjoy it. Before long she pulls away, placing you cast back on you. ”You’re good, I’ll give you that. Might have to steal those lips before you die.” Okay, now that’s just downright creepy. ”See you around big boy.” She parts with you just as the others return. Applejack looks pissed, which can only mean one thing. Someone’s getting out whose name start with ‘An’ and ends with ‘on.’ ”Remember, he’s to stay in bed for the month. After that, should his condition improve, he can start moving around.” Sounds good to you, the sooner you get out, the sooner you can get revenge on those back-stabbers. ”We understand doctor.” ”And no unnecessary movement. So you’ll have to feed him, bathe him, clean him, everything you would do for a pet.” You aren’t some animal you little shit. You’re motherfucking Anon. “We’ll take good care of him.” You will if you know what’s good for you. He gives Fluttershy a small parcel with a pair of patient’s clothing inside. They weren’t meant to fit you, but they’re better than walking everywhere stark naked. Actually, that doesn’t sound like that bad of an idea. It removes the biggest obstacle between you and any good looking mare you see. Hell, the state you’re in, you’ll be lucky just to get to a mare, let alone with. You shake yourself from your thoughts already exiting the damned hospital. The sun… oh god the sun… Why does it have to be so bright? You take one last look at the hospital, Nurse Redheart standing by the door. She grins, waving at you. Something about that is downright unsettling. Down the path you travel, back into Ponyville. Something tells you going back there is going to be a bad idea. All that talk you gave. You’ll be the biggest laughing stock of the town. Trixie never fucked up this bad. Fuck that’s depressing, Trixie turned out better than you. You’re going to live in eternal shame. The p0nies stop and stare as you’re rolled through time. You can hear them gossip amongst themselves. The great hero Anon, reduced to a vegetable. ”Don’t listen to them Anon,” Fluttershy consoles you. Your entire existence has crumbled around you, leaving nothing more than a shell of a man. The worst part of it is that you can’t even confront them about it. Here you are, weakened and alone, vulnerable. ”Ya know they’re right Fluttershy. He should’ve never come here.” ”Don’t talk like that Applejack,” Twilight responds, “Things happen for a reason.” You’re pretty sure the reason isn’t to be crushed under a ton of rock. You finally get through Ponyville, following the dirt road out of town. ”Fluttershy’s cottage is outside of town so you’ll be able to rest in peace.” You move against your cast, Fluttershy helping you out by removing it. “About time, I was going to chew through that fucking thing.” ”Anon, we have some rules of our own.” “Oh boy, isn’t this just perfect. Hit me.” Applejack knocks you upside the head. “I didn’t mean literally you dumb cow.” She smacks you again, “I know.” ”Rule 1: You will behave yourself. We’re giving you a chance, don’t make us regret it.” “Whatever, next.” ”Rule 2: You will obey us to the letter, for your own safety.” “Pfft, good luck with that.” She glares, “And finally Rule 3: You promise to leave our town when you get better.” “Like you have to make me promise that. You’ll be dust in the wind.” ”I’m glad we understand each other.” You come to the cottage next to the forest, a serene location if you’ve ever seen one. It’s a good place to start, but you won’t be looking back on it in the future. ”This is your last chance to turn back Fluttershy.” ”I know.” ”Ya still want to keep him sugarcube? I mean, he’s not worth the trouble after all.” “I’m lying right here you know.” ”He sacrificed himself to save me, the least I can do is help.” ”Well, if you’re certain…” Twilight nudges Applejack off the bed, Fluttershy taking her place. “He’s all yours Fluttershy. Stay safe.” You’re pushed towards the cottage, the first stage of recovery only just beginning.