//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: 404 Shed Not Found // Story: Adventure Anon // by Bastinator //------------------------------// She rolls you towards her house. Outside you can see a contingent of critters huddled around, watching you. You give them a glare, sending them scurrying away. Damn right, you still got it. ”Oh, please don’t do that.” You scoff at her request, resting your head against the pillow. She gets you inside, the stench of animals heavy around you. “Jesus fuck, open a window for god’s sake.” ”O- ok…” She flies over to the window, unlatching the lock and swinging it open. That’s right bitch, do my bidding. She comes back over to you, your stomach growling fiercely. ”Are you hungry?” “No, my stomach just likes to do that.” ”I didn’t know…” Damn she’s stupid. “Of course I’m fucking hungry! It’s called being sarcastic.” ”Oh, sorry. Just let me- umm…” She goes to the kitchen, fixing up your supper. Her cuteness makes up for her blatant retardation, but that’s cutting it close. You look around at the wooden walls, finding the place neatly clean. You’d never have guessed with that stench emanating from it. That’s probably why she doesn’t get many visitors. Or why she left in the first place. Carrying that musk around, guh, disgusting. She comes back with your food, setting it down beside you. ”I umm… hope you like it.” You look at the bowl, then back to her, back to the bowl, back to her. ”What’s wrong?” “I have a question, just something to get out there.” ”Alright.” “How the fuck do you expect me to eat it?” ”Sorry, it slipped my mind.” She flies off before you can say a word, coming back with a fork. You’d facepalm if you could move your arms. Which happens to be the point you’re trying to make. “What part of, ‘I can’t move 90% of my body’ don’t you understand?” ”Oh my, I just thought-“ “How about this. The next time you think something, don’t. Wouldn’t be changing a thing actually…” She bows her head, her eyes growing damp. “Really? Crying? Stop being such a filly.” She whimpers a little. “I’m still waiting…” She sniffs, picking up the fork, making sure not to look at you. “That’s better.” She guides the food to your mouth shakily. You take the bite, chewing on it for a few seconds. You spew the contents all over her floor, licking the pillow to get the taste out of your mouth. “Fucking A, what did you put in this, grass?” ”Yeah… I-“ She leaves before you can verbally assault her, flying up the stairs, leaving her trail of tears. Perfect, just fucking perfect. That poison sounds good right about now. You try to move your hand to the bowl, no amount of force working. You sigh, this shit is pissing you off. Once again you try to move a little, pain erupting in your forearm. You grunt, a tingle rushing through one of your fingers. It- it moved. You managed to move your fingers… Great success! You’ve got a long way to go, but this is something at least. Still, it won’t help you get your food. No matter how much you try you only manage to move a few fingers. Your arms are basically inert, just dead weight. You don’t care that the foods a tasteless heap of shit, you just need something in your belly. Dammit! MOVE LIMBS! Your attention shifts to some scrapping on the floor. “Who’s there? Fluttershy?” No response. Oh god, it’s Redheart come to finish you off. You tense for the attack that never comes. Ok… if it wasn’t her, then who? A white ball of fluff leaps onto your bed, two point ears atop its head. Damn animals don’t leave you in peace. “Git! Git!” He stares right back at you, not intimidated by you. This fucker’s smarter than he looks. He looks at your bowl, licking his lips. A lot smarter. “Don’t you fucking you piece of shit.” He smiles, lunging into the bowl. “You douche! That’s mine!” He tosses the leaves around him, feasting upon your meal. “GIMME!” Your jimmies can’t stand all this rustling. He takes one last bit, emptying your bowl completely. How the fuck did he eat it all?! He’s as big as your hand! His face grows serious, eyeing you down. He points to the stairs, his finger leading to your bed. The tears… He shakes his head, dragging his finger across his throat. “You don’t scare me. I’ve fought creatures who take shits bigger than you.” He locks eyes with you and leaps down off the bed, disappearing from sight. “That’s right you better ru- whoa.” Your bed begins to shift, moving slightly before gaining speed. “What do you think you’re doing?!” The bunny’s surprisingly strong, pushing you without much effort. You try to roll out of your bed, body still uncooperative. You know exactly where he’s taking you, the window not far now. This is going to hurt… Your bed slams into the wall, your body and mattress flinging over and out. “FUUUCK!” Your body hits the ground, finding the one muddy spot in the entire yard. “Fluttershy!!!!” Your body quivers at her touch, still responding to pain. She picks you up as gently as she can, though she struggles with your weight. ”You really should be more careful.” “If it wasn’t for that-“ Your chest seizes up causing you to stutter painfully. ”Don’t talk, let me fix you up.” She takes you back inside and upstairs, mud coating your body. Placing your body in the bath she turns the knob, the lukewarm water falling between your legs. Hesitantly, she removes your patients clothes, leaving you stark naked. In any other circumstances you’d have pulled her in with you, but you can’t seem to do that now. She hums a tune and pours some shampoo in her hooves, rubbing them on your muddy body. You braced for more pain, pleasantly surprised by the soothing sensation it provides. You close your eyes, letting her work her magic. It’s…. so good… Fluttershy gasps a little, opening your eyes you find out why. Apparently Anon Jr. thought so as well. ”It’s…” “Does me proud, it does.” She blushes and moves onto your chest, avoiding your lower region. “Don’t be shy, it’s not going to bite.” She looks at you knowingly, “Nice try.” Damn, not as stupid as she looks. Welp, good things come to those who wait right? Wrong! “Who knows, you might just enjoy yourself as well.” ”No means no.” You can’t wait to get use of your hands back, until then you’re going to have to just deal with it. She finishes your rinse, draining the water and drying you off tenderly. She looks away for a second, “Oh, ok. I’ll fix you up something in a minute.” “You’re not going crazy are you?” ”It’s just Angel, he’s past due for his meal.” You peek over the bath, the white rabbit staring back at you. “That’s the asshole who did this to me!” ”Angel? No, he’d never do something like that.” “You conniving bastard…” She helps you back into your clothes, taking you back to bed. “Hey, I’m still hungry.” ”You ate your food, your bowl’s empty. I knew you’d like it.” “But Angel-“ She places a hoof to your mouth, “You need your rest.” She clears her throat, “Hush now, quiet now. It’s time to lay your sleepy head. Hush now, quiet now. It’s time to go to bed.” “Do you really think a… lullaby... will…?” Damn she’s good… You stir from your sleep, the sun having fell hours ago from the looks of it. ”Glad to see you up.” You turn your head in time for his hoof to force your mouth closed. ”Don’t fight it. I’m not here to hurt you.” Well fucking excuse me if you sneak into my room in the middle of the night and watch me while I sleep. He looks around, placing a gag in your mouth. So much for that. ”Wouldn’t want you screaming out now would we?” He pulls out his damned Daring Do book. ”Now, how about we start where we left off.” Oh god, please no. His words tear at your eardrums, each second more torturous than the one before. All you can do is lay there and take it. Why does this fuck wants to punish you more, even after what he did? Wasn’t that enough for him? You sit back as time passes, trying to ignore your guest. He shuts his book abruptly, sighing and moving towards you. ”We can stop there tonight, but I’ll be back.” He removes your gag, going over to the window. “You think your little reading sessions are going to make me forgive you?” ”I had hoped, in some small way…” “You’ve got six months left on your clock, remember that.” He opens the window, “We’ll see.” As quick as he appeared, he vanished back into the night. ”Wakey wakey Anon.” You stir from your sleep, still groggy from your encounter. “I’m up damn, not so loud.” She flies around, Angel following her. You’ve been here for about half a month and she still hasn’t learned. “Acheeem.” She looks back to you, “Yes?” “Where’s my breakfast?” She sighs, going over to the kitchen. ”You could always ask.” “Bullshit. You do what I say, and I say ‘get me some mother fucking food.’” ”Just let it go…” she mutters. “What was that?” ”Nothing...” “Damn right nothing. Now get to it.” She sets down the plate, her back turned to you. ”No.” “I don’t think I heard you right. Come again?” ”I said no.” Bitches be getting on your nerves. “Fluttershy, if you don’t want to-“ ”Ask for it.” “What?” ”Ask.” “I’ll rot in Tartarus before I ask a fucking p0ny to make me my breakfast.” ”Alright then.” She fixes up a salad for Angel, leaving you hungry in bed. This crazy bitch is serious isn’t she? ”If you need anything, just call me. I’ll be feeding the chickens.” Fine, you’ll play her little game. You won’t lose in a test of will. You watch her feed from the window as she feeds the animals. The grains fall majestically to the earth, the chickens pecking them with vigor. Your stomach growls at the sight, interrupting your transfixion. Fuck that didn’t take long. “Fluttershy.” Her ears perk up before drooping back down as she continues her work. “Fluttershy!” She definitely heard you this time, finishing her task and entering the house. ”You called?” “No, I was saying your name for the hell of it.” ”Alright then.” She moves back to the door. “Wait wait…” ”Did you want to say something?” Damn her… “Can I have some food?” You’re tone hushed. ”I’m sorry I didn’t catch that.” “Can you make me some food… please?” It pains you to speak those words. They’re reserved for desperate times, not whenever you want something. She grins slightly, “Yes you can.” Your stomach growls again as she fixes up something for you to eat. “No grass.” ”No grass…” she looks back to you. “Please.” ”Yes sir, Mr. Anon.” Please. Fuck that word. Why did someone invent that word? She sets the bowl to your side, impaling a couple bits of lettuce and tomato. Its just as bland as you remember, but at least edible. You begrudgingly accept her offering, finding no other means to eat it. You swallow, Fluttershy proud of you. “It’s got less flavor than my steaming loaf, but whatever.” ”You don’t need to be so rude. I have some dressing you might like.” Damn right you do. ”If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.” It’s got a little zing after her little mix, but it’s still nothing special. Fearing another lecture, you don’t speak your mind, keeping it to yourself. Not really fear per se, Anon doesn’t feel fear. You just really don’t want to her it from her. You finish your meal, Angel taking the last few scraps. The little fuck doesn’t waste any time chowing down either. Reminds you a little of yourself. ”I don’ think your properly met Angel.” “Oh… we’ve met.” You glare at each ocher knowingly. ”Properly,” she picks up Angel, placing him on the bed down by your hand. ”Angel this is Mr. Anon. Anon, this is Angel.” “Charmed.” He extends his furry paw like one would do a handshake. ”Well?” “Really? You’re going to make me- Fuck it.” You manage to extend your finger with some difficulty, Angel holding onto its tip. You give him a light shake before the two of you break off. Angel lies down, falling asleep by your hand. ”Awwww…” “It’s not cute Fluttershy, it’s annoying.” You try to move your arm away, the pain stopping you short. ”Don’t be such a party pooper, look how peaceful he is.” We’ll see how peaceful he is when you bury him. ”Just pet him a little.” “Good one, not going to happen.” ”Don’t be like that, he won’t bite.” Bullshit. That’s just begging for him to bite you. ”Or you can just lie there like a grouch.” “Fine just- make sure he doesn’t do anything.” ”I won’t need to…” You extend your finger, touching the edge of his furry coat. Fluttershy pushes him towards you a little. He’s warm… You find yourself stroking his back lightly. Angel hums his approval. ”See? He likes it.” He sure does, and you kind of- You stop petting him. No. You do not enjoy this. You hate Angel. “I think I’d like to be left alone now.” Fluttershy nods, scooping up Angel and leaving you alone. Back by your lonesome. You daydream for the rest of the month, channeling your negative energy elsewhere. You think of all the ways to kill someone, trying to find the most torturous route to take. It’ll come in handy when you get out of here. Fluttershy kept up her end of the bargain and helped you slowly recover. You finally regained control of your hands, able to move them with relative ease. The rest of your body is still shot, so you won’t be moving into a wheelchair anytime soon. But it’s progress and that’s all you can ask for. ”Potatoes alright for today?” “They’ll do fine thanks.” Getting used to saying please and thank you has been as hard as the recovery. You say them when you must, but keep away from them whenever you can allow it. She won’t be filling your head with such talk. Some things need to be shown a little kindness. That sounds like a fucking fortune cookie without any of the fortune. ”I went ahead and made you something a little special for today.” You catch the aroma as it drifts towards you. ”I hope you like it.” No she fucking didn’t… She sets down the plate. Oh yes she fucking did. Roasted potatoes and mother fucking scrambled eggs up in this bitch. “Thanks Fluttershy.” ”You’re welcome.” You swallow your first helping, almost jizzing in excitement. “No seriously, thanks. This is one of the best things you could’ve gotten me.” ”I’m glad you like it.” “Like it? Damn girl I fucking love eggs!” You finish off your breakfast, Fluttershy wiping your face. “Best meal since I got here.” She blushes. “Don’t get penisy.” ”You really should watch your language.” “Is acting nice not enough for you? I’m doing the best I can here.” ”I just hoped you’d be a little more civil.” You sigh and shake your head. “Wishful thinking.” And you know all about that. The only reason you came to Equestria was for further glory. You were at your prime and didn’t want to waste it. You felt this could be the place to carve your name into legend. Wishful thinking at its prime. “So, who’s coming for me?” ”Twilight and Applejack.” “And who will I be staying with?” ”Twilight is going to look after you for now. She’ll take good care of you.” You have a feeling not nearly as well as Fluttershy did. She certainly is a piece of work. You hear a knock on the door. ”That must be them now.” She opens the door, Twilight and Applejack saying hello and walking in. You give them a knowing nod. “Wazzup hoes?” Fluttershy looks dead at you, “Anon?” You roll your eyes, giving in to her wordless demands. “Nice to see you both.” ”It’s uh- nice to see you too Anon.” ”You came just in time for breakfast, can I get you something?” ”It’s quite alright Fluttershy,” Twilight says. ”Is Anon here ready to go or not?” “I’ve been ready for a while waiting for your slow ass.” Fluttershy cuts in before things get worse. ”He still has some things to pack. Go ahead and make yourselves comfortable.” She rolls you out of the room. ”I’m disappointed Anon…” “Nothing new then huh?” ”I’d thought you’d learned a thing or two from staying here.” “What are you talking about? I learned plenty.” ”You sure don’t show it.” “Well yeah, I don’t need to be nice all the fucking time. I’m not some type of pansy.” ”Anon…” “I appreciate how you helped me, I really did, but don’t think you can change me.” You’re an asshole through and through, and there’s nothing you’d change about it. “I helped you and you helped me. How I see it, that makes us even.” ”Just keep my lessons at heart okay?” “I’ll be sure to forget them the second I roll out that door.” ”I’m serious. Don’t let your past mistakes ruin your future.” “You know what? You’re right. I was a bit too nice. If I hadn’t saved you in the first place, then I wouldn’t be in this mess.” She looks away as you lay into her, tears forming again in her eyes. That bitch better not be… damn, she is… “I didn’t mean that. I’m- sorry. Truly. You’ve done but nothing but help me, and I’ve been an ass. Don’t let me intrude any longer.” She nods, forcing down the tears and passing you along to Twilight and Applejack. ”He’s all yours.” ”Are you alright Fluttershy?” They can see her hidden despair. ”I’m fine,” she looks at you, “we both are.” “Yeah…” You think you see a small smile on her face, but you brush away the notion. She’s not happy. Not one bit. If anything she’s pleased that you’re leaving. Applejack takes a hold of your bed, guiding you outside. ”We’ll be heading over to Twilight’s to drop Anon off, you going out with us tonight?” ”I’ll pass thanks.” “Don’t be afraid to stop by. I don’t bite.” ”And neither does Angel.” Speak of the devil himself. He hops onto your bed, eyeing you up and down. “Don’t think I’ve forgotten about your little escapade.” He nods and extends his fluffy paw, meeting your finger. You give him a shake, nodding in return. “Until next time you furry bastard.” Fluttershy picks him up as you exit the house. ”May we see each other again Anon.” “We shall.” Applejack and Twilight take you down the path to Ponyville. ”So what was that all about?” “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” ”Don’t play coy now Anon. I saw how you was talking.” ”Right, you seem different.” “Becoming a fucking cripple tends to have that effect on people.” ”We’re serious.” You sigh, resting you head on the pillow. “Don’t have enough Maximum Douche to act that way 24/7 anyways.” You can’t act like you used to anymore. A thought hits you with enough force to blow your mind. “Why the fuck are we going to Twilight’s place?!” The others don’t seem to understand what you mean. “You live in Ponyville right? Everyone there should basically hate me now.” ”So what?” “I won’t last a day before they lynch me.” ”Anon, Twilight’s the only reason I haven’t done it sooner.” Once a cunt… ”Nop0ny will hurt you if you stay with me.” “They better not.” ”So Anon… How was your stay anyways?” Oh boy how was it. “Well, if you include being thrown out a window by a rabbit, obtaining blue balls the size of my fist and being forced to say please and thank you, it was pretty shitty.” ”And if you didn’t?” “Fluttershy was a fine host, not the best, but definitely the most caring.” ”She never was afraid to show kindness to others.” ”Even when they didn’t deserve it.” Applejack just gets on your nerves, if you weren’t in this broken body… You approach the outskirts of Ponyville, a crowd already forming. Their eyes burn into you, each gossiping to their fellows like before. “You got something better to do fudge-nozzles?!” ”Nothing to see her folks, go on back to your homes now.” Applejack helps disperse the crowd, though some still stalk you. You come to a tree, a few windows carved into the wood and a door at the front. ”Well here’s your new home. How do you like it?” “I can feel the splinters already.” ”Told ya he wouldn’t like it.” “It has a nice aesthetic, though why anyone would live in a tree is beyond me.” ”Well it actually used to be a library.” “That explains why you live there you nerd.” It’s quaint, that’s for certain. It takes you back to when you stayed in your father’s tree house back home. You loved that damn tree house… your dad too… ”Something wrong Anon?” “I’m perfect. Let’s just get inside; I’m hungry again.” You’re rolled through the open door and into Twilight’s humble abode.