//------------------------------// // The Black Sheep part 2 // Story: The Smokeless Flame // by BIGBLACKINTOSH //------------------------------// Our opening song (Yes we have one now) “So your telling me that I took down a dozen rock golems with ten bullets?” I asked in disbelief. Blackintosh took another sip of tea from his cup. “Saw it with me own eyes! Ye eye peepers were pink as a minge and ye were stumbling around like ye had a few too many, yet you shot em all like you popped out do’n it!” He went on. Black and I were sitting in a small homey wooden cabin the the huge cave we were in. The walls were lined with cooking utensils, a small black stove sat in a corner and a covard stood on the opposite side. Black and I were sitting at a small wooden table, sipping at some the best coffee I've ever had. Though introductions had been awkward at best, Black had been gracious host. I hugged at the puffy coat he had given me. Though I did NOT want to know where it had came from, I was grateful for the warmth. Black stared at me hugging the coat, raising an eyebrow. I blushed and rubbed the back of head. "Thanks for the coat by the way," I thanked him awkwardly. Black took another swig of his coffee. "No problem lass. Need to use the weekly fall somehow," he suggested casually. It took me a second but I got the jist of his suggestion and almost threw off the possibly pube coat. Black started laughing furiously. "I'm just pullin ye minge lass! Oh gosh that was gold!" I gave him a flat look. "Yeah. Possibly being covered in pubes is hilarious," I said without emotion. Black stopped laughing slowly got serious again, his red eyes burrowing into mine. "So my question still stands lass, what ye be doing here?" He asked seriously and quietly. I took a sip from my coffee. "As I said, your dad said you were in trouble. He semi hired us to look into you," I explained, lying a bit. Black shook his head. "Naw, dat ain't me old man. Me old man don't give a damn bout me unless he want to arm himself," he doubted bitterly. Curiouser and curiouser. "So your dads armed? He said he and the town don't fight until they’ve been forced to." Black chuckled a bit sputtering on his coffee. "And you believed him? That old goat is packing more heat than the fooking sun!" He shouted, out raged. “Rules over everyone with that shilielegh I made for ‘em. Fucker probably told you that bogus story about me didn't he?” I finished my coffee and stared at him curiously. "So wait, if he's armed...That means he lied to me," I whispered. I shook the surprise out of my head. "That doesn't matter. What I want to know about a mare you may have serviced a few days ago," I inquired. "Oh that broad?" He laughed. " Came in here about a week ago offering a trade. Had me make her some key looking thing. It was the easiest thing I made in my life. And in return I got myself a dragon," he boasted. My eyebrow raised immediately. "Wait she had you make a key? Did it look kinda like a sword?” I asked frantically. Black chuckled and waved his cloven hoof dismissively. “Oh yeah. Made it sharp as a miser's touge too. Beautiful thing. Anyway, I got myself a dragon to heat me forge. Thing burns twice as bright and makes guns somethin fierce. Tagger’s a bit nutty though, keeps shouting something about a satan feller.” I ignored the last statement and quickly got to my feet. “Well that explains why she came here,” I sighed. Jill was going to bypass some of the treasure’s defences or at least thats what I thought. I wanted not to care about the treasure, but I had gut feeling I’d find answers there. “Thanks Black. Hey while I’m waiting for my friends, could you show me this dragon of yours? If you don't know, its been attacking the town whenever you let it out,” I explained. “So thats where he’s been going!” He shouted, surprised. “I been wonderin where that sweatmeat goes when I let him gets some air. A’ight, let me get the figurine,” he huffed, getting out of his chair and reaching for the mantle over the fireplace. Black grabbed something off the mantle I didn't notice until now. He took it and turned to the door to the right, I myself getting up with him. He suddenly stopped and stared at me intently. “What?” I asked. I then noticed that he was staring straight at my chest. I covered myself with th wool coat he gave me and blushed. “What are you staring at you perv?!” He ignored the question and pushed aside bit of the coat. I was about to beat him to death when I noticed what he was staring at. Two runes I hadn't noticed before were on my chest. One had an intricate design that looked like fire and the other looked like a huge lock. Why haven't I ever noticed these before? “Ah, thats what I sensed! Amaz’n!” he shouted excitedly. I pushed him back with a single finger. “What are you talking about?” I asked, annoyed. Black smiled coyly. “See missy, my special talent is runes. I can make ‘em, I can put em on stuff and I can sense them. The moment you walked in here I sensed you were lying about those “tattoos”. You be a demon and a fallen one at that,” he observed still staring at the runes. He gave a tentative touch and my body went crazy. My neck started twitching and my head was going haywire with pain. I quickly backed away from Black glaring at him. “What the fuck was that you son of bitch?” I asked, my voice shaky. Black grinned and turned his body, showing off his crazy glowing emblem. “That lass,was resonance! I knew you were some’n special when I saw ye!” He shouted giddily. “I reiterate, what the hell was that?!” “Simple lass, my mark itself is a rune. Runes have to resonate to work. If two runes resonate, they can work well together. You may be a demon or some’n, but this the first time my rune has  resonated with anything! Do you know what this means lass?!” I crossed my arms angrily. “Does it mean I get answers?” “Lass, it means I can finally leave this place,” replied wistfully. This raised an eyebrow. “Wait, you’ve been waiting here?” He nodded. “Aye. I ran away from home when I grew tired of me dad. He didn't tell you the whole story lass,” he said sitting back down in his chair. I mimicked him and sat back down, urging him to continue. “See, when I was I just a wee lad, I was the apprentice for the town’s blacksmith. Our town had been plagued by diamond dogs in the red sand mines a few miles from me town. They attacked every so often and being sheep, we couldn't do much. Some of us would go missing in the night and everyone was fooking fine with it.” “I wasn't though. Me teacher had just named me a journeymen and I didn't want to spend my life as some fleebag’s pick-maker! So I riled up the town, getting me brothers Blue and White to help me make weapons. Our pa though,” he chuckled shaking his head. “He wanted to just bow down. Stay mindless and let the fleebags breed us just to replace the ones who died in the mines. My brother and me stormed the mines and shut’em down like the hamshanks they were,” he went on, abruptly staring at the ground. “Not before losing White though. Fucker got nicked by the lead dog, Carver. Sick fleabag loved to carve his name into his slaves. Almost did the same to White if Blue didn't pomel him. I got the finishing blow though. Got the fucker with his own sword.” “Could you get to the point please? We’re kinda short on time,” I complained. Black glared at me and continued. “Blah, blah, daddy issues this, he wanted guns that. Anyway, after I got kicked out because of the rebellion, White came to me in a dream and told me to come to the this cave. In the back of me house, theres a pool of lava I used to make a a anvil out of Carver’s sword, thus giving me my emblem. I got told to wait here until me rune resonated with someone special and then I could leave,” he finally finished. I might have sound cold or unfeeling but I was naked need some freaking clothes. “So what does this mean Black?” Black grinned devilishly. “It means I have to go with you. But first we need to get that lock off ye soul,” he said casually, jumping out of his seat and trotting out the cabin. “Wait what?” I asked going after him. “I just need to get some iron and we’ll be-” he stopped abruptly. “What is it-,” I stopped when I saw what he was looking at. Nightheart, the punk twins, Crow, Paco, and Kitty were tied up on the ground in a line. Vito and Mastodon tied back to back to each other. "You know its a kind of a blessing when you don't know when something's coming," said Jill in her piss yellow glory. She looked...Well, kind of like me at the moment, shit. Her over hairsprayed hair looked frayed and distended, her eyes five times smaller than the normal pony’s. She cruelly smiled at me. “You get to learn how to deal with the surprise.” A dozen or so dogs and a single minotaur stood behind her, weapon’s ready. “I’m going to make this simple my little Janny. I want you,” she demanded bluntly. “You, I can tell, don't want to see your crew die slowly in front of you,” she laughed. I almost lunged at the bitch and the battalion behind her raised their spears. Black caught held me back and pulled my ear down to his level. “Go with em lass,” he whispered. I nearly punched his lights out right there but stopped when he continued. “Just go with em for now. I got a way for me and ye friends to find ya later. But for now, do what she says,” he suggested. I’d known this bastard for a grand total of twenty minutes (which begs the question of how long it took for Jill to take my ship) and I couldn't disagree with him. I hung my head and turned back to the waiting crowd. “Fine, I’ll go,” I said grudgingly. I slowly marched over to the waiting lunatics. Jill waved a hoof and I was struck on the back of neck, so hard I fell to my knees. Jill laughed maniacally and I felt myself being lifted at the pits. “Oh we are going to have fun! Get that bitch in the med bay ready. I want this done immediately! On the fucking double! We sail for Saddle Arabia tonight!” I heard her shout. Right before I lost conscious, I made a quick glance back at Nightheart, who was struggling so hard against his bonds. The desperateness in his eyes were the last thing I saw before closing mine.