Hero Anon

by Bastinator

Chapter 5: Deep Freeze

”Anon!” Vinyl hollers as she warps her hooves around you. Her eyes were red, likely worried out of her mind.

“It’s great to see you Vinyl.”

Iron Will grabs both of you in a bear hug, “I knew you could do it!”

“You trying to break me again?” you ask with the little air left in your lungs.

He drops you instinctively, “Sorry Anon. I thought you were better.” You retaliate with a sock to the chest.

“Stop worrying you big lug, I’m good as new.”

”I’m surprised you’re still walking after that beating he gave you,” Mickey says dejectedly from behind Iron Will.

You shake his hand regardless. “I had determination.”

He pulls you in for a hug, “That you did kid.”

That night, you celebrate a much needed victory. Ale graces many lips in your camp, but you keep yours dry. The griffins can’t stop poking you to make sure you’re actually real, and not a ghost. You assure them that you’re heart’s still going strong. You move off to the edge of camp, not wanting to get in the way of the other’s binge drinking. ”Quite the fight.”

“It wasn’t easy.”

”We could tell.” Soarin joins in your isolation, staring at the stars, “I uh… wanted to apologize.”

“Now I’m in disbelief.” He gives a small laugh, but keeps his serious demeanor. ”In all seriousness though, I want to apologize. The way I’ve been treating you these past few months, I’ve been a pain in the flank. A part of me wanted you to die in that arena, but when it looked like you were going to kick the bucket…”

“Don’t sweat it.”

”Please, I have to get this off my chest. I thought we could win this war without you, but I was wrong. You laid your life on the line for us, and the least that deserves is my respect. So… I’m sorry.” You’ve been waiting for this moment.

“Apology accepted,” you pat him on the neck, “Now go back to that party.”

”Will do Anon. I’m glad you’re with us.”

“Me too.” You crawl back into camp to sleep when you think everyone’s passed out. You wake up early in the morning. The others are mostly still unconscious, but a few griffons and, of course, Iron Will are up and at it. Apparently they’re very good at holding their liquor. You head on to Mickey’s workshop and let yourself in. He should be making repairs to your armor.

”You sure bucked it up good alright. Didn’t I tell ya not to get hit?”

“No one plans on getting hit you old fart.”

”No, but you can plan on avoiding it. This ‘old fart’ knows that much you youngin.” The sides and chest plate are all but demolished, steel torn about and twisted into a mangled mess.

“Can you fix it?”

He rubs his head, “It’ll be a haul, but I can get it done.”


”Well, if I’m as good as I know I am, I’ll have it roughly finished by tonight.”

“That fast? You got a little minotaur boy down here working the forge for you?”

”Laugh it up kid. Laugh it up.”

“You’re a big help Mick. Thanks.”

”No Anon, thank you.” You’re a tad stunned. What reason does he have to thank you?

“And why is that exactly?”

He sets your mangled armor over the flames, prodding the coals with a poker. ”You gave me something I haven’t had in years, another chance. I knew I had a good feeling about you.” A warmth encroaches your heart at the poetic thought. “I owe you a lot kid.” He says nothing more, picking up his hammer and getting to work, the old guy still has his youthful energy.

You step outside the house, met by a small crowd of minotaurs. They scream out in unison at the sight of you. ”Anon! How were things down there? Did you go willingly? How’s the ribs?” Seems you turned into something of a celebrity, though you’re not exactly sure why. You didn’t win the tournament, no one did.

”Give Anon some space,” a minotaur shouts in the back before pushing his way up to you. You recognize the signature flail on his hip sending a tinge of fear through you. ”Kamos still wants to have some words with you.” He helps you wade through the sea of flesh, pulling you towards Kamos’s estate.

”Nice moves you pulled down there. No hard feelings.”

“So you’re not mad that I stole your thunder?”

”To the contrary, I’m actually quite happy. I never liked the attention.”

“I hear that.” The estate guards allow you entry into the inner chambers.

”Perhaps the next time we find ourselves on the battlefield, it will be side by side.”

“Careful what you wish for.” The guard pushes open the door to Kamos’s personal chambers, the stout minotaur peering out the window.

”Do come in hero, make yourself comfortable.” You do as requested, Kamos turning and looking towards your guide, “Dismissed.”

He nods, “Of course sire.”

The door shuts behind you, Kamos pouring himself a frosty beverage, “Care for a drop? Good year, it’s a 36’ Miro I believe.” You politely decline, “Got enough last night did you? More for the rest of us.” You explain that you don’t drink alcohol, earning a rather shocked reply, “Truly? Well… my point still stands.”

“Is this a social visit or business?”

”Can’t we dabble in both?”

“Why not? What’s on your mind?”

”I thought you had something to ask?”

“Not me sir. I’m drawing up all blanks.”

”Hmph,” he takes a sip of his tasty beverage, “Business it is.” He pulls out a scroll from his dresser and sits down across from you, spreading it across the table. ”How much do you know about Equestrian history?”

“About as much as a guy who got transported through time and space into an unknown world would know.”

He ignores your smartass comment, “I’m not an expert, but I know of one tale that might interest you.” He runs his finger over the map, circling Equestria with his finger, “The ponies that you find yourself with were not natives to this land.” He trails over to his own land, “They travelled into our land, but found it just as hardy as their own.”

“Then where did they come from?”

He goes east, further into the icy wastes of the land, “Here. Buckingham.” It strikes you odd that they once inhabited such a desolate wasteland. You listen as he continues. ”It was not always this way. The eastern region used to be thriving with life. Life was easy for both of us.”

“And then what happened?”

”The Blizzard. An event so devastating it broke the very bonds of their society.”

“Sounds like something out of an old book.”

”It drove the ponies out in search of a new home. They couldn’t handle the harshness of winter.”

“And what about you?”

”Please Anon, we’re minotaurs, the hardiest creatures to walk on two hooves. We could adapt to the cold, but like I said, they weren’t as lucky.”

“I still don’t get it.”

”What troubles you?”

“The Blizzard. I know a thing or two about the weather, and blizzards don’t just appear out of nowhere.”

His smirk is quite disheartening, “I never said it was a natural blizzard.” He lays out a second scroll onto the table, a sketch of a strange horse on its cold parchment. ”They are called Windigoes. An old race of cowardly spirits, hiding in the shadows and feeding off of our fighting and hatred.”

His anger is quenched by another swig of liquid happiness. You run your hand over the drawing. “What happened to them?”

”They were defeated. Legend says by the ‘fire of friendship.’” He scoffs at the title, “A bunch of nonsense if you ask me.” He’s telling you this for a reason. Though he’s unwilling to tell you flat out, you get the gist of it.

“Where can I find them?”

”Don’t worry about that. They’ll find you.” He invites you to dinner, which you politely accept. He gives you all the information he can about the region, but none of it is very useful. He shows you out, night already upon you. You reckon you should leave in the morning, but Kamos suggests otherwise. ”They will only slow you down. You must leave before they have a chance to follow. They will be safe here, rest assured.” You follow his advice, silently walking the dim roads to Mickey’s home.

You pick up your armor from him, almost as good as new, but still a little rough around the edges. He doesn’t pry when it comes to your destination, instead giving you an honorary salute. You head back into camp to Vinyl sleeping in her bedroll. Leaving her to rest, you jot down a note in your journal, leaving it there for her. Just in case… With that taken care of you head outside, the camp behind. You hit the main gates and head out, “Taking a midnight stroll?” Iron Will emerges from your left side, his axe atop his shoulder.

“Not this time Iron.”

He nods, “Dad told me you’d have to leave. Seems he was right.” You open your mouth to speak, but Iron will stays your tongue, “Friends don’t say goodbye.” Hoisting your bag over your shoulder you leave Cervida, his words ringing in your ears.

“Friends don’t say goodbye.”

You head east through the mountain pass and deeper into the world of old. Life is scarce among these parts, the lone rabbit dashing out of sight amidst the snow. You had depended on others for hunting before, but now you’re by yourself. Thankfully you made sure to pack enough rations for the trip, but you still yearn for a good hearty meal. You trudge onward towards Buckingham, wherever the cursed place may be. All the while a lone thought picks away at you. Do they understand?

A rush of wind sends you trembling with goose bumps. The thought is pressed to the back of your mind as you tighten the wool blanket around your plated armor, insulating your body heat. It’s going to be a tough journey, but you can make it. A little confidence goes a long way.


Meanwhile in Canterlot… “You have new information for me Pinkamena?”

”Sure do. Remember when you asked if I looked outside of Equestria and I was all like ‘Of course not.’ And you were all like-“

“Do you have the info or not?”

She sulks a bit, “You don’t have to be so drab.”

“Still waiting,” you reply annoyed.

She rolls her eyes, “Last time I checked she was at some town out in the east. I could take care of her if you-“

“That won’t be necessary. Dismissed.”

”We can’t just leave her.”

“I said dismissed.” You have to try and forget about her and think about something else. Like Anon…


Back in the wilds… The wind begins to pick up as a storm brews in the air. You push on regardless hoping it’ll pass in a few minutes. You were wrong. The wind cuts into your face forcing your head down, all the while the snow begins to rise, now up to your thighs. Any more of this and you’ll end up a popsicle. Your eyes sting as you look forwards, but you persevere. There appears to be a cave of some sort up ahead.

You rush onwards to the cave’s mouth, but stop when something lands just outside. You can’t make out what it is in this blinding snow, but it rushes inside, likely for the same reason you are. You make it to the cave’s mouth, the unknown depths not quite as welcoming as you previously thought. With a brief look back, you step inside, taking the unknown over assured death.

The light outside fades the deeper you go, but the cavern always stays slightly illuminated. The conundrum is solved as you to the floor, an array of crystal faintly glowing, a warmth pulsing from their surface. It explains why the cave hasn’t been snowed in which provides some sense of calm. It’s fleeting however, as the thought brings something to question. If this place grants safety from the elements, what type of creature must infest this place? The creature you saw before comes to mind, but you somehow reason that it’s just another stray amidst the storm.

You continue into the surprisingly deep cave, a red glow coming from up ahead. You proceed with caution, your blade frozen but at the ready. Nothing. Just you and the source of the light, the same crystals scattered about. You kneel down, and upon closer inspection find them to be ‘activated’ if that make sense. They’re hot to the touch, but not uncomfortably so, the red glow still an oddity, as is why the crystals are wet. You pull your hand back, and against your better judgment, taste the liquid. The rustic taste makes your eyes pop. Blood.

A whack to the back of your head sends you to the floor followed by a whirlwind of curses. You roll away and spring upwards, facing your attacker. ”Fucking dammit,” the female voice curses as she cradles her hoof, wings cast out. She’s a Pegasus.

“Identify yourself.” Come on Anon you can think of something cooler to say than that.

”Go fuck yourself Anon,” she retorts before spiraling at you with lightning speed.

“How do-“ You’re cut off as her hoof connects with your jaw. Fine. If she wants things to go that way. She comes in again, only for you to meet her face with your fist, a much more devastating attack. She stumbles backwards into the bright crystals, her armor reflecting the light and casting it outwards. She seems familiar. “Do I know you?”

She wipes a drop of blood from her lips, “You’ve gotten better since Aviaris, but not good enough.”

The griffon city. It’s been- “Rainbow Dash?”

She lowers her head aggressively, “I’ll make it Gilda.” She penetrates your defenses and tackles you to the floor, bucking your blade out of your hands. She smashes down on you with surprising force, though she doesn’t have minotaur strength. You get a few thwacks in with your shield, her attacks getting weaker. But it’s not because of you hitting her, a few drops hit your confused face. ”I’ll- I’ll make you pay *sniff* for what you did.” She hits your chestplate swiftly with little force, her sobs weakening her, “You’re a bastard Anonymous. You…” You grab her hooves to stop her, “You’ll pay… for Gilda.”

She falls onto your chest unable to do anything besides cry. She isn’t in her right mind. You subconsciously wrap your arm around her and pat her back like you would with any crying girl. Cause you’re a gentleman like that.


You open your eyes back up, the Pegasus still lying on your chest. You don’t remember falling asleep, but what’s done is done. Easing her onto the floor you unpack your bag, getting things ready for your breakfast. You put some dried pork over a small fire you made with some surrounding twigs. It was then that you recalled her injury. You check the wound, the cut cleaner than you expected. You pull out the bandages you’d saved for yourself. She needs them more than you.

You wrap the cloth around her leg, finishing the job with a small tug. She shoots up as a result, hitting you with her hoof. “This is what I get for being a nice guy.” She looks between you and her bandaged leg, slowly calming down.

”Why did you help me?”

“Let a crying girl suffer? Not my style.” She sits on her flank opposite from you. She declines when you offer her some of your rations. “Don’t hit me or anything when I ask this, but are you still mad at me because of the griffon thing?”

”That griffon had a name,” she snaps at you, “but I’m not mad at you. I’m mad at someone else.”

“Didn’t stop you from trying to beat me to a pulp.”

She casts her head to the side, “You just looked like him.”

“We got that a lot as kids,” you absent mindedly poke at your food, “I hate my asshole of a brother too.”


“Ummm…” Shit, now the cat’s out of the bag.

”I guess there’s the reason he’s so lenient towards you.”

“He just wants a fight, it doesn’t matter the who… Wait a minute. Why the hell are you talking to me?! You tried to turn my in the last time we met and you almost got me killed.”

”I’d never turn you in to that prick,” her voice softens, “I don’t know why I gave in…” You pack up your stuff in a hurry, “Where do you think you’re going?”

“This right here. I don’t have time for it. I have a job to do, and I don’t have time to lollygag with the likes of you.” And to think you let her sleep on your chest. You head back the way you came, Rainbow Dash still behind you.

”Please listen to me. I’ve done terrible terrible things, but I wasn’t myself. None of us were. Anonymous… he did something to us.”

“That’s rich. What’s next? You harness the power of love and friendship to save the world.”

”Well actually…”

“Nope. Stopped listening there.”

You pull your blanket over your shoulders as you exit the cave. ”Just give me a chance. I was able to forgive you for what happened, just give me that once chance is all I ask. Let me help you.” You finally meet her gaze as you turn around.

“And how do I know you just won’t slit my throat in the middle of the night?”

”You don’t.”

“Real fucking reassuring.”

”Just one.” One chance. Is it really so much to ask for? Hell, everyone’s put their hopes into you on that chance. You sigh.

“You better be worth something.”


The storm seems to have passed, and Rainbow Dash takes to the skies. “There’s only one reason you’d come out this way, and I just happen to know the way.” You’re still skeptical to trust her, but she’s right. Without her, you could miss your target completely. Still, her aid came out of nowhere. A part makes you think that she’s luring you to your demise, but another part thinks her motives are genuine. This whole situation is a cluster-fuck, and it’s your job to make sense of its chaos. You need better qualifications. ”Just make sure you can keep up, I am the fastest in Equestria after all.”

You don’t bring up how Stormguard kicked her ass, but that’s a tale for another time. “I’ll manage,” you answer as you trudge back into the snow.

You spend the next week with Rainbow Dash, and it’s not one of your better decisions allowing her to tag with you. You barely had enough rations for yourself. Thankfully she hasn’t been a big talker though. One of the few things you hate are loudmouths. She made sure to stay a good distance away from you, but tries to get closer while she can. You’ll have none of it. Mom always said to stay away from bad influences, and she’s nothing short of that. ”Well, there it is. Buckingham.”

“One building makes up all of Buckingham?”

”The blizzard wiped out most of the city. It’s all that’s left. You’ll find what you’re looking for there.”

“I better.” You tighten your blanket as the winds pick up and head towards the lone building of Buckingham. You kick open the door and get through before the snow can block you, and slam it shut behind you and Dash. She shakes the built-up snow off her armor, now coating you with a fresh layer. She apologizes as you shrug it off, irritated already. She pulls her bag off of her and pulls out on the crystals you saw in the cave.

Before you can ask what she’s up to she makes another incision on her lower leg and lands a few drops on the stone. It grows brighter until the entire room is filled with its radiance. You examine the small stone while Dash bandages her wound. ”They’re not very common in Equestria, but their natural in caves around these parts.” You take the stone and raise it in the air as a makeshift torch before moving on. ”A ‘thank you’ would be nice.”

“Your welcome.” The storm grows stronger.

The main chamber is bigger than you expected it would be, sporting a second level as well. The rotten wood floor actually squishes under your feet, making your stomach turn, but that could also be your hunger. “Where are we?” Rainbow Dash is dumbstruck by the scenery much to your annoyance. “Hey dumbo!” She snaps back to attention, “You got something to chip in?”

”This- I think this is where the summit took place so many years ago. Look at the banners.” She points towards the three flags hanging from the rafters, little more than tattered remains now. ”They each belonged to one of the three pony tribes. They came here to discuss how to deal with the blizzard.”

You yawn, the windows rattling violently. “Real interesting.”

”On the right, that’s the crest of the unicorn tribe, and there in the middle is the earth pony’s. That there symbolizes the Pegasus tribe.” You check your bag.

“Whoops. Sorry, it looks like I’m out of fucks to give.”

She ignores you, “This place is a historical landmark. It’s special for all ponykind. You should show-“ A creak from the upper floor steals both of your attention, a shadow darting away from the ledge. You draw your sword, your heart racing. How long had that thing been watching you? It was so quiet. Why didn’t- Another rustle sends you twirling back to the entrance, another shadow darting across the doorway.

“Rainbow Dash?”

”Yeah,” she says softly.

“Care to take out my brown pants?” You build up some courage and make for the stairs cautiously. Rainbow Dash stays close behind you. Though you can’t see them, you can certainly hear them. Their feet scamper across the wooden boards, but disappear when you’re close to locating the source.

”What the hell are they?”

“You tell me Mrs. Historian.” Clearing the upper floor turns out to be useless as the culprits always seem to avoid you. “Fuck this, let’s go back down-“ A small cry catches you off guard. It comes from the door beside the balcony. It almost sounded like a child.

”A filly? We have to help it. What if those things get it?”

“No no no something’s wrong. Something’s seriously wrong.”

The child cries a bit louder this time, “Buck you Anon, I’m helping that kid.”

She moves over to the door. There’s no way a child could be here. It has to be… “IT’S A TRAP!” You charge at Rainbow Dash while she turns the handle. You knock her out of the way, the door standing wide open. The crystal in your hand gives you a brief glimpse of your attacker. A vicious force pushes you back, throwing you over the balcony, dangling over the side.

That distorted face. It’s blackened clothing… It’s walking closer, its grimy hand holds onto yours. The creature looks overtop at you, its baggy skin and warped smile so real. “You are one ugly motherfucker.” It raises its other hand and throws it towards you, sending you crashing into the floor with its telekinesis. Among the wooden shards and planks, only one thought comes to mind. Worth it.

Rainbow Dash screams at the monster, whether in anger or fear you can’t be sure. You pick yourself up and get your sword. You have to help Dash before- A wooden table comes flying into your chest and splits in two. You’re sent reeling back into the wall, the second midget kicking away the blinding crystal. You knew little of their kind, but if there’s one thing you did know about Burers, it’s that they suck dick. Not literally of course.

You kick a large wood chunk at the Burer forcing him to put up his psychic barrier. You charge in while he’s on the defensive, sword at the ready. He drops the shield when he sees what you’re doing, pushing his hand forward and then pulling back. A tremendous force pulls your sword out of your grasps and behind the creature. At least you still have- Another pull rips your shield off your arm, quite painfully you might add. The storm picks up immensely, ice starting to form along the outer walls.

This fucker won’t best you. It’s just a figment of your imagination anyways. “I am Anonymous, and I am a hero!” You pull out your knife, flicking it open and grasping it blade down. The walls become fully encrusted with the invading ice, but you’re too pumped up to care. “You will not defeat me!”

You charge in again, the Burer attempting to pull your weapon out of your hands. Jokes on him though, because one of the few things you did know is that there’s one weapon they can’t pull away. Knives. It stands dumbfounded at its ineptitude long enough for you to close the distance. You punch it in the gut and kick it against the iced-over wall. You stab it again and again, cutting out its throat and not stopping until it stops moving. The ice wall grabs hold of the body and swiftly overcomes it, imbedding your knife in the process.

You finally notice the sudden change of scenery and sprint back up the stairs to Dash. It follows you up the stairs, creeping slowly towards you. Rainbow Dash is delivering her own can of whoop-ass on the second Burer. She sends him stumbling through one of the nearby walls. “Seems you can handle yourself.”

”We don’t have time to play games right now,” she says pointing out the blizzard’s power.

“Saw that too, come on we need to go.” The Burer stands back up, and boy does he look pissed. He reaches his hand back, preparing another psy-attack. The ice leaps from a nearby wall, encasing his arm in the ice. He howls and struggles to get free as he is slowly overtaken by the cold, suffocating within the block of ice.

“Yeah, let’s get out of here.” You leap down off the balcony, stairs overtaken by now. You pick up your sword and shield and sprint for the door, but it’s too late. The way is sealed and the blizzard heads to its new target. You. You prepare yourself, though you know your effort to be for naught. You can’t fight the elements with a sword.

”So this is how things end huh? For what it’s worth, I did enjoy the time we spent together.”

You pull her behind you. “I don’t plan on us ending up as a couple of popsicles. I will fight to the end.” You look up to the ceiling, putting weight behind your booming voice. “You hear that you Windigoes!? I’m not afraid of you!”

A howl rings out and echoes through the halls, followed by a chilling laughter. An unnatural cold brushes your side and whispers, “You should be.” The laughter sounds again as they circle you. They’re here. Kamos said they would find you.

“Show yourself you cowards! Face me!”

”And why would we do that?” a female voice answers, “So you can fail to kill us again?” You sheathe your sword but the walls still close in.

“I don’t want to kill you. I want you to help us.”

The ice freezes, “Help? Now that is interesting.” From within the ice, a horse flies on towards you, escaping the wall. Two more join the leader, “And why would you want our help?” Their ethereal forms are intimidating to be sure, but they haven’t killed you yet. So that has to be a good sign. Right?

“I- I need the best and brightest to join my cause.”

The Windigo looks to her peers, “And what cause would that be?”

“To stop Anonymous.”

She chuckles at the name, “And why exactly would we want that? He has only done what we have always wished to do. We commend him.”

“Do you think he’ll stop in Equestria. He’s a plague that threatens everyone.”

”It matters little to us what he does to you and everyone else. He will respect our ways.”

“What part of ‘everyone’ don’t you understand? He doesn’t care about your ‘ways.’ He will take you out without a second’s hesitation.”

”Do not think to intimidate us. We have survived for millennia’s. We are eternal, spirits of winter.”

“From what I heard you were driven back by some ‘fire of friendship.’ Anon put out that flame as if it were merely a candle.”

”Flames die out, he merely struck when the time was right,” she attempts to argue, but you can see that your words are getting to her.

“He destroyed a civilization while it was at its peak. You failed when they were at their weakest. What chance do you have?”

”ENOUGH!” Your feet sting as they become encased in the Windigo’s hatred.

“You can kill me, but my brother will give you a fate worse than death.”

Dash’s voice crumbles as her hooves face the same icy embrace as yours, “Anon, I’m sorry.”

“He will walk through your defenses like they were nothing and send you into the boiling pits of hell.”

”It’s too late.”

The ice reaches your chest. They’re signing their own death warrants. “When the fire burns you away and all that’s left is ash. You’re going to look back on this day and think to yourself, ‘What if.’” Your neck tingles as the frost races up your body. “What if I had helped? Could we have lived a millennia more.”

The female Windigo looks onward as you both are overtaken by the cold. ”So be it.”

You take a deep breathe of air, your eyes opening to the sky. It’s morning. You sit up and look around to find Dash sleeping by your side. “W-what? The hell happened?”

”You convinced us.” The Windigo settles down to earth across from you, “A feat that none have achieved until now.”

“So you’ll help us?”

She nods, “When the time comes we will join you in battle.” You smile to yourself at your latest victory. She points to the horizon, “Your group has already left the city and are headed west. You can reach them in a day’s time.”

You thank her and pick up your weapon’s that she left beside you. You stop her when she’s about to leave. “Before you go, what do I call you. It’d be rude for me to just call you Windigo.”

She forms what looks like a grin and says, “Call me Breeze.”


Back in Canterlot… ”Anon you alright in there?”

“I said I’m fine Twilight. Leave me be.”

”It sure don’t sound like he’s alright,” Applejack says.

”Is HE alright? What about me? He teleported me into a public pool. PUBLIC!”

Twilight ignores them, “Anon if this is about Rainbow Dash…” You kick open the door sending the three of them crashing into the floor.

“What did I saw about saying her name!?” Several guards cry out as they begin to float on their own, water boils then freezes seconds later, dogs live with cats peacefully, Rarity becomes tolerable. “I said to NEVER say her name! Do you understand!?”

Twilight is on the verge of tears, “Ye- yes sir…”

A hoof touches your back, “Anon…”

“It’s… It’s not fair…”

She leads you back into your room, things returning to normal. “How could she choose him over me? ME!?”

”Anon…” Her touch is calming and makes everything feel better.

“I gave her everything she wanted, and she leaves me for him. What makes him so great?”

“She fell in love with Anon, not Anonymous.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

She wipes away a tear from your eye, “It means that she’s going after who she used to love.”

“I could change again. Make a real effort. Maybe…”

She puts a hoof to your lips, “Hush now Anonymous. Let me take good care of you.” She kisses you tenderly, drawing back for you to speak.

“You’re always there for me Fluttershy…”