Treasured Moon and Stars: Vol. 1 Luna's Treasured Moon

by TigerSwirl448

Chapter 15: Secrets Revealed

Chapter 15

Secrets Revealed

Daring sat in her room staring at the book then at her notes from earlier in the morning from Octavia’s visions. Daring later concluded that Luna's Tear might be more than just a jewel of beauty. There is more to this pendant than meets the eye. Especially since Octavia was seeing through some other pony’s eyes.

“Luna?” Daring whispered staring at the book then her eyes roved to the notes. “What are you trying to show us?” Daring bit on her pencil, thinking. Daring made another hypothesis that Octavia was probably seeing through Luna’s eyes. There had to be a reason why the pendant was called Luna’s Tear. The magical auras are defiantly Luna’s and possibly Octavia’s own magic. Since Octavia’s parents are both equally medium tier in magical abilities, it is possible that the old saying that Octavia’s more unicorn than earth pony might be the full truth. Maybe the Luna's Tear is calling forth Octavia’s own possible magical reserves.

Twilight opened the door levitating a tray with lunch and tea. “Professor?” Twilight asked pushing the door wider. Daring looked up and smiled.

“Oh uh, hello Twilight.” Daring sighed rubbing her eyes. “What time is it?”

“Well according to my time, it’s about two on the clock.”

Daring snorted, leaning back in her chair lifting her legs back on the desk to get comfortable, looking back at the book. Twilight set the tray on Daring’s bed that was now cluttered with reference guides and scrolls from the university. Twilight found a stool and sat down, blushing.

“Something on your mind, Twilight?” Daring asked looking at her journal picking on the eraser of her pencil.

“You asked me to tell you when the visions or dreams show me something you should know about?”

Daring nodded biting the eraser with agitation seeing she found a dead end as she tossed the journal on the desktop.

“And?” Daring asked flipping through pages of another book.

“Professor... I’m seeing things I don’t think I’m supposed to see.” Daring blinked and turn to see Twilight in tears. Daring closed her book and removed her boots from the desktop to sit up straight in front of Twilight.

“What is it? What did you see?”

Twilight sniffed shaking slightly. “I had this horrible dream last night, before Octavia and Vinyl came this morning. I was seeing... my past.”

Daring sighed placing her hand on Twilight’s shoulder.

“I know you had a hard time in the war, Twilight. But-”

“Please, Professor, this is serious.” Twilight said calmly shaking her head. “Remember when I first joined you, I always had the nightmares then I stopped having them?”

“Yes, I remember how happy you were coming to my office every day since then, well rested and happy.”

Twilight chuckled. “Yes, I was happy. But then all of a sudden, since I first met Octavia, I’ve been having flashbacks and light dreams of my friends. But this was even worse Daring.” Twilight whispered crying using her friend’s name. Daring nodded hugging Twilight to her holding her.

“What were you seeing?”

“Horrible, horrible things. Not only my past but... what happened when I wasn’t there or looking. Every time I see those dreams I feel like I’m looking into another pony’s dreams and memories.”

Daring started to think fast trying to get an understanding of what Twilight was telling her.

“I saw Applejack and Pinkie being whipped.” Twilight whispered holding on to Daring tightly now crying. “I can’t get their screams out of my head.”

Daring nodded. “Those were the two earth ponies you told me about right?”

“Yes, the dreams keep focusing on them and I don’t know why. Then I see Rainbow Dash, too. I keep seeing them.”

Daring hummed thinking. “I don’t know what to tell you Twilight, I’m just a professor of archeology.” Daring said sitting back in her chair looking at her assistant. “Why are you seeing Rainbow Dash?”

“Rainbow Dash... she was lonely and afraid. I see her crying in this dark room, I can see her age in that same room like she can’t stop crying. I keep hearing these words. The voices sounded like Applejack and Pinkie. But I don’t know what happened that would cause this much pain to her.”

Daring nodded writing quick notes in her journal. “Uh, enlighten me Twilight, what do you remember of your friends after the war?” Daring asked already knowing the answer.

Twilight nodded. “After the war, Rarity, Fluttershy, and I were planning on leaving. Applejack, Pinkie and Rainbow stayed in the military. I remember Pinkie once telling me that she was going to retire soon and open a bakery and continue her love for making sweets like she did in Fillydelphia. Rarity was going to help her start.” Twilight shook her head.

“That was when everything went terribly wrong and I learned that Applejack and Pinkie were in a brawl that killed three royals. I never heard or saw them again. I guess it started there.” Twilight said sniffing. “We lost our Elements, then we soon were forgotten. I guess I was lucky to get away from Canterlot when I did.”

Daring nodded. “Yes, I was very lucky to have found you before those unicorns took you away.” Twilight shivered at the memory.

“Still, I only saw visions from those three but I never heard anything about Rarity or Fluttershy. They could be in trouble or in prison or dead!”

“Twilight, calm down,” Daring said quickly holding Twilight. “I don’t want to lose you to nerves or guilt again when I need you most.” Daring said soothingly. Twilight sniffed and nodded hugging her back.

After a few moments the two separated and Twilight was smiling. “Thank you Professor, I needed that.” Daring smiled and returned to her books.

“I’m glad,” Daring said with a kind smile. “But I do mean it Twilight, the last time you went down that path I couldn’t get to you for four months.” Twilight blushed.

“I’m sorry, it’s just so hard. They could be here right under my nose and I would never have found out. Or I passed them while running around in Hoofington and never knew. I’m just so worried about my friends.”

Daring nodded opening her book thinking. She turned to Twilight with a worried frown.



“Does this have anything to do with your Element?”

Twilight thinks for a moment then suddenly she blinked staring at Daring. “You know something Professor, while I was studying Luna's Tear I felt a magical signature that somehow resembled the feeling of me using the Element of Magic.”


“Yes, it felt so familiar and so... so right. I was being powered or the jewel was being powered by my magic. That was when I kept feeling like I opened into something that was locked from me before. Like I was feeling signals with magic pointing me to every which direction. It was like I can sense my friends’ presence through the magic... No, I mean our connection with our Elements and our friendship.”

Daring nodded, thinking as she pulled at her bottom lip thinking. “Interesting. We have many mysteries to solve Twilight. And it seems that if what you are telling me is true then...”

“You think Equestria is in danger?”

Daring looked at Twilight grimly. “Twilight, I felt that way since the beginning of the Earth Pony Rebellion we were heading into bloody waters and only the Elements can stop the tyranny before it spread.”

Twilight nodded. “Then we failed.”

“No Twilight, I have my suspicions about many things in the past but for some odd reason it all points to Octavia.”

Twilight blinked at that. “Why?”

“Think about it, Twilight. It seemed that suddenly Canterlot started a rebellion because of a couple of Earth ponies, probably drunk, killed three royals that are equally drunk,” She paused for moment giving Twilight a quirked brow. Twilight’s eyes went wide staring at her in shock. “You see, and guess what? There was no public trial, only the pegasi took action lead by..?”

“General Lightning Dust!” Twilight gasped in shock. How could she miss that important detail? Since the start of the rebellion somehow Lightning Dust, a discharged pegasus during the war, became the leading pegasus in the Pegasi Royal army.

Daring cracked a smile. “Good work, Twilight. Many of us that didn’t believe the earth ponies killed them for a reason believe that Lightning Dust was probably corrupted like the rest of the guard.” Daring paused for a moment thinking.


“Twilight, what rank was that Dash character when you last saw her?”

“She was a Lieutenant until she was given Captain Status by some pegasus, the name escapes me.”

Daring snapped her fingers. “Of course! She was the next Captain of Wonderbolt Company wasn’t she?”

Twilight blinked looking at her. “I didn’t know Rainbow went back to the Wonderbolts.”

“Oh that’s right, you only knew of Unicorn Business. Pegasi like myself were the ones that only got pegasi news. But have you heard of Spitfire?”

“Yes, Professor, I met her in the war, she and Rainbow were very good friends.”

Daring nodded.

“Yes, well there was this murder that took place during the beginning of the rebellion. Somehow some way Spitfire was murdered along with the other Wonderbolts. Rainbow Dash was a suspect until it was conveniently proven that earth ponies did it.”

Twilight gasped staring at Daring getting pale. “Spitfire was murdered? Why didn’t anypony else knew about this?”

Daring quirked her eyebrow. “Twilight this was the beginning of the segregation period. Remember when for five or so years all unicorns went to one place, pegasi to another?”

Twilight nodded glaring. “I hated those five years. They forced me to go to a unicorn school where all they talk about is how Earth ponies are nothing but worms and sneaks and cheats. I knew what they were doing the moment I saw those stupid videos. My brother and many other unicorns were brainwashed into their will.”

Daring nodded. “Yes, that was when I left North Canterlot and went to the south at Luna University.” Daring shook her head. “The unicorn military were in charge of the brainwashing. And if a pony doesn’t submit then the pegasi are in charge of the beatings. I remember seeing Rainbow Dash was there coordinating the procedures.

Twilight gasped glaring at Daring.

“Rainbow Dash would never do such a heartless act!”

“Twilight, hear me out for a second. This happened so many years ago. This was after the fact that her comrades and possibly close to sisters and brothers she had, have been murdered. She was tricked into choosing their side.”

Twilight blinked then nodded. “Rainbow did always talk about her Wonderbolt squad all the time. Spitfire was like an older sister to her. I’m sorry Professor,” Daring smiled.

"It's alright Twilight. I'm sure all six of you had horrid revelations growing up in such a society. But so you know, the pegasi were very messy conspirators. I always knew this ever since I laid eyes on that dreadful pegasus guard, that we were heading into trouble."

Twilight nodded, thinking back at the last time she saw Rainbow Dash. She was young, aloof, no fear in the world. She would sit in her chair like Daring did with her boots up on the table. Rarity would scold her to take off her boots. Twilight smiled, seeing her white unicorn friend slapping Rainbow’s arm, telling her to take off the disgusting boots. Then suddenly Applejack would walk in with Pinkie dressed in their uniforms from training and everypony would be hugging and laughing and talking, drinking tea, or cider in Rainbow and Applejack’s case. Fluttershy would be smiling brightly as Pinkie would be telling stories about how she pranked the sergeant with a peanut brittle jar and worms.

Twilight would sit in the middle laughing and telling them about her recent classes at Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. That was the thing between all of them. It was thanks to Celestia that these six came together. Twilight was the youngest, seventeen, at the time. Everypony else was in their mid or late twenties. Everypony was happy back then.

Twilight blinked returning to the small cabin cluttered with books.


“Yes, Twilight?”

“What about Octavia being in the center of all this?”

Daring nodded thinking. “It was like suddenly for the last twenty years or so I have been noticing a corrupted government Twilight.”

Twilight blinked turning pale again. “Corrupted? You mean everypony is-”

Daring nodded sadly. “Yes, I’m afraid so. If those brainwashing courses and trying to get the most powerful ponies into the army don’t show you of corruption then I don’t know what will.”

“So for the last twenty years, even during the rebellion, we were ruled by a corrupted government?”

Daring nodded again. Twilight sighed.

“I suspected it, but I just can’t look at my old mentor like that.”

Daring nodded, she already knew that Twilight still had feelings for her old mentor even after she drastically changed. Daring started thinking.

“Just thinking about the bad things Twilight, you would have been an unstoppable force if you stayed and joined the unicorn guard. So would your other friends. We know that Captain Dash was an incredible asset with the pegasi before she disappeared.”

That caught Twilight off guard. “Rainbow disappeared?”

Daring blinked realizing her mistake. She cleared her throat. “Yes, I’m afraid that Rainbow Dash left the guard somehow and disappeared off of Canterlot. There were no records or word about her since then. Only the old tales of her being a traitor for having earth pony allies in the war.”

Twilight blinked worried yet happy. “So it could be possible for Rainbow Dash to be out of the pegasi guard’s control and escaped?”

“Or she could be dead like Spitfire, I don’t know. Only time can tell.”

Twilight nodded thinking. “Professor, do you want any help with research?”

Daring was ready to say no but thought the better of it. She smiled and nodded.

“Of course, go ahead and check that stack over there for maybe... Look for clues about the Elements.”

Twilight gasped and turned. “Professor,”

“Now, now, Twilight, I think it’s about time you start finding the likely places for the Elements of Harmony. If my gut is telling me what it had told me twenty years ago, then I believe it’s time we try and find the Elements of Harmony and maybe try to find your friends as well.”

Twilight smiled at her. “Professor, you really mean it?”

Daring chuckled. “You don’t think I knew why you came to me instead of Magical Theory classes at Luna University. I just figured it out after learning who you really were. Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic.”

Twilight flushed. “Was I that obvious?”

“Yes you were. Now get to booking, filly. We have a lot of work to do if we want to save the Equestrian Galaxy.”

Twilight smiled. “Thank you, Daring.”

Daring smiled in return. “You’re my assistant Twilight, I treat you more like family above all else.”

Twilight blushed and went ahead and started flipping through indexes to find the fabled jewels.

♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

Octavia, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom stood at the starboard rail looking at the stars watching a comet fly slowly past them. Octavia looked down at her pendant to see it still glowing and the light is still pointing at the starboard side of the ship where she was standing. Octavia looked toward that direction wondering why her pendant is pointing at that direction.

“Octavia?” Apple Bloom asked tugging her vest.

“Hmm? What is it?” Octavia asked looking at the filly.

“Why is your stone glowin’ like that?”

Octavia shrugged with a sigh. “I have no clue.” The three stood there watching the comet fly. “It’s pretty.” Octavia muttered smiling.

“Why does that thing glow like that?” Apple Bloom asked pointing at the comet.

“Because it’s made of crystals duh!” Sweetie Belle said grinning.

“Nuh-uh!” Apple Bloom called out. “Comets aren’t made of crystals.”

“Yes, they are!”

“Who told you that?”

“My big sister Rarity said so!”

Octavia smiled looking at the two fillies. “Hey now, you both are right.”

The two friends looked up at Octavia. “What?” Apple Bloom asked. “How are we both right?”

Octavia kneeled down and helped Sweetie Belle up on the rail as Apple Bloom climbed on a barrel to sit near Sweetie Belle. Octavia held up her finger to emphasize counting.

“Number one, Sweetie Belle is right there are crystals on a comet.”

“Ha!” Sweetie Belle said smiling.

“Yet, number two, they are not real crystals.”

“Ha!” Apple Bloom laughed smiling. Suddenly she frowned. “Wait, then what is it made of?”

Octavia smiled. “Ice. Which is a combination of a crystal yet it’s not a crystal. Ice crystals.”

“Oooh!” The fillies said at the same time blushing at one another.

“Sorry for yellin’ at ya.” Apple Bloom said scratching her mane. Sweetie Belle smiled.

“It’s okay. I’m sorry that I yelled at you, too.” Octavia smiled at the two fillies as they started talking about ice crystals.

Vinyl watched the whole deal from the yardarm above them. She smiled seeing Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, an earth pony and a unicorn, being best friends. Vinyl turned to see Octavia smiling at them, giving them both a hug. Vinyl turned hearing feathers and saw Derpy squatting down behind her.

“What’s up?” Vinyl asked sitting up still watching Octavia. She smiled seeing Octavia’s beautiful face and her eyes smiling at the fillies as they started laughing at a joke.

“I’m having a bad feeling, Vinyl.” Derpy said seriously looking behind them. Vinyl stood up and held on to some shroud lines to see behind them squinting her eyes enough to try and see.

“What type of feeling?”

Derpy stood by her glaring at the horizon. “I might have crossed eyes but I can see perfectly well.” Derpy said dangerously.

Vinyl never heard her friend talk like this unless something was very wrong. Only three other times Derpy acted like this and that was when there were pirates, slavers, or royal guards. All three different times, somepony got really hurt and Derpy was one of them. She almost died from a slaver hammer once then a second time to her head.

Vinyl look up seeing Derpy’s hat and her messy blonde mane remembering the blood and the gore she saw. She remembered Derpy crying like a filly, begging Vinyl to end her life. Vinyl squeezed her eyes shut turning away looking at the comet.

“What do you see back there?”

Derpy shook her head. “It’s too far away but I caught glimpses of them.”


“I see three different masts, Vinyl. Big ships. They have a vibe that’s not friendly.”

Vinyl nodded patting Derpy on the back. “Go back to the wheel keep a straight course-”

“Captain Scratch!” The two mares looked down to see Daring waving at her with Octavia standing beside her looking up blushing slightly seeing Vinyl staring at her.

“What’s up doc?”

Daring gave her a smirk at the nickname. “I made a breakthrough with Octavia’s necklace.” Vinyl nodded and started her descent on the ratlines as Derpy flew to the deck below. Vinyl swung off the ratlines onto the deck.

“Yeah?” She asked standing with Derpy before Daring and Octavia. Even the fillies were watching them. Daring pointed to Octavia’s necklace still showing a glowing arrow of some kind pointing starboard.

“I never really thought of this before until recently. What if those visions Octavia had were from the source of the pendant?”

“Meaning?” Octavia and Vinyl both asked together. The two mares blushed staring at one another. Daring raised her brow at this as Octavia turned away fixing her hair and Vinyl bit her lip looking at the floor.

“Well, what if this little light is actually an actual arrow?”

“An arrow?” Derpy asked scratching her head.

“Precisely! What if this pendant is pointing towards the Moon! We must be nearing the range for the pendant to point us to the Moon. Luna’s Treasured Moon or to the temple where this pendant had originated from.”

Vinyl blinked at this confused. “Wait a second. So you are telling me that Luna’s Tear that was originally said to be in Luna’s possession, actually belonged to whatever made this temple thing Octavia had seen in her visions with that thing?” Vinyl asked pointing to the glowing pendant.

“Farfetched, yes, but it makes sense. What if history was wrong that Luna had the Luna’s Tear? What if the Tear belonged to whomever built that temple? Octavia,” Daring asked getting the princess’s attention. “When you were seeing visions last night, tell me, did you feel a presence other than Luna’s?”

Octavia thought for a moment her ears flicking left a right thinking. Vinyl smirked finding that adorable. Derpy turned noticing Vinyl’s look getting a smile herself.

“Well, I do remember feeling a dark presence. I remember his red eyes and gruff voice.” Octavia said shaking her head shivering. “That’s all I remember.”

Daring nodded turning to Vinyl. “Captain?”

“Huh, what?” Vinyl asked shaking her head from her trance on Octavia to Daring.

“I believe we should change our heading to starboard and follow Octavia’s pendant. If my theory is correct, we would be nearing Luna’s Treasured Moon.”

Octavia smiled getting excited. “I feel rather excited about this actually. I can’t wait to see this moon.”

Daring smiled. “I’m excited too. We can finally bring back actual evidence of Luna’s departure or burial on the Moon and possibly and hopefully discover a civilization there to study.” Vinyl nodded.

“Alright, it’s decided, Derpy head starboard. Come along Princess.” Vinyl ordered walking to the wheel. Octavia followed with Derpy flying to the wheel. Vinyl grabbed Octavia by her arms and placed her in front of the wheel.

“Here, follow that light and tell us if we are absolutely straight got it?” Vinyl said leaning forward against Octavia’s back grabbing the pendant and Octavia’s hand and dropped the pendant in Octavia’s outstretched hand and held her still by the shoulders. Octavia was blushing hard, her heart beating faster and faster.

“O-of course, Captain.”

Vinyl blinked, sweating as well. “Alright Derpy, steer now.” she ordered. Derpy nodded starting to steer the ship slowly to starboard.

Octavia tried hard to calm down, feeling Vinyl so close to her. She looked down watching the light slowly start moving from the right side and moving up like a compass slowly pointing north. Vinyl leaned forward to watch too, fascinated. She could smell Octavia’s hair and gulped heavily, trying hard to not get crazy. Octavia watched the light pointing straight ahead.

“Aright, stop!” She called. Derpy stopped steering and started straightening the ship and nodded.

“New heading clear.”

Vinyl nodded. “Good work.” She held Octavia causing her to squeak turning to see Vinyl close to her face. “It’s Vinyl remember?”

Octavia blushed and nodded with a small smile. “Alright.” Vinyl winked and walked off. Octavia watched her walk down the steps and smiled blushing dropping her pendant back against her chest and sighed.

Vinyl on the other hand might have looked relaxed but she is sweating and freaking out. Why did I wink at her? Why did I do such a stupid move?! She thought harshly in her mind, trying hard not to show she was freaking out. She’s a princess you fool! She’s not allowed to love commoners, not even a hybrid one like you. Vinyl found privacy by the bow by some barrels and sat down hard on the deck and groaned, covering her face with her hands.

“Stupid! Stupid!” She muttered to herself.

Daring chuckled looking down at Vinyl. “I saw what you did.” Vinyl gulped looking up seeing Daring and Derpy standing side by side smiling at Vinyl as she blushed in a deeper red. She pulled off her hat and covered her face with it with a moan. The two pegasi laughed at the captain’s expense.

“Aw, come on, Vinyl.” Derpy said sitting down next to her friend. “It’s no secret you have a crush on her.”

“What?” Vinyl blurted out staring at Derpy as if she was a monster. “W-What makes you think I like her?”

Derpy chuckled. “I just knew the way you talked to her when we first got her aboard...” Derpy shook her head. “I just knew.”

Vinyl groaned. “Why do you change ages so fast around me? First you act all kiddy then you go all wise lady on me?”

Derpy shrugged. “I just know when to be immature and when to be mature.”

Vinyl glared at her. “I hate that excuse.”

“You’re welcome.”

Daring sighed. “Vinyl, you know-”

Vinyl stood up. “Look, I know.” she said with a sigh turning away pulling her hat on her head. “She’s a Princess and I’m just a spacer with no title or anything like that. Why would a princess have an interest in me?”

Daring winced. “And you forgot one little detail to that, my friend.”


“She must marry a stallion.”

Vinyl cracked. “Aw man, that’s even worse! Why would I think I would have a chance with her? I’m a mare, number one. Number two, I have no title or land like other stallions, then number three... I’m a hybrid commoner! That is worse than being an earth pony!” Vinyl yelled out. She sighed stuffing her hands in her pockets.

Daring smiled sadly patting Vinyl on the back. “It was easy to see the signs. You fell in love with her, eh? That’s why you saved her?”

Vinyl blushed turning away. “Okay, I thought she was the most beautiful creature in the galaxy. Not only that, but her eyes... those gorgeous eyes. I’ve never seen eyes like that.” Vinyl breathed staring at the stars sadly. “My mom had purple eyes too.” Vinyl said, sadly smiling. She shrugged. “Not only that but they are super rare on a pony especially on earth ponies.” Vinyl looked at Daring to see her smiling. Even Derpy was showing a grin from this.

Vinyl frowned. “So yeah... I just couldn’t bear thinking somepony like her should die. She’s beautiful, smart, caring... beautiful,”

“You already said that.” Derpy interrupted causing Vinyl to stutter and glare at her.

“I-I-I knew that!” Derpy held up her hands laughing. Vinyl blushed. “I never felt like this for anypony before. Is that normal?” Vinyl asked.

Daring turned to her in surprise. “You never had a relationship with anypony?”

Vinyl shook her head. “No... I stayed away from ponies, even royals. Except for the spacers here.” Daring nodded.

“So seeing Octavia opened your heart then. In the past you locked it up tight and somehow she was the key?”

Vinyl blushed. “Very poetic, Professor.”

Daring shrugged. “Well its true is it not?”

Vinyl nodded blushing. “So I can’t be with her?”

Daring sighed and shook her head sadly. “You can’t. It’s against the law for you to be in love with royalty even if she is mixed. The top Princess, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, will choose the suitors that will try and woo for Octavia’s hand in marriage, then the rest is history.” Vinyl felt her heart snap in two as she leaned against the rail and slid down to the deck.

“But they won’t let her marry just any stallion. She’s mixed too!” She said with worry.

Daring nodded. “That is true but as a mare of royal blood from Luna she will have an arranged marriage. She’ll be under the control of her husband, a duke or another prince. Then if she lives she’ll bear him a daughter or a son, preferably a son, then the cycle goes on and on.”

Vinyl sighed and nodded. “Alright then, so you’re telling me don’t get my hopes up even if we somehow we have a relationship, which can’t be possible, she will have to marry some bucking prince that probably hates her guts, bear him an heir because she is royal blood, then bang, she’s dead!”

Daring closed her eyes turning away. “If assassins don’t get her first, that will be her life.” Vinyl closed her eyes turning way. Daring sighed. “I’m sorry to break your heart Vinyl, but it’s the way it has to be.”

“It doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

Daring nodded. “That is true. But there are things you can do for her.”

“Yeah, what’s that?”

Daring smiled at her. “Be her friend. Twilight mentioned to me that Octavia never grew up around other ponies except for the ponies in the palace at Manehattan. She lived alone, perhaps giving her your friendship might loosen the burden she’ll feel in the future.”

Vinyl looked up at her. “I guess you’re right.”

Daring nodded. “Well I better get back to my cabin, I have more things to study about Luna’s Moon before arriving.”

“Have fun hitting the books.” Vinyl called out. Derpy stared at Vinyl strangely. “What?” Vinyl asked confused.

“Wouldn’t that hurt?” Derpy asked.

“What would hurt?”

“Hitting the books?” Derpy asked curiously.

Vinyl then started laughing. “Derps, it’s a figure of speech. She’s not really hitting the books!”

“But you just said hitting the books.”

♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

Octavia was helping Spike gather some supplies from below decks through the engine room. She helped by rolling the barrels to the stairs where she help Spike carry the barrels up the stairs then into the mess deck. Octavia let out a sigh wiping her forehead with her arm.

“Is that all?” She panted.

“Uh just need one more thing. There’s a sack of potatoes left then we’re done for the day.” Spike turned and gasped. “Apple Bloom, wait that’s not how you start the stove!” Spike ran to the kitchen stopping Apple Bloom from trying to get a cutiemark in baking. Octavia sighed realizing Spike would be busy with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.

“I’ll get it.”

“Thanks,” Spike called out taking the spoon away from Apple Bloom shooing the fillies out. “I only asked you to stir the mix not add more stuff to it!”

Octavia chuckled trotting down the stairs then headed down a different stairwell to the engine room and storage area where she can find the potato sack. She reached the door and opened it and grabbed the large sack and heft it up over her back with a grunt.

“Gah, I swear by the end of this trip... I’ll be as strong as a Minotaur!” She grunted loudly, carrying the sack out the door. She turned the corner and crashed into somepony. She fell on top of the pony shaking her head and groaned seeing potatoes everywhere.

“Oh! Drat!” She said with an annoyed growl. Suddenly a head popped out of the potatoes shaking her head and gasped. Octavia looked down and gasped as well seeing that her partner, she's sitting on top of, was Vinyl.

“Vinyl?! Oh goodness, I’m so sorry.”

“No, no, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have been day dreaming.”

The two mares blushed as Octavia crawled off of Vinyl. Vinyl gulped sitting up noticing the potatoes all over the walkway. She picked up one of the large brown potatoes “What were you doing with the potatoes?”

Octavia blushed finding the bag and started tossing potatoes back inside. “Spike asked me to gather the potatoes and take them up to the mess deck.”

Vinyl nodded. “Here, let me help you out there.” Octavia smiled, seeing Vinyl using her magic to float the potatoes around her then into the sack. Octavia smiled at the help as she tossed the last two potatoes into the sack and found a bit of twine and tied it shut to keep the potatoes from falling out again. While tying Vinyl watched and shook her head.

“No, no, no,” Octavia paused from tying to look at her.


“If you want a good knot to stick, here,” Vinyl said taking the twine off then retying it into a complex knot. “See?”

Octavia blinked testing the knot even trying to get a potato through the neck of the sack. “How did you do that?”

Vinyl chuckled. “It’s called a true sailor’s knot, Sweet Cheeks. Every sailor learns a series of knots to keep a ship moored to a dock or to hold up heavy cargo. You have to rely on a good knot or get crushed.”

Octavia winced staring at her then a thought came to mind. “Can you show me how you did that?” Vinyl blinked at the request then had a plan.

“Sure, uh here,” Vinyl reached over and pulled the small string and the whole knot unraveled causing Octavia to gasp. Vinyl chuckled “Here, you try.” Vinyl handed the twine to Octavia and pointed to the sack. “Tie it shut with a good, strong knot.”

Octavia gulped and started to blush, what if she slipped up, she didn’t want Vinyl to think her a petty royal. Octavia wrapped the sting around the neck of the bag twice then start trying to tie a complex knot. Vinyl chuckled watching the knot unravel in her fingers.

“Here, let me help you.” Vinyl sat behind Octavia and took her hands. She chuckled. “You’re fingers are stiff, let them relax so it’s easier to move them with the string.” Octavia gulped, loosening her fingers and allowed Vinyl to move her hands and her fingers. Octavia turned to the side seeing Vinyl smiling watching the knot. After thirty seconds of slow teaching Vinyl released Octavia’s hands as Octavia tightened the knot.

“There, see simple.” Vinyl whispered causing Octavia to smile and shiver, turning to Vinyl. Vinyl blinked turning towards her, their muzzles were so close to touching.

“You think you can tie a knot like that?” Vinyl asked blushing. Octavia blinked several times looking down at the knot then up at Vinyl. Vinyl gulped trying hard not to blush or sweat, which she was doing right now!

Blessed Luna she’s beautiful! Her mind screamed. Vinyl gulped reaching up and stroke the strands of Octavia’s mane back. Octavia closed her eyes feeling Vinyl’s fingers on her face.

“You always seem to surprise me, Captain.” She whispered. Vinyl gulped.

“I seem to be full of surprises.”

Octavia felt the wall behind her as Vinyl leaned close looking into her eyes. Octavia reached tensely at Vinyl’s face stroking her cheek. Vinyl smiled stroking Octavia’s face slowly and traced her finger down her jaw to her chin titling her head up. Vinyl inched closer, eyes closed, lips parted for a-!


Octavia gasped opening her eyes. Vinyl opened her eyes too with surprise seeing how close they were. Breath mingling, panting from the nerves, as they stare into each other’s eyes again. Octavia’s eyes were filled with wonder while Vinyl’s were filled with disappointment.

“Hey Octavia, where are you?” Spike called out.

Vinyl sat back on the grated floor with a look of annoyance now etched on her face. Octavia sighed.

“I’m coming up, I was picking up the potatoes.” She hoped she didn’t sound too excited, she’s still breathing hard.

“Well hurry it up, I have to have them cut up for dinner!”

Octavia looked to Vinyl to see her looking down at the ground. “I’ll be up in a few seconds.” When there was no call from Spike everything went silent. Octavia blushed sitting up away from the wall. “Vinyl?”

Vinyl looked at her blushing clearing her throat. “Excuse me,” Vinyl stood up and ran away down the corridor leaving Octavia alone. Octavia watched her running away with shock. She slowly stood up with her back against the wall panting, her heart just couldn't stop pounding.

“Did we almost... kiss?” She asked her slow mind trying to process what just almost happened. Her cheeks suddenly flared as she slid down again to the floor with realization on her face.

“I almost kissed Captain Scratch,” she looked down the corridor where Vinyl ran through. She placed her hand on her chest over her heart, still pumping a storm as she couldn’t believe what was happening. “Is this what love is?” She asked herself, remembering the stories about her parents and how they first met.

“It was love at first sight.” Her father retorted laughing. “I knew she was the one for me the moment I saw your mother in those rags. It was those eyes that captivated me. And you, my dear Octavia, have your mother’s captivating eyes.”

Octavia closed her eyes then opened them. She gulped standing up grabbing the bag of potatoes and marched up the stairs to the mess deck. She set down the potato sack and left without another word, Spike looked up in time to see Octavia running up the stairs.

“Uh thanks!” He called, wondering what was wrong with her.

Octavia found a hiding place beside the large cabin to sit down against the wall and control these sudden feelings. She heard footsteps and peaked out from her hiding place to see the helm, she could see Vinyl standing with Derpy at the wheel, rubbing her face.

“Did you do anything?” Derpy asked chuckling.

“Shut up!” Vinyl yelled out crossly her face bright red. She walked away to stand by the rail. “Don’t talk to me right now.” Vinyl threatened glaring at the sky. Derpy sighed.

“Okie, Dokie.”

Vinyl snorted and walked towards the far aft of the boat. Octavia went around the back side of the cabins to watch her. She looked over to see Vinyl and she looked upset. She was red in the face and... Octavia covered her mouth to hide her gasp to see Vinyl holding her chest, coughing quietly and placing the hand she used to hold her chest to cover her mouth as she coughed then spat. Octavia watched as Vinyl wiped her hand on that old cloth she had with her everywhere but what she saw on the cloth made her blood run cold.

Dried blood spots!

When Octavia first saw the rag she thought it was stained with oil from the engines like the rags Scootaloo and Apple Bloom used. But those weren’t oil stains. Octavia hid when Vinyl turned looking around. Octavia peaked out again seeing Vinyl’s face filed with pain as she spat and stuffed her handkerchief back in her pocket and turned, walking away. Octavia gulped, feeling tears in her eyes.

“Oh Vinyl,” she whispered, sneaking away to get some rest. She has a lot of thinking to do.