//------------------------------// // 18th Harvest // Story: Just Horsing Around // by Darkness Shade //------------------------------// "In all seriousness, though, Ah do apologize as I would've thought Shining may have mentioned me already. Are you alright Princess?" Princess Cadance slowly picked herself up and looked at Ryan before offering him a smile, "...it's quite alright. It would appear that my dear Shining neglected to mention you were a...human yes? While I have heard your name mentioned by him before, he seemed to leave out that fact." "You would be correct....and the Captain of the Royal Guard forgetting details?" Ryan smirked at his friend, "Ah reckon there's a first for everything." "Haha, go ahead and laugh it up." Shining rolled his eyes, "Though how do you know about humans Cadance?" "Thanks to auntie of course; she used to tell me stories when I was younger about that long-forgotten race." Celestia nodded, "I remember how excited you got about those stories. It was just so cute." "...Auntie! Though...I remember you saying all the humans were gone from our world. So..." She pointed at Ryan, "Where did you come from?" "Oh, well that's easy. Ah'm from another world. Not really sure how in tarnation Ah ended up in Equestria ta begin with but here I am." Ryan nodded before smiling sadly, "...while Ah do still miss mah family an awful lot, Ah've done mah best to move on and try not to focus on something I can't change." "That's right!" Twilight added, "He's worked real hard to try and establish a new life for himself here." "A new life, eh?" Cadance smirked as she looked at Ryan and then the six mares around him, "Haha, and then some from what I can tell." Ryan's eyes darted about nervously, "What, uh, whatcha talking about Princess?" "Oh please, Ryan, you may call me Cadance. You already speak with my aunts on a first name basis so no need for such formality." "Okay." Ryan composed himself, "Would ya care to explain what you mean though?" "Did you really think you could hide something like that from the Princess of Love?" "...Princess of Love?" "Yes." Luna began to explain, "As I am the Princess of the Night/Moon, and my sister the Princess of the Day/Sun, so too is our niece a Princess of something important. In this case, she is the Princess of Love." "Oh that's just so wonderful." Rarity sighed happily, "You must find such joy in bringing love to those you meet." "It is rather fulfilling, Rarity." Cadance giggled softly, "Though it has made me very capable in sensing love, both given and received. And from what I can tell, Ryan..." "Yes?" "Well, apparently you've got quite a bit of love surrounding you from...six? My, my. I never knew humans were so, what is the word?" She smirked cheekily, "Ah yes! Smooth." "Gah! How did you...." Ryan turned to look at Shining how seemed to be thinking on something, "Oh boy..." After a few more moments, Shining narrowed his eyes before looking at his sister and Ryan, "...could I possibly have a word with you two? In private?" Sharing a glance with him, Ryan and Twilight nodded before following Shining leaving the others to just stare at Cadance in shock. "What? I am the Princess of Love after all...and you six were broadcasting love for him so hard I nearly overdosed on the stuff." Cadance turned to her aunts and smirked, "So much so, I nearly missed the feelings radiating from you two. How interesting this human is..." Celestia and Luna simply smirked at the remark...though Luna's cheeks did blush slightly. After going far enough away that the others couldn't overhear them, Shining stopped and turned to face his sister and friend. He eyed them curiously for a moment or two before speaking, "So is what Cadance said true? Are you and your friends all..." Twilight gulped, "...romantically linked with Ryan?" Shining gave a short nod, "Yes. Is this true?" Twilight seemed unable to deduce just what to say before she felt a warm hand pat her shoulder. Ryan winked at her before looking Shining square in the eyes, "Yes, it is. The six of them and I are in a relationship. While Ah never imagined something like this happening, mah sweet apple and her "slightly" meddling ways noted that Ah certainly cared for all of them quite deeply and they all had similar feelings in kind. Heh, especially Dashie...she couldn't hide that crush on me to save her life. Haha." "I see then...so you do love them, right?" "Of course I do. While this might be different, mah love for all of them—including yer sister—is honest and true. Ah would never dream of hurting them, and I will always be there to help protect them from anything that comes our way." Shining Armor eyed Ryan up and down—which certainly made him sweat—before slowly nodding, "Well...I can't say this is something I've expected but...you aren't exactly a predictable person are you?" "Hahaha, ain't that the truth." "Haha, yes." Shining smiled at the two, "Well, I've been around you enough to know your character and I'm sure my sister—as well as her friends—are in good...hands." 'Ahhhhhhhh, that awful pun. You have been around us far too often.' Shining laughed softly, "Perhaps so, Darkness, but is that a bad thing? Anyway, there's something else I wanted to ask the two of you since we're here anyway." "Something else?" Twilight scrunched up her face, "What are you talking about big bro?" "Well, seeing as I am getting married, I was hoping you would be my best mare, Twily." Twilight blinked before gasping, "Best mare? But I...are you sure?" "Of course! I couldn't think of anyone more capable than my little sister." "Heh, Ah have ta agree with that one Shiny." Ryan snickered as Twilight rolled her eyes, "But what did ya wanna ask me?" "Well, from what the Princess tells me, when humans got married the groom would choose someone to be the best man much like how we choose a best mare. And, I was wondering, since we actually have a human amongst us for this one, if you'd be interested in being my best man." Ryan was stunned for a moment before collecting himself, "Yer best man? But...I mean! Isn't there a stallion ya know better for that job?" "Ah! Ah! A stallion wouldn't be a best man...only a human will work for this one." 'He's got you there partner.' "Who's side are you on anyway?" 'The fun side.' Ryan facepalmed, "Ask a dumb question...heh, well Shiny if'n it means that much to ya then Ah accept. Of course...I don't rightly know exactly what all a best man does but Ah reckon that means Ah'll be helping out T-Sparks with making sure it all goes off well." "Exactly!" Shining beamed with happiness, "I'm so glad you accepted. It really does mean a lot to me that the both of you did." 'Shining?' "Yes Darkness?" 'Ah have a question about your bride to be? Cadance? She seemed to be acting a bit...peculiar.' Shining nodded before dismissing it, "Yeah but she's been having some pre-wedding jitters, that's all. That and she's been helping keep me energized since I am powering this whole shield protecting the city." "Really now?" Ryan whistled in amazement, "Ah knew ya were skilled with a sword but yer magic seems pretty top-notch too. Nice to see mah future brother-in-law is quite talented." "B-brother-in-law?" Twilight stuttered out, realizing what those words implied, "But...and I...well, that is it's not like I don't...." Ryan let out a hearty laugh before gently ruffling Twilight's hair, "Relax there mah bookworm....that won't be for some while, too many other things we've got to take care of before even planning something like that, right? No need to rush into things because, as far as Ah can tell, Ah'd have to mess up pretty big ta lose mah herd." Shining snickered at seeing his sister so red, "You are just terrible at times Ryan...and yet I'm still laughing. Well then, I'll let you two get things underway with your friends. I need to go run over some things with the other guards and, of course, make sure my bride-to-be is okay. If she asks anything of you, be sure to help okay? See ya later!" And so after sharing the good news with their friends and bidding farewell to the Princesses they headed off to their assigned tasks. AppleJack and Pinkie were on top of the catering, making sure everything would be just perfect and tasty and all these other words that Pinkie was using but to not waste everypony's time we won't be repeating. "...that's not fair! You don't get any cake now!" Anyway, while they handled that—with Pinkie also heading up decorating—Rarity was sent off to work on the outfits for the wedding party which entailed her meeting Cadance's bridesmaids as well as trying to think of something fitting to come up with for both Twilight and Ryan. "It's not every day you get to make dresses and suits for a wedding after all darling!" Her statement was true enough and she was off in a flurry of movement as she worked to round up all the materials she would need. Fluttershy had been tasked with bringing her birds friends into shape in order to delight everyone with their music. This left Rainbow Dash to, what else, but be awesome as always in making sure the weather stayed on task so their perfect day would have the perfect weather...and if she snuck off once and a while to sample Apps' treats and get a belly rub or two from a certain human, nobody seemed to mind too much. "You swore you'd never tell!" "...Uhm, Dashie, who are ya talking to?" Ryan glanced at her as he went over the checklist with Twilight, "This seems about all one usually thinks about when it comes to weddings. Everyone's got their tasks ready so other than checking up on everything today and the rehearsal tomorrow for the wedding in two days...what else does a best man do? This all seems so...important and I'd hate to mess it up." Twilight rolled her eyes before laughing, "You're doing fine hon, relax. You're starting to sound like me saying things like that." 'Oh! A sharp sting from the bookworm. Oh! And two words Ryan: Bachelor Party!' "...shut up Dark." Ryan sighed, "Ah just want mah buds wedding to go off well, that's all." Rainbow Dash nuzzled his side and nodded, "It will! It's us after all! We've got this covered and if any trouble shows up—"She pounded her hooves together"—we'll take it out in ten seconds flat!" "I suppose yer right...but something still bothers me about that Princess." "...I would say you're just upset she read our love so clearly." Twilight lowered her checklist and frowned, "But she didn't remember our little dance...or act at all how I remember she was. I know my brother said it was just pre-wedding jitters but..." "Ya can't help but feel it's something more than that?" Ryan turned to see her nodding, "Well, don't worry, Dark and Ah will keep an eye out for anything peculiar as we check around. Speaking of...you were awful quiet around her partner." '...let's just say I feel like keeping an ace in the hole. I'm gettin' some weird vibes from her and I don't like it...like my skin is crawling or something.' "Well, okay, Ah suppose ya have yer reasons." Ryan looked at the checklist before glancing at Dashie, "So, that line of showers that's supposed ta be diverted north of here...has that been taken care of?" Rainbow Dash gasped before taking off in a hurry which clearly answered the question. "That mare...at least she's quick though." Ryan laughed softly, "Shall we go see how AppleJack and Pinks are coming along with the cooking?" Twilight stowed her checklist and gave a nod, "That sounds like a plan...have you seen Spike by the way?" "Huh? Oh yeah, he ran off to go do some research or something. He wouldn't explain to me what about but he just had this odd feeling about having to look something up in the hidden archive." Ryan gave a shrug as they walked towards the kitchen, "He said he didn't want to tell me because he wasn't sure, but he just felt that looking into it would—at the very least—ease his mind." "Well that's weird." Twilight gave a shrug of her own as they headed into the kitchen, "Well, whatever it is let's hope it's nothing bad." Looking about they could already see piles of goodies baked in preparation, as well as signs of further culinary creations yet to be made. Looking about for a bit they finally caught sight of AppleJack pulling a tray from the oven before smiling at the scent coming from it. "Oh Luna, Ah know that smell. Yer making some of yer famous apple turnovers ain'tcha?" AppleJack set the tray down before laughing, "Yer darn tootin'! Nothing but the best Apple family treats for our friends! Want to try one?" "DO I?" Ryan happily took one and bit into it, "...okay, still a bit hot but oooooooh yeahhhhhh. Mmmm....ouch....mmmmm...ouch....mmmmmm." Twilight simply shook her head, "No need to be so eager as to burn your mouth Ryan. I assume this means everything is going off without a hitch here?" "You bet! Pinks already finished up all her baking for the day so she went and ran off to decorate and plan the reception party." AppleJack tilted her head and frowned, "Though...Ah'm afraid ta ask why she needed—what was it?—ten pounds of...whipped cream? She ain't baking anymore so Ah can't rightly figure out why she needs that for the reception party." 'I could probably think of a few things.' AppleJack rolled her eyes, "Of course you would...for a gentleman, you have some dirty thoughts there Darky." 'Hey! I find that to be offensive...' "Notice he's not denying it though." Ryan snickered, "Well we just wanted to...oh!" This came in response to seeing Princess Cadance make an appearance, no doubt to check on things personally. She looked about at the treats and then Ryan saw something again, the strange look she kept shooting him ever since the morning. He wasn't sure what meaning was behind it, but it certainly unnerved parts of him to be sure. Nonetheless he smiled and gave a bow, "Princess, how nice to see you. Come to sample the delicious treats for your wedding party? You have to try the turnovers. They are the best, hands down." "Hahaha, is that so?" Cadance smirked as she looked at Ryan, "Well then...AppleJack was it? Allow me to try this highly touted items if you would." AppleJack nodded before offering her some from a tray that had already been cooling, "Here ya go Princess! These should taste great without burning yer mouth ta boot!" Levitating one up towards her mouth, Cadance took a bite and smiled...though Dark was receptive to notice that it seemed like a suspicious smile. Finishing the turnover, Cadance licked her lips and voiced her approval, "I can see why the human—I mean Ryan would speak so highly of them. No doubt yer skills as a cook is something he finds quite attractive." "Guh....Cadance." Ryan gasped, his cheeks flushing, "...not that I don't agree with that statement but come on!" Cadance giggled softly before grinning at Ryan, "Easily flustered are you? Hahaha...how cute." And then there it was again, only perceptible for the shortest of time frames when the others weren't looking—a smile from her that was not as friendly and more...Ryan tried to think of the right word. Sinister? Perhaps, but it set off a few flags in the back of his mind that he thought to bring up later but for now would let them go. "Cadance! Seeing as you are here, perhaps we could go together to see how Rarity is coming along with the dresses and suits for everypony?" Cadance turned to Twilight and gave a nod, "Very well Twilight. I suppose it would be nice to see what she is coming up with." "Yes! Come along Ryan." Ryan rolled his eyes sarcastically, "Yes dear." This drew a laugh from all those around, though Dark wasn't laughing at the silliness and this unsettled Ryan some. '...what's wrong bro?' '...there's something wrong with this mare. Ah don't know what it is...but I just get the heebie-jeebies feeling from her. And I'm not sure if ya noticed but...she's pink-ish but her horn glows green.' 'Yeah...and?' 'Well, think about it...isn't a unicorn's magic usually the same color as their coat or one of the colors in their tail/mane?' Ryan paused in his stride for a moment, '...okay. I will admit that is odd.' 'And she's been given us that evil eye look since this morning. It's almost as if she didn't ever expect to see a human here of all places.' '...dammit, now mah logic senses are all getting alarmed.' Ryan paused his thought chat to see they were now at the tower where Rares was working on the bridesmaids dresses, '...we'll bring this up with the others tonight but for now...just observe when Ah can't, okay?' 'Got it partner!' "Oh hello everypony! And a special hello to you Princess!" Rarity was a blur of movement as she ran about grabbing string, ribbons, and other various odds and ends as she stitched away, "If you'd like to see your dress I've already finished it. I'm just about finished with those for your bridesmaids so hopefully they'll be here shortly as I asked. I have to make sure they fit after all." Princess Cadance walked over to her dress and studied it carefully, making sure to look at every stitch and gem that Rarity had put into it. Making a small noise, she gave a nod and smiled, "It looks quite stunning...it's safe to see now why my aunts spoke of your fashion skills with such high regard." Rarity squealed before clapping her hooves happily, "So you like it then?" "Of course." Cadance looked over it one more time, "Although....perhaps you could add one tiny thing for me?" "But of course Princess! Anything for the bride!" Cadance laughed softly before motioning at the dress, "If you could put a row of beads in a sequenced design right here, it would be just as I envision." "Of course, of course. I will be more than happy to accept your request Princess." "Please, you may call me Cadance." "If you insist Princess, I mean Cadance. Now then, as for the ones for your bridesmaids." Rarity paused when she heard a knock at the door, "Ah! That should be them now! Ryan, be a dear and answer that would you?" "Sure thing m'lady." Ryan opened the door and greeted them, "Ladies, ladies, come in. We've been....GAH!" This response was appropriate as he was tackled by a certain mint colored mare who was grinning madly at him as she sat on his stomach. Ryan shook off his dazed feeling before looking up and smirking, "Hello Lyra." "Hiiiiiiiiiii." Lyra beamed as she looked at her favorite human, "I wondered if you'd be here since the groom is Twilight's brother. I'm so happy you are!" "Lyra....you're perhaps being a bit scary again." Recognizing that voice, Ryan glanced to see none other than Colgate standing there, "You too huh?" "Yes." Colgate sighed, "I was afraid she'd act like this when she was asked to be a bridesmaid with myself and Twinkleshine. Lyra, do be dignified and let him up would you?" Lyra realized she was being stared at by everypony there and giggled sheepishly before finally getting off of Ryan, "Sorry...I'm just really excited." Princess Cadance regarded this all with such curiosity and smirked as she walked over, "Goodness me...you've got the mares just falling all over you don't you Ryan?" "Gah! Cadance! Again?" Ryan sighed as his cheeks turned crimson, "A-Anyway, shall we make sure the dresses are alright?" While Colgate—who apparently Cadance was calling Minuette for some reason—and Twinkleshine looked at the dresses with Rarity and Twilight, Lyra had something else to talk about with Ryan and so dragged him over to the other side of the room. Ryan sighed softly, "Okay Lyra...what's on yer mind?" "I know." "You...know?" "I know...about you." "About me? Uh, yeah, I'd say so after the talks we've had." "No, I mean...you..." Lyra leaned in to whisper, "And your herd." Ryan gulped as his eyes darted left and right, "What? What are ya talking about?" "Your herd...you and AppleJack and all her friends. Your herd. I know..." Lyra grinned widely, "And if that's the case....I want to know one thing." "Oh heavens....and what is that mah human obsessed goober?" Lyra gave him her most pleading eyes and put her hooves together, "I want in. Please?" Ryan about choked on his heart for a moment he was so caught off-guard by such a request. Waving at the others who had been distracted by his coughing, he turned back to Lyra and stared at her, "Ah....look, now ain't the time for this okay? The others...Ah know they love me but Ah'm slightly worried yer asking simply because Ah'm a human hon." "What? No! That's not true." Lyra pouted, "You're funny and silly and ya didn't make fun of my interest in humans and you actually helped me learn more about your kind. That...that just counts a lot in my book, ya know?" Ryan looked at her quivering lip, his heart feeling a familiar pull, "Leave it to Lyra to tug at mah heartstrings. Look..." Lyra perked up slightly, "Yes?" Ryan gave a sigh before smiling, "Let's focus on the wedding first. That'll give you a little more time to think on this....and make sure you're not just rushing headlong into something serious. After the wedding...all of us can discuss this if'n ya still want to. So let's make this wedding awesome first, okay?" Lyra's face broke into a huge grin as she glomped him, "Oh thank you, thank you! I will think about it seriously! I promise! But first...." With that she trotted over to the dresses and continued looking them over with the others leaving Ryan to stand there completely baffled by this as usual. 'What do you expect? Yer in Equestria now Ryan...a little bit of kindness and caring like that can go a looooong way here.' 'Heh, that's true enough, Dark. Just look at the others...but Lyra too? And how in tarnation did she even find out about us? This is getting crazy....' Ryan took a cleansing breath, 'Anyway...they'll be time to worry about that later, after the wedding is over. Come on...Ah'm pretty sure T-Sparks and I still have a few more things to go over before the night is over.' Sure enough they did, with Ryan, Twilight, and Cadance heading off to the reception hall to see just what kind of progress Pinkie had made in getting it ready for after the wedding. Needless to say, the hall looked very, very colorful and Pinkie had been clearly moving in that crazy fast way she can to get as much done in as little time as possible. "Ya know...of all the mysterious things in this world, the one Ah'm certain nopony will ever figure out is how Pinkie Pie does what she does." Ryan looked about and saw that she'd done the work of about ten ponies in less than maybe four or five hours, "Ah mean...how did she do all this?" "It's because I'm super-duper Rysy-Wysy!" Pinkie exclaimed as she appeared from within his jacket of all places. Ryan gasped, startled backwards by her sudden appearance before landing on his butt, "Ugh...Pinks! Ya know ya shouldn't be doing that stuff ta me." Pinkie giggled, "I'm sorry but I wanted to make an entrance! So what do you think Princess? Is it awesome?" Princess Cadance took a look around, examining the streamers, banners, and other colorful decorations that had been made and placed by Pinkie before making an amused sound. Turning to them she gave Pinkie a nod, "To think you made these all by yourself. How interesting. Perhaps it is your unbridled energy that Ryan finds so attractive?" "Actually Princess, I think Rysy-Wysy finds my sense of humor attractive because it's silly and crazy like his....that and my soft tummy because he just always seems to love to give me belly rubs and—mmph!" Once again Ryan had his hand covering her mouth, trying his best to contain any embarrassing info, "Hahaha....silly Pinks, no need ta share that with the Princess. She just needs ta know how the preparations are coming?" Twilight cleared her throat before nodding as well, "Yes! How about the entertainment? How is that coming along?" Pinkie licked Ryan's hand, getting him to relinquish his hold on her mouth before continuing, "Well, Vinyl said she'd be happy to come play for us and I've got lots of board games and other things for everypony to partake in and of course they'll be lots of cake—I know Princess Celestia will like that one!—and of course, something all the mares can enjoy, pin your tail on the human." Ryan, who had been nodding his head along with Twilight at the list Pinkie had been rattling off, suddenly gave pause and shared a curious glance with T-Sparks before speaking up, "Uhm...did...did ya just say pin your tail on...the human?" Pinkie giggled softly, "Of course silly! Think of the fun we had chasing you around when it was just eight of us and then like super-duper-quadruple mathiply it by all the mares at the wedding and just imagine the fun we could have!" "...don't...don't Ah get a say in this?" "Where is your sense of fun dear human?" Cadance giggled softly, batting her eyes at Ryan and making him blush, "Are you telling me you wouldn't want the ladies to come chasing at you like that?" "Cadance!" Ryan gasped out at her teasing, "What the heck is that about?" "Oh come now, as the Princess of Love one thing I'm well versed in is knowing how to make a stallion blush. Although...if I were to win my dear Shining would probably be a little jealous." "Hey! Look! Pinkie!" "Listen?!" Ryan facepalmed before staring at her, "I'm trying to be serious." "I know and you're ruining all the fun!" "Pinkie, please." Ryan sighed before noting she was going to let him continue this time, "Anyway, look! Ah might be a fan of unexpected good plots as much as the next guy but...doesn't that seem unfair ta me?" Pinkie stuck out her tongue as she thought long and hard over what he said before she shook her head, "Nope!" "But..." "Nope! The Princess seems on board with the idea so that's the end of it." Twilight, who had been too amused to say anything, simply giggled before shaking her head, "I'm not sure what I just witnessed but it was the most amusing thing ever...then again anytime our human gets all flustered tends to be amusing." Ryan rolled his eyes as the three mares there simply giggled at his annoyed look; he soon began to laugh too, unable to fight how infectious the laughter was. '...don't get too relaxed, she's giving you that look again.' Though Ryan nearly missed it, for the briefest second he'd seen that weird smile being shot his way from Cadance before it turned normal again. 'This is getting weird Dark. Why does she keep looking at me like that?' 'I don't know but...we need to tell the others about this.' 'I agree...those looks, and her not remembering her and T-Sparks' little dance are peculiar. Oddly enough, other than that she's been rather pleasant.' 'This is getting weird but they're looking at ya so we'll talk later.' Twilight tilted her head before nudging Ryan's side, "Are you okay Ryan?" "Yeah, yeah." He waved his hand to dismiss it, "Just a little tired is all...all this planning is wearing me out. How about we go meet the others for some dinner?" "That sounds like a plan." Cadance gave curt nod, "I need to go meet with my dear Shining as it is. He's been having some headaches ever since he had to maintain this shield and my magic is about the only thing helping him with that." Ryan nodded, "Yeah, Shiny did mention something about that earlier. That's pretty sweet of ya to help out like that." "Haha, well he is my future husband after all. Till tomorrow my new friends, sleep well and be careful." With that Cadance took her leave; not long after that Ryan, Pinkie, and Twilight went to meet the others for a late dinner. After having met the others in the dining hall and having had a delicious meal—specifically, Luna had a burger of all things made up special for Ryan who nearly went into a deliciousness coma after biting into it—he and his herd retired to their room after a hard day's preparations. "Come on Ryan! What's taking you so long?" Rainbow Dash moaned, banging on the bathroom door, "You've been in the shower for like forever!" "Dashie, Ah've been in here for like not even five minutes. Have some patience!" Ryan shouted in reply, "Sheesh..." "Yeah! Wait your turn and give us some privacy!" Ryan's eyes widened as he turned to see Pinkie standing behind him wearing a shower cap covered in rubber ducks and a bath sponge sitting in her hoof, "Pinks? What are ya doing in here!?" "What does it look like? I'm gonna scrub your back silly! Duh!" Pinkie giggled as she winked at him, "After all, you might have those crazy arms and hands but even you can't reach your back and we have to make sure you get all those spots scrubbed clean mister." "I....that is...." Ryan tried to find some words that would be a fitting reply but, as was becoming the norm involving the mares he was involved with, he was unable to find any, "...just stay above the belt Pinks." "Okie-dokie-just-don't-poke-me!" 'Well that was subtle.' Ryan facepalmed as he stared ahead, "You would know Dark....you would know." 'Actually Ah think Pinkie would know once you—" "LALALALA! CAN'T HEAR YOU! LALALALALA!" Dark rolled his eyes and huffed at Ryan's little outburst while Pinkie just continued happily scrubbing his back and humming a little tune about getting squeaky clean. Eventually he was all clean and dressed in his pajamas before opening the door...and getting shoved out with Pinkie by Rainbow Dash who hurriedly shut the door before letting out a relieved sigh. Ryan, who was currently helping brush Pinkie's damp mane, shook his head before speaking up, "Ya know Dashie, if'n ya needed to hit the restroom...why didn't ya just go to one of the dozens of other rooms on this hallway that are empty and use the bathroom in one of them?" From inside the bathroom there was a frustrated groan at that realization before he heard the water kick in as she was apparently going to go soak her head. Finishing up his brushing of Pinkie's mane—and then laughing as it went all poofy again—he smiled when she gave him those big, sweet, pleading eyes before getting settled in his lap. "Just until Dashie gets out of the shower hon...okay?" Pinkie purred at his gentle caressing of her tummy before nodding, "Okie-dokie-but-what's-that-pokie?" Dark began laughing his mental ass off at this point, thoroughly enjoying Pinkie's use of her feminine wiles to tease the ever-loving heck out of Ryan. "GUH!" Ryan gasped, his cheeks flushing brightly, "Pinkie! Please!" "Yes Pinkie Pie; our poor human can only take so much teasing after all." Rarity chided her, "His cheeks are already burning red....or is that from your shower time?" "Not you too Rares!" Ryan sighed heavily before watching the bathroom door fling open, "Well that was quick." "Everything I do is quick, Ryan! I've just gotta go fast; it's my nature!" "Well, now that everypony is here and more or less able to give him their attention, I believe Ryan and Dark have something they wanted to talk about with us." Twilight gathered their attention before sitting next to him, "Right?" "Yes. It has to do with Princess Cadance. And some odd things Dark pointed out ta me. However, ya can't let her know about any of this okay?" "Well, shoot, why not? What could be wrong with the Princess?" AppleJack felt puzzled, "Ah mean she seemed to love the turnovers!" "And she totally loved the decorations I put up!" "Pinkie is right; the Princess certainly enjoyed her wedding dress and the bridesmaids and her just loved their dresses." "Pinks, Rares....Ah know but just promise me y'all won't say anything." Fluttershy wobbled back and forth slightly, "Oh...well...I don't like lying but...okay Ryan. We'll keep it secret." "Yeah, yeah, we won't go blabbing so come on big guy! What's eatin' ya and Dark?" "Well Dashie, we...we don't have proof exactly, but Dark doesn't think Cadance is entirely who she says she is." Twilight was the first to chime in, "What? But she's been acting nice and friendly just like I remember!" 'True but don't you remember? You told Ryan and I that she didn't remember the little chant you and her did all the time when you were younger. And your opinion on her attitude has changed since this morning.' "Well..." Twilight frowned slightly, "That is true but..." "But isn't enough proof...Ah know. Her reaction to me at first was also confusing...it's clear she was not expecting someone like me to be here." Ryan stood up and began pacing slightly, "Now, surprise at seeing me the first time is understandable...but the way she reacted was more than that. I saw fear in her eyes, as if mah very existence shook her to the core. Ah don't know why, exactly, but something just ain't sitting right with mah mind." 'In addition, when y'all weren't paying attention, she kept throwing these weird, seemingly malevolent smiles in Ryan's direction. Ah don't know what that was all about, but I don't like it.' "Oh darling, you're probably just stressed out from planning much like she is. You're the first best man in Equestria in over a 1,000 years. That kind of pressure could put anypony on edge." Ryan sighed as Rarity gently massaged his shoulders, "Well....maybe but...something just doesn't feel right in the pit of mah stomach." Twilight frowned at both seeing him confused but also at the fact his words held some logic in her mind; she didn't want to think it true but could this not be Cadance? Or perhaps she just simply changed after all these years. Either way doubt slowly crept in as she couldn't think of any reason why her Ryan—or Dark for that matter—would make up something like that. And then she thought to Spike, and his absence all day in the hidden archive. Was it possible he had noted something before anypony else and was still down there trying to sort through the books? Twilight was now very confused and had missed most of what Ryan and Dark had continued to say save for the fact Dark wanted to be kept a secret. "Okay, so Darky wants to keep observing secretly. Fine." Rainbow Dash remarked before fluttering over to the large bed, "All this talking has gotten me super tired....how about we hit the hay so we're not all exhausted for tomorrow?" "That sure as heck sounds like a good idea ta me." AppleJack nodded, trotting over to the bed as well, "Of course, I reckon it won't be perfect unless a certain human of ours takes his place in the middle of it all." Ryan snickered before motioning with his hand, "Okay, okay. Ah gotcha Apps. Let's just carry on as usual and see what might come of it. Hopefully we're just being paranoid..." With that Ryan got comfy in the rather large bed—somewhat amused by the fact that Cellie had purposely given them this room because of its rather large sleeping accommodations—before his beloved mares surrounded him with their comforting presence. Even though his mind was still concerned over the whole Cadance thing, he was able to relax enough to fall asleep...and he was going to need all the energy he could get from it. 'Hell yeah, Bachelor Party!' No, Darkness, for reasons other than that. 'Oooooooooh~ Mysteriousness!' Ryan awoke to see it was still night out and heaved a sigh at the dream he'd had. He'd hoped it wasn't foreboding, because man did shit hit the fan in it. 'Probably just this whole wedding planning thing...and being Shiny's best man.' Feeling the call of nature, Ryan wormed his way from beneath a pile of pleasant pony warmth and made a beeline for the bathroom. After a few moments he stepped out feeling much better but noticed that his younger brother was still nowhere to be found. 'That's strange....do ya think he's still down there?' 'Ah'm not sure Ryan, but perhaps it wouldn't hurt to go check on him?' Feeling his other self had a point, he quickly slipped on his shoes before entering the hall and following the winding pathways towards the secret library where hopefully he would find Spike. 'Heh, probably fast asleep over some books or something. Ah have to say, he's grown up quite a bit since we've entered the picture, eh partner?' Dark let out a soft laugh, 'That's putting it lightly. The little dude pretty much had a class change gaining those wings he wasn't meant to have and what have ya.' 'Heh, true enough.' Ryan slowly made his way down the winding corridor before going left and walking down the moderately lit passageway, '...Brrr....Ah never realized how chilly it gets way down here. Anyway...let's head on in.' Opening the door to the library full of hidden and secret knowledge from the period when Equestrian's human race still existed, Ryan initially didn't see any sign of Spike. That is, until he looked by Dark's statue and saw him sitting on the other side of it with a large book in his lap. With his head drooped down on it and the light snores emanating from Spike as he slumbered, it was rather obvious he was well and truly fast asleep. As he went to move the book so he could pick his little brother up, he gave pause when Dark seemed startled by what he had been looking up, "What's the matter partner?" 'Ryan...it's what Spike was reading. Pick the book up would you?' Shrugging his shoulder, Ryan did as he was asked and stared at the page that was open, "...Changelings? What the heck are those? They look like...ponies but..." 'Changelings are a species in Equestria that had the ability to take on the looks of anypony and anyone. But you're correct in what you've noticed: while they do have the shape of a pony, they are more insectoid in nature.' "Is that a fact...so they're a pony-bug hybrid? So ponies with bug wings...why that would make them—" Dark sighed, 'Oh dammit, don't you dare Ryan, don't you freaking dare!' "Horse-flies!" Dark groaned quite loudly to match Ryan's inability to hold back laughter at his horrible joke, "...you're an ass." "Ah know! Glorious ain't Ah?" Ryan snickered some more before flipping through the pages, "So they could shape shift...hold on a tick, it says here they feed off of..." Ryan shook his head, "Ah can't be reading this right." 'You are bud, Changelings subside by feeding off the emotion known as love.' Ryan rolled his eyes upwards in his attempt to stare at Dark's nonexistent self, "...if'n Ah didn't know any better, Ah'd think you're well versed with these beings." Dark chuckled softly, "Well I'd like to think so, seeing as my mentor and I were the ones picked by Tia to lead an expedition all those years ago to make peaceful contact with them. Where do you think the info from this book came from?" Ryan made a puzzled noise before flipping about and seeing a side-note detailing the origins of the data and what appeared to be a picture of Star-Swirled the Bearded and Dark meeting with two rather large changelings. He thought over this for a moment before speaking, "That's the King and Queen isn't it?" 'Of the hive from back then anyhow. A lot of people and ponies were afraid of the Changelings because of their actual looks and how they were portrayed as "love-vampires" if you will. Tia and Woona decided to nip such things in the bud and to open up peaceful relations with the nearest hive in order to work out a compromise.' "Ah see...so Ah take it things went well enough?" 'Pretty much. They were a bit skeptical at first but after a long discussion they decided to give peace a chance and, sure enough, things went well with their first visit to Canterlot. There were some that were hesitant and stubborn on both sides, but overall humans and ponies welcomed the changelings just like any other race they lived with and we all lived in harmony....well till ya know, the whole thing with Cordy.' Ryan looked over the pages detailing this race and a thought came to mind, "...Dark? Do...do ya think they're still around?" 'It's been over a thousand years since then...I know we haven't seen any sign of them so probably not which is kind of saddening. It's bad enough humans were lost here, but to lose another intelligent race of decent people...' Dark trailed off before composing himself, 'This world has seen too much tragedy it should never have had to...so I'd like to think they are, somewhere.' Closing the book, Ryan placed it back on the shelf where it belonged before clenching his fist, "Ah promise ya Dark: as long as Ah'm here to back up mah friends, Ah won't ever let heartache like that ever happen to this land again." Though he could not see it, he knew in his heart Dark was smiling as he spoke, 'Thanks Ryan...now come on, let's grab our little bro and get back to bed. Ah'm dog-tired and we've got quite a bit to do still before the wedding tomorrow.' "Ah'll agree to that." Ryan smirked as he lifted Spike up, "...okay, yer a bit heavier now but not to worry." With a quick focus, Ryan poofed the two of them back to the room where he set Spike next to Twilight before snuggling back in to the pile and falling asleep. Meanwhile, elsewhere in the castle, Princess Cadance had quietly made her way out of her room and downstairs to the garden. Looking to make sure the coast was clear, she waited as a Royal Guard approached her before saluting. "Is everything going as planned?" "Yes my queen. Our forces have infiltrated over half the ranks by now and they don't suspect a thing. By the wedding day we should have assimilated nearly all of them." Cadance grinned, her smile reflecting creepily in the moonlight, "Excellent." "My queen...if I may ask, how does it go with the "unexpected guest"?" "The human? Do not worry about him...while I may have had to make some adjustments to keep him from sensing anything, as long as events play out as I expect them to he will not be a problem." The guard seemed uneasy for a moment before speaking, "Do not think me talking out of turn m'lady, but what about what we've heard? About how he faced the God of Chaos and lived? Some of the younger brood are worried that he might be like the humans of legend we were always warned about." Cadance paused a moment before thinking and staring at the guard, "...do you too share such a thought my child?" The guard seemed conflicted for a moment before turning back to his natural form and nodding, "Yes my queen. We have seen proof that he apparently did do battle with him and hold his own, even stopping him momentarily...though he was not the one to finish the battle." "That wretched human is certainly causing quite a ruckus for our plans." Cadance smiled before pulling the smaller Changeling tight to her, "Do not worry my child, I will not let any harm come to you or any of my children." The younger Changeling smiled, "Thank you...mom." Cadance laughed softly before letting him go, "Haha, you're welcome. Now here. I have today's package for you to take." Gently touching her horn to the Changeling's she transferred something to him in a method only they fully understood. The younger one gasped slightly, "My queen...this is...this is much more than usual. How...?" Cadance snickered evilly, "It would seem that despite his problematic presence, that human has quite a bit of love surrounding him. So I simply took the opportunity to siphon a bit from him." "That's simply dastardly, my queen." "Thank you. Now hurry and go before the sun rises." With that Cadance watched as he transformed back into his Royal Guard disguise and took off. She waited till he was out of sight before turning back around and heading inside, her eyes glowing green as she wore a menacing smile, "Soon human...soon all you care for will be under my control...and you won't be able to do a thing to stop me. Hahahahaha~" The following morning Ryan was a bit slow to wake and was still sleeping when the others got up to continue on with their wedding preparations. About two hours after that he'd finally woken, got cleaned up, and was currently in the middle of getting dressed when he heard a knock on the door. Yawning, he stretched before asking who was there. "It's me, Twilight." "Come on in T-Sparks, Ah'm just about ready." Twilight entered...and gasped when she noted Ryan was lacking pants. "Ryan! You're not wearing any pants!" 'And...?' "Dark's got a point, neither are you and Ah don't freak about that." He snickered as her cheeks went from purple to red, "What? The sight of yer human lacking clothing a bit much fer ya mah bookworm?" At this point Twilight's cheeks were good and red as she awkwardly avoid eye-contact with him. "No response? Ooooooooh." He grinned, getting up and slowly walking over to her before leaning down to whisper in her ear, "Ah see. Ya want some help overcoming that shyness of yers around me...well then, how's about this? Seeing as Apps and Pinks got their shower time, next time you get dibs. Sound fair?" Twilight shivered slightly before radiating so much heat from her cheeks Ryan was slightly afraid his shirt was going to catch fire. Grinning at his handiwork, he helped cool her fires by finally pulling on his jeans and shoes, "There...that better T-Sparks?" "Much." Twilight let out a long, calming breath, "...must you seriously do that?" Ryan smirked, "Well, ya are the one that teased me about experimentin' before so...Eyup! Anyway, what all brings ya here hon? Come to make sure Ah was up and doin' mah part?" "Well...partly that but also...something weird happened when I went to go talk to my brother about how odd Cadance has been around you." "I see." Ryan strapped Malus Domestica in place before pulling on his jacket, "So what did Shiny have to say?" Twilight looked at the ground and sighed, "I didn't get a chance to talk to him. I saw Cadance do some weird thing to him after they were arguing over him wearing our uncle's crest and then it was almost like she was putting him in a trance or something." '...what color was her aura?' "You mean her magic?" Twilight tapped her hoof against her chin, "Well it was green but..." 'That's not right, is it?' "No...her magic shouldn't be green. You're right about that. Something's not right with all this...which might explain what ya mentioned last night." Twilight frowned, "But...what do we do?" "For now, nothin'. Just act like everything is okay. Assumin' we're right, Ah'm not sure who this is pretending ta be Cadance but if she's up to something, all we can do is wait and hope it's nothing we can't handle." Ryan scratched her ears to calm her nerves before smiling, "Now come on...Ah've got a Bachelor Party ta attend to—" 'Hell yeah!' "—As Ah was sayin', Ah have that to do and Ah hope it's okay. Ah've never been to one, let alone plan one so...not sure how it'll turn out." "Well, whatever you guys end up doing, don't forget the rehearsal this evening okay?" Twilight giggled as she saw Ryan's cheeks blush, "Oh my...is it going to be that fun?" "Well..." Ryan tapped his fingers together, "Ah may have enlisted some help from Lunes on some entertainment....and Apps was kind enough ta supply me with some freshly made Zap Apple Cider. Of course, there ain't many males so it's basically me, Shiny, and Big Mac said he'll show up. Speaking of, did you know those two know each other and are friends? How crazy is that a fact to find out? That somehow yer big bro and Apps' big bro are buds. Ah bet that's a story and a half fer sure but anyway, T-Sparks, us three and...well Spike keeps begging me to come, saying he wants ta do some male bonding but..." "You're not really sure just how old he actually is and so, even with his little growth spurt he went through thanks to all that training, you don't know if he should tag along or not." Ryan winked at her and grinned, "That's why yer the smart one hon." "...what kind of entertainment did Luna say she found?" "Ah'm not sure...she said it would be fun however, doubly so as she's often fond of sayin'." Twilight pondered on this for a moment before laughing softly, "I think it wouldn't be a problem if he went along; just don't let him drink any alcohol okay?" Ryan stared at her before blinking and shaking his head, "...are ya sure? Ah mean, he's obviously grown up some but...even Ah have no idea what Lunes may have come up with." Twilight waved her hood dismissively, "It'll be fine~ Now come on." "Right. Stuff ta do." Twilight turned to leave, taking the time to shake her rump at him which drew the desired effect of him coughing into a blush, "...that's for teasing me. Now hurry along my sweet human, we've things to do after all. They'll be time for that later." '...and y'all say I'm bad.' "...yer affecting everyone else's thoughts Dark." 'Then that'll just make things more exciting! Oh I can't wait!' "Come on boys! Hurry up!" Letting out a groaning sigh, Ryan ran to catch up to Twilight all the while wondering just what exactly today had in store for him if this was how it was going to start. Some hours later, after quite the...interesting time at Shining Armor's Bachelor Party, Ryan felt a bit out of sorts and was wobbling here and there as he slowly made his way through the castle gardens. Grabbing hold of a statue to steady himself, he took a deep breath hoping that it would stabilize the world slightly, "Tarnation...Ah might have built up a tolerance after all this time but that Zap Apple brand still packs a wallop. Not as crazy as Spectrum mind ya, but still...having trouble focusing here." 'Well ya should probably work on it seeing as we've got the rehearsal coming up in...a little less than two hours?' "...sounds about right. Ah'm just gonna sit down right here. Ah wish Spike had come with us but...he said he had to do a little more research "just in case"." Ryan plopped down on the ground and closed his eyes, thankful that with them shut the world was not wobbling about anymore. However, with his eyes closed his hearing was doing double-time and he swore he could make out a strange noise coming from nearby. It almost sounded like something was hurt and frightened by the sounds of things. Heaving a sigh, Ryan slowly stood up to go investigate since he couldn't rightly leave whatever was making the noise in the state it was in, "...being the hero isn't as glorious as the movies or video games make it seem, huh?" 'Oh you love it, don't give me that.' "...ugh, shut up...and why aren't you feelin' off too?" 'Zap Apple Cider, while potent, isn't enough to affect me remember? Only Spectrum did...and the original version of it from a thousand years ago. Besides, after that unique party I'm in pretty good spirits so let's find what's making that noise and lend a hand.' Grumbling about something or other involving Dark and Lunes, Ryan came upon a very odd creature that at first he didn't recognize. The small, pony-shaped creature seemed just a bit bigger than one of the CMC's but not anywhere near as big as most ponies and seemed to be flat out on the ground, twitching slightly. Ryan studied it slightly before his eyes focused, "Is...Dark? Are you seein' this too? Is that what Ah think it is?" Dark was quiet for a while before speaking, 'Yes. There's no doubt it is a Changeling...and it seems to be sick.' Ryan frowned, hating to see somepony like this as he slowly approached. His frown deepened as it seemed his presence put it into an even more panicked fit, "Hey...shhhh, calm down. Ah'm not gonna hurt ya. What's the matter with ya little fellah? Can ya tell me?" Ryan heard only hissing in reply before feeling slightly drained all of a sudden; with that the Changeling seemingly was healed before it hopped up and stared at him before running off. 'Ryan! We have to follow him!' Ryan groaned before nodding, "Right! Ah'll do mah best." With that he began to chase after the Changeling, following him through the gardens and all around before ending up in the castle and outside of...Cadance's room? He muttered as he entered the room and suddenly felt a chill up his spine, "What...in tarnation?" That was when Ryan nearly jumped out of his jeans as the door slammed shut before locking itself tightly. Slowly turning around, Ryan wasn't the least bit surprised to see the Changeling being held by Cadance who was smirking quite happily in his direction. "Ah don't think it needs ta be said...but yer not Cadance are ya?" "Haha, so you're smart at least. Too bad I knew from what I had heard you'd be easy to lead with that bleeding heart of yours. You're adherence to your role of the helpful hero did not serve you well this time." Ryan coughed before grinning, "Says you. A caring heart is never a detriment. So why? Why pretend to be somepony you aren't?" "Heh, as if I need to explain anything to you. Soon enough you'll be out of my hair and no longer a threat to my plans." With that Cadance cackled loudly before charging at Ryan; thinking quickly, Ryan drew his sword and blocked her horn before grunting loudly. "Oh dear me...what's wrong human? Feeling a bit weakened thanks to my daring child?" Ryan held his ground before glaring at her, "What are you talking about?" "Why my plan to weaken you just in case the rumors I had heard were true." "What rumors?" Ryan clenched his hands tight as he felt his feet slipping. "Why that you, of all people, were able to face off against the God of Chaos." "Disky?" Cadance smirked before shoving Ryan aside, smirking as he skidded along the floor, "Exactly! And judging by the fine piece of weaponry you have, it would seem my precautions were well planned. The simple fact that you also seem to be inebriated from my dear, darling Shining's Bachelor Party is just an added bonus that will make this far too easy." 'Ryan!' 'Ah know Dark but....' Ryan grunted in pain as he slowly rose to one knee, his sword being used to help him stay steady, 'Whatever that Changeling did ta me certainly isn't helping how Ah feel after the party. My aura seems all over the place.' "What's the matter? No comeback? No proclaiming you'll overcome my evil plans?" Cadance mocked him as she stepped closer and closer to his prone form, "Are you even going to make this fun?" Ryan growled in frustration, his magic flaring out of control as he leapt to his feet and tackled Cadance. Pulling her along he flung her into the wall before winding back to bring Malus Domestica down on her. Unfortunately, despite being surprised by this sudden burst of energy, Cadance easily blocked his attack before roughly grabbing him with her magic and slamming him into the ground. "D-damn you...." "Hahaha...and to think this is the one they all speak so highly of, the one they all love so dearly...how does it feel knowing you're going to let all of them down?" Cadance leaned down, her face mere centimeters from his, "To know that because you weren't on your guard, they'll all soon die?" "...Changeling...if you harm any of them..." "You will do nothing. By the time you even have the means to return, it will be far too late...for both your friends and this land you love." Cadance leaned back up before glaring at Ryan, "Now say goodbye human, but before you leave...perhaps I should at least tell you my true name so that you know of the one that defeated you." Ryan tried to get up as he was surrounded by bright, green flames but he just felt so off that he knew there was no chance of it happening. "Queen Chrysalis did what many of my kind would be proud of: I put one of you humans in your place. Have a nice trip...and if you survive perhaps I'll see you later. You know, after I enslave and destroy all that you've come to love that is." Ryan shouted out as he was enveloped by the flames, his voice echoing as he disappeared from sight, "Chrysalis....." With that the now revealed to be Chrysalis giggled softly before cleaning herself up and heading off towards her next task: the rehearsal. "And nopony will be the wiser...everything is going according to plan." As for Ryan and Dark, they were soon crash landing to where Chrysalis had sent them off to...and rather hard at that. "Ow...right in the plot." Ryan grumbled, rubbing his sore rear end, "Where in the hell did we end up?" 'Hmmm...judging by the wild decor, the overgrown plants, and the creepy and foreboding atmosphere...I think it's safe to assume she sent us to only one place." Ryan sighed and rolled his eyes, "The Everfree...how cliché of her. Well that won't stop us...Ah'll just poof us right back to the castle and—" Dark felt Ryan gasp before shuffling in pain, 'What happened?' "I don't know but....Chrissy—" 'Chrissy?' "Chrysalis...but Chrissy is shorter to say. Anyway, she must've done something funky to us because mah magic stores aren't high enough to teleport back to Canterlot...not even Ponyville at this rate. Ah need to rest and let them build back up but Ah can barely move..." Ryan saw Malus Domestica on the ground and bent down to pick her up, "At least we didn't lose her." 'Good idea, if we're walking we need to be able to fight back.' "Yeah, Ah might be feeling weak but Ah should still be able to handle some Timberwolves or Cockatrices." '...what about Manticores?' "What about Manticores?" Ryan huffed, holding his hand over his sword and splitting it into three, "Even Ah know when certain things are over-played so we won't be having any of that nonsense, thank you very much!" 'Can't argue against that; it's bad enough so many others overplay that one so why add to the problem? But...what are ya doing?' Dark watched as Ryan was setting up the three parts of Malus Domestica in a decent-sized triangle, 'And why are you standing in the middle?' "Because I thought of a smarter idea that should work easier." Ryan got situated in the middle of his three swords, "Bloom! Arbor Pomifera!" With that the shining walls surrounded the very tired human who, once satisfied his sword was watching out for him, settled down and closed his eyes. 'Very clever Ryan, turning an offensive spell into a defensive one.' "Yeah, every once and a while Ah'm brilliant...Ah just hope the others are okay. We'll be there soon mah friends just...hold out." With that he was asleep, unaware that things were not going too well for at least one of his herd back in Canterlot as Chrysalis' plan continued to unfold at the rehearsal. "...I don't think we can start without both the best mare and the best man dear." "Now Shining, I'm sure they'll be along shortly. It wouldn't hurt to start would it?" Shining seemed to zone out for a moment before shaking his head, "Well, I suppose not dear but where could they be? I'm not sure where Twily could be at and Ryan was just at the Bachelor Party so..." Lyra looked about curiously and felt something was off: she was fairly certain by now she knew the kind of person Ryan was and the fact he wouldn't show up to this did not match up with that at all. She wasn't really sure if she should say something as she glanced nervously at Colgate who seemed to share her odd confusion. Just as the two of them were about to add their thoughts, the door burst open and in rushed Twilight who had a fiery look in her eyes, "Where is he?!" Cadance seemed confused till she realized Twilight was talking to her, "Are you talking to me?" "Yes I am! And I know you're behind his disappearance!" "Twi, maybe y'all should calm down a bit?" Twilight shook her head, "I won't calm down AppleJack. Ryan's nowhere to be found and I know she's behind it somehow. Think about it: isn't it odd he'd disappear like this after raising some worries about "Cadance"?" Shining Armor narrowed his eyes before walking over to her, "Twily, perhaps you need to calm down. Why in the world would Cadance want to get rid of my best man?" "I don't know, but maybe you should ask why she's acting so weird around him. Or why her magic aura's color doesn't match up with what it should be? Or that weird thing she did to you that made you look possessed!?" "Twily...you're upsetting Cadance!" "But....but!" Twilight tried to stay in control, even though Cadance had run off in tears. Shining sighed unhappily before rubbing his head, "While it is odd that Ryan would vanish, those other things are ridiculous. Cadance's magic? Are you that upset about everything?" "That's not it!" Twilight gasped, "Big brother...." "And as for what you might have saw, that was her helping with these migraines." "But I...." "Maybe I was wrong about making you my best mare! In fact." Shining shook his head disapprovingly, "If you're going to be like this, maybe you just shouldn't show up at all?" "I....I...." Twilight sighed, dropping her head as her big brother chased after Cadance and her friends left her alone to think about her "issues". As she thought to herself about how it seemed she was all alone in this, she felt a shadow covering her. Opening her eyes, she saw it was Cadance who was smiling at her...but the smile twisted into something more sinister, "You just had to open your mouth. Hahaha, thanks for making everything easier on me. And here I thought you were supposed to be the smart one. With you and that human of yours out of the picture, nothing can stop me from marrying your brother." Twilight tried to run but couldn't get anywhere as she was surrounded by the same weird green flames Ryan had dealt with. "Oh, by the way." Cadance smirked as Twilight began to vanish, "Say hello to me when you get there. Hahahahaha~" 'Twi!' Dark shot straight up, startled from his dreams to see he was currently in one of Ryan's dream states. Realizing Ryan was still recovering, he sighed before standing up and noting him sleeping nearby. Figuring he wasn't going to be getting any rest for now, he walked over to a nearby lake and stared into it, 'Something tells me a bad thing is going down...' "...Darkness?" Turning his head, he looked up to see none other than Princess Luna descending into their dream, "Woona..." "Why is it that you two are sleeping at a time like this? Are you not supposed to be at the rehearsal?" 'Well yes but...wait, why are you not there?' "My niece asked a favor of me and my sister; she assured me it was okay so I went to go get a special gift for her." Luna seemed puzzled, "That does not answer my question though my love." Dark clenched his fist, "She tricked you. The Cadance there is not the real one..." "What are you talking about?" "She's a Changeling...probably their queen judging by what she was saying." Luna sat down before frowning, "Changelings? I have not heard mention of them in such a long time...but please, explain to me what has happened since I left." With that Dark explained everything that happened since they arrived, all the small things that seemed off, and then—of course—their confrontation with Chrysalis that didn't go exactly as planned. "And that's about it...she caught us off-guard and sapped most of Ryan's reserves before sending us into the depths of the Everfree." Dark motioned towards Ryan, "That's why he's still snoozing. I have a feeling things are not going well now that we're temporarily out of the picture." "...this is unpleasant news indeed my Darkness. Is there some way I can help other than getting back as soon as I can?" Dark tried to think before nodding, "Yes. Knowing the research she's obviously done judging by how she managed to incapacitate us, she probably knows the Elements are something that can stop her. Has she requested anything odd with them?" Luna thought hard for a moment before putting a hoof to her chin, "She requested to see them...but only we can access them." "Good. Then they might still be there. As soon as you arrive back, get them. I have a feeling shit is going to hit the fan very soon." "Can I help either of you in any way?" Dark shook his head before scooting over and leaning against his love, "Nah, we'll be okay once he rests up Woona. You focus on returning to the castle before the wedding as best you can." "It should take me no more than four hours from where I am. I think so anyway." Luna wrapped a wing around Dark, "...I wish we could be like this outside of your dreams....but a princess shouldn't have such foolish thoughts." Dark smiled softly before nuzzling against her, "It's not foolish to want to be with the one you love. You're still a mare like any other after all mah Princess of the Night. Just be safe since I know you'll get back before us. Besides, as long as you show Ry some love, I'll be feeling it too so no worries." Turning her head, Luna smiled before kissing Dark, "Always so sweet...I will. Good luck." "And good luck to you too my Woona." Dark whispered before watching her fade away. Turning back to Ryan's sleeping form, he waited patiently, "Hurry up and heal partner, we've got loved ones to protect." "Yeah, I know." Ryan groaned, slowly waking up and seeing it was no longer night out, "Yer lucky Ah was able to sleep through you and Lunes making out or we'd be up the creek even further." Shaking his head to rid himself of the last of his sleepiness, Ryan slowly stood up before stretching. Clenching his fist he could feel his magic had rejuvenated for the most part which was good save for one thing, "Ah still don't have enough to just poof right to Canterlot...which leaves us in a bind because, judging by the position of the sun, the wedding will be happening shortly. Ah might be a magic human now, but that doesn't mean I can run from here to Canterlot in the time we have left." Noting the coast seemed clear, Ryan waved his hand to recall Malus Domestica and smirked a bit at the piles of broken timber laying all around him. Dark found some humor in it as well, 'Looks like they were a bit too eager for what seemed an easy meal. Guess they should've focused more on your barrier than hoping to wolf you down.' Ryan groaned, sheathing his sword, "That was a terrible pun...you were hoping to be able to use that weren't you?" 'Quite. Now then...perhaps we could fly there?' Ryan snapped his fingers and was happy he'd recovered enough to don his wings. Giving them a flap he flew up and out of the forest to see they'd been plopped quite far into it. Realizing time was of the essence he began making a beeline for Canterlot in the distance, "Unfortunately, Ah'm not a fast enough flier to make it there in time. It's quicker than running, but I'm rather sure I'd be too late." Dark noticed Ryan had stopped to hover in mid-air, 'What are you thinking?' "Well, I would say maybe Big Mac could kick us to Canterlot like we always joke he could but he's already there which doesn't help." Ryan frowned slightly before getting an idea, "I have one idea...and it only exists thanks to that dream we had." 'No...Ryan you can't possibly be thinking of trying that.' Dark sighed, 'That was a dream...the human body is not designed to handle G's of that magnitude.' "...not unless they happen to know a few spells to counteract them." Ryan closed his eyes, "Which Ah know for a fact you have the knowledge of." 'Yes....I did experiment with them long ago to see if I could fly as fast as a few of my Pegasi friends could but...' "But?" 'I never got to fully test them in a scenario like this. If they don't work right for you...then you might die.' "And if I don't try, then our friends will be in danger. While Ah know they're quite strong, if the Elements are hidden they might not be able to stand against Chrissy." 'And Tia and Woona?' "Cellie doesn't know, and Lunes might not be there yet so Ah can't afford to not try!" Dark let out a very long sigh before mentally smirking, 'Very well...give me a moment to prepare things. You might want to get some height for this to work properly so get climbing.' As Ryan finally reached a height Dark explained would be optimal, he felt a strange change in his body before feeling normal again, "That's it?" 'Pretty much...it basically buffers your internal systems and keeps them operating even under such duress. Are you sure this is our only choice?' "Unless you know a way I can supercharge mah magic, then yeah." Ryan took a deep breath and smirked, "Besides...time to see if the Darkness Shadeboom looks as awesome in real life as it does in our dreams." 'Very well. Ah'm in this with ya come heaven or hell partner! Let's rock!' With that Ryan began to dive-bomb towards the ground, accelerating as fast as he could using gravity as a booster. At the same time, Chrysalis in Cadance's form was preparing for the wedding and had just put on her dress before glancing at her reflection and breaking into song. "This day is going to be perfect, my plan is going off to the tee. And though a human showed, my plan he could not slow, and with him gone these fools will face my wrath!" In an even more coincidental coincidence, Twilight Sparkle had found the real Cadance after being banished to the caves beneath the castle by Chrysalis and so they were doing their best to escape in time as well. "This day was supposed to be perfect, a new life with the one that I love. But instead of married bliss, things are now quite amiss And I hope that we'll make it there in time!" As Ryan was picking up speed, he too—in what had to be some kind of weird cosmic alignment of coincidences the likes have never been seen—was also singing. "This day was going to be perfect for my friend and his new bride-to-be. Yet an evil queen does scheme, to install her own regime, and so I must fly as quickly as I can!" Grinning at her reflection one last time before marching about the room, Chrysalis cackled loudly as she continued, "I care not for this dress, of their lives I'll make a mess. Remorse? Well, I'd be lying if I said: their terror would give me second thoughts! I care not for this fanfare, but the fear I'll gladly share as my swarm overtakes them one by one!" "We must find a way to escape before it's too laaate~ Somehow we'll make it just in time! Doubt? Well, I'd be lying if I say: I don't fear that I may lose him, to one that wants to use him. But that is why I simply can't give up!" "Finallyyy my time is he-ere, to take what they all hold dear!" "Oh the wedding we might not make..." "...of that make no mistake. Soon all of you shall quake! And so those ponies will be mine, all mine!" "Like hell Ah'll let them down! Just you wait mah friends, I'll make it there in time!!" 'Sooooo, not that that wasn't cool or anything but...singing? Is that really appropriate right now?' "Yer point?" Ryan quickly got out as he continued building speed. 'I just figured you should be concentrating more on this incredibly risky and crazy stunt we're about to pull.' "Oh...well...that is a thing that's happening." Ryan remarked, feeling the full force of the wind now, "...so...any side-effects? Probably should've asked earlier but..." 'Not really...' Dark tried to hurry up as he noted the strange phenomenon occurring around them, 'You might...no, scratch that. You will feel a bit sick but other than that there's none...that I know of.' "Wait...what was that last bit?" Ryan just got out before he felt it, that moment where the world seemed to slow down in anticipation of something awesome and—we're it not for Dark telling him to quickly pull up—he may have turned the Darkness Shadeboom into a ShadeBOMB that would have been an epic face-plant. "HOLY FREAKING PONY PLOTS!" Ryan screamed as they tore ass through the sky, leaving a purple/grey/black streak behind them, "This....is.....so much better...than a dream!" 'Focus Ryan! We've gotta make the most of this after all! Now hurry, towards Canterlot!' Nodding his head in agreement, Ryan did his best to control their flight as these speeds were altogether new to him; in the back of his mind he had to wonder just how the hell Dashie made it look so...so...easy! 'I hope we're not too late! Hurry, Ryan! Even if Woona got there before us, there's no telling if she's been able to do anything!' Gasping and swerving hard to avoid a flock of seagulls in their way, Ryan breathed a sigh of relief, "Ah really don't wanna find out what it's like to hit something going this fast." 'Well, the spells should protect you...should being the key word here.' "Marvelous." Ryan rolled his eyes before focusing in on Canterlot in the distance, "...how long do you think it'll take us?" '...judging by the distance and how fast we're tearing through the air, a few minutes. Let's just hope that's not too late!' A distance away in Canterlot, the wedding was well underway with nopony the wiser as the fake Cadance recited her vows before Shining did the same. There were only two there that had some thoughts about things being amiss, and that was Lyra and Spike. Spike had been researching the stories like crazy since the Bachelor Party and when he had heard Ryan and Twilight had disappeared he knew something was going on but he had no way to know what to do about it. As for Lyra, as soon as the wedding started and Ryan was not there she knew something bad had to have happened to him...but what could she do? If she raised a question then odds are Cadance—whom she was starting to suspect if she was the Cadance she knew—would have had her thrown out and "taken care of" much like she figured happend to both Twilight and Ryan. So she too was in the same boat as Spike: while she knew something wasn't right, she had no idea what to do about it and with a tense feeling in her heart she watched as Celestia turned to the crowd. "Fillies and Gentlecolts, if anypony has any reason as to why these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace!" All was quiet, until a strange buzzing noise was heard; Chrysalis glanced first at the troublesome friend's of Twilight and Ryan's and then to their annoying dragon before she glanced at the bridesmaids. Seeing none of them were making the noise—that was suddenly getting louder now—she scrunched her face up, "What in the world is that sound?" 'Hey partner?' "Yeah?" Ryan saw that Canterlot was closing in fast, "What is it, Dark?" 'Remember how ya said ya didn't wanna find out what it'd be like to hit something going this fast?' "Yeah. Why?" 'Well.' Dark made a mental gesture towards the castle, 'That's why!' Looking at the castle, Ryan could see he'd forgotten one small detail: the shield around Canterlot was still up. "That tricky bitch. Though I think it's safe to say if that's still up, we might be in time!" Ryan grinned as he pushed with all the speed they'd built up. '...what the hell are you doing?' "Well, seeing as it's still up, Ah can't think of many options fer getting in save for the one." Dark watched as Ryan suddenly curved upwards until he was right above the castle and then began plummeting straight down where he could feel everypony was gathered, '...oh you are so many shades of crazy!' "You would know best! Now let's crash this party!" Ryan narrowed his eyes and continued his dive-bomb downwards, "Knock Knock! Here comes pest control!" Back in the wedding hall, Princess Celestia was looking about confused before clearing her throat, "That odd noise aside...as I said before if anypony knows a reason as to why these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace." At that the loud noise began again before there was a loud shattering noise, followed by a whoosh and then, "IdoIdoIdoIdoIdoIdoIdoIdoIdoIdo!" With that Ryan crashed the wedding literally, plowing in through the roof before landing with a heavy impact in the middle of the aisle. Groaning slightly, he stood up and let the dust settle before seeing everypony's eyes on him. Smirking, he realized this was his moment as he threw out his arm and pointed right at Chrysalis, "OBJECTION!" "Ryan! What is the meaning of this?!" Celestia was confused and slightly angry, "Where have you been? And what do you mean you object to this wedding?" "That Cadance is not the Cadance you know!" Chrysalis smirked before rolling her eyes, "It would seem he's suffering the same issues as his purple mare." "Come on Ryan, don't tell me you're going to do what Twily did as well." "Nope! And come on Shiny, ya know Ah wouldn't say somethin' without a reason." Chrysalis glared at Shining Armor and used her subtle magic to shut him up. With that done she grinned before marching down to Ryan and chuckling softly, "And just where is your proof? How do you think to back up that claim?" "Well I—" Ryan tried to speak but suddenly felt a bit sick and then, "Blegh!" Chrysalis gasped as she was suddenly doused in something very colorful that emanated from Ryan's mouth. When he finished, Ryan coughed a bit before blinking and staring at the now dripping wet Chrysalis, "Did...did Ah just barf rainbows?" 'I did tell ya you'd feel sick afterwards.' Chrysalis just stood there, dripping rainbow juice, completely flabbergasted by what had just had happened: not only had that human somehow made it back to dampen her plans, but he'd also dampened her as well! "This is unacceptable! I demand you show some proof of your claim before I have you kicked out of here!" Wiping his mouth off, Ryan laughed softly before motioning at the doors, "Well then, allow me to call mah one and only needed witness: the real Princess Cadance!" At this point everypony there had finally snapped out of there shock and so the rest of Ryan's herd and his friends all just stared at him like he was crazy. "Ryan, what in tarnation are ya goin' on about?" AppleJack had trotted over to him with the others, "...yer acting like yer a few apples short of a bushel." "Yes darling. While I am curious as to why you suddenly vanished like you did, to make such outrageous claims against dear Cadance is just—" And just like that, in a moment right out of a dramatic scene—multiple camera angles and everything—the doors busted open and in came not only Twilight Sparkle with Princess Cadance looking rather roughed up, but Princess Luna was also with them carrying a box that made both Ryan and Dark smile. "Lunes! Ya made it! And might Ah say, it's mighty nice ta see mah bookworm is okay as well." Ryan turned to the imposter and snickered, "So..."Cadance"...would ya care to share yer true form with the rest of the class? Ah mean, Ah'm not really a programmer, but as ya can see...I can certainly spot a bug in the system." Chrysalis roared at that one before shaking her head and throwing a fit that would make Bridezilla look like Snow White, "First you simply show up and exist! Then you make it so I have to pretend to be all goody-goody so you don't follow up on that sense of something off like all of your stupid race was able to do! And then, after I take the time to get rid of you, you come back and throw up rainbows all over ME! And then, if that wasn't enough, you have the audacity to make puns?" Ryan gave a shrug and stuck his tongue out, "Chrissy-baby, Ah'm all about the puns!" "ENOUGH!" Chrysalis growled as she enveloped herself in her green magic flames, discarding her disguise now that she no longer needed it, "I am Queen Chrysalis of the Changeling Empire! And I won't stand for such shenanigans! Hahahaha...not that it'll matter for long. My army has already assimilated into yours so much you'll be at quite a disadvantage!" Princess Celestia, having quite enough of this nonsense that had been going on under her nose, spread her wings wide before staring down Chrysalis, "I have heard enough! I will not allow one such as you to take over this kingdom!" With that Cellie attacked, shooting a golden-white beam of magic at Chrysalis in the hopes she could end this quickly without anypony getting hurt. Unfortunately—most likely as a side effect from not only nomming on Shining Armor's love but snacking on Ryan and the gals as well—her magic attack of her own completely over-powered and pretty much sucker-punched Celestia. Watching as she was knocked to the ground with a scorched horn, Chrysalis let out a laugh that would be cute if it wasn't so damn evil, "Hahaha...my my. I must say that was surprising. To think that the love I've acquired here has made me so powerful. If even your precious Princess cannot do something to stop me, then so what if you have a human on your side? None of you have a chance now!" "Sister!" Luna rushed to her sister's side to find her unconscious but otherwise unhurt, "You foul beast! To think we once called your kind friend!" Chrysalis merely scoffed, "A mistake on the weaker minds of our race." Seeing as she was momentarily distracted by her power, Twilight quickly grabbed the Elements from the case Luna had brought in but was soon distracted by the sudden noise of battle happening outside the hall. "Oh my, it would seem my children have already started. Well, no sense in getting upset that they wish to have fun as well." Chrysalis cackled as she turned towards Ryan and his herd, "I suppose you all could stay here and fight me...but then what of your friends? Those in castle? And of course those fleeing from the hall as we speak? Can you really risk them getting injured to take me on?" "Dammit she's right!" Rainbow Dash growled before she felt Ryan's hand on her shoulder, "Huh?" "Go on, go help our friends and loved ones, I'll help Lunes hold her off." Ryan drew his sword before facing Chrysalis, "Okay Chrissy...Malus Domestica might not be a fly-swatter, but Ah'm more than confident she can smack you around...especially since this time Ah won't be givin' you a handicap!" "The love I've taken should be more than enough to deal with you...but first." Chrysalis grinned evilly as she turned her attention towards Luna who was still checking over her sister, "Now that those silly mares of yours are off doing other things, I have just one other to deal with before getting to you!" Sensing what she was going to do Ryan tried to run to get in her way but it was clear he wasn't going to make it in time, "Dammit! Propagate Malus Domestica!" Chrysalis gave pause from her attempt to sucker punch Luna, "...why would you want apples to multiply?" Well, she got her answer when she gasped and saw Malus Domestica land right in front of her as she jumped back and grumbled at the human's insistence on being annoying. Turning around she fired off some her green flames at him, huffing as he dodged, "Such a foolish creature you are, throwing your weapon like that. You're completely defenseless now!" "Am Ah?" Ryan smirked and motioned for her to come at him, "Let's test that theory shall we? Come at me Chrissy-baby!" Taking the bait she charged towards him, her horn lowered to shish-ka-bob him only for her to growl in frustration as Ryan blocked her with the second component of Malus Domestica. As the two struggled to push the other back, Ryan couldn't help but wonder why Shining wasn't doing anything to help, "Dude, Shiny! Stop standing there like a zombie and help me dammit!" "Oh, you'll find he won't be helping you or anypony else. He's my little love slave and unless I tell him to do something, he won't move." "You evil, evil mare!" "Flattery won't save you human." With that she knocked him back as the two clashed over and over again, neither one really gaining a foothold over the other as explosions rocked the walls from outside. A particularly loud one distracted Ryan as his thoughts were clearly on how well his friends and loved ones were handling the Changeling army. Taking advantage of his slightly distracted state of mind, Chrysalis delivered a rather strong kick that sent him flying into the chairs, "Again, your foolish heart leads you to trouble. It's time I finished this and then joined my children!" Ryan was dazed and recovered just in time to see Chrysalis bearing down on him; he moved as quick as he could but in the end he didn't need to. He had to blink slightly as a midnight blue blur had practically teleported in front of him before throwing up a shield to cast back the attacking queen. 'Woona.' "I am sorry my dear human that I did not help sooner, but my sister was not in the best of states." Luna looked over her shoulder before smiling at him, "She is okay now but in no state to fight. You are worried about our friends are you not? Then go and help them." Ryan slowly got up before frowning, "But what about you Lunes?" "Hahaha, I am not so easily beaten. While I must admit she is stronger than I expected, something about that just...excites me?" Luna laughed softly, "Perhaps it is merely my dear Darkness' mannerisms still affecting me." 'Woona...' "Righty-o Princess. We'll go help them...but Ah will be back to help so hang on till then." With that Ryan quickly made his way through the large hole he'd created earlier as Chrysalis slowly got back up and glared at Luna, "You dare to interfere? Your sister couldn't even touch me and you think you have a chance?!" Narrowing her eyes and smirking, Luna poofed a pair of shades on her face before charging at her, "As Darkness might say: If you shoot a nuke down a bug hole, you get a lot of dead bugs! Let's see how many it takes to put you down, Chrissy-baby!" While Luna was off being one hell of a trooper, Twilight and the girls were having a bit of difficulty pushing their way through the waves and waves of Changelings. Even with the Elements, their sheer numbers were a detriment...not to mention their constant changing into their forms to add confusion to the mix. "Tarnation this is ridiculous!" AppleJack huffed as she bucked a Changeling clear into a wall, "How many of these darn things are there?" Pulling out her Party Cannon, Pinkie went on a rampage, completely over-powering them with all sorts of party decorations, "I don't know but this is kind of fun! Ya know, if we don't think about how we might all possibly die if we fail! Hahahaha!" "Pinkie, I think you've gone off the deep end a bit. Come back to us!" Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes before colliding headfirst with one of her clones, "Seriously, it's like we aren't even making a dent in them." Twilight was zapping them left and right as they tried to clear things out as fast as possible to rejoin Ryan but even she could tell their numbers were clearly their advantage; for no matter how many they put down, double that would take the place, "How is it possible all this happened under the Princess' nose? This is ridiculous!" "Darling, this is just dreadful." Rarity was currently wielding a giant sash as she whipped the Changelings into shape, "Not only is everypony in danger, but my hair looks terrible now. Oh...I really hope I can brush this before we see Ryan again." AppleJack blinked before clearing her throat, "Really? Is that really somethin' ta be thinking about at a time like this Rares?" "What? It's a legitimate worry. I am a lady and I do want to look best for my stallion, fighting for our lives or not!" Fluttershy whimpered as she kept running around trying to avoid her more malicious looking clones before finally getting fed up and rearing back on her hindlegs, "I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!" With that she went into a frenzy, chopping, tossing, and slamming the Changelings all over the place. Despite their bets efforts, however, they soon found themselves surrounded once more. As much as Twilight knew the Elements would easily help them gain some breathing room, as surrounded as they were there was no way they'd get enough time to synchronize and unleash their attack. "What do we do now, Twi?" "I wish I knew AJ, but I'm not sure what else we can do since regular attacks aren't working with them." As the Changeling horde seemed prepared to pounce, a large whoosh noise was heard before someone landed in front of them. With his wings spread, and shades firmly in place, it was pretty obvious who this was. 'Somebody call for an exterminator?' "Time to turn up the heat!" Ryan split Malus Domestica into two once more before flipping them and holding them reverse-style, "Incinerate! Fire Ruby Orchard!" With that Ryan flung his swords at the massive horde, watching as they bloomed into flaming cyclones of utter doom. The twin swords flew outwards and crossed one another as they flung the numerous soldier Changelings this way and that before finally colliding in a massive apple-shaped explosion. As the bodies of the Changelings began falling down to the ground, Ryan threw his hands up and caught his swords as they returned to him before turning to the girls and winking, "Who needs RAID when Ah kill bugs dead?" "Ryan!" Shouted the six mares there before glomping him. "Ladies, please...I know Ah'm very clearly hot stuff but save this for after the day is saved." "But what about Chrysalis?" "Lunes is covering for me, T-Sparks. We noted ya needed help so she tagged in." Ryan glanced about at the now thinned army and nodded, "Ya think y'all can handle what's left?" "I'd say they can since we're lending a hoof now!" 'Ah know that voice...' Sure enough, Lyra came running up on her hindlegs, her front hoofs covered in magic that made them look like fists. Running up besides her was Colgate who was wielding what appeared to be a giant toothbrush and...Vinyl Scratch? "What in tarnation are y'all doing? Ya should've high-tailed it to safety with the others." "Oh come on Ry, ya think I'm gonna miss this?" Vinyl laughed before looking over her shades and winking, "Besides, I had to test this baby out!" Dark looked at the oddly gun-shaped device that she was carrying before daring to ask the question, 'Is...is that a Dubstep Gun?' "You bet yer sweet plot it is! I figured the Bass Cannon was cool and all but totally not portable!" Vinyl hefted the Dubstep Gun on to her shoulder, "With this I can rock the Wubs without getting bogged down." "Well I suppose that makes sense but—" Interrupting Ryan was a huge explosion coming from the wedding hall that certainly drew everypony's attention. Dark seemed especially worried, 'Woona....Ryan! Come on!' "Right!" Ryan nodded before turning to the others, "Y'all gonna be able ta handle what's left?" "Goodness, Ryan, who do you think we are?" Rarity giggled, "I think we can handle a simple mop up operation." "Yeah!" Pinkie giggled relentlessly, "It'll be a clean sweep!" "Ugh...too many puns." Twilight grumbled...at least until Ryan kissed her cheek, "Hey! I thought you said none of that till this was over?" "Heh, well, mah bookworm needed a bit of calm. Stay safe everypony." "We will! Once we're done we'll join you!" Twilight remarked before he took off towards the wedding hall, "I feel like I'm forgetting somepony...." With that a huge ball of green flames knocked a group of Changelings through the air before Spike finally ran over to the others, "Finally! I swear it took me forever to catch up to all of you! I couldn't fly because they kept knocking me down and they just kept coming!" "Spike!" Twilight gasped as she ran over and hugged him, "Are you okay? I didn't even realize we got separated!" Spike chuckled before working out of the hug, "Oh I'm fine. Just using some of those moves Ryan taught me helped me kick a lot of plot! Speaking of...where is the big guy?" "We'll explain as we clean up, so come on Spike!" AppleJack took off with the others, heading towards the other smaller skirmishes to help clean up, "Needless to say, our human is keeping himself busy as usual." Luna had given it her best effort and by all accounts under normal circumstances she would've been able to handle Chrysalis without much trouble, but given the boost in power the Changeling Queen had acquired thanks in part to her love snacking frenzy, she found herself panting for air as she was resting on one knee next to her unconscious sister. "Hahaha...to think I could take out both of the Princesses. If I had to, I bet I could even handle the God of Chaos if need be. As it stands, though, you two are finished. Once you're gone nopony will be able to stand in my way." Luna watched as Chrysalis slowly walked towards her before coughing into a laugh, "You're wrong...as long as there are those that would fight you, you shall never truly win. He will fight to the final breath against you...and so will those that love him." Now standing before Luna's prone form, Chrysalis leaned down before revealing her fangs in a wicked grin, "And they will fail...why you have so much faith in such a horrid creature is beyond me. It's just a pity he won't get to see me end both of your lives. Oh well...his anguish at seeing you dead will suffice. Farewell Princess!" Unfortunately for Chrissy, she was blocked by a thrown sword before s voice shouted out, "Ah don't think so! Ensnare! Creeping Apple Crawler!" Chrysalis grunted in frustration as vines shot out between the newly thrown sword and the previously embedded one completely wrapping her up and holding her tight. Landing in front of her Ryan shook his head, "Chrissy, Chrissy, Chrissy...why would you go and try to kill mah beloved Princesses like that?" "Hmph, let's just say I'd love to see you suffer human." Chrysalis struggled to break free, only to find the vines holding tight. "Ah wouldn't struggle too much, and Ah wouldn't try ta use yer magic. Malus Domestica would not like that very much. Now then, seeing as I have yer attention...would you care explaining why yer doing this?" Chrysalis snorted at him, "Why do you care?" "Humor me if nothin' else." "...fine. For revenge against those that treat us as outcasts...that forced us to make it either us or them." "...I don't buy that." Ryan walked over to her and looked into her eyes, "It's not that simple." For some reason Chrysalis found herself blushing at the close proximity he was now at before glancing away, "...and what makes you say that?" "Ya might not be aware of it, but there's something in yer eyes. Something that is behind those malicious words and threatening looks." "..." "Ah sense desperation, worry, and....hope?" Ryan reached out and gently took her muzzle in his hands, turning her head back to face him, "Did you not wonder why I initially did nothing about the fact you were sapping a bit of mah love from me?" Chrysalis' eyes opened wide, "What? How did you...?" 'We didn't at first...we felt odd and a little off but we weren't sure why. Besides, ya aren't the only species that's empathy capable after all.' "Who said that?!" "Oh, sorry, that's Darkness Shade. He's basically a human that lived a thousand years ago, was killed by Disky, and for some reason his soul/spirit/whatever decided to latch on to me when I showed up here." Ryan shrugged, "Ah guess that means we're connected somehow but who knows in what way. Anyway, as he was saying, we didn't know at first but after reading that book Spike was investigatin', I realized you were doing something like that...and that was most likely what T-Sparks saw ya do to Shining. Speaking of...Ah'm guessin' he's still a zombie?" Looking in his direction he could see that, sure enough, he was still standing there in a trance. Shaking his head he focused back on Chrissy, "Anyway...when I started putting two and two together I waited. I thought maybe ya really do love Shining or some other strange circumstance was going on. As Ah've noted in mah short time in this world, things are never as they first seem." "So you just...let things go on?" "You know that. I couldn't help but think on that look in yer eyes, one that hoped for someone ta help you find another way other than to take over like this." "...and why should I believe you? You're a human!" "And? Why is that such a hang-up with you? Why do I terrify you simply by existing? Is this something ridiculous passed down by your parents?" Ryan watched as her face gave him the answer, "It is...so you're going by what the vocal minority of people did as a means to judge them all. Sheesh, you sound as bad as some people back in my world can get. I mean, take Dark for example...he met with the first hive that lived here all those years ago. That probably makes them yer grandparents...with a number of greats put in front of that given how many years ago that was." "...and I'm to believe you want to help?" "Yes." Ryan lowered his head, his fists clenching tightly, "Too much heartache and tragedy has happened to this land already...too many people lost, too many friends gone, too many events that shouldn't have happened that tore so many apart. I don't want any more bloodshed...any more pain...so why didn't you just ask us fer help?" "..." "...you never thought to, huh?" Chrysalis seemed a bit conflicted before simply nodding her head, "Yes...after all I had been told by my parents while I grew up, I didn't think it could be that easy." Ryan gave her a warm smile as he reached his hand out, gently grasping her shoulder, "It is...I know you might think it too late for such an option, but Ah know these ponies and they would rather find a peaceful means to exist then to perpetuate bloodshed." His words seeming to get through to her, there was one thing that came to mind, "...that attack I felt from outside. That was yours, right?" "Yes. I had to protect the ones I love." Ryan winked at her, "But ya can relax. Yer children are okay. Beaten up and unconscious, but they'll live. Malus Domestica is a sword that knows how to channel the desires of her wielder and with all the weirdness of this situation, killing them would've solved nothin'." Just when it seemed Chrysalis might listen to reason and perhaps call off her invasion, a Changeling flew into the wedding hall only to see his queen in trouble. Thinking to protect her, he dive-bombed the unsuspecting Ryan, "My Queen! I will not let you harm her human!" 'What...? Ryan!' "Huh?" Ryan merely turned to see the Changeling hurtling towards him, "No! Stop! You don't need to do this!" Doing his best to block the attack without harming him, Ryan closed his eyes and threw up his hands to defend himself...and then heard a sickening noise. Hearing Chrysalis scream, Ryan slowly opened his eyes to see that—despite trying his best to not bring harm to anyone—the Changeling had crashed right into his sword, "No....no...." The Changeling coughed and sputtered out green blood before sliding off of Ryan's sword and collapsing to the ground, "Mother...I failed...I'm sorry...." With that he died, leaving a stunned silence to fill the wedding hall. "Chrissy...Ah...Ah didn't....Ah tried to tell him to stop but...." Chrysalis stared at the soldier that had given his all to save her and she felt something break deep down within her very soul. Crying out in anguish she snapped free of the vines imprisoning her before attacking Ryan over and over, "Liar! Fraud! You said you didn't want to hurt anyone! It was all a trick!" Ryan grunted as he barely blocked her continued assault, his emotions mixed as he tried to defend without hurting her, "Chrissy! Calm down! I didn't want to hurt him!" "LIES! Your sword ended his life...you killed my child! I will not let you live for that human!" Ryan could see no reasoning with her now, her grief as a mother completely overwhelming her rational thoughts, "I don't want to hurt you so stop!" Chrysalis' rage only grew as Ryan continued to deflect her attacks without retaliating, "Fight me you coward! I will not take such disrespect!" 'Ryan...' 'Ah know Dark.' Ryan could see the tears streaming down Chrysalis' face, '...this is all turning out so wrong.' Chrysalis growled in frustration, "Fine! If you won't attack me then I'll just go after one that can't defend herself!" "No! Don't!" Watching as she lowered her head and charged at Luna, Ryan ran as fast as he could before throwing himself in front of her to take the blow. "Ryan!" Luna cried out, watching as Chrysalis' horn ran right through Ryan's chest, "No!" Ryan felt his breath catch in his throat as he glanced down at the horn protruding through the right side of his chest, "This...is...the...worst pain...." "Really?" Chrysalis lifted him up and began to shake him back and forth on her horn, "Are you sure it isn't this? Or this? Or this? Or this?" In his bleeding out and now slightly delusional state, Ryan could swear that—other than blinding pain—he could hear a very familiar jingle as he continued to get tossed up and down. 'Ryan, we've got to stop! We're...Guh! Making her...stronger!' "Ah....can't...help...it...." Ryan coughed out before finally being tossed down off of her horn to the ground. "Hahaha, that's one down. How fitting that the very heart that led you to such a foolish choice was run through by my horn. I guess love truly does hurt, doesn't it?" Ryan sputtered and coughed, looking down at the heavily bleeding wound in his chest before smirking, "Do you even anatomy, bitch?" Struggling against his body, Ryan slowly stood up before weakly taking a stance with his sword. 'Ryan....guh....this...isn't good...we took a lot of damage...and we're bleedin' pretty bad. I don't know how long...ugh...I can keep us together.' "Ah know that...but...." Ryan staggered and swayed, "Ah can't...let...mah loved ones down....guh...." "You really intend to keep fighting me after that? Heh...you really are a foolish creature aren't you?" Ryan smirked before coughing in pain, "Heh...heh....all this annoying buzzing...shut up and come at me if I'm really so stupid!" Chrysalis cackled before slowly advancing on Ryan, "If that is your final wish. I must clean up as it is, can't have my kingdom blighted by your kind." "I thought...." Ryan went into a coughing fit, blood flying out of his mouth, "I thought Ah told ya....ta shut up and...." 'Ryan!' Dark felt Ryan's body stagger even more as she approached, '...dammit...I can't...help...any...more...' Suddenly the doors were blasted open and in rushed Twilight and the others, "Ryan! We got here as soon as we could and—NO!" "Apple Ryder! Nonononono!" Pinkie Pie gasped loudly, "That's not good! That's not good! What did you do you evil bug!?" "...no." Lyra quietly cried, "Ryan...not like this...not like this...." "Dammit!" Vinyl and Dashie shouted in unison, "If only we'd been quicker!" The others had similar reactions as they watched Ryan slowly sway back and forth, his upper torso stained quite red. Their eyes were wide as time seemed to slow down when his grip failed and Malus Domestica fell to the ground with an echoing clatter that filled the silence of the wedding hall. Ryan began to feel his body shutting down at how much blood he'd lost and his breathing began to slow, '...And there goes mah muscle control...' The others could only watch in shock as he fell to his knees and coughed up more blood before completely collapsing to the floor. He stared at them with a sad smile on his face, "Ah'm sorry Ah...f-failed. At least....Ah...got...ta...s-see...y'all...one...last time. Ah...love....you...a-all..." Ryan's vision began to blur from both blood loss and his tears until finally all he saw was darkness...