Adventure Anon

by Bastinator

Chapter 8: Rainbow Revelation

You look down below, the soft glow of torches moving towards the barn. You want to stay, but you know you couldn’t help much. Mainly because of this fucking leg. You grip your knee, trying to soothe the pressure that stems within. Please say they packed you a bottle of the good stuff. You reach into your bag, fumbling about with the contents. Its surprisingly full. You didn’t remember having this much stuff. You feel the shape of a bottle and pull it out. Damn, no alcohol this trip… just some painkillers. Thank fucking Twilight for that. ”Pills here.”

”Excuse me?”

“Just a joke, sorry.” She flies a bit faster leaving Sweet Apple Acres in the… gust? You swallow three pills rather than the recommended two cause you’re a badass like that. You rest your head back, the sun setting beneath the clouds. The clouds radiate a vibrant red-orange, and you don’t mean to sound like a woman or anything. But it’s one beautiful sight.

A pig-fuckingly large cloud lies ahead of you. Wait, that’s no cloud, that’s a god damn mansion. “You live *there*?”

”Not up to standard?”

“Not up to- Are you kidding? That place is fucking awesome.”

”Rainbow Dash only deserves the best after all.” You fly in low, getting closer to the entrance way. She parks the chariot and jumps off taking a deep breath. ”Home sweet home.” Sweet is the correct term. You pull out your bag and fling it onto the cloud. Rainbow catches it in an instant. ”Don’t want to lose your stuff on the first day do you?” You forgot that she didn’t enchant your bag as well.

“Thanks. I had already forgotten.” You’ll have to leave the bag in the chariot. At least you’ll get some cardio. You swivel your hips off and touch your feet down on the cushioned floor. It seems to have worked after all. You sigh in relief, planting your crutch down as well. “OH SHI-“ Your crutch dives straight through the cloud, pulling you as well.

You fall on your chest, not moving any further. All you can see is white. So she enchanted everything but your crutch, that’s nice. ”You alright there?”

You sit up, brushing bits of cloud off of you. “I’m fine, thanks for asking.” Now how are you going to walk about without the aid of your crutch?

A lightbulb goes off in your head. You don’t have to lose the crutch. You grab hold of your sleeve, looking to the floor. “Forgive me Rarity for I have sinned.” Tearing off the sleeve, you wrap it around the crutch’s tip. Great success! You heave yourself up, leaning on the one side.

”Quick thinking there.”

“Just who do you think I am?”

”Good job regardless, shall we?” You follow her up the pathway, the painkillers starting to kick in. It starts as a subtle itch before filling your body with an even warmth. It feels good. You pass through the pillars, whether they’re made of stone or cloud is unknown, but you can take a guess. Dash closes the door behind you, striding towards the middle. ”So, which part do you want to look at first?”

“I think, you, should show me, sleep time.”

She struggles to contain her laughter, “You sure you’re okay?”

“Perfect, as, bumble bee.” Okay, maybe taking three was a bit much.

She catches you as you start to stumble over. ”Let’s go sleepy head, the bedroom’s upstairs.” You can’t remember much of the trip, but you find yourself in a nice plush bed. ”You sleep tight now, I’ve still got some errands to run.”

“Alright mommy.” You pull the blankets around you and snooze off.

Rainbow giggles before you pass out. ”What a weird guy.”


You wake up refreshed and ready to go. It’s already morning by the looks of it. How longer were you out? “Rainbow Dash?” She must be off with her- You called her mommy. Jesus Christ Anon, how fucked up were you?

You take your time to explore the house. The first thing you find the kitchen. It’s nice and all, and you have no idea how any of the machinery is supposed to work. Seriously, how the hell does a cloud oven even turn on?

Whatever. You find yourself some fruit in her cloud fridge and take a tangerine from the looks of it. You keep moving around finding her bathroom, which is surprisingly plain. She did strike you as a tomboy though, so that could explain it. She’s got a living room as well, which isn’t more than a couple couches and a window. Maybe this place isn’t as cool as you thought. You’ve got the backyard as well, which in her case is the fucking sky. Still though, it’s got a reasonably large porch and terrace. The view is outstanding as well. There’s only one room left, and you’re not particularly thrilled. Overall the house is pretty norm- “My god…”

You step near the edge, digging your hand in the water. Or should you say rainbow. “This girl has an indoor swimming pool/waterfall filled with liquid rainbow? How come I never heard of her!?” Maybe you could, it’s not like she’ll be back anytime soon. Just one small-

”Like what you see?”

“Shit you scared me.”

She laughs, pulling you away. ”Don’t fall dead on me now.”


She cooks you some food, the technical know-how still beyond you. ”Any plans for the day?” Not really. It’s not even like there’s a lot to do here. Though you still want to try that Rainbow Pool.

“None that come to mind. You?”

”Nah, just gonna try out a few new tricks. Wanna watch?”

Don’t be a douche now, or do, just say yes. “Why not?” She perks up a little practically pulling you away.


You rest on the terrace, plopping down on a pillow cloud. Cloud cloud cloud cloud. ”So which do you want, the Rainbow Twist or the Sky Screamer?”

“Which one do you think I’ll prefer?”

”No, I meant which one do you want to watch first.” So she’s going to be like that.

You recline backwards, eyes on the sky. “Surprise me.” She dashes, heh, dash… into the sky. All you have to do is lie back and enjoy. She pulls off some pretty interesting stuff, but nothing mind-boggling. You enjoyed it when she turned an ordinary cloud into a tornado. Otherwise it’s basically just her doing loops and flying fast. You never got into NASCAR.

Before long she tires herself out, the sun setting on the horizon. ”That was a workout alright. With you here I can try out all my new tricks.”

“Can’t wait.”

”Is that sarcasm I just heard?”

“Me? Nah it must’ve been someone else.”

She just laughs to herself. ”Well come on in, we better head to bed.”

“Mind if I stay out here for a bit longer?”

”Not at all.”

You move to stand up, your right leg practically igniting. “Shit!”

”Did you take your medicine today?”

”Not yet. Dammit!”

She bursts off, returning and popping the pills in your mouth. ”You really shouldn’t forget about these.”

“Phew… I won’t, thanks.”

She leaves you on the terrace. You rest you leg on the makeshift sofa and let your other dangle off. You do a few curls to test your limits. The painkillers act fast, and you work on your other leg. It’s still plenty painful, but progress isn’t easy. When you’re done with your little exercise you wrap yourself up with some of dat cloud. Feels all soft and shit man. You could probably just fall right asleep on-


Rainbow’s house is the perfect place to just relax. Nice view, comfortable ‘furniture’, just an overall peaceful place to live. Not that you can do that though. You spend your time exercising as much as you can. You’ll never be able to achieve the form you had before, but damn if you aren’t going to try. Upper body was easy, the lower half was the problem. That piece of shrapnel in your knee is a constant reminder of just how weak you had become, and you’re going to be better for that reminder.

You clench your teeth, sweat dripping down your neck. “37…38… 39…” Your leg falls limp to the floor. 40 isn’t a bad number for now. You pop a few pills and move back inside.

”Working hard I see.”

You merely nod and get some food from the kitchen. Sitting down on the couch you exhale deeply. This shit is exhausting. She opens her mouth to speak, but you silence her with your own. “Yes I do have plans today.” You can see the disappointment in her eyes. She tries to talk again. “No, I won’t change them.”

”Well fine then.”

“Sorry RD, but I don’t have time to just watch you.”

”You have to do something besides working out; it’s not good for you.”

“Do you see the irony here?”

”For buck sakes do something else with your time.”

“I would, but *someone* won’t let me use their pool.”

”If I let one person use it, everyone will want to use it.”

“I’m not going to debate this. I need to work on my strength.”

”At least let me give you another option.”

“I told you-“

”Not the tricks. Just… wait here.” She flies out of the room, leaving a trail of cloud particles behind. You just sigh and lean back. Relaxing is what you need right now. ”Heads up!” You look just in time to catch a bulky blur coming at your face. The object collides with your head and falls to the floor. You grip the side of your head, already feeling the bump begin to grow. ”You got it?”

“You could say that,” you chuckle, still in a fair amount of pain.

She strides back in, quizzically looking over you. ”Why’d you drop it?”

“Why’d you throw it?”

She plops down next to you. ”I thought you’d catch it. You need to work on those reflexes.” She presses on the bump with her hoof.

“Aah please don’t do that.”

”Just let me get some ice.”

“You have ice up here?”

”We will in a minute.” She leaves you once again to nurse your bump. A brush of air hits you, likely form whatever the hell she’s doing. You pick up the book and put it in your lap. The room gets chillier, walls beginning to solidify further, an icy coating layering them. You look at the book and can’t help but smile. It’s been a while since you read this. ”I hope you like the cold,” Rainbow says as she comes back in, “It’s the only way to get some ice.” She sits next to you. ”What’s with the grin?”

“What? Oh, it’s nothing.” You flip open the book and begin to read. “An, acquaintance, of mine read this to me some time ago.”

”I mean, it’s an alright book and all.”

“The thought was what mattered, even if the prick did almost kill me.”

”So it’s *that* type of acquaintance.”

“At least he tried to make amends for his actions. I can’t remember when the last time anyone did that back home.”

”You mean Los Pegasus?”

You lightly chuckle, closing the book. “Not exactly.”

”Want to talk about it?”

“Another time, maybe. Another time.”


You make it a habit to read more of the Daring Do books again. You didn’t pay attention the first couple of books, and now you get a chance to read them over again. Rainbow Dash left that night to visit her friends. It was Nightmare Night, and she had some folks to scare. Apparently it’s something like Halloween, but not really. They sacrifice their candy to Nightmare Moon so she doesn’t eat them. Sounds like something straight from some children’s show. But whatever, it gives you a bit more alone time.

A series of knocks echoes through the house. You get up from your seat and grab onto your crutch. Limping your way to the door, you look through a eye-sized hole in the door. It seems to be just a couple of kids. They probably want some candy. Dash told you this might happen, so she gave you a little bowl. You were hoping to have that to yourself, but you know what Pinkie says. You gotta share... You miss that mare.

Bowl in hand, you open the door, earning a few shocked gasps from the kids. ”What are you supposed to be?”

“I’m a uhh- medical patient.”

”Why are you so tall?”

“I ate my vegetables as a kid. What’s it to ya?” They just stand there. You really don’t have time for this. “You want candy or not?” They nod, mouths agape. Fucking kids… You deposit some candy in each of their bags. “Have a good night kids. Stay safe.”

”We will…” You shut the door, popping a pill into your mouth. Seems like the pain is always going to be there. A welcome friend in your life. You can hear the voices of the children as they fly off.

”Did you see that bro? He was all big and stuff! He was weird.” Your heart sinks a little at that last part. Stay strong and keep your chin up. They’re just kids.

You find your way back to the sofa, starting off your exercises. “17, 18, 19, 20…” Another burst of knocks hits you. More kids… how fun. The knocks get louder and louder as you get closer. “I’m coming, I’m coming. Hold your horses.”

You open the door, an older but still young Pegasus there. ”Wow you really are weird looking.”

“Didn’t know I was a mirror.” You shut the door, not even bothering to give him any candy. Little bastard didn’t deserve any. Now back to your excercises. “45, 46… 47.” Someone knocks heavily on the door. “Come on!” You power-limp over to the door, swinging it open.

”Whoa, you’re ugly.” It’s a teenage looking Pegasus, probably about 17 if you had to guess.

“Aren’t you a bit old for Nightmare Night?”

”Those kids weren’t kidding.” You slam the door in his face and get back to the couch. You breathe in and out, venting your anger.

Keep it calm and laugh it off, just continue your workout. “52, 53, 54.”

”Look at his arms, he’s all limby.”

”Shut up, he’ll hear you.” You look over to the terrace, the kids staring at your from outside.

You stand up and move over to the entrance. “Go away.” You pull the clouds shut, but that doesn’t stop them.

”What’s the matter? You a filly or something?”

“Just go away…”

”Filly freak, filly freak, stay indoors. Don’t go out with a face like yours.” The others join in, “Filly freak, filly freak, stay indoors. Don’t go out with a face like yours.” You laugh it off in hopes that they stop. But they don’t. They just circle the house chanting that stupid sentence. All you wanted was some rest. That’s all you wanted. You try to finish your exercises, losing count amidst their yelling. You try to read more Daring Do, unable to finish a sentence. Sleep escapes you; all you can hear anymore are their voices. You grip your ears painfully, trying to drown out the voices. Nothing works…

You want to… No Anon. Stop it. Hurt them, squeeze the life out of their necks, clip their wings. It would be so good… They’ll pay for angering Anon, you’ll make them. You sigh, unclenching your fist.

Not anymore. You walk outside, the kids chanting. “I think it’d be best for you kids to go home now.”

”We aren’t afraid of you. You can’t even fly.”

“Oh, but I can reach you still.”

”You- You’re bluffing.” You shrug your shoulders and laugh.

“I guess you’ll just have to find out the hard way.”

You close your eyes and flex your muscles, growling louder and louder. ”BUCK ME!”

They fly away in a hurry, allowing you to relax. ”What a couple of fillies.” Rainbow lands next to you. ”You ok?”

“You know the answer to that.” You go back inside and move to the bedroom. Sitting on the bed, you catch a glimpse of Dash’s costume. “What the hell are you wearing?”

”Like it? I personally thought last years costume was better, but I can’t complain.” You’d seen that thing before, but it suited her better.

“I’m surprised you didn’t just go as yourself.”

”It was close, but this one won out.”

She slips out off her costume, placing the purple hat on your head. ”It suits you.” She chuckles and flops on the bed. You pick up her costume, the sight taking you back to that night. Your body weak and vulnerable… The pounding on your chest. You grip your chest for good measure, just in case.

“So who is the Mysterious Mare Do Well?”

”You going to try and hunt her down?”


She facehoofs. ”You seriously thought she was a guy? It’s in her name, Mare.” Well, that makes sense, but if he’s a she…

“Are there more than one?”

”Well you get the occasional copy cat, but no one stands up to the original.” You’re surprised she didn’t tack on, ‘except for me.’ She doesn’t even sound envious.

“Why’s that?”

“Most do what she did for fame, but that wasn’t her purpose. She wanted to teach a valuable lesson to a pony.

“She sounds like something alright.”

“She was. She taught me to do what’s right, not for glory or to be adored by, but just for doing what needs to be done. She was a true hero.”

“Sounds a lot like someone I know.”

”Or knew.” Indeed.


You gasp for air as you breach the surface. ”Enjoying yourself?”

“More than you’d know.” You backstroke to the edge, getting a feel for things.

”Make sure to stay on the surface. Wouldn’t want you plummeting to your death now.”

“Pretty sure that’s bad.” She lays out the towel on the floor. You climb aboard and dry yourself off. “I haven’t swum in years. Feels good man.” You slip on your shoes and walk to the door, picking up your crutch on the way out.

”Seems you’ve made some progress.” You can feel the pain coming back and start using the crutch again.

“If only I could get this piece of shit out of my leg.” You join her out on the terrace. “In a few more days I’ll be as good as new, except for the leg.”

”And what then? Plan on sticking around?”

You recall the day Twilight took you out of that hospital. Three rules to follow. You only cared about the last one now. “I have a promise to keep.”

”You can’t just up and leave like that. What’ll everypony think?”

“Twilight made me promise that when I got better that I’d leave.”

”But what about Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and the others?”

“A promise is a promise. I won’t go back on my word. They held up their end of the bargain, and so will I.”

”After all we did for you-“

“Don’t think that I want to go anymore. I’ve grown a bit attached to your little town, thugs and all.”


“I leave because I must. I’m doing what’s best for everyone.”

She bows her head in silence. You two just sit there for a spell. She breaks the silence first. ”Before you leave, do you think I can show you something?”


”One last trick, I… haven’t shown it to you yet.” You nod. ”Just… nevermind.” She takes off into the sky. You almost felt… sadness.

She ascends to an impossible height, before looking back down at you. You only need to nod for her to begin. She zooms full speed towards the ground. The very air slices in two at her ferocity. You didn’t know going fast was a trick. When you think she’s going to stop or turn she doesn’t. She just keeps going. A sharp whistle builds up almost making you cringe. You can see the air pushing out from in front of her. You sense something that you haven’t felt in a long time. About six months past.

The air cracks before her as she reaches her peak. Your eyes go wide as you realize what’s happening. Her speed increases ten fold, a rainbow bursting through the air. That sound… That effect… It was her.

It was her all along. She touches down on the other side of the terrace. She doesn’t look at you. ”Now you know…” She walks through the door, “I don’t expect you to forgive me, but for what it’s worth, I’m sorry.”

She’s gone. It… it can’t be her. It just can’t. The more you try and disprove it, the more you have to accept it. It all fits. The Daring Do books, the costume, that ‘trick.’ It was always her.

You stand up, moving back into the house. Rainbow is waiting for you. ”I guess my time is up then.”

“That’s one way of putting it.”

”I won’t fight back.”

“I know.”

You walk towards her, her eyes shut. ”Just make it quick will you?”

“I don’t think so.” You throw down your crutch. “I waited a long time for this moment.”

”I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be.” You wrap your arms around her and hold. You place your head on her neck. Too long you wanted to do this. No more. “Thank you.”

”W-wha?” You stifle a few tears, holding her tight.

“I said thank you.”

”I- don’t understand.”

“Silly Rainbow Dash.”

”I thought you hated me.”

Hate her? “You gave me what no one else could. A second chance, a chance to change. How could I hate you?”

”I hurt you. I caused your suffering.”

“And you caused my revival.” You release her, a steady flow of tears escaping her. “How about some dinner?”

She wipes the tears off her face. ”You going to help you lazy bastard?”

You chuckle and lead her off towards the kitchen. “If it’ll make your food taste better.”

She punches you in the arm, joining you in a laugh. ”I’m glad you’re here Anon.”

“And I’m glad that you’re glad.”


That night over dinner you had a nice conversation. She told you more about herself and her friends. She told you about how they stopped eternal night when they defeated Nightmare Moon. You were astounded with their defeat of the chaos god Discord. Their conflict with the changelings and how Queen Chrysalis was defeated. They solved problems big and small with only each other. They didn’t need a strong arm or powerful weapon. All they needed was their friendship to get them through, and those elements, but that’s beside the point. They were what you should have been.

“I came here looking for adventure y’know. I wanted that monumental battle with a Balrog atop the peak of Zirakzigil. I could die easy then.”

”This must’ve been quite disappointing then.”

“At the start it was to be sure, but now that I think about it, my dream was never going to come true.”

”You have another chance now. You can get back out there.”

“No, not even if I wanted to. Besides, it seems all the good adventures have been taken.”

”Now Anon, we didn’t-“

“You did what you had to do, not for fame or glory, but to teach the world a lesson. You and your friends taught me that lesson. You are the only adventurers Equestria needs. I can die easy knowing that.”

She sets down her plate, wiping it off on the cloud. ”So where are you going to go?”

“I don’t know. I might drift from town to town. Might see what’s up in the griffon kingdoms. So much I could do.”

”You sure you don’t want to stay?”

“Want. Can’t.” She nods in understanding. “Los Pegasus… I think I’ll settle down there. I heard they still had work there.”

”Will you ever come back?”

You ponder these words, finding it best not to answer, “Let’s head to bed Dash.”


You set your stuff in the chariot, the pegasi impatient. ”Twilight pulled some strings with the princess, so you should be safe on the way there.”

“Be sure to thank her for me.”

”Last chance Anon.” You give her a brief hug and board the chariot. ”Do you want me to tell them anything?”

You think long and hard about it, Pinkie hitting you the hardest. “Tell them to let go.”

”It was nice knowing you Anon.”

“Goodbye Rainbow Dash.”

And goodbye Ponyville…