Apple Family Values

by Lapis-Lazuli and Stitch

Chapter 2 - Scraping Out the Bruises

~~~~~Cutie Mark Crusader Clubhouse~~~~~

Scootaloo sat miserably in front of Applejack, knowing that fleeing for her life at this point would only result in her having even less than she'd had when she started out. Lying to Applejack was one of those things that was just plain impossible, and she knew it. The elder Apple sister had some kind of supernatural sense for when ponies lied to her, or at least when they lied outright. And trying to hide things from her frequently didn't end well for anypony involved. So... she'd told her the truth. Well. Most of it. Nopony needed to know about her mom or the things she'd done to keep them fed and alive.

She'd told her about how Mom had gotten sick, and there'd been nopony to take care of her. No other family, Dad.... heck, Scootaloo didn't even know who her dad was, let alone where he'd gotten off to. How she'd hated things in the orphanage, how she'd broken out and lived on the streets for a while until she'd met up with Applebloom and Sweetie Belle a few years back. How she'd been living in the clubhouse since they built it, and how she got by. Applejack's frown had gotten really deep at the mention of her filching food, but she really didn't much care. She needed to eat, she had no money, so stealing it had to be. No one was going to give her charity without asking why she wasn't in the orphanage, and she was one hundred per-cent not going back there.

With her story told, Applejack had fallen into silence for a few minutes - which brought her to where she was now. Hungry and scared, worried that the sweet doss she'd put together here was about to be taken away from her because of one stupid night. Oh, she was certain she could evade Applejack and get back into a routine of sleeping here eventually, but that would take time, and Scootaloo really didn't want to have to come up with somewhere new to sleep while Applejack's memories of this faded away like they did with everypony else. No one liked to think of the tragedies of an orphan in Equestria, and as soon as they could ignore those tragedies, they did so.

But Applejack was being surprisingly quiet right now. So quiet that Scootaloo was beginning to worry that she was going to try to ship her back off to the Orphanage anyway, and that would mean abandoning her best friends, at least for a while. She had expected a lecture from Applejack about honesty and stealing, or maybe a stern talking to about stealing from her specifically... but not this odd, quiet reserve. In fact, Applejack looked like she was wrestling with some internal argument, with Scootaloo as the prime subject. For several long minutes, there was quiet and then...

Applejack's head came up and she nodded firmly - as though finally coming to a decision. "Right. C'mon, Scootaloo - I got some ponies I need t' talk to first, but..." Her frown turned up into the faintest of smiles. "I won't send ya back t' the poor house if ya really can't stand bein' there. Somethin's gotta change though." Scootaloo couldn't help it - she stared in astonishment at Applejack for a moment, then felt her heart flush with just a little happiness. Twilight and all of her friends really were good ponies. She'd probably have to do some chores on the farm to pay for the apples... and Scootaloo was pretty okay with that. She'd keep her new home, her friends, and she could figure out new plans for getting apples. Maybe she could work out a deal with Big Macintosh or somethin'....

Whatever the plan would be, she followed Applejack with an aching body down to the ground, wincing as she stretched out sore muscles. The next few days were going to be a giant pain, but she'd work through it. It wasn't as though she hadn't had worse crashes. At least this time she hadn't broken anything. Applejack shot her a concerned look again, and she waved it off. "Consequences of being awesome, Applejack," Scoots quipped to her with a roguish grin. Applejack actually gave off a soft laugh at her near-perfect parody of one of Rainbow Dash's more famous last words. "Seriously though, I've had worse. Not gonna bellyache over a little crash like that." Scootaloo kept her voice stout and confident, because the last thing she needed was somepony's pity.

Applejack shook her head again, that blonde ponytail swaying as she did so. "Well, allright. If'n ya say so, Scootaloo." And they were off through the apple orchards, with Scootaloo rather painfully aware that she had missed breakfast. She had hopes that her little supply of milk would be okay by the time she got back, but she wasn't going to hold her breath on that one. The long walk wasn't going to help that much given how much she was aching but.... well, the best way to work off an ache was to do just that, work it off. So she kept on walking, keeping her wincing to a minimum and trying to plot how best to deal with the need for food, since Applejack undoubtedly was going to try to put a stop to it. Maybe she could start shoplifting at Barnyard Bargains....


The Apple Family House was, like many farmhouses, both large and extremely functional. But unlike many other farmhouses, the place also held a deep warmth and love that suffused the very walls. Every flat surface held a photograph or painted picture of the former and current occupants. Every corner of the rooms was packed with country hoof made furniture or other farm tools needed to do day to day work. The smell of cinnamon was baked into the walls, and other decor was strewn about with no regard for conventional rules of home-furnishing.

It was, in short, the most homey place in the entire known world as far as Scootaloo was concerned. No guest ever left without a nip of Apple Family liquor or a bite to eat straight from Granny Smith's hooves. That meant that Scootaloo found herself sitting in front of a bowl of thick oatmeal with a drizzle of maple syrup and a cold glass of apple juice to wash it down. "Now tuck int'a that youngin'. Yer gonna be coolin' yer hooves for a while," Granny Smith said with a twinkle of mischief in her eye. "An’ if yer good, I might see my way t' sneaking you a slice of pie," she commented before whisking off to some other chore.

Scootaloo eyeballed the warm, rich food... and shrugged her shoulders with a smile before carefully picking up the spoon and digging into it. As with all of Granny Smith's cooking, it tasted absolutely divine, and Scootaloo had to admit that she made a way better bowl of oatmeal than she herself did. So she savored every bite, but didn't linger too long over it - she didn't want it going cold on her, after all.

Halfway through the bowl, the front door opened, and she could hear the clatter of hooves and voices. "Applejack, what's going on that you needed to talk to me so urgently?" came the voice of Twilight Sparkle. There were more than just one pony's worth of hooves though, and...

"Yeah, AJ, what's the big deal? I've got cloud-wrangling to do today, and I wanna get it done before lunch..." grumbled the unmistakable voice of Rainbow Dash, and Scootaloo damn near forgot about her sweet and oaty treat. The very last pony in all the world she wanted to know about her situation was about to find out all of the gory details, and it would undoubtedly not end well for their budding relationship. Only the alluring sweetness of the maple syrup tempted Scootaloo into finishing it, and the knowledge that she didn't often get a chance at such a warm and filling meal.

When the oatmeal was nothing more than a sweet memory, Scootaloo tried not to let misery overtake her. Once Dash and Twilight knew, it was inevitable that the entire town would soon know. That would mean a whole lot of kind, but utterly unwelcome attention on her and her life. Even if somehow they kept her out of the orphanage... which, come to think of it, might be why Twilight Sparkle was here, since being a princess meant you could get away with a lot of rule breaking. Even then, the town’s ponies would never treat her the same again. And undoubtedly, Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara would make her life at school an utter nightmare after they found out she didn't have any parents.

She stretched out her ears, trying desperately to catch a hint of the conversation - snatches of words echoing down the halls as she kept herself really quiet. "... Don't think there's a legal issue, but I'd have to ask Princess Celestia..." That was Twilight, and the words were utterly incomprehensible to Scoots. Legal issues? "... Didn't tell me anything, AJ. I swear. I'd always wondered why she wouldn't talk about her folks... " That was Rainbow Dash, and Scootaloo felt her cheeks flush with a little shame.

But any hope of hearing further words was shattered by the door bouncing open and another clatter of hooves coming in, followed by two sets of them entering the kitchen... Applebloom and Sweetie Belle. They both wore mirrored looks of sympathy and sadness upon their faces as more voices moved into the living room. "Darling, what is all this ruckus that Big Macintosh is going on about?" That was Rarity, of course. Her voice was as unmistakable as anypony's in town.

But Scootaloo's focus was on her fellow Crusaders, both of whom trotted up to the breakfast table and hopped up onto other chairs. Applebloom spoke first, with Sweetie looking like she wasn't sure what to say. "Why didn't ya tell us, Scoots? Ya know we can keep a secret." Applebloom's question was quiet and pleading, but she also sounded like she already knew the answer.

Scootaloo looked away and sighed softly. "I didn't want you two to think of me any differently. It's not a big deal really, everypony gets through life differently." But even as she said it, she wished she could have found the courage to tell them earlier. They were more than her best friends - they were the closest thing she'd had to a family after Mom had died.

Then a hoof smacked her upside the head, followed by the unmistakable sweet lemon scent of Sweetie Belle hugging her around the neck roughly and muttering softly. "You're such an idiot, Scootaloo." The words were harsh, but there was no anger in them. "We wouldn't ever treat you weird because you were different, and you shoulda known that. Stupid." Sweetie smacked her again and went back to hugging her tightly.

Applebloom joined in the hug a moment later, the sweet smell of fresh apples joining in the show of love and caring. "Yeah, Scoots. We're yer friends, and we'll never leave ya hangin' no matter what. Cutie Mark Crusaders stick together!" Her voice piped up to its higher registers, and the sound of her boundless enthusiasm made Scootaloo give off one of her best gross-out faces... just to keep her hoof in, though. So she smiled a moment later to try and make up for it.

Scoots reached her hooves around and pulled her best friends in close and closed her eyes, soaking up the affection. "Sorry, girls. I guess I just wasn't thinking," she murmured quietly, and tried her best to return the hug. Someponies might think she'd been given a raw deal in life. With Sweetie Belle and Applebloom though, Scootaloo knew better.

A few moments later, the hug broke up and the three of them all gave off a little giggle together. Scootaloo didn't know what the adults were discussing, but with the company of her best friends, Scootaloo simply decided that the best thing she could do was just wait and see what would happen next. Twilight left and returned with Spike shortly after she'd finished breakfast and locked herself up with the other adults in the living room. The three fillies made the time pass by plotting their next adventures to get their cutie marks - this time centered around trying to help Scoots improve her life. The girls wanted to rig up some kind of water system for the Clubhouse and maybe build her a proper bed to sleep in - for plumbers and furniture makers, of course. Just the thought of that made Scootaloo blush horribly and mutter something about not wanting to cause trouble.

Thankfully, such planning came to a halt around lunchtime as Granny Smith put together some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and Rarity stopped in to the kitchen - probably to check up on Sweetie Belle. But... well, something odd was definitely going on. Rarity had always been pretty short with Scootaloo given that Scoots was a very physically active filly, and she liked to keep her shop organized and under her complete control. But today...

Rarity swept regally into the kitchen and paused only to accept a neat triangle of sandwich from an amused Granny Smith before primly taking her seat at the table. "How are you girls holding up in here? I know we've been awfully close-mouthed, but Twilight has insisted." She gave a disdainful little sniff and bent her wickedly sharp gaze on Scootaloo. Scoots was certain she was going to get a talking-to for interrupting Rarity's busy day as she so often had before, but instead... "Darling... I know it is none of my business, but truly. Why did you not come speak to one of us about this? Surely you know by now that we all care for you, even if you can be a little... over-enthusiastic sometimes," Rarity said, her voice gentle with a tone she almost never took with Scootaloo, and one that quite shocked her with it's obvious sincerity. "But even if nopony else could, I would have taken you in in a heartbeat! Anything but you having to live outside in that dreadful little tree house." Rarity sniffed again - and this time it was not from disdain, but having to hide tears. "I cannot even imagine what it must have been like to go through this all alone as you were!"

Scootaloo knew that Rarity was one more dramatic proclamation from breaking down into sobs and unstoppable tears, and that if she didn't act quickly the fashionista might do something dramatic to redress the wrongs she believed had been committed to Scootaloo. "I didn't want anypony to pity me, Rarity," she assured her, trying to reach out and take one of those absurdly well manicured hooves and pat it soothingly. "I knew how to take care of myself and didn't want to bother anypony about it. Besides, by the time I really got to know all of you, I was pretty well set up for myself." Rarity was still sniffling, but there were far fewer signs that she was going to implode with emotion anytime soon, for which Scoots was quite thankful.

Rarity shook her head, her much coiffed mane shimmering as she did so and a tremulous smile on her face. "Yes, I suppose I can understand the need to take care of oneself. Not to mention the need for independence and not wishing to be a burden upon anypony. Perhaps I have long misjudged you, Scootaloo." She wiped daintily at her eyes and gave a little harumph. "Rather more mature than I'd given you credit for being, I think. Still..." And then - to Scootaloo's total, utter shock - Rarity leaned down and gave her a little peck on the cheek, and a soft hug. "Whatever may happen Darling, there will always be a bed for you at the Boutique. All you need to do is ask." And with the same kiss and hug for Sweetie Belle, she swept out of the kitchen as regally as she'd entered it.

It took Scootaloo a few brain-frizzled moments to realize what Rarity had just told her, and another minute before she spotted the tray full of tasty sandwiches and potato crisps on the table, along with the freshly pulled glass of juice. Sweetie Belle was looking oddly pleased and Applebloom was giggling very softly. "What'n the hay just happened?" Scootaloo felt compelled to ask, absentmindedly grabbing a wedge of PB&J and giving it a firm bite - not wanting to pass up yet another rare treat for her.

Honestly, this was half the reason she didn't want anypony else finding out. Sure it was kinda flattering and really heartwarming too, but it was also sappy as all Tartarus and Scootaloo didn't do sappy. Well. She didn't do sappy most of the time. "Well I think my big sis just invited you to come live with us, Scoots," Sweetie Belle chimed in cheerfully, polishing off her first wedge of sandwich and quickly moving to the second. Scootaloo darn near dropped her sandwich at that one, and Sweetie giggled naughtily at her fumble. Rarity? Inviting her to live with her? That was Discord levels of crazy! "Aw, I think you'd like it more than you think," Sweetie teased her, and Scootaloo paused to ponder that wild thought.

Okay, so Rarity was still kinda too frou frou for Scoots' tastes, but nopony could accuse her of not being good to Sweetie Belle. Rarity had even lightened up a bit in the past year or so, ever since that Sisterhooves Social fight they'd had. And yeah, even Scoots could admit when nopony else was listening that Rarity had a lot to admire about her. She was just as determined and stubbornly dedicated to her goals as Rainbow Dash was, and when the going got tough, Rarity didn't faint and go all gooey. She got her act together and kicked some flank.

Still, she wasn't sure... "Hey Scootaloo," said Applejack, her voice cutting through Scootaloo's thought processes quite handily. Scoots blinked, registering that Twilight and Applejack were now standing in front of her in the kitchen. Twilight's saddlebags were stuffed with parchment scrolls and she looked really, really happy with herself. Applejack just looked tolerantly amused, but gone was the sadness and pity she'd been displaying earlier. Her voice was bright and cheerful as she spoke, and her eyes practically sparkled. "C'mon. We're gonna go git yer things from the clubhouse. We've figured out a fix fer your problem."


It only took an hour - under the careful supervision of Twilight and Applejack - to retrieve the various caches of things she'd secreted about the clubhouse and the surrounding area. It was actually kinda surprising how many potatoes, onions, and garlic heads she'd managed to acquire, and it was very surprising to find that cache of salt she'd completely forgotten about until she went over her mental list of supply drops. Fortunately, Applejack didn't want her carrying all of the various foodstuffs with her. Something about looking like a particularly tiny hobo. Whatever a hobo was.

Instead, she focused on the few personal effects she simply couldn't do without. Her sugar and salt shakers, her mom's pillow, her scooter and repair kit, and a few other knick-knacks that she'd gathered over her many crusades. All of which were tied up in her Cutie Mark Crusader cloak and slung as a bindle over her shoulder. Scootaloo was now almost completely positive she'd be staying with Twilight, and... that kinda made sense. Twilight had enough power with the high muckity-mucks to bypass all those nasty adoption laws and just take her in directly until she grew up. No need to bother with official paperwork and such when you were a Princess. Plus, Spike was pretty cool, and even if a library wasn't where Scootaloo would usually want to spend her days, it was warm, Twilight knew how to cook, and Dash would be there almost every other day.

That was good enough for Scootaloo.

So she shouldered the heavy package and followed the two grown ponies with as much cheer as she could muster. Evening was falling once again on Equestria, and it was gonna have one beautiful sunset to go with it. Scoots smiled and enjoyed the sight of the colors shifting gorgeously on the clouds in the sky, not really paying attention to matters on the ground for now. Twilight and Applejack were talking to one another in very quiet voices, not really looking at Scootaloo. That was okay. She kinda preferred it this way for now until she could sit down all the other ponies and make it really, really clear that she didn't want this changing anything. She was still the same pony she was yesterday, screwed up life story or no screwed up life story.

Before long, they were winding their way down the path through the orchards towards the Apple house, and for a moment, Scootaloo felt a touch of wistfulness. She'd actually really come to like her little cottage in the trees, and had already resolved to build her own place in a tree when she got old enough. There was something nice about it. Not quite a cloud home... which would bring back too many bad memories. But not quite a ground-bound earth pony home. Somewhere between them, just like she usually was. Twilight's voice cut through her thoughts, surprising Scootaloo with how quickly they reached the front door. "Well... Good luck, Applejack," Twilight said with a hesitant smile. "I hope you know what you're doing."

Scootaloo was instantly confused until Applejack spoke herself - her hoof coming up to cockily adjust her hat. "Course I do, Twilight. Ain't nothin an Apple understands better'n family." There was a twinkle in her emerald-green eye, and her smile broadened into a grin. "Even better'n apples sometimes!" And that got a giggle out of both Twilight and Applejack. Twilight smiled faintly at Scootaloo and gave her a little head ruffle before trotting off down the road. Sheesh. She still isn't using those wings. I gotta get Dash on that, came Scootaloo's reflexive thought... before the reality of the situation started to settle in on her.

Before she knew what was happening, Applejack had her hoof in her own and was leading her towards the doorway. "We all had a long talk about things, Scootaloo. Tried to figger out how to do right by ya," Applejack began slowly, not wanting to rush the walk to the door apparently. "Dash wanted t' take you in, but she don't have the space or the bits to take care of a youngin' an she knows it. S'why she didn't come talk t'you today. she was feelin’ powerful ashamed that she couldn't help ya." At that, Scootaloo felt her heart contract in her chest - both with pain and with a burning happiness. Dash had wanted her around as more than just a friend.... but she couldn't do it. Scoots didn't know what to precisely think about that, but she knew she'd have to talk to Dash later about it.

But Applejack wasn't close to finished yet, either. "Twilight's busy with her princessin' duties, an' Fluttershy's got her animals. Pinkie's already got the cake twins t' worry about too. So me n' Rarity had a little palaver about things, and well... we decided it might be best if I gave this a try first." Applejack cocked an eyebrow at her, and Scootaloo stared back at her feeling awfully blank and uncertain inside. What was going on here? Wasn't she just going to bunk with one of them? Applejack was talking like....

The front door of the Apple house swung open, and gorgeous warm yellow light poured out from dozens of lit candles. Applebloom was standing in the doorway with a grin on her face fit to split it in two. She cupped her hooves around her mouth and bellowed in the happiest voice Scoots had ever heard her use, "Welcome home, big sis! Welcome home, little sis!"

Moments later, Granny Smith and Big Macintosh appeared by the doorway with broad and beaming smiles of their own. Granny Smith had a sly grin on her face as she spoke in a surprisingly strong voice. "Well dont'cha jus' stand out there, youngin's. Th' pie's gonna get cold on ya if you don't hurry yer flanks, an we can't properly celebrate a new family member with cold pie." Granny winked cheekily and hobbled off towards the kitchen, even as Scootaloo felt the dumbfounded shock slowly giving way to something else... something she couldn't quite put her hoof on.

"Eeyup," said Big Mac in his own laconic way and with a gentle and welcoming smile for Scootaloo before following in Granny's wake. Scootaloo swallowed a lump in her throat once. Twice. Three times before she could squeak out a sound, her hoof reflexively gripping onto Applejack's. Her bindle had fallen with a clatter to the stoop, and her breathing was coming rapidly enough to make her worry a little. She was having a hard, hard time trying to process what was going on but... if they hadn't just been using friendly language, that would mean...

"C'mon, then. Granny's pie ain't one to be missin’," Applejack said softly, tugging on her hoof. Her smile was more than kind... it was understanding. She reached down and shouldered Scootaloo's bindle and winked at her. Her next words like a rusted old door, swinging open to a place Scootaloo had been sure she'd never see again...

"Welcome home, Scootaloo Apple."