Hero Anon

by Bastinator

Chapter 10: Airborne Mini Dirt

You leave Nightmare Moon unconscious behind you as you move towards the tower. Vinyl… You really didn’t expect that from her, especially after all you’d been through. Your fist clenches as you think of her betrayal, but a hoof makes its way within your hand. Dash hovers beside you and shoots you a calming grin. At least you didn’t waste anymore time with Vinyl than you had to. Even a steamy pile of shit has a silver-lining.

”Memory tells me that the entrance should be just down the hall,” Twilight says.

“So I’m basically walking in his footsteps aren’t I?”

”In a way, but this time he’s the one we’re after.”

“Let’s get this over with. The troops below need a boost.” You turn the corner and head toward the spiral staircase ahead of you.

Fluttershy timidly takes the first step, “Pleasenogiantmonsterpleasenogiantmonsters.”

“I’ll take care of them, don’t you worry.” You take the lead and move ahead of the others just in case.

”Don’t get too far ahead!” Dash shouts up from behind you. She stayed with the others, to inspire confidence she says. You think it’s because she feels safer with her friends. You look out the window to see the ruins of the adjacent tower, likely a memorial from their previous battles. The skywalk, or what’s left of it, doesn’t leave you with a good feeling. That’s what a fucking marshmallow did and he was inconsequential when compared to Discord. And now you’re about to fight your brother, the man who defeated him. You don’t even notice that the others had stopped next to you.

”Whatcha thinking about?” Pinkie asked.

“Nothing. Nothing at all,” you cast your eyes aside and head up the stairs.

They know what you’re dealing with, more than you do even. If they can stand strong without fear, then so can you. The tick of your plated boots against the stone counts down the time before the inevitable encounter. There must’ve been a way to avoid all of this, but when you think about it, he was the one who wouldn’t listen to reason. All you wanted was to go home with him by your side, but it appears that will be nothing more than a dream.

You may have lost your home, but you’ll die before seeing your friends lose theirs. You look up the last section of the stairs. You can feel him, his presence is overwhelming. “Whatever happens, we won’t leave you,” Dash assures you.

“Friends to the end,” Fluttershy adds.

“Maybe one day more,” you stay looking at Dash before turning away. You walk upstairs.


”I see Vinyl failed,” he takes a swig of his amber drink, “Shame that. Still, good to see you alive dear brother.”

“The feeling is far from mutual.” He stirs his whiskey glass around with his hand as he sits down on a cushioned sofa, a mare on either side of him.

”I’d like you to meet my remaining associates. The honest Applejack and the lovely Rarity.”

”Oh please…” the unicorn says blushing.

“Don’t tempt me lady.”

”I’d listen the man Rarity,” the earth pony states.

”So,” Anonymous says, “What do I owe the pleasure of your visit?” You draw your sword and step forward.

“I’m here to kill you.”

”Oooh scary,” he waves his hands sarcastically before finishing off the rest of his drink. ”Shall we get straight to it then?”

“Let’s-“ Before you can finish his glass shatters on the floor and he’s already coming in for the first strike. You block him with your arm and stab at him. You hit air as he moves around and brings his elbow down on your extended arm. Thankfully your arm bends that way, but this is immediately forgotten as his leg connects with your side sending you across the floor. He waves his hand knocking your friends to their sides. He looks to Applejack and Rarity, “Do take care of them for me.”

”As you wish sir,” they reply in unison.

He cracks his neck as you get to your feet, “Where were we? Oh yes.” He sprints towards you leaving your sword discarded behind him. You lower your first and wait for the time to strike.

”Shoryuken!” You catch him under the jaw, sending him straight onto his back

He laughs at the blow and gives you a glance, “Yatta.” He brushes himself off as the ponies behind him engage in battle. ”So I see you learned a thing or two during your travels. Did you enjoy Discord’s company?”

“About as much as yours.”

He swipes his hands across, a wave of flame jetting towards you. You raise your arm, the flames splitting around you painlessly. You pat the fire off your arm, Anonymous looking at your clothing, “Those are mine!”

“Didn’t think you’d need them.” You slam your foot and send a wave of air disorienting him and charge. You block his fist and jump to avoid his leg swipe, plowing him in the chest while he’s vulnerable. You move in to strike again, eating a face full of foot. You pinch your nose and wipe off a dollop of blood that escaped. “You’re good. I’ll give you that,” you compliment him as he gets up.

”Not too shabby yourself. You lasted longer than any other that stood up to me.”

“I do aim to please.”

”We can end this now if you wish. I’ll make it as painless as possible.”

“I think I’ll pass.” He shrugs.

”Have it your way then.” He throws his hand down, the chandelier above you breaking off. You throw it back at him at the last second, Anonymous stopping it without the blink of an eye. ”Is that the best you can do?” You take hold of the chain and swing it back around into his chest. He crashes into the wall and coughs, droplets of blood hitting the floor. His eyes narrow on you as his anger overtakes his calm demeanor.

“Hit a nerve?” He snaps his fingers, a rapier appearing in his hands. You pick up your own sword and step into stance. “En garde.”

You lock blades as the steel twists and mangles with each other. Swift motions, easy force. Keep light on your feet and don’t be afraid to lose ground. You swat away his clumsy stab and kick him away, hand outstretched. You fire a large bolt of energy at him, your brother dispersing the blast as it’s about to impact. The explosion breaks down the wall and sends a cloud of dust over him as a cloak. He rushes out and stabs at you. You sidestep and graze his side, Anonymous grimacing and backhanding you. His hand holds his cut, breath erratic. “It’s been a while… So my blood still runs red.”

“Only a fool engages in swordplay without proper experience.”

”Iron Will trained you well, but not well enough.” He tries to move in again, arms sluggish though strong. You parry easily and make your move. “Ugh. That’s… new.” You withdraw your blade from his gut. Anonymous stumbles backwards, fingers circling the hole in his stomach. ”This wasn’t... How?”

“I’m not so little any more, brother.” You see that your friends have managed to subdue the others, Twilight casting some sort of spell on them. “You guys ok?” Twilight confirms their wellbeing as well as helping Applejack to her hooves. She seems to be back to normal, whatever Twilight did worked. “You were overconfident. You should’ve killed me while you had the chance.”

”What would be the fun in that?” He makes one last effort to take you down, gripping the sides of your head. Your vision dims as a rush of energy shoots into you and you feel your strength waning. You grab the amulet on your chest, the ruby pulsing rapidly as it drives off the corruption flooding into you. The tide turns back and you shoot the energy back into him sending him reeling backwards. ”You could’ve been something great my brother.”

“You underestimated me.”

He nods, “So be it… Anon?”

You gasp and fall forward, a hand grabbing your shoulder to keep you steady. ”Shhh, just let it happen.” You look down to the sword protruding from your chest, your blood coating the blade.


Your brother smiles and straightens up, “It’s good to see you made the right choice.”

”Fuck you, sir,” the voice behind you retorts.

”Anon!” Dash screams and speeds towards you. Your assassin holds out his hand, Rainbow Dash freezing in place.

”Please be quiet. I’m trying to work here.”

”I’ll kill you!” she hollers. The others charge at him as well, his hand rippling softly bringing the others to a standstill. He’s a human… But how?

Anonymous walks over to you, “Please take that thing out of him. It looks terrible.”

He withdraws his blade and you slump to your knees, his cold hand working around your neck. ”I’ll be taking this.” He steals your necklace and focuses his attention on your friends who’ve been trying to break free.

Anonymous grabs you by the head and drags you to the tower’s edge overlooking the battlefield. ”Watch them, your allies, the ones who swore loyalty to you. They put their hopes in you and you failed them. It’s not like you had a chance. They claimed us to be heroes you and I, bah! Even in their own lore they are ignorant. We are no heroes. Their champions were brought by forces outside of their control, but not us. We were taken.” He points back inside, “He is a hero, old and forgotten by those he saved. What lengths will a man go to live once more?”

“Y- ou…”

”You stole my love away from me, and so, I’ll steal everything you strove for.” He nestles behind you and holds open your eyes, “I wouldn’t want you to miss anything.”

A surge of energy shakes the very foundations of the tower and travels through to the battlefield where… No… They begin to fade, shrivel into dust. Soarin, Iron Will, Stormguard, everyone. You try to turn away, but Anonymous forces you to watch. ”Your efforts were for nothing. You merely saved me the trouble of fighting them one by one.” Have to get free. Have to fight… But your body won’t respond. ”I can’t thank you enough for finding those stones near Buckingham. All I needed to do was find the right one.”

A black crystal appears before you, the dust being pulled into it. “Your friends will live forever, worry not, but their existence will be rather cramped.”

“Bas- tard…”

He spins you around, “When your friends are ashes, you have my permission to die.” You watch in horror as one by one they slip away from view, before finally stopping on Dash. She sees her hooves wither away, looking to you with pleading eyes. But there’s nothing you can do, only cry silently as she disappears… forever.

“Shame, I always liked her.”

The human walks up to you, “I’ll be wanting my payment now.”

”Of course Anon. Oh, did I forget to mention that? He has the same name as you, how fun.” You fall to the floor in a pool of blood, your finger twitching. He grabs the crystal out of the air and kneels next to you. ”I’m afraid this is where we part ways my brother. It’s been fun, don’t come back.” Shadows creep in around you, the two of them walking away, backs turned. Not like this… It can’t end this way. These stories always have a happy ending. You close your eyes for the last time. You can’t…

You sit in your cell staring at the wall. A ‘temporary situation’ they said, just until you calmed down. Death isn’t something you can just live with. You look to the picture in your hands, the parting gift of this cells last inhabitant. Fucking dickbutt. You clench your fists as pain seeps into your mind. The douche of a warden already showed you his control over you, but this is just unnecessary. “Fuck you too then!” You press your head against the wall, each second more torturous than the last. Everything goes white, your body heating up substantially. Before you know it, the pain is gone, and your body… It’s warm.

The prison walls you found yourself in have ceased to exist, and you’re in some forest. You don’t know what happened, but you know that you’re free. Frostbite can go and suck your dick. You stand and take a good look at your surroundings, the trees, bushes, the human. He stands their dumbfounded, the coat you bought him still wet. “Anonymous!”

You stomp over to him as he turns to look at you, “Anon?” You clock him across the jaw and he hits the dirt. No rest for the wicked. Moving over him you pound on any part of him you can see. He doesn’t put up much resistance, the bastard waiting for his opportunity.

“No one to help you this time huh!?”

”Stop Anon! What’s wrong with you?”

Wrong with you? WITH YOU!? “Fuck you!” You continue to hit him, focusing on kicking his ass. Gunfire pulls you back to the present, another human in body armor pointing his gun to the sky. “You- You’re a-“

”United States Colonial Marine Corps, stand down and back away from the civilian.” You let go of his jacket and search for words to say. The only ones that come to mind are ‘What the fuck?’