//------------------------------// // No Man Escapes the Manhunters part 2 // Story: Twilight Sparkle: Green Lantern of Sector 2812 // by cornholio4 //------------------------------// Wielding his yellow gadget rod Kanjar-Ro smiled as sat on the throne of his hideout which was surrounded by many gold coins and jewels, he was truly the greatest pirate of the universe. Not even that so called Agent Orange could measure to him. He had been looking for a place to stash his recent ill gotten gains recently, when he discovered this place and managed to reactivate a squad of Manhunters stationed there. With them at his command he will find a way to stop being a pirate and then go on to become a warlord! He will be the scourge of the universe. He then noticed on a monitor a Green Lantern ship coming towards his hideout, snarling he told the Alpha of the Manhunter squad to send a drone of Manhunters after them. “WE WILL INDEED!” the Alpha Manhunter said as he sent his squad of Manhunters after them “BUT YOUR SERVICES ARE NO LONG REQUIRED!” “Huh?” Kanjar-Ro said nervously and afraid as the Manhunters were pointing their blaster hands to him “but – but – but I released you!!!” “THAT GIVES YOU POWER OVER US?” the Alpha Manhunter questioned the cowardly pirate “THE MANHUNTERS WILL CREATE ORDER BY DESTROYING ALL LIFE, WE WILL FINISH WHAT WE STARTED ON SECTOR 666!!!!!” Kanjar-Ro then fled as the Alpha Manhunter said “WE WILL DEAL WITH THAT LIFEFORM LATER AFTER WE DESTROY THE SPECIEMENS THE GUARDIANS HAVE REPLACED US WITH!!!” *Break* Trixie was satisfied as she had just defeated the hydras that had came to Canterlot. “Fear not Canterlot, I your newest superhero has now saved you all!” Trixie said to the civilians who were thinking if she was a glory hound after the fame of the superheroes that have been popping up. “Who are you?” asked a small foal, Trixie smiled at it. “My name is Trixie.....no Gold...” Trixie said after accidentally using her first name, she then stammered a bit. She could not continue before a pony in the crowd shouted. “Thanks for the help Trixie Gold!” and some of the ponies managed to nod before leaving. Trixie was angry at herself as the Guards began taking the hydra away. “Back in our timeline you used to be Goldstar but thanks to a slip of your tongue Trixie, looks like your new codename will be Trixie Gold...” Skeets said, Trixie shook her head at her little floating robot sidekick. “A little mistake I know but I can’t dawdle on that.” Trixie said looking determined “the Hunter sent me back here to help my mother in her battles and to stop any time travelling villains after that! Trixie Gold the hero the future knew as Goldstar will protect this past to ensure our future!!!” *Break* The five Green lanterns team were seated in a cruiser spaceship that the Green Lantern Corps used in missions with more than one Lantern. Sinestro was piloting it with the four Lanterns behind him. “We should be reaching Kanjar Ro’s location soon.” Sinestro said looking at the coordinates he ‘persuaded’ a crooked informant to give to him. “You told me about the Manhunters but what about this Kanjar-Ro?”Twilight asked interested in learning what she can about other worlds. “A wanted space pirate who while greedy for anything that he gets his hands on is a total cowardly idiot who is after any source of power that can help him regardless of if he can control it or not!” Sinestro muttered “his stupidity has allowed him to release the Manhunters thinking he can control them!” Then they felt the ship being blasted, looking out the window they saw a group of Manhunter robots. “Those are Manhunters?” Twilight questioned thought she already knew the answer. “They are indeed, will you please take the controls and go after Kanjar-Ro, Hannu!” Sinestro asked Hannu as he gave to ship’s controls to him “Twilight, Green Man and Stel come with me and show them just way the Guardians have entrusted us with the greatest power in the universe!” Then Sinestro, Stel, Green Man and Twilight flew out of the ship to deal with the Manhunters while Hannu stayed to pilot the ship and go after their target. Twilight began using a construct of a cannon to fire construct cannonballs at the Manhunters, Stel was using a construct of what humans would call a lightsaber to slice the Manhunters in half. Sinestro was fighting Manhunters with a construct of a sword and Green Man was using two constructs of pistols. Then they spotted the Alpha Manhunter. “An Alpha Manhunter.” Green Man acknowledged looking at the other robot and knowing Twilight would not know what he was talking about he explained “a squad of Manhunters have a larger one in command called an Alpha, destroying one usually causes the rest to deactivate!” “Fire most of what you got at the Alpha!” Sinestro ordered as Twilight and Green Man began firing at the Alpha managing to weaken it. “I WILL DESTROY THE GREEN LANTERNS!!!!!” the Alpha said determined. Twilight then had an idea, it sounded crazy but it just might work. Twilight then charge dup her horn and ring with both Green and magical energy, she then entered her cannon construct and it fired her like a missile towards the Alpha Manhunter. The Alpha could not give the closest thing to a dumbfounded look it was capable of giving as Twilight fired herself at and she managed to pierce through his body and shutting it down along with the rest of the Manhunters. Then Stel, Green Man and Sinestro then began destroying the Manhunter remains to make sure they would not be operational again. After that Twilight gave a sheepish smile as Sinestro was giving Twilight a stern look while Stel and Green Man looked amused. “Let’s hope next time you’re logical and organised mind Twilight can think of a better plan than using yourself as ammunition.” Sinestro said talking like a stern teacher before he softened a bit and continued “but I guess that was fast thinking and good job anyway!” Twilight smiled at the compliment her Green Lantern mentor told her and asked “you think the Manhunters are gone Sinestro?” “This squad perhaps but there are definitely more!” Sinestro said seriously “wanting to continue their mission of destroy all that there is and it will be our job to make sure their mission is never completed! Speaking of missions let’s go complete ours and make sure Hannu managed to capture that pirate that caused this mess with his stupidity!” *Break* Hannu was looking over the hideout for Kanjar-Ro when he found him hiding in a room. Kanjar used his rod to enclose himself in a yellow bubble. “Your ring can’t effect my yellow forcefield!” Kanjar-Ro said gloatingly with a smirk, Hannu then punched through the forcefield, grabbed the rod, snapped it in half and knocked out Kanjar-Ro with one punch. “I don’t need my ring, my fists are the best weapon I have!” Hannu said laughing at Kanjar-Ro’s body. He then saw his four fellow Lanterns coming up behind him, “I took care of this pirate and his weapon!” Hannu said with a smile. “We will take the ship back to Oa to drop off Kanjar-Ro and I will be able to drive us back to our home sectors!” Sinestro said as they started heading back to the ship. *Break* Twilight when Sinestro dropped her off powered down her ring and then immediately went to her bedroom. She was wanting to rest after that mission she just got back from. Spike was telling Twilight of a hydra attack that happened while she was away and was stopped by a new hero called Trixie Gold. “She was nothing but a glory hound after some of your fame Twilight!” Spike said pacing around the room angrily “if you were there you would have taken those monsters a quarter of the time it took that show boater to do so!” Twilight decided to make a note of this Trixie Gold for later. *Break* Sunset was excited as she learnt how to use her Yellow Energy and magical energy to increase the power of her Ring and battery. After using some ancient magic on her power battery it increased size until it was the size of a house. They had to move operations and their hideout underground. Using a spell she could now control the Power Battery at will and make it use a duplication spell to create duplicates of her rings to whatever pony she chooses and they would all answer to her. Stolen March and Slade told her that the recruits were ready and they could start building their dream army! Stolen March and Slade were either side of her as she stood as the Yellow Lantern in front of the Yellow Power Battery, facing the group of cadets they were training for their cause. “You have proved you will be the new breed of soldier that Equestria needs!” Slade said to the ground “and now time to induct you all into our army!” Suddenly about a hundred or so duplicate Yellow Rings came out and then floated to Slade, Stolen March and each of the cadets. For the unicorns like Slade the rings place themselves on their horns but for earth ponies and pegasi like Stolen March they placed themselves around their top light hooves like a watch. “Time to say the oath!” Sunset commanded as they all faced the Battery and pointed their rings to it. They recited the modified oath Sunset made for their army which would be for the members except for her (she would keep her own oath): “In Blackest Day, In Brightest Night Beware your Fears, Made into Light Let those who try to stop our might Burn like our power SUNSET’S MIGHT!!!!!” Then at once their rings began glowing bright yellow and they were now all in the Yellow Uniform that Sunset worn, including Sunset’s Cutie Mark as a logo. They all wore yellow emerald masks but Slade decided to change his into a full face armoured mask with the left half of the faceplate being black and the other half being yellow. It was made to resemble the mask of a uniform Slade wore when he went out in secret black ops missions he did not want his superiors to know. Sunset laughed to herself a little maniacally, at lat her own army was now born. The Sunset Corps was born!