Dead Anon

by Bastinator

Chapter 3: Mission Accomplished

The sounds of battle fall down the tower, but the sensation is what grabs your attention. They’re fighting with powers beyond their control, a mistake they’ll soon regret. Your little battle seems to have taken longer than you thought it would. You need to get there before your chance for salvation is lost forever. Wasting no time, you reach the peak of the stairs and run around to the last stairwell. ”Only a fool engages in swordplay without proper experience.”

”Iron Will trained you well, but not well enough.” Your head peaks up just in time to see him struck, “That’s new…” Anonymous stumbles backwards, his hands hovering over the fresh hole in his stomach. ”This wasn’t… How?”

”I’m not so little anymore brother,” he responds before looking towards the other ponies. “You guys ok?” The purple unicorn from before assures him that they are, helping Applejack up to her hooves. No… “You were overconfident. You should’ve killed me while you had the chance.”

Anonymous looks over at you and smiles, his expression undetected. ”What would be the fun in that?” Anonymous rushes over and plants his hands on either side of the human’s head. All eyes turn to them, allowing you to sneak up beside them, hidden amongst the dust. That’s when you feel it, a subtle pulse. The hero grabs his neck, or rather, what’s hanging around it. Anonymous can’t win this way, he must know that. If that’s what you think it is, then all he’s doing is… distracting them. Lightning cracks between the two and sends Anonymous reeling backwards. ”You could’ve been something great my brother.”

You move in behind him, slowly. ”You underestimated me.”

Anonymous nods and looks to you, “So be it… Anon?”

You drive the tip of your sword into his back, the blade penetrating his heart. He gasps and slips, but you catch him before he can fall. “Shhh, just let it happen.”

Anonymous smiles and straightens back up, “It’s good to see you made the right choice.”

“Fuck you, sir.” A pegasus darts towards you hollering the hero’s name, rather annoyingly in fact. You hold out your hand, freezing the Pegasus in place. “Please be quiet. I’m trying to work here.”

”I’ll kill you!” she screams as her comrades attempt to fight you as well. You roll your eyes and expand your field to her friends as well. They freeze as well, a simple trick that has devastating results.

”Please take that thing out of him. It looks terrible.”

You nod and pull away your sword, the hero falling to his knees. You quickly sheathe your sword and work your nimble fingers around his neck, catching onto the silver chain. “I’ll be taking this.”

A ripple of energy catches your attention and you quickly pocket the amulet, focusing the on the unicorns. You quickly cast a spell to nullify their magic while Anonymous drags his brother over to the demolished tower wall. He whispers to him, the final words for a dead man. Anonymous points to you, muttering to his brother further. He finally nestles behind him, fingers opening his eyes. A tremor catches you off-guard and almost breaks away your control. Such power, it’s Anonymous. You glance over to the two of them, catching a glimpse of the horror occurring down below.

To walk among the fields of ash would be to tear your mind asunder only to relive the experience a lifetime over, and that’s what’s occurring before your eyes. His army breaks apart, not by ranks or by steel, but down to the cellular level. You may not hear it, but their screams will haunt all those who hear them. No creature should suffer such cruelty. Anonymous snaps his fingers, and before your very eyes appears the fabled soulstone. You watch as its obsidian shell devours the very essence of the hero’s army. The psychological trauma must be devastating. Anonymous twirls his brother around, facing his paralyzed friends. If only they knew what was to come…

You shield your ears as their cries for help shoot towards their leader, but he can do nothing, only watch as his friends float away as dust in the wind. The Pegasus is the last to go, her voice silent amongst the others. Even as she is swept away by the wind she stands firm, never crying, never weak. ”Shame, I always liked her.”

Just forget about it, this isn’t your fight. Get your prize and move along. You relax your muscles and walk over to Anonymous. “I’ll be wanting my payment now.”

”Of course Anon. Oh, did I forget to mention that? He has the same name as you, how fun.” He laughs maniacally before clutching back onto his wound. With a smile he snaps his fingers, the torn flesh stitching back to together within moments. He releases his brother, letting him collapse in his pool of blood.

He grabs the soulstone and kneels next to him. ”I’m afraid this is where we part ways my brother. It’s been fun, don’t come back.” He nods towards the door where you both depart, leaving the corpse behind. You descend the stairs in eerie silence. It’s almost as if nothing had happened. ”What will come of him?”

“His body will find its way to Tartarus where his fate will be decided. He might qualify for Frostbite now that I think about it.”

”At least we know there’s a cell open for him,” he jokes nudging you with his elbow.

“That’s just sick.”

”Oh come on, be happy! You fulfilled your part of the bargain, and therefore I will keep my word.”

“Let’s just get this over with.”

”Not here obviously. Let’s celebrate first! You’re the Hero of Equestria! Let us drink and cheer for our grand victory.”

“And then you’ll fulfill our agreement.”

He nods, “You shall have what’s yours. Of course, we have to clean up this mess first, and by we I mean everyone else.”

“I figured.”

”I mean seriously, do they have any idea how long it took to find premium crystal glassware?”

“Couldn’t you have just conjured up whatever you wanted?”

”Well yeah, but it takes a lot out of me. Being a god isn’t easy you know.”

“Oh yeah, I certainly know the hardships of godhood alright. Yep.”

He gives a playful scowl, “Very funny.” He exits the tower and looks around, “I must say your work is rather impressive. My little brother had a hard time tangoing with one.”

“I’m not surprised, he was a tad quicker than I expected.”

”Not faster than you though eh? Ha.” You smile to hide the utter disgust lying within. His depravity knows no bounds. ”It’d be best for you to take a shower, you smell dreadful.”

“Can I speak freely?”

”Of course you may.”

“Shut up.”

He chuckles and slaps you on the back, “Oh Anon… I wish my brother was more like you.”

“You may not have lived if that’s the case.”

Oh you hit a sweet spot it would seem. He gasps for air, eyes tearing up. You didn’t mean it as a joke, but dark comedy seems to be his thing. ”Anon,” he says wiping a tear from his eye, “You really are something else.”

“I think I’ll take that shower after all.”

”You’d best.” He readies to teleport, “I’m thinking the throne room would be a good location for the party, yes?” You nod, “See you there,” and with a snap, he’s gone.

You work your way back through the halls to your chambers, ponies cheering and hollering outside. They’re nothing like the ponies you fought beside years ago. There is no celebration in war, only sorrow. Not like anypony would listen to your ramblings, or would they? It doesn’t matter either way. You quickly strip and allow the stream of water to cool you off. The sweat that has permeated your skin flows down the drain, out of sight and out of mind. Your stomach growls in protest to your serene condition, hungering for another draft. Suckling at your old wound takes the edge off, but you need to rid yourself of this… condition, as soon as possible. Finishing your shower, you don your clothing and sit there in silence. Placing your hands on your legs you begin.

A sense of calm creeps into your mind, the outside world but memory. The world grows still at your whim, though it is nothing more than a self-induced illusion. Have the living ever had the pleasure of true silence? No beating heart, no soft throbbing of their veins. A true sensationless existence. A time where only your mind exists, where your thoughts wonder the realm of imagination. One man’s experience is unique to another’s, as no two sessions are the same. Reality is therefore defined not by the man or his creation, but by the mind and its infinite product. This is the reason- *knock knock*

Dammit, you were just getting all philosophical and shit. Well, at least that grumbling is gone. ”I don’t think he’s here.”

”You don’t know nothing ‘bout nothing.”

The two go back and forth while you try and persevere. ”Let’s just take a peek, what’s the harm in that?”

No right to privacy it would seem. You stand up and walk over to the door, keeping your hand on your sword. ”I’m not so sure that’s a good idea.” Listen to the stallion. He knows what he’s talking about.

”Hogwash,” He says pushing open the door, “I know what I’m- OH BUCK!” The stallion practically jumps out of his hooves when he sees you staring back at him.

His friend however finds this hilarious, “I told you not to go in there.” You open the door a bit wider so you can view both the guards.


”Mr. Anon, correct?”

“I’m a busy man, what is it you want?”

”Of course, of course. I didn’t mean to waste your time, you’re so very busy after all.” You tap your foot impatiently, spurring him along. ”Umm- Well- Anonymous was throwing that party so I thought, if you didn’t mind, maybe we could escort you.”

“An escort?” You cross your arms, “And just why would I need that?”

”I don’t know, I just thought-“

”You would like some guys to chill with,” the bumbling friend pipes up.

“You think I need friends? Are you ignorant or just stupid?” They attempt to formulate a coherent response, but it descends into a series of grunts and various noises. “I’ll take that as stupid.”

Fuck it, it’s not like they’re hurting you at all. You’ll go along with their little plan. “So are we going or what?”

Both of their eyes brighten visibly. You furrow your brow pushing the point that you want to leave. ”Right this way sir,” the stallion states and holds the door open for you. The second stallion had already gotten back to his hooves and stands tall beside you, still short when compared, but it doesn’t hurt to try.

You head off ahead of them, amusing yourself when they have trouble keeping up. Now you’re not a total jerk so you slow down for them eventually. ”So Anon...”


”Me and my friend have heard some rumors about you and Anonymous.”

“They’re all true.”


“How the hell should I know?”

”I just figured-“

“Give me a few and I’ll verify them.”

”Well, I remember hearing that you can cleave the heads off five minotaurs in one blow!”

“That’s certainly interesting and I don’t doubt that I could, but I have not done that in my lifetime.”

”I told you he was full of shit.”

”Shut up, you probably heard of weirder stuff.”

”Fine then. I heard that both you and Anonymous came from a different world.”

”That’s just stupid dude.”

“I never said he was wrong,” you quickly interrupt him, “Yes, both of us are foreigners here.”

”Knew it.”

”I’m not forking over those bits just to let you know.” Oh the squabbles of the immature. How they never get old.

“I have a question for the two of you. Just a hypothetical situation”


“If you were dead, and someone came to you with a choice-“

”But aren’t you-“ Your hand cuts him off.

“Let me finish. You could live again, enjoying all the pleasantries that come with it, but in return you must kill an innocent man. Would you do it?”

”Why do I get the impression this question hits close to home?”

”Because he’s-“ Your stare silences him once more.

”Yes, I would do it in a heartbeat.”

“No second thoughts?”

”Not one.”

“Figured as much.” You hear the pleasant rhythm of music coming from down the hall as you near the throne room.

“You don’t need to feel bad about it,” the guard tries to reassure you.

“Reassuring, but you mistake the purpose of my question. It’s not about the particular situation.”

This confuses them both equally, “Then why did you ask?”

“To understand the mindset of the people, and now I know.” Corruption spreads through their ranks as a plague within a city.

”And uh, what exactly did you learn?”

You look at both of them, ignorant to how much they’ve changed. “That’s one too many questions now isn’t it?” You push open the doors, the party already in full swing. “Try not to have too much fun.”

”Well if it isn’t the man of the hour!” Anonymous’s voice booms above the others. A flash of light later and Anonymous appears before with a cane and top hat, donned in Victorian dress. ”Glad you decided to come old chap. These two give you any trouble?”

They both turn beet red and stand at attention. “Not anymore than you do.”

”Good to know. Why don’t you two run along now, those ladies over there seem to be giving you some glances.” Sure enough there are two ponies shooting several glances towards the guards. ”Well what are you waiting for? Have some fun, this is a party.”

”Aye aye sir,” they respond in unison before trotting over to the two onlookers.

“Those aren’t girls are they?”

”Not a chance in hell.”

“Well I’ll let you get back to your antics.”

”Do try the punch, it’s to die for.”

“Can’t wait.”

He smiles and tips his hat, “Ta ta.”

You move around the crowded floor, snagging a glass of cider off a waiter’s plate. It’s good, but it lacks that certain something about it, probably just a bad batch. ”Let’s give it up for Octavia and the Canterlot Orchestra!” The mare from you saw before takes a shaky bow as the crowd cheers. It’s obvious that she’s underfed, but no one else seems to care.

”Magnificent. She was always the star performer,” a noble unicorn says beside you.

“She’s certainly got a way about her, shame how she’s treated.”

”Defy the lord and the lord punishes thee.”

“Punish thy disciples and they shall rise against me.”

”Touché good sir, touché. Anon, if I’m not mistaken?”

“Pleasure, and you are sir?”

”Just another citizen of our glorious kingdom. My name is unimportant.”

“I’ll leave that for you to decide.”

He smiles at you as you look back to the orchestra, “I like you Anon. You’re not like most of the riff raff around these parts.”

“I wouldn’t jump to a conclusion like that,” you reply taking a hit of your cider.

”You aren’t a pony after all.” That reminds you that you haven’t seen much of the various monstrosities Anonymous had conjured lately.

“So where’d all the weird guys go?”

”Anonymous did us the pleasure of doing away with them, but he still has a few here and there.”


”But besides that, you just seem… how to put it in simple terms, distinct? You’re an oddity among us.”

“We’ve certainly got our differences.” You finish the last of your glass.

”Come, there’s a few ponies you should meet.”

“You’re not going to pull any funny business are you?”

”You’ll find that I’m very straightforward when it comes down to business.”

“I wouldn’t doubt it.” He leads you through the crowd, greeting a pony here and there. “You’re well known enough it seems.”

”A pony can never have too many acquaintances, especially these days.” His avoidance of saying the word friend is comforting. He doesn’t dance around the issue and says it how it is. ”Ah Spitfire, just the mare I was looking for.”

The mare has a robe wrapped around her and shivers every now and then. ”Oh, hi. Nice to see you again.”

”I’d like you to meet Anon, an old resident of Equestria.”

“Nice to meet you Spitfire.”

She shakes your hand, “You guys really need- different names.”

“It’s a bit weird I’ll admit, but what are you going to do?”

The unicorn steps in, “Spitfire is the captain of the Wonderbolts and leader of Equestria’s air division.”

“Quite the reputation. Color me impressed.”

”Don’t mean to brag, but being the faster flier in Equestria has its privileges.”

”At least you are now anyways. What was that mare’s name? I can’t think of it off the top of my head.”

“Want me to jog your memory?” you ask displaying your fist playfully.

”Oh yes, Rainbow Dash. Oh she was certainly something. I remember seeing her at the Gala years ago, truly speedy.”

Spitfire hushes him down, “You know he doesn’t like anypony saying her name.”

“Who’s? Rainbow Dash’s?”

”SHHH!” Spitfire covers your mouth with her hoof.

”She and Anonymous were a thing for a while weren’t they? Yeah, it’d be best not to talk about her. Angering Anonymous isn’t the smartest move.”

“I can see that,” you reply pushing her hoof away.

”Oh, I know just who to see next, come now.”

“You might want to get to bed Spitfire. Don’t want to catch a cold now.”

”I might just do that,” she says taking a sip of her steaming cup. You follow him towards the back of the room and out to the balcony.


An alicorn sits outside, watching the moon with her deep blue mane swaying in the breeze. ”Excuse me?” he asks hesitantly, fear heavy in his tone.

”What is it?”

”I have someone who I thought you might want to meet.”

She turns and looks at you, eyes filled with resent and scorn. ”Will you allow an audience?”

”I permit it.”

The two of you step forward, the stallion moving to introduce her. ”I’d like for you to meet-“

“Nightmare Moon, I know.”

”Anon. What a pleasure,” she retorts sarcastically.

”I take it you two have met.”

“Shouldn’t you be stuck on the moon like a good little girl?”

”And shouldn’t you be rotting back in whatever pit you were condemned to?

”Ookay, things are getting a bit hostile for my tastes. Let’s tone things down-“

”Doing Anonymous’s dirty work too? Isn’t that a bit low for someone like you?”

“That point rolls both ways. Too incompetent for eternal night?”

”Be lucky Anonymous finds you favorable. I would hate to see something bad happen to you.”

“The feelings mutual.”

You feel her eyes pressing down on you, about as much as she’s feeling right now. ”Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.”

“Sounds about right. Wouldn’t you agree?” You never break your gaze.

”Doesn’t make much sense now does it?” And neither does she.

”Well you two obviously know each other, so how about we just get a move on,” he says pulling you away.

“Such a shame we have to cut this meeting short.”

”Truly it is. We’ll have to take time to catch up next time.”

“I’ll be sure to make room in my schedule.”

”Try not to drink yourself into a coma in there.”

“Try not to… blind yourself by- looking at the moon?”

”You should’ve stopped while you were ahead.”

“That’s probably for the best,” you say before cutting out of view.


”You two have some type of feud I don’t know about?” he asks out of breath.

“Our reputations precede us I would imagine. I know her as the tyrant, and she knows me as the hero. Those two don’t mix well.”

“Thankfully we got out while we did. I half-expected the two of you to start exchanging blows at any second.”

“You needn’t worry, neither of us are dumb enough to pull a stunt like that.”

”That’s not very reassuring.”

“Just speaking the truth.”

”Now the next person is a bit different. She hasn’t been quite the same since the battle. Her name’s-“ *zap*

Anonymous flashes into view with his creepy grin stuck on his face. ”How ya both doing? That’s great. Mind if I borrow Anon for a minute? Thanks.”

”Actually we-“

Before he can finish Anonymous grabs your arm and teleports you both over to the throne. ”Hello my beautiful subjects! How we doing tonight?” The crowd cheers, nobles, guards and common folk alike joining in. ”Today was a momentous day for us here in Canterlot. The Resistance has been defeated once and for all, along with their leader.” The ponies hang on his every word, almost as if he was giving a sermon. ”I fought their leader here in this very castle, atop the same tower I slew Discord.”

”Praise Anonymous!” a voice hollers from the audience bringing a smile to his face.

”But when the final blow was struck it was not by my hand.” Everypony ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs’ at his speech typically. ”That honor fell upon the head of the man by my side. Give it up for the Hero of Equestria, ANON!” Like a shepherd instructing his flock, they listen, crying out in gratitude to your handiwork. ”Go ahead and wave,” he says to you.

You join the herd and play the role, forcing a smile and waving like a good boy. ”Now,” they quiet down at his words, “When I found Anonymous he was miserable. Just another soul condemned to darkness.” Does he actually know what he’s talking about? ”I stretched my hand through that darkness, a beacon of hope, and you know what I did? I opened the doors of prosperity.”

”Speak it!”

”He took my hand and I, Anonymous, pulled him out of the depths of despair.” Seriously guys? This isn’t the gospel here. ”When the roles were swapped and I found myself under assault from the dissenters and mongrels, a hand appeared to me as well.” Oh lord, here we go. ”Anon is the Hero who fights for you, me and every citizen of Equestria. I made him a promise when we first met, and I will see that promise through.”

This is happening. Holy shit he’s going to do it. ”I will bestow upon him the gift he so desires, the gift of life!” Your ears begin to ache at their hollering, but you can’t help but feel excited yourself. This is what you wanted. This is what you killed for. Anonymous turns to you,”Are you ready?”

“As I’ll ever be.”

He rests his hand on your shoulders and closes his eyes, “Prepare yourself Anon. You’re about to take your first breath in a long time.” The hairs on your neck stand as jolts of energy surge up his arms and run straight through you. You have grown accustom to pain, and this time is no different. As your blood begins to boil you keep your eyes open and mind straight. This will pass. It’ll always pass. And then it hits you, the most gruesome and torturous sensation imaginable. Your knees buckle, forcing you to grab Anonymous just to keep standing. Your heart… you can feel it… the beat.

Another surge courses through you igniting every nerve in your body. Your fingers dig into his arm, but you will not give in. You’ve come too far. Slamming your foot back into place you embrace the misery inflicted upon you, and as soon as it had begun, it ends. Anonymous opens his eyes and looks at you. But… No. What’s wrong? His look is one of confusion, not pride. He looks to the crowd, his once spirited smile a mask. ”It is done!” He tells them what they want to hear and whispers into your ear, “Bow.”

“What’s goin-“

”Just fucking do it.” You take a bow and put on your best act. ”Now as much as I’d love to stay and mingle with you fine mares and gentlecolts, me and Anon have business to discuss. Party on my subjects!” He grabs you by the shoulder and transports you both outside the throne room.


It looks like his chambers, a simple room for him really. He paces up and down along the balcony, muttering nonsense. “What the fuck was that all about?”

”I don’t know.”

“What do you mean ‘I don’t know?’

”I DON’T KNOW,” he yells before continuing to pace, “I had it all planned out, but why…”

“You gonna fill me in on what you’re mumbling on about?”

”It should’ve worked… Why didn’t it work?”

“Why didn’t what-“ It finally hits you, the reason for his bumbling behavior. “No. I felt it. I can’t…” You press your hand to your chest, your cold calm chest. Silence…