//------------------------------// // Chapter Four - Bones and Apples // Story: Interdimensional Destination // by ArizonAnon //------------------------------// So, unfortunately, Rarity couldn't work on your shirt. Her door was locked, her windows, boarded up. Twilight said it was something about a 'cycle', or whatever. She didn't really go into detail. Not like it even matters. You're still shirtless. That's why you didn't really care. This was the one and only thing you were looking forward to, so you are just currently sitting on a park bench with Twilight, moping the day away. "Do you maybe want to wear a cape? I have one you could use. It might even be big enough to cover your torso." You look at her like she just farted. "Is that a 'no'?" "Yes." "Okay! I'll go get it-" "No! Twilight. When you asked if my answer was 'no'. By saying yes, I meant 'no'." Uh... What? Let's start over on that. "*sigh* Look, Twilight. I do -NOT- want to wear a cape." "Are you sure? It's a really nice cape." "Yes! Oh god, yes. I am sure." "Oh. Well... Hey! Since the rest of your day is free. We should do something fun. How about we get that X-ray done. Doesn't that sound fun, Anon?" Ordinarily you'd say no. But, there's a big chance that this'll be completely painless, due to the fact that you just have to get pictures taken. And also Twilight won't be directly involved. Just go for it. Ya sissy! "You know what? Yes. I literally have nothing else to do today. Er, uh. Not that I don't enjoy your company." "Yay! Thank you, Anon!" She jumps up and gives you a hug. And you hug her right back, because she's so comfy, and huggable. *Squee* "There it was again!" "W-what do you mean, Anon?" "That freaking squeak! I just heard it again. You seriously didn't hear it?" "N-no... of course not. A-all I heard was the sound of some birds that were chirping." You let her go, and you both start making your way to the hospital. "Maybe there -is- something wrong with me..." "Oh, I doubt that. It's probably just your imagination." "-OR- maybe that squeak is the first thing you hear before you go completely insane." "Don't be silly, Anon. Though, you probably shouldn't mention that to any of the doctors while we're there." "Are you sur-" "YES!" You recoil a bit from her sudden outburst. "Aheheh. Sorry about that. I'm sure it's probably nothing you should concern yourself with. It may even go away in time." "Yeah. I hope so." As you reach the hospital, you notice how it looks like a typical hospital should, and not like a silly pony version. You guess that, in any dimension, medicine is always a no-nonsense type of business. Which is a shame. You were half expecting a barn or... Anything really. Just not this. After Twilight chats with the hospital staff, and shows them your 'royal scroll of getting free stuff', they lead you to the X-ray room, and even opt to have a mold of your skeleton made. Why? Reimbursement! So you begin the whole 'revealing' photo-shoot. Which took some time to finish. Mostly because that table you had to lay on was too damn small. Afterwards, the doc leads you back to Twilight, who is waiting in the, uh, waiting room... Yeah, that was completely redundant. "Ooh! You're back! How did it go." "It actually went pretty smooth. I still have all of my hair, and I'm pretty sure I still have all of my swimmers, as well." "... Swimmers?" "My sperm." She just smiles and rolls her eyes, then begins visibly thinking about something. Shit. You probably shouldn't have mentioned that. She might require a sample of semen now. Quick! Change the subject! "You know I was wondering..." "Huh?" Seems like you broke Twilight out of her reverie. Good. Keep going! "How did you, uh, get everything, you know, set up all quick... Like you did." Good job, numbnuts! "Simple. I had sent my findings to Princess Celestia, and she told me to also send them over to the local hospital. Just in case anything should happen to you." Apparently, even Princess Celestia knows that you are a dumbass. This world never ceases to amaze you. "Makes sense. Ya know, It's kinda funny. In my world. Hospital service is painstakingly slow. Even when it's not busy, you basically have to be dying in order to get instant help." "Oh, It's nothing like that here. Though, I can't remember the last time our hospital was ever really busy. Wait. There was this one time when Applejack poisoned pretty much the entire town." You give Twilight your semi-perfected 'what the fuck?' face, with a side order of fries. Whatever the hell that means. "She didn't do it on purpose! She was just really exhausted!" Taking your unchanged expression as a hint to go on, she tells you about AJ's past predicament. Her brother was injured for the 'Applebuck season', so she took on the job all by herself. Her social life inevitably suffered. Actually, as she went on, it was safe to say her body also suffered greatly. She easily could've killed herself. All-in-all, it was the dangers of extreme stubbornness that almost caused her downfall, both figurative or literal could apply. The poisoning came from a huge miscommunication of ingredients for cupcakes. Yeesh. "I'll have to ask her about that the next time I see her." "That would probably be rather haphazard, Anon." "Why." "Well-" Before Twilight can go on, one of the doctors enters the room. Your skeleton mold in-tow. Though it's covered in cloth. Now that you have a closer look at the approaching doctor, you see he's really shaky, and looks rather pale. Which doesn't make sense because his fur shouldn't be the one changing color. Oh yeah, freakin' Pony World strikes again! "H-here is your mold of Anonymous' skeleton, Twilight." "Thank you, doctor. That was rather quick." "Y-yes well, as it was technically order from Princess Celestia, we made it our t-top priority... You should just take this t-thing and go." "O-okay..." The doctor quickly exits the waiting room, leaving you and Twilight to exchange confused glances at one another. You both shrug it off and head on out of the hospital. Luckily the skeleton was help up on a rolling platform, you didn't really feel like carrying yourself around town. That would be weird. Although, it looks like it mattered not. Once you reached the town, you got a lot of weird looks from the denizens. There's no pleasing anyone around here. Finally you reach Twilight's house. She instructs you to place the skeleton in the middle of her living room, which required a small push forward. Small pony houses are just too damn cute, and shit like that. "Okay, Twilight. Now that the 'walk of judgment' is over. Let's take a look at this bony lonesome." "Anon, wait! Reveal it slowly. I want to savor this moment. You really want to make a comment about that. But you don't want to give her a brain tissue sample. Hey! You really are learning! It's a dumb thing to learn, but, it's still knowledge! You slowly remove the cloth that's draped over the mold, starting from the phalanges. Your progress is currently stopped at your ribcage. "Wow! Just look at your skeletal structure, so far! It's so amazing!" "I'm really amazed at the detail. It looks worn and weathered, and not all bleached up. It actually looks kind of realistic." You completely remove the remaining cloth, revealing the entirety of your skeleton. You notice Twilight has a complete look of fear on her face. "Uh... Twilight? Are you alright?" She is completely fixated on the skull. Before you can try to calm her down, the hinges that hold the jaw shut, begin to slowly open. The hinges creak, and squeal, as the jaw opens up at a slow pace. Making this moment a lot more frightening then it really needed to be. Then, as if this couldn't get any worse, the neck gives way, so it appears as if the eyeless sockets are staring directly at Twilight. She lets out a gasp, as her pupils instantly shrink. Oh god. This won't end well... "Twi-" "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She makes a break upstairs. You try to catch up to her, but it's no use. She has the fear. "Twilight, wait! Come back!" "No! You can't make me!" Once she makes her way up, she slams the door, then proceeds to lock you out. You don't even need to press your ear to the door. You can clearly hear her hyperventilating. "C'mon, Twilight. It's not even real. It's like you've never seen a human skull befo- Oh, wait... Uh. *ahem* Nevermind that. Just come on out. Pretty please? With a cherry on top?" You're met with silence. And by that, you mean she's mumbling something incoherent to herself. "... Alright well. If you need me, I'll be at Applejack's place." It sounds like she's rapidly pacing around the room. Yeah. You should go. After all, you're probably just a giant talking skull to her right now. ---------------------------------------------- As you walk to Applejack's farm, you can't help but feel bad for Twilight. In your defense, you really did try to calm her down. Maybe she just needs some time to herself, Then she'll be right as rain. Then you realize the skeleton is still in her house. More specifically, near the front door... Oh, she'll probably be just fine. Maybe. Hopefully. You finally reach the entrance to, 'Sweet Apple Acres'. Huh, So -that's- what it's called. It doesn't take you long to spot Applejack, who is bucking some trees. Lucky you. The entire property looks ridiculously huge. Before you can make you way over to her, you see a tiny yellow filly right in front of you. "Um... Hi, Apple Bloom." She just stares at you, not in a terrified expression, nope. Just a simple stare. Though it looks like she wants to say something. "I'm uh, here to see your sister. And, yup, she's right over there... So, that's where I'm going. Over there. To where she currently is." She continues staring. "... Well, it was great chatting with you. I'm glad we could bury the hatchet. See you around, little one." As you make you way past her, she keeps her gaze on you, like a tiny hawk, wearing a pink bow. You think you heard her say 'bye'? But, maybe that was you just hoping for some kind of response. Either way, AJ notices you and waves you over. "Well, well, well. If it ain't Mr. Full-of-surprises, himself!" "What's up, AJ." "Howdy, Anon! Hey. What happened to yer shirt. Did ya leave it at Twilight's place?" "Yup. She fried it. Before you ask. Yes. That means it's destroyed." "Aw. I'm sorry, Anon. I'm sure Rarity could-" "Tried. She was busy. Something about a 'cycle'? I don't really know." "Huh? Oh! Yup. She'll prolly be busy fer a while then." "Damn. I'm stuck without a shirt until she's done doing whatever." "Oh, darn. An' stuff." "Since I'm here, do you need any help?" "Sure. You can help me carry these bushels to the apple cellar, if'n ya don't mind." "I was the one who asked, silly. Let's get this shit done." "Heh. I'm likin' that attitude, Anon." You agree to help her out. Because, records have shown that helping others is usually always helpful. The 'chore' goes much faster with the both of you working like it was your only function. You suppose she also likes to get lost in her work as well. Fancy that. Last bushel in, she locks up the cellar, And you both chill on a nearby fence. She sits on top, and you just lean forward on it. Making you two match eye level. "Ya know, I'm glad ya kept yer promise." "I wasn't gonna leave you hangin'." "To be honest. I was actually afraid that Twilight's experiments woulda scared ya off or somethin'." "Hah! Nah. Actually, it was quite the opposite." "What? How did ya manage that." "Easy. All I needed was this." You point to your face. "So... You made some kind of a scary face, or somethin'?" "Wha? No! What? I scared her with my skull." "I don't follow." You tell her about the whole skeletal mold, and how you revealed it to Twilight. "So, to say, 'the defecation hit the oscillation', would be an understatement. She really freaked right the fuck out. She was actually doing a pretty good job of at least trying to keep her cool, but as soon as the neck gave way, causing the skull to stare at her? Oh goodness! There was no getting through to her." "Heheheh! Really? Little miss 'scientific' was afraid of fake bones? Heh. That's downright silly." "Yup. Silly. Kinda like you." "Silly? Me? Nah. Don't think so. Nope. Not me." "Hey. You're the one who thought I scared Twilight with a 'scary face'." "It was jus' a question." "Yeah. A silly question." You boop her nose to bring emphasis to your point. She contorts her face into, what you can only describe to be a, 'scrunchie' face. "... H-how did you do that?!" "Do what?" "That... That... Scrunchie face! I've never seen anything like that!" "Oh... that. Did I really do that? Heh. It's jus' a thing we do I 'spose. It ain't nothin', Anon." "It. Was. Cute!" "Cute?" She scrunchifies her face again. "See?! It's so damn adorable!" "So. First, I'm silly, And -now- I'm cute? Heh. Can't quite make up yer mind, Anon?" "Nope. You're both. Silly and cute. Forever. And always." "*Pfft* Whatever ya say," Applejack looks to the sunset, but obviously not directly at it, "Ya know, It's about that time. We're all gonna have dinner in a bit. Would ya like ta join us?" "Yeah! If you wouldn't mind. But, are you sure that would be okay? I mean, I ran into Apple Bloom before I saw you, and she just... Stared at me. No talking or anything. Despite her forgiving me, I don't think she's quite over that 'incident' yet." "I'm not rightly sure. Though, even if she ain't. The best way to truly patch things up, is to show her that ya ain' a bad pony... er, uh. Person? Did I get that right?" "Yes you did. And you also made an excellent point. I promise to be on my best-ish behavior." "Good. I can't have ya peein' on mah kin at the dinner table. Or at all. heheh!" "Too true. I'll just save it for you, my dear." "Good." Just wait for it to register and... "... Hey!" "Hah! Relax. I was just kidding." She just smiles and shakes her head. Then she leads you to her house. "Seriously though, AJ. This whole, 'peeing on stuff' thing, was never a problem for me." "Yeah. -whatever- you say, Anon." "No. Really. It was a one-time deal." "-Oh-, I believe ya." "Funny. Your tone is telling me otherwise." "Is it now? Hmmm." "You- but- I- Seriously! It was never a problem!" "Heheheh! Oh. I was only kiddin' around, Anon. -Yer- so cute when yer huffy." She swishes her tail right into your face, then she slowly makes her way into the house. Leaving you completely stunned. She's sharp, you better keep an eye on that one. Right as you take a couple of steps toward the house, you notice that you have a raging boner at the moment. That's strange. You don't remember thinking of anything 'stimulating' while you were talking to Applejack. Your attention was solely on her. Weird. Anyways, better walk it off before you get inside. Can't let your dick be the first one in the house. You know, manners, an' shit. "Fucking dick, c'mon! Down, boy. Down!" No go. Fuck! You'd think being stuck in 'Pony World' would mean that this very thing wouldn't be a problem anymore. Perhaps, Twilight is wrong. Maybe that squeak -is- something you should get checked. Ah, no time for that. You've been out here for a bit too long. Better adjust your pants. And... There ya go. "Much better." Shit! You look towards the front door, and see that Apple Bloom is sitting in front of it, just staring at you in that same way. Dammit. How much of that did she see. No matter. You calmly pass by her, as if nothing happened. She follows you into the house, probably holding her gaze on you as you make your way into the dining room. You decide to glance back. yup. Apple Bloom is still looking at you. Though, she has a bit of a curious expression going on now. You can already tell this dinner is gonna get painfully awkward... [End Chapter Four]