//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: A Shining Example of Loyalty: Part 1 of 3 // Story: Tales Through the Mirror: Twilight Sparkle and the Defender of the Realm // by FancyFan //------------------------------// The train arrived in Canterlot just as the sun began dropping below the horizon. The trip had been exceptionally boring, and Twilight wasn't very used to riding trains; on the rare occasion she had to leave town when she still been living in Canterlot as Celestia’s student the princess had lent her use of one of the royal chariots. Since moving to Ponyville she had taken the train a few times, but always with her friends, whose antics had kept her entertained enough that she hadn’t realized how comparatively long and boring train rides were. Twilight quickly got off and started toward her parents house. As glad of the chance to stretch her legs and to get away from the boredom of the train as she was, she couldn’t help feel nervous, so much in Ponyville had changed and nopony there remembered her, what if her parents didn’t either? Sure Shining and Cadence still had gotten married and they had first met when Cadence had foalsat her, but that didn't mean that the two couldn’t have met some other way. Shining was captain of the guard, perhaps he had met her that way instead? Looking around as she made her made her way through the streets she couldn't be sure if the changes she did see in Canterlot were caused by whatever dimensional weirdness the dome had done, or if it was simply a matter of her not seeing the city every day like she had in her youth. Certainly nothing major had changed, the majestic buildings still gleamed white and gold in the dying light and the guards armor polished so bright you could see your reflection in it like a mirror. As Twilight walked through the streets she noticed that there were more guards around than she remembered. Though that was probably an aftereffect of the changeling invasion. Nopony had been expecting it and she knew that guard had ramped up recruitment in response to assure the populace that something similar wouldn’t happen again. She just hadn’t stuck around Canterlot long enough to see the results. Twilight was busy worrying about what would happen if her family didn’t know who she was so she wasn’t paying much attention as she rounded the corner onto the street her family's house was on. Thus, for the third time this day Twilight ran right in to somepony. Just like the last two times, it was sompony she knew. “Shining!?” Twilight yelped out in surprise, then paused, realizing her brother had done the same with her name. They both stood in silence for a brief moment, waiting on the other to continue. Finally Twilight broke the silence, “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in the Crystal Empire with Cadence?” She paused again, as Shining Armour had asked her almost the exact same question, except inquiring as to why she wasn’t visiting the Crystal Empire with their parents and Spike. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shining Armor took a step backward, his sister doing the same. He looked at her curiously, noting that she was doing the same. What was Twiley doing in Canterlot? She was supposed to be visiting Cadence in the Crystal Empire with their parents and Spike. An why was she surprised to see him here? He had told her and their parents that he wouldn’t be there to greet them because Celestia had called him back to Canterlot to discuss the situation with the griffins. Their trains had passed each other between the two cities. He had even waved to her. There was no way she could have gotten back to Canterlot so fast, trains going all the way to the Crystal Empire were far between. And why was she surprised to see him here? He came to a sudden realization; the mare standing before him wasn’t his sister, but a changeling impostor. They must have planned to infiltrate the castle with somepony who frequented the castle enough that their comings and goings wouldn’t be paid much attention to. Perhaps they were even after information stored in some of the restricted sections of the Canterlot library, which Twilight had gotten access to in pursuit of her various degrees. They must not have known he was back in Canterlot and that his sister wouldn’t even be in the city, not surprisingly, as his family’s trip had been taken on short notice and Celestia had kept his return quite. Reacting with reflexes honed by countless hours of combat practice, he enclosed the changeling in one of his signature shields and lifted it into the air. “You may look like my sister, but you made a crucial mistake in your charade changeling, my sister is far to the north in the Crystal Empire right now. You’re coming with me and you’re going to tell us everything there is to know about your hive.” The changeling sputtered, obviously attempting to feign innocence. “Wha, huh? Wait, no, I’m not a. SHINING ARMOR, WHAT THE HAY ARE YOU DOING? I. AM. NOT. A CHANGELING! I’m your sister!” Shining merely laughed and began heading down the street towards the nearest guardhouse, floating the shield bubble containing his prisoner alongside him. “You’re not going to convince me, changeling scum. I’m going to drag you to the nearest guardhouse, and then we are going to make you tell us everything there is to know about your hive.” The changeling paled, no doubt realizing that not only had it failed its infiltration mission, but now was going to be providing its enemy with information. “I, I assume you’re going to try and dispel the illusion that I don’t have up before you interrogate me?” it said, nervousness evident in its voice. “Of course, it would be very hard seeing something that looked like my little sister getting knocked around, even though I know that you're only a love stealing bug. Celestia, if I was any good at illusion magic I would be getting you out of that form this instant. And stop trying to play the ‘I’m not a changeling’ line. You’re not going to convince me.” His words seemed to calm the changeling, but he suspected it was merely another attempt to convince him that the bug was actually his sister. “Well I guess I can just wait it out then, I’ll just end up being proved right, and then I’ll be able to tease you about this until the day you day.” “Listen, you’re not going to convince me, so please stop trying.” “Fine fine. Its not like I wont be proved right shortly anyway.” Shining rolled his eyes, and walked on in silence toward the nearest guardhouse. When he arrived he knocked on the door and announced his presence “OY! Open up you grunts! Its Shining Armor(*), and I’ve caught myself a changeling.” After a clatter of hooves, the door creaked open to reveal a single tired looking earth pony stallion. He was wearing the dark blue armor of the Nightguard, which was enchanted to make his coat and mane the regulation grey and white. The eye shaped light blue stone set on its front marked him as a second lieutenant(1). Upon realizing that the pony at the door was indeed Shining Armor and not some delinquent pulling a prank he stepped aside and snapped to attention, thought he couldn't keep himself from grinning madly at the news. “Sir! Excellent news sir. I knew that the search for the changeling hive would go better with you here sir.” As he walked in the door, Shining motioned the guard to stand down. “I’m not your boss anymore lieutenant, so you don’t need to salute me. And no need to call me sir either.” “Sorry, old habits. I guess I should call you prince now?” “Please don’t, I can’t help but compare myself to Blueblood when anypony does that.” “So umm, Mr. Armor then?” “That will work just fine. Now, if you could show me to your most secure holding cell? I’d like to be able to drop this shield sometime soon.” “Of course, right this way.” The guard led Shining a little ways into the building where the holding cells were. Stopping in front of one he opened its door. “This one here should hold the changeling. Sunset Shimmer enchanted the bars herself.” He unceremoniously moved the shield bubble containing the changeling disguised as his sister into the cell and stopped the spell, dropping the changeling to the ground with a slight “oomph”. He shut the cell door as the changeling muttered “Geeze, no need to be so rough about it.” Ignoring her, he began walking to the office area next the street entrance. “It seems awful empty around here lieutenant, where is everypony?” The Nightguard lieutenant followed close behind him. “Sargent Spyglass is leading patrol with most of the garrison, and Sargent Willow Whisp is polishing up the spare sets of armor, she’s very particular about getting the shine just so.” “Ah. Still, there should be at least a couple more guards here than just the two of you.” “Quite a few of the Nocturnes caught some disease, from what I heard its kinda like feather-flu, just without the, well, feathers. I decided that it was more important to have the street patrols at full strength than have ponies at the guardhouse nopony ever visits. Especially with relationships with the griffins as they are now, we need to show the populace that the guard is here to protect them.” “Good thinking lieutenant… I don’t believe I caught your name?” “It’s Shake Spear Mr. Armor.” “Alright then. We should get down to business on what we are going to do with the changeling. Do you have anyone skilled with illusions or truth magic? I’d like to get the changelings disguise dispelled so we can begin interrogations.” Shake Spear’s face drew itself into a confused expression. “Why do we need the disguise down to interrogate the prisoner? And, um, since you're not a member of the guard anymore I’m not sure you are actually allowed to be present during the interrogation.” “Celestia reinstated my clearance so that I could better consult on the griffin situation, so while I no longer am captain of the guard, I am currently acting under the employ of the monarchy. As for the changeling, I can’t promise that I would behave rationally if the interrogations got rough.” Shining paused for a moment and took a calming breath before continuing. “The bug is imponynating my sister. That's how I knew it was a changeling, Twilight is in the Crystal Empire right now.” “Ah, completely understood. And you would be helpful to the interrogation, seeing as you're one of the few ponies who has ever talked to a changeling. Well we shouldn’t have to wait long to begin, Spyglass’s patrol is due to report in soon, and he’s a unicorn whose special talent is discovering the truth. Perfect for dispelling changeling disguises, and for leading the interrogation. He’s even got certification as an official interrogator.” Nodding his head, Shining replied. “Excellent. Now, while we wait, catch me up on all the latest gossip amongst the guard. How is my replacement, Captain(2) Patton, doing?” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After chatting about the state of the guard and the current political climate for about fifteen minutes, the two stallions stood up upon hearing the opening of the front door and the clatter of armored hooved that signaled the return of the rest of the garrison from patrol. Shining Armor and Lieutenant Spear walked into the main hallway to greet them. After his subordinates had caught sight of him and saluted, Shake Spear started issuing orders. “Alright ponies, first off, the situation. Our old commander Shining Armor has managed to capture a changeling, so we’re going to begin interrogations. Spyglass, go upstairs and fetch Willow Whisp. I don’t care how much she complains about the spare armor not being polished correctly, she’ll be useful for this. Meet us in the cell blocks. Corporal Carrot, you reorganize the remainder of tonights patrols. Make sure to leave behind two of our best fighters in case things get out of hand with the prisoner, I don’t want to take any chances. The rest of you, write your reports and then be prepared to continue patrolling as usual. Hop to it!” After finishing, he turned around and headed towards the cells, while the other guard members hurried about their assigned tasks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In short order, a group of six ponies assembled themselves in the guardhouse’s cellblock. Shake Spear, Shining Armor and Spyglass stood closest to the cell. Two Earth Pony guards wielding halberds stood blocking the doorway to the rest of the gaurdhouse and a short nocturne mare sat off to the side at a desk with a pen and pad of paper. Shake Spear spoke first, addressing the seated Nocturne. “Sergeant Willow Whisp, before we begin is there any official procedure or regulations that we need to follow during this interrogation or before we begin?” Willow Whisp pulled out a rather thick binder from the desk and leafed through it nodding to herself before responding. “From Section 8 of ‘Rules and Regulations of the Equestrian Military.’ 1.B: During peacetime, the princess or a duly authorized representative needs to be informed of the capture of a prisoner before interrogation begins. Additionally from 2.A: Any individual present during the interrogation of an individual who has been confirmed as, either as an individual or a member of a group, classified as a second level or higher threat to Equestria as a whole or her allies, must possess at least yellow level security clearance. Lastly, from 4.A.3: Except in times of immediate and overwhelming threat to the nation, the interrogation must conform to the regulations set forth by the Summit for Acceptable Practices during Warfare of 1513 R.R.(3)” Shake Spear nodded. “ I’ve done a firesending to the palace, Shining Armor’s clearance has been reinstated to allow him to better consult on the current griffin problems, and as Members of the Royal Guard, we all have at least yellow level clearance; so we’re covered in those respects. I’ve read the guidelines, and I know Shining has, they're required reading for anypony of First Lieutenant rank and up. And Spylgass is a certified interrogator, so no problems there, Willow, with your near encyclopedic knowledge of any and all regulations I imagine you have as well?” “I have. In-fact, I just reread it last week. Looks like were good to go then.” The prisoner rolled her eyes and spoke up. “You know, that discussion was completely unnecessary. All you had to do was have Spyglass cast whatever anti-illusion magic he knows at me, prove I’m not a changeling, and bang, no need for an interrogation.” The guards completely ignored her, prompting her to groan. “Fiiinneee, don't let me make your job easier.” “Right then, lets get this started shall we?” Shining asked the assembled guards. “Spyglass if you could start by dispelling the changelings disguise?” “Um, is there a reason sir? I’m perfectly capable of interrogating the prisoner as is.” “The changeling is disguised as my younger sister. While I should be able to keep myself emotionally detached from situation, I don't want to take any chances. And as me and Lieutenant Shake Spear discussed earlier, I am the closest thing we have to a changeling expert, so my input might prove useful.” “That makes since.” Spyglass took a moment to get himself into a solid spellcasting stance. “Here it goes.” He took a deep breath, and then tendrils of red light shot from his horn and wrapped themselves around the prisoner's body. They stayed there for about a minute before fading away, but the prisoner hadn’t turned back into a changeling. Willow Whisp looked at Spyglass critically. “I thought you were good at this kind of thing. Nothing happened.” “This is going to take some time. I’ve never dealt with changeling magic before, so I have no idea what manner of spell is the most effective. It’s probably going to take me some time to find one that will recognize the illusion, then I can work on dispelling it. And I’m sure none of the general purpose ones will work because otherwise changelings would be getting revealed left and right. The more specific ones take much more time to cast, so this could take a while.” With that Spyglass cast another spell at the prisoner. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ True to his word, some forty five minutes later, Spyglass hadn't made any progress on dispelling the changelings disguise. Huffing, he finished casting one final spell before falling back on his haunches. “I've tried everything I could think of, short of casting Clover’s Zone of Truth, which I don't think I could even pull off. I’d probably depleted myself into unconsciousness if I tried. Nothing I've tried has even recognized the changeling as being under an illusion. I’m starting to think whatever magic they use on themselves is an actual shapechange. That would be much harder to dispel.” The prisoner facehooved. “Celestia I’m an idiot! Clover’s Zone of Truth! I should have cast that spell at the beginning. I’ll probably faint from doing this, drained as I am, but it will definitely prove that I’m not a changeling” Her horn lit up with an intense neon-red glow. Before Shining Armor and the guards could react, a brilliant wave of red light swept out from the prisoner’s horn across the room. In its wake the spells on the guards armor that made their coats and manes the regulation colors faded. Shake Spear had gone from white maned and grey coated to black and brown while Spyglass had changed to a light grey and gold. The two guards at the door both now had red coats, one with a white mane, the other blue. Willow Whisp, with her natural Nocturne coloring an acceptable color scheme for the Nightguard, went unchanged, as did Shining Armor, who wasn't wearing any armor; and if he had been wearing his old armor, was of an acceptable coloration for day guard unicorns anyway. To the shock of Shining Armor and Spyglass, the unicorn mare in the cell had also gone unchanged, though she had dropped to the ground unconscious. There was silence as everypony tried to figure out what had just happened. Willow Whisp was the first to speak up. “Ok, what the hay was that? The enchantments on the guard armor are some of the toughest there are, no spell should just get rid of them in one go. And,” she continued, motioning at Shining and Spyglass,”why are you two looking at the prisoner in shock?” Spyglass, as this was his area of expertise, took the lead on the explanations. “She just cast Clover’s Zone of Truth. The spell is pretty much the most foolproof spells ever invented, and removes or identifies all illusions, shapechanges, and pretty much any other kind of magical trickery you could think of.” “But how do you know that she actually cast the spell? Couldn't she have faked it?” “No, you can’t fake the casting of that spell. At least not without any unicorns nearby who haven’t even the slightest clue about how illusions work. We can feel it in our horns. I couldn't explain to you the specifics, not unless you had a good three years of background in advanced magical theory, but no, you can't fake that spell.”(4) This time Shake Spear was the one with a question. “Alright, if the spell is so perfect, why doesn't it get cast whenever illusions need dispelled?” “For one, the spell is ridiculously overpowered for most situations. You saw how it just tore through the enchantments on our armor. Imagine using that on your everyday criminal’s disguise. It would be like using a Wonderbolt strike team to save a cat up a tree. For two, since its so powerful it’s also incredibly taxing. I mentioned before that I probably couldn't be able to pull it off, but if I did, I would land myself on leave for a weak due to depletion. And finally, its complicated as Tartarus. I understand the theory behind it and how to cast it, but for someone who wasn't either a genius, spent months trying to understand it, or had an appropriate talent, casting it would be impossible. There’s probably only a hoof-full of ponies in all of Equestria who could pull it off safely.”(5) “Then that means the mare in the cell is actually…..” Shake Spear trailed off, afraid of voicing his conclusion in case he was wrong. He and the rest of the guards all turned toward Shining Armor, who was still staring at the young purple unicorn lying unconscious in the cell. Conscious of their gaze, Shining finished Shake Spear’s question. “Actually my little sister Twilight. Yes. I don’t know how, but this is without a doubt, despite the fact that there is no way she could have gotten back from the Crystal Empire so quickly. my sister.” *. After he and Princess Cadence became ruler of the Crystal Empire, Shining Armor was forced to give up his position as captain of the royal guard, as he now ruled a technically separate, if allied, country. 1. The rank order of the Equestrian Military is the same as that of the United States army, with the exception that there is no warrant officer rank. Ranks with grades such as the various sergeants and generals are simplified down to only one rank, with the exception of first and second lieutenant. In times of war, a supreme commander will be chosen from amongst the generals(A) and, if one exists at the time, the Defender of the Realm. A. The Captain of the Royal Guard is considered a general, not a captain, for all practical purposes, including eligibility for being chosen supreme commander. The title is a holdover from before the city was Equestria’s capital. When Celestia decided to make it the capital after the Castle of the Two Sisters was mostly destryoed during her fight with Nightmare Moon, the town guard was re-purposed into their personal guard, but as they continued to serve as the cities primary defensive force, the name stuck. When introduced at formal events, the full title ‘Captain of the Royal Guard’ is used to differentiate from those with the rank captain. Upon his promotion, Shining Armor smashed the previous record for youngest pony to hold the post by a good seven years. 3. R.R. referring to Royal Rule, started following the election of Princesses Celestia and Luna to absolute rule of Equestria following their defeat of Discord. Luna’s transformation to Nightmare Moon and the following battle that ended with her sealed in the moon took place during 594 R.R. The present year is 1597 R.R. 4. While not as prolific a spell inventor as her mentor Starswirl the Bearded, Clover the Clever spells tended to be much more thorough. The attention to detail she possessed puts even Rarity to shame, and her love of absolute certainty outweighed even Sombra’s love for crystals. 5. In the aftermath of the Changeling attack on Canterlot, a theory emerged amongst historians that Clover had originally developed the zone of truth spell for the purpose of detecting changelings, as no illusions spells known to ponies at the time would necessitate such a powerful countermeasure