Dead Anon

by Bastinator

Chapter 6: Answers We Seek

”Halt! What is your business?”

“None of yours now get out of my way.”

The two guards stand fast against you by the door in an attempt to stop you. ”Anonymous doesn’t like uninvited guests; now scram before you invoke his wrath.”

You’ve had just about enough of his bullshit. You grab him by the throat and pin him against the door. His partner tries to hit you but you force him against the adjacent pillar. “Be lucky you’re not invoking mine right now. Now unlock it.” You throw him to the ground, the stallion shakily unlocking the door. “I don’t like doing things the hard way, but right now I’m not in the mood for this.”

”Just go.” You let his partner go and head into the castle.


The throne room’s the most likely place he’s at and you hurry your way there. He sips his cup and a smile broadens on his face when he sees you. ”Long time no see chump. How ya been?”

“Where’s Chrysalis?”

”Chrysalis? I’m not sure who you’re talking about.”

“Don’t play coy with me Anonymous. I know that the only reason your little brother got as far as he did is because you let him. You told him to gather Equestria’s former foes didn’t you?”

His smile disappears as he sets down his cup, “Yes, you would be right in that regard.”

“Then where is she?”

He walks over to you away from his throne, “Once again, I really don’t know what to tell you. I’ve never met anypony named Chrysalis.”

You look into his eyes to find his deception, his icy stare holding none. “You’re telling the truth.”

”I have no reason to lie to you.” You were so certain that he knew about her. “I- Dammit. Please accept my apology. I’ve been most disrespectful.”

He waves his hand, “Nonsense, your actions are understandable. I take it this pony was special to you.” You nod your head. She was more than special; she was on a level all by herself. ”Do stay for dinner, we’re having a pork roast.”

“Thank you, but I must decline.”

”There’ll be bacon.”

“When’s dinner?”

“That’s the spirit pal, they’re setting things up in the dining room.” You let him lead you around, your mission another failure to add to your books. You were so sure… The scent of freshly cooked bacon steals your mind away as he guides you in the room. ”Good evening my friends, your meal is coming as well.” His lieutenants are already seated as well as some ponies you don’t recognize, likely supporters.

”E-excuse me,” a pony says excusing himself from the table.

He moves to the side exit, freezing in place at your will. “I thought I told you what would happen if I ever saw you again.” Anonymous holds back his laughter as the stallion mumbles and begs for mercy. “Be lucky that I’m not in a killing mood,” you growl and release him.

He shuffles away as fast as he can, leaving another pool in his wake. ”Cleanup on isle four.”

You chuckle at his joke and sit down next to Spitfire, her shivering body much more stable now. ”I see you decided to join us for dinner.”

“I wasn’t exactly kind to him earlier, so this is my way of repaying him.”

”Some hero you are,” Nightmare Moon mutters under her breath.

”Now now Nighty, let’s not get your feathers in a twist,” Anonymous cuts in. The table stifles their giggles at her nickname, her eyes flaring a deep blue.

“Be careful, she’s a lively one.”

”You should see her in the sack.” Oh shit she looks like she’s going to kill him. ”I’m kidding,” he laughs, “Damn women can be so sensitive.” The waiters plate the feast, pork roast for you and Anonymous and a garden salad adorned with apples and cranberries. ”Feast my friends!”

You trickle your elixir atop your food, the richness of the meat managing to overcome its disgust. ”So Anon, I heard you run that little inn down on Mane street.”

“I wouldn’t say little, but I’ve been keeping it in line,” you reply to Spitfire.

”Any chance of getting a discount?”

”I don’t give you good enough quarters?” Anonymous asks.

”I can’t mooch off of you all the time,” she jokes. You chat with them for a spell, getting to know Spitfire a bit more. In fact you’ve talked to mostly all of the guests except for the quiet mare in the corner. You ask Spitfire about her, her eyes rolling at the question. ”Have you never heard of the ‘Great and Powerful Trixie’ before?”

“Can’t say that I have.”

”Well that’s her, though after Anonymous’s brother was done with her she barely utters a word.”

“She was a talkity one I assume.”

”Not only that, but a pretentious one as well. I remember back when she boasted she could take out the rebel army all by herself. Pfft…” Trixie’s eyes dart from her plate to the guests, not maintaining eye contact. Damn what did he do to her?

You check your watch, the inn should be closing soon. “Well the time is late and I must be getting back.”

”Allow me to walk you back,” Anonymous says getting up.

“You don’t have to.”

”I want to.”


The guards cast their eyes down as you approach making you smile. ”I wish to apologize for Chrystal.”


”Oh yes, apologies again. I didn’t know that you had someone you cared for with such vigor.”

“I try not to broadcast everything I think.”

”I understand your pain nonetheless. I too have lost someone.” You’d assumed as much. When you pushed him away it was apparent that he was trying to fill in a gap. ”She really was something else.”

“Rainbow Dash right?”

He grimaces, “Please I- it’s not good for me to hear her name. I’m prone to fits of rage.”


”We both have lost someone we care deeply for. My own actions drove her away, though yours were taken out of your hands.”

“How did she… you know…”

”She joined the resistance, and when I- I trapped them, she too was trapped. I can’t release her as much as I wish. What I wouldn’t give to see her again.”

You recall your fight in the tower, the Pegasus that charged you. “That was her in the tower wasn’t it?”

”Yes,” he says in sorrow. You can see the inn up ahead, the drunks stumbling around outside. ”And I won’t let you fall prey to fate like I did.” He turns your body to face him, “I want you to find her, ask my lieutenants, guards prisoners, faculty, anyone. Don’t lose her like I did.”

“Thank you Anonymous. This means a lot.”

”If there’s anything I can do to help, just ask.”

You shake his hand and walk inside, Mr. Light flagging you down. “Before you say anything, I’m sorry that I just up and left you here. I wasn’t thinking-“

”Anon, thank you so much.” You’re baffled by his statement.

“For what?”

”This has been the most exhilarating experience since my days in the academy. The atmosphere!”

You sniff at him, a certain scent piecing it together. ”How much did Crust give you?”

“Just a glass or two, but- This has been fun.”

“I think you’re about ready to go to bed, have you been vomiting at all?”

”Just once or twice, I can keep going.”

“No, I think you’ve had a bit too much.” You help him upstairs into the vacant room upstairs, tucking him in for the night. You place a bucket next to the bed, just in case. Claire and the others are already in cleanup mode and you really need to hit the sack. You strip off your clothing and slide into bed.

If he likes working here so much than you might just capitalize on it. Tomorrow you’re going to go talk with his lieutenants and learn as much as you can. Spitfire is probably your best bet at first. Nightmare Moon needs some time to cool down. Maybe you can get that Trixie girl to tell you something too. She might take some prying, but you can make her talk. You might have to try an approach other than ‘threaten them and their personal parts’ this time. Shame, you like that one so well.


You stand up as quick as you can and sprint down the wall. “I waited for you.”

“I know, please- please wait.”

You fight through the pain, “I helped him for you.”

“I’m trying, just a little longer.”

”Why didn’t you come when I needed you?” You stagger against the walls as the light beams down from above. You’ll get to her, no matter the cost. She looks to you, “Please find me. Help us.”

You collapse to one knee, your body losing strength. “I will. I swear it!”

She lifts your chin to meet her gaze. ”I know…”


You open the door to Zecora’s shop, the spiced fragrance of the air missing. You place your empty flask on the table as she comes into the room. “The usual.”

She takes the flask and puts it back on the shelf. ”This flask you no longer need, for on your path it does not lead.”

“So that’s how it’s going to be.”

”Follow your path to its end, this shattered world you will defend.”

“I don’t care about this world anymore. Those times are past, I just want to find her.”

”This fate of yours you can’t escape, for your actions this land will shape.”

“Fate doesn’t guide my hand. I do.” You’ll get no aid from her, only riddles. You leave her store, for the last time you’d guess. You turn down Snip Street and on towards the stadium.


You stand in line to enter the stadium, ponies eagerly awaiting to see Spitfire’s team. You’re not sure what the commotion’s about. It’s only a practice day. They fork over their hard earned bits and eagerly rush into the bleachers. ”Next!” You step forward as the pony looks over his clipboard, “Where do ya fancy?”

“I don’t really care. I’m just here to see Spitfire.”

”Spitfire doesn’t take-“ he looks up to you, “Anon! Well then, you’re a special case aren’t you?”

“I don’t want to cause you any more work.”

”Nonsense,” he motions you through, “You’re a bucking hero here.” You nod to him in thanks and ascend the stairs.

A rush of wind brushes past you as one of the team members rides close to the wall. ”Watch him go!”

You look onwards as the pegasi perform nosedives, barrel rolls and aerial gymnastics. Part of the act is performance, but they really are trying to get some work done. You vault over the barrier and land on the track below. The spectators gasp at your display, and the security guards are sure to keep them from reenacting your feat.

You move over to the sideline where four of them are preparing to race. Spitfire holds the stopwatch in her hooves, “On your mark. Get set. GO!” The racers take off in a blaze of smoke with the crowd cheering them on, the two of you alone.

“Quite the team you’ve got.”

”Thanks Anon, nice to see you.”

They finish their first lap and speed onwards, “Watch your pace, Prey! Don’t tire yourself out.”

“Busy huh?”

”As ever, what I can do for you?”

“I just wanted to ask you some questions.”

”Dang it, Prey! What did I tell you!?” she looks back to you, “About?”

“The battle in Canterlot.”

The pegasi stop after their third lap, Spitfire clamping down on her watch. ”Prey I’m going to smack you upside the head if you don’t start pacing yourself.”

”But the crowd-“

“Buck the crowd, you’re here to practice not show off.”

”Nice choice of words Anon. Twenty laps for all of you because of Prey’s backtalk.” They groan and smack him lightly as they start.

“So about my questions…”

”I can answer what I can, but I’m busy right now so don’t expect much.”

“Thanks, you have no idea how much this means to me.”

”I can think about on our way, come on.” You’re led to another part of the field where they’re tasked to pass through an obstacle course as fast as possible.

“How much do you remember about that day?”

”Not much I’ll tell you that. My battle got cut short. Kicker, don’t make me come over there!”

“And why exactly is that?”

She kicks a ball at one of her fliers, knocking him upside the head, “You keep going that slow and we’re going to have a problem.”

You jump in for her and pick up a wrench from a nearby toolkit. “You’re not going to get anywhere by kicking a little ball at them. You need something sturdier.”

”Oh you’re evil.”

“I’m also efficient. Pick one of them out.”

She points to a stallion who’s crawling under a wooden beam, “Trust, he’s a lazy one.”

You flick your wrist and hurl the wrench at him, hitting the poor sod right in the skull. ”Oh buck! Tartarus take me!”

“If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball.”

Spitfire holds onto your shoulder to stop herself from falling over in laughter. ”Oh- Oh my that was brilliant. When he rolled on the ground- Priceless!”

“Glad you think it’s funny.” You look to Lucky, “You want another?!” He picks up the pace with renewed vigor.

”What was your question again?”

“Why didn’t you fight in the battle?”

”Oh I did. I led my forces against Anon, the other one, not you. Who would’ve thought that dragons would’ve joined him?”

“Sounds like something he just pulled out of his ass to me.”

”I know right? Well I chased Anon down, not-“

“Not me, I know.”

”I chased him down to Canterlot after he hijacked one of my pegasi. I would’ve had him right then, but one of my former teammates crashed into me.”

“I take it you let him go.”

”Naww, when we reached the ground I had him pinned under me. I just let gravity do the rest.”

“And I’m the evil one.”

”War’s a cruel time. I didn’t choose it.” She leads you over to some weights.

”Soarin was one of the finest fliers I had the good fortune to know. He did love his apple pie.” She begins spotting one of the pegasi, “This all you can do? I’ve seen foals with stronger wings.” He strains getting the weight up and quickly racks it.

“So what happened next?”

”A lot of stuff, just- Did I say you could stop?”

”Sorry but my wings are swollen.”

”I bet Anon here could swamp your flank with twice the weight.”

He looks at you, “No offense, but an old man isn’t going to beat me.”

“Old man? Get the fuck off that bench.”

”This is what I’m talking about,” Spitfire cheers. You rest on your back, your fingers wrapping around the steel rod.

“Alright let’s get 350 on here just like I said Vic.”

”Umm Anon?”

“Yeah what is i- Oh…” This is awkward. “Just put on 350.”

”You want to talk about it?”

“No, but I do want to teach Ms. Sore Wings over here a lesson though.”

They slide on the additional weight, the sound of grinding metal filling your ears. ”You sure you wanted this much? I can take some off-“

“Please, I can do this in my sleep.”

”If you say so.”


”36, 37, 38.” You rack the weights, “Something wrong?”

“Nope, but I think I proved just how capable this old man really is.”

”That you did,” she says patting the back of your shirt.

You stand back up and allow the stallion to get back down there. “I want complete reps, down to the chin got it?”

”Down to the chin, sir.” He puts aside his complaints and goes back at it with your motivation.

”You ever considered being a coach?”

“I was one a long time ago for one of Canterlot’s local schools. I was a bit nicer to them since they were children.”

”Only a bit?”

“Fine I was sweet on them. I love kids. They’ve got their whole lives ahead of them. I wanted to help them forge it.”

”Speaking of forging it smells like you’ve been working in one.” You sniff your armpit and wrinkle your nose, “I told you.”

“Doesn’t hurt to check… Except for this time. Mind if I use the shower in your locker room?”

”Not at all just follow me.” She takes you off the field and opens the door to the changing room. ”Not many people get the privilege of coming back here.”

“I am a VIP after all.”

”Sure, sure keep telling yourself that,” she jokes. “Now what happened after my fight with Soarin, right?”

You hesitantly nod, reluctant to disrobe in front of her. She senses your nervousness. “Don’t be so uptight, this isn’t exactly a mare only locker room.”

“That doesn’t exactly help here, but fine just- turn around or something.”

She does as you request with a sly smile, “Well after that I flew on back up after Anon, there was still some time left.”


”I wounded his flier and sent him on a collision course with the tower wall, but the lucky guy managed to skid across the top.” You slip out of your boxers, grab a towel and move into the shower. ”It was the first time I got a really good look at him too,” she shouts over the noisy torrent of water. She throws a bottle of shampoo for you to which you use. ”He was a lot like Anonymous, he had that aura about him, but it didn’t make you feel weak.”

“Yeah I noticed it too.”

”After that I remember a chill shoot up my spine and everything got all icy. You remember me shaking like a leaf right?”

“Hard not to.” You finish up and step out, drying yourself off.

”I never knew how he recruited such a creature, she was truly spectacular, both in power and majesty.” That rings a bell.

“Who? What did she look like?”

”I don’t know her name, but I remember hearing about them before. I think she was called a Windigo.” Damn, you were certain you had it. ”That took me out of the fight. If Anonymous hadn’t found me and thawed me out I would’ve been a popsicle.”

“That’s quite the story. Thanks for telling me.”

”No problem, but if you’re looking to pay me back…”

She saunters towards you, swaying her flank. “Whoa Nelly.”

”We’ve got this room all to ourselves for at least another hour. Let’s say we use it.”

“Okay Spitfire, let’s just calm down a little and think about this.”

”Oh but what fun is that. All this talk simply bores me, but when I saw you lifting those weights,” she shivers. “I get goose bumps.” She moves in closer and you find yourself cornered. ”You’ve got an aura too you know. I can just feel all that stress you’ve built up. How many mares have you been with since you’ve been back?”

“Can’t say that I have,” you gulp.

”We’re gonna have to change that.”

“Look Spitfire, you’re a beautiful, athletic, charming young woman, and I’d be a fool not to- uh- take you up on your offer.” She giggles and leans in, lips parsed and eyes closed. You meet her with your finger and gently push her away. “But I wasn’t graced with an overabundance of brains.”

”I’m less concerned on what’s up here and more about what’s down here.”

“I’m sorry,” you say pushing her hoof away, “But I can’t do this.”

”What is it? Is it me? Am I not good enough or pretty enough? WHAT!?” She falls on the bench, her eyes red and damp, “Do you think this is easy for me? I’m not-“ She cups her head in her hooves unable to look at you. Anon why does this always get to you?

You sit down beside her and wrap your arm around her as she presses her head against your neck. “This is about Soarin isn’t it? You both were close.”

She nods, “I didn’t want to; you have to believe me, but… If I didn’t, Anonymous would’ve-“

“Shhh, it’s ok. I understand,” you stroke her back gently to relax her. Seems many have lost the ones they love, not just you. “I too lost someone, a special person in my life. She was the world to me and the only thing I could hold on to.”

She sniffles, “How’d you do it?”

“I didn’t. I bore the pain and accepted its misery, until now that is. I have the chance to find her, and I will stop at nothing to save her.”


“She took my shattered soul and gave it a new home. I found it barren and empty when I returned. Now it’s my turn to save her soul, I just have to find it first.” You stand up and quickly get dressed, Spitfire thinking about what you said. “Ponies are resilient if anything Spitfire. They’ve taken blows that would’ve killed another and stood strong.” You button your shirt and fold her towel. “Soarin’s alive Spitfire, trapped within Anonymous’s spell. I only pray she’s not with him.”

”How do you know that?”

You chuckle to mask your doubt. “I don’t, but it gives me something to hold on to.” Now to find the next on the list. “Before I go, do you have any idea where I can find that Trixie character?”

She stands up, stronger than you’d seen before, almost with a new level of determination. ”The castle. She keeps to herself mostly and doesn’t accept visitors.”

“But I’m not a visitor, I’m a VIP.”

She smiles, “That you are Anon. Now go, I’ve got some people to talk to.”

You head out of the stadium and towards the castle gate, the guards not moving to intercept you. Spitfire gave you a broad location, but you know Anonymous will be able to pinpoint her for you. If he wants to help, this is his chance.


You find him in his throne, boredom spread across his face. When he spots you his demeanor changes immensely, “ANON! Salutations my friend.”

“Anonymous, pleasure as always.”

”So how goes the investigation?”

“Nothing yet, but I feel that I’m on the right track.”

”I’m guessing this visit is one of business instead of pleasure.” You nod in response.

“I’m looking for the mare named ‘Trixie.’ She’s a member of your elite correct?”

”Barely, I’d heard some stories of her and thought I could mold her into something truly great.” He furrows his brow, “Bah! She’d be more useful as a court jester than a magician.”

“So you know where she is?”

”She’s holed up in Twilight’s old room in the southern tower. You’re wasting your time with her by the way. Nothing but muttering and crying.”

“I’d like to try anyways.”

”Alright, don’t make me say ‘I told you so.’”

“That way?” you say pointing your finger towards the exit.

”No, you should move through the walls.”

“I find your sarcasm disturbing.”

He shakes his head in disappointment, ”You didn’t even say it right.”

“Well I’m sorry that I’m six centuries rusty.”

”Go and find Trixie before I school you in movie knowledge.” He puts a grin on your face, you’ll give him that.


You find the tower he was talking about without a hassle and start up. If Spitfire didn’t engage any of the ground forces then maybe she did. You’ll just have to find out, on the next episode of Dragonba- No! Bad brain.
